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namespace app\admin\controller;
use app\admin\model\Admin;
use app\admin\model\User;
use app\common\controller\Backend;
use app\common\model\Attachment;
use fast\Date;
use think\Db;
* 控制台
* @icon fa fa-dashboard
* @remark 用于展示当前系统中的统计数据、统计报表及重要实时数据
class Dashboard extends Backend
* 查看
public function index()
try {
\think\Db::execute("SET @@sql_mode='';");
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$column = [];
$starttime = Date::unixtime('day', -6);
$endtime = Date::unixtime('day', 0, 'end');
$joinlist = Db("user")->where('jointime', 'between time', [$starttime, $endtime])
->field('jointime, status, COUNT(*) AS nums, DATE_FORMAT(FROM_UNIXTIME(jointime), "%Y-%m-%d") AS join_date')
for ($time = $starttime; $time <= $endtime;) {
$column[] = date("Y-m-d", $time);
$time += 86400;
$userlist = array_fill_keys($column, 0);
foreach ($joinlist as $k => $v) {
$userlist[$v['join_date']] = $v['nums'];
$dbTableList = Db::query("SHOW TABLE STATUS");
$addonList = get_addon_list();
$totalworkingaddon = 0;
$totaladdon = count($addonList);
foreach ($addonList as $index => $item) {
if ($item['state']) {
$totalworkingaddon += 1;
'totaluser' => User::count(),
'totaladdon' => $totaladdon,
'totaladmin' => Admin::count(),
'totalcategory' => \app\common\model\Category::count(),
'todayusersignup' => User::whereTime('jointime', 'today')->count(),
'todayuserlogin' => User::whereTime('logintime', 'today')->count(),
'sevendau' => User::whereTime('jointime|logintime|prevtime', '-7 days')->count(),
'thirtydau' => User::whereTime('jointime|logintime|prevtime', '-30 days')->count(),
'threednu' => User::whereTime('jointime', '-3 days')->count(),
'sevendnu' => User::whereTime('jointime', '-7 days')->count(),
'dbtablenums' => count($dbTableList),
'dbsize' => array_sum(array_map(function ($item) {
return $item['Data_length'] + $item['Index_length'];
}, $dbTableList)),
'totalworkingaddon' => $totalworkingaddon,
'attachmentnums' => Attachment::count(),
'attachmentsize' => Attachment::sum('filesize'),
'picturenums' => Attachment::where('mimetype', 'like', 'image/%')->count(),
'picturesize' => Attachment::where('mimetype', 'like', 'image/%')->sum('filesize'),
$this->assignconfig('column', array_keys($userlist));
$this->assignconfig('userdata', array_values($userlist));
return $this->view->fetch();