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213 lines
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2 years ago
namespace addons\shopro\model;
use think\Model;
use app\common\model\MoneyLog;
use app\common\model\ScoreLog;
* 钱包
class UserWalletLog extends Model
// 表名,不含前缀
protected $name = 'shopro_user_wallet_log';
// 自动写入时间戳字段
protected $autoWriteTimestamp = 'int';
// 定义时间戳字段名
protected $createTime = 'createtime';
protected $updateTime = 'updatetime';
protected $deleteTime = false;
protected $hidden = ['deletetime'];
// 追加属性
protected $append = [
public static $typeAll = [
// money
'wallet_pay' => ['code' => 'wallet_pay', 'name' => '余额付款'],
'recharge' => ['code' => 'recharge', 'name' => '用户充值'],
'cash' => ['code' => 'cash', 'name' => '用户提现'],
'cash_error' => ['code' => 'cash_error', 'name' => '提现驳回'],
'wallet_refund' => ['code' => 'wallet_refund', 'name' => '余额退款'],
'commission_income' => ['code' => 'commission_income', 'name' => '佣金收益'],
'commission_regiment' => ['code' => 'commission_regiment', 'name' => '团点自提佣金收益'],
'commission_back' => ['code' => 'commission_back', 'name' => '佣金扣除'],
// score
'sign' => ['code' => 'sign', 'name' => '签到'],
'score_pay' => ['code' => 'score_pay', 'name' => '积分付款'],
'consume_get_score' => ['code' => 'consume_get_score', 'name' => '消费返积分'],
'score_back_order' => ['code' => 'score_back_order', 'name' => '取消订单退回'],
// admin
'admin_recharge' => ['code' => 'admin_recharge', 'name' => '后台充值'],
'admin_deduct' => ['code' => 'admin_deduct', 'name' => '后台扣除'],
public static $walletTypeAll = [
'money' => '余额',
'score' => '积分'
public function scopeMoney($query)
return $query->where('wallet_type', 'money');
public function scopeScore($query)
return $query->where('wallet_type', 'score');
public function scopeAdd($query)
return $query->where('wallet', '>', 0);
public function scopeReduce($query)
return $query->where('wallet', '<', 0);
public static function write($user, $amount, $before, $after, $type, $type_id, $wallet_type, $memo, $ext = [])
if ($memo === '' && $type !== '') {
$memo = self::getTypeName($type);
// 写入fastadmin日志
if($wallet_type === 'money') {
MoneyLog::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'money' => $amount, 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'memo' => $memo]);
} else if($wallet_type === 'score') {
ScoreLog::create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'score' => $amount, 'before' => $before, 'after' => $after, 'memo' => $memo]);
$oper = \addons\shopro\library\Oper::set();
$self = self::create([
"user_id" => $user->id,
"wallet" => $amount, // 符号直接存到记录里面
"before" => $before,
"after" => $after,
"type" => $type,
"memo" => $memo,
"item_id" => $type_id,
"wallet_type" => $wallet_type,
"ext" => json_encode($ext),
"oper_type" => $oper['oper_type'],
"oper_id" => $oper['oper_id']
// 钱包变动通知
$user && $user->notify(
new \addons\shopro\notifications\Wallet([
'walletLog' => $self,
'event' => $wallet_type == 'money' ? 'wallet_change' : 'score_change'
return $self;
public static function getList($params)
$user_id = User::info()->id;
$user = User::get($user_id);
// 分页列表
$walletLogs = self::buildSearch($params)->order('id', 'DESC')->paginate(10);
// 收入
$income = self::buildSearch($params)->where('wallet', '>=', 0)->sum('wallet');
// 支出
$expend = self::buildSearch($params)->where('wallet', '<', 0)->sum('wallet');
foreach ($walletLogs as $w) {
$w->avatar = $user->avatar;
switch ($w['type']) {
case 'wallet_pay':
$item = OrderItem::where('order_id', $w->item_id)->order('id', 'asc')->find();
$w->avatar = $item['goods_image'] ?? '';
$w->title = $item['goods_title'] ?? '';
case 'wallet_refund':
$ext = json_decode($w->ext, true);
$item_id = $ext['item_id'] ?? 0;
if ($item_id) {
$item = OrderItem::get($item_id);
} else {
$item = OrderItem::where('order_id', $w->item_id)->order('id', 'asc')->find();
$w->avatar = $item['goods_image'] ?? '';
$w->title = $item['goods_title'] ?? '';
case 'cash':
case 'cash_error':
$w->avatar = $user->avatar;
return [
'wallet_logs' => $walletLogs,
'income' => $income,
'expend' => $expend,
private static function buildSearch($params)
$user = User::info();
$status = $params['status'] ?? 'all';
$wallet_type = $params['wallet_type'] ?? 'money';
$date = isset($params['date']) ? explode('-', $params['date']) : [];
$start = isset($date[0]) && $date[0] ? strtotime($date[0]) : strtotime(date('Y-m') . '-01');
$end = isset($date[1]) && $date[1] ? (strtotime($date[1]) + 86399) : strtotime(date('Y-m-d')) + 86399;
$walletLogs = self::{$wallet_type}();
if ($status != 'all') {
$walletLogs = $walletLogs->{$status}();
$walletLogs = $walletLogs->where(['user_id' => $user->id])
->whereBetween('createtime', [$start, $end]);
return $walletLogs;
public static function getTypeName($type)
return isset(self::$typeAll[$type]) ? self::$typeAll[$type]['name'] : '';
public function getTypeNameAttr($value, $data)
return self::getTypeName($data['type']);
public function getWalletTypeNameAttr($value, $data)
return self::$walletTypeAll[$data['wallet_type']] ?? '';
public function getWalletAttr($value, $data)
return $data['wallet_type'] == 'score' ? intval($value) : $value;