You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
520 lines
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520 lines
18 KiB
namespace app\api\controller;
use app\common\controller\Api;
use app\common\library\Ems;
use app\common\library\Sms;
use app\admin\model\user\Friend;
use app\admin\model\user\Vipset;
use app\admin\model\user\Zanshang;
use app\admin\model\content\Log as Contentlog;
use app\admin\model\Content as ContentModel;
use app\admin\model\user\money\Tixian;
use addons\miniprogram\{
use fast\Random;
use think\Config;
use think\Validate;
use app\common\model\MoneyLog;
use app\common\model\User as UserModel;
use app\admin\model\Order as OrderModel;
* 会员接口
class User extends Api
protected $noNeedLogin = ['login', 'mobilelogin', 'register', 'resetpwd', 'changeemail', 'changemobile', 'third'];
protected $noNeedRight = '*';
public function _initialize()
if (!Config::get('fastadmin.usercenter')) {
$this->error(__('User center already closed'));
* 会员中心
public function index()
$this->success('', ['welcome' => $this->auth->nickname]);
* 会员登录
* @ApiMethod (POST)
* @param string $account 账号
* @param string $password 密码
public function login()
$account = $this->request->post('account');
$password = $this->request->post('password');
if (!$account || !$password) {
$this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
$ret = $this->auth->login($account, $password);
if ($ret) {
$data = ['userinfo' => $this->auth->getUserinfo()];
$this->success(__('Logged in successful'), $data);
} else {
* 手机验证码登录
* @ApiMethod (POST)
* @param string $mobile 手机号
* @param string $captcha 验证码
public function mobilelogin()
$mobile = $this->request->post('mobile');
$captcha = $this->request->post('captcha');
$code = $this->request->post('code');
if (!$mobile || !$captcha) {
$this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
if (!Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) {
$this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect'));
if (!Sms::check($mobile, $captcha, 'mobilelogin')) {
$this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect'));
$user = \app\common\model\User::getByMobile($mobile);
if ($user) {
if ($user->status != 'normal') {
$this->error(__('Account is locked'));
$ret = $this->auth->direct($user->id);
} else {
$ret = LoginLogic::mnpLoginphone(['code'=>$code,'mobile'=>$mobile], $this->auth);
if (true !== $ret && !is_array($ret)) {
// $ret = $this->auth->register($mobile, Random::alnum(), '', $mobile, []);
if ($ret) {
Sms::flush($mobile, 'mobilelogin');
$data = ['userinfo' => $this->auth->getUserinfo()];
$this->success(__('Logged in successful'), $data);
} else {
* 注册会员
* @ApiMethod (POST)
* @param string $username 用户名
* @param string $password 密码
* @param string $email 邮箱
* @param string $mobile 手机号
* @param string $code 验证码
public function register()
$username = $this->request->post('username');
$password = $this->request->post('password');
$email = $this->request->post('email');
$mobile = $this->request->post('mobile');
$code = $this->request->post('code');
if (!$username || !$password) {
$this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
if ($email && !Validate::is($email, "email")) {
$this->error(__('Email is incorrect'));
if ($mobile && !Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) {
$this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect'));
$ret = Sms::check($mobile, $code, 'register');
if (!$ret) {
$this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect'));
$ret = $this->auth->register($username, $password, $email, $mobile, []);
if ($ret) {
$data = ['userinfo' => $this->auth->getUserinfo()];
$this->success(__('Sign up successful'), $data);
} else {
* 退出登录
* @ApiMethod (POST)
public function logout()
if (!$this->request->isPost()) {
$this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
$this->success(__('Logout successful'));
* 修改会员个人信息
* @ApiMethod (POST)
* @param string $avatar 头像地址
* @param string $username 用户名
* @param string $nickname 昵称
* @param string $bio 个人简介
public function profile()
$user = $this->auth->getUser();
$username = $this->request->post('username');
$nickname = $this->request->post('nickname');
$wechat_num = $this->request->post('wechat_num');
$avatar = $this->request->post('avatar', '', 'trim,strip_tags,htmlspecialchars');
if ($username) {
$exists = \app\common\model\User::where('username', $username)->where('id', '<>', $this->auth->id)->find();
if ($exists) {
$this->error(__('Username already exists'));
$user->username = $username;
if ($nickname) {
$exists = \app\common\model\User::where('nickname', $nickname)->where('id', '<>', $this->auth->id)->find();
if ($exists) {
$this->error(__('Nickname already exists'));
$user->nickname = $nickname;
$user->wechat_num = $wechat_num;
$user->avatar = $avatar;
public function getinfo(){
$user = $this->auth->getUser();
public function getHomeInfo(){
$user = $this->auth->getUser();
$follow_count = Friend::where('user_id',$user->id)->count();
$view_count = Contentlog::where('user_id',$user->id)->where('type',3)->count();
$event_count = ContentModel::where('user_id',$user->id)->count();
$collect_count = Contentlog::where('user_id',$user->id)->where('type',2)->count();
$usernum['follow_count'] = $follow_count;
$usernum['view_count'] = $view_count;
$usernum['event_count'] = $event_count;
$usernum['collect_count'] = $collect_count;
* 修改邮箱
* @ApiMethod (POST)
* @param string $email 邮箱
* @param string $captcha 验证码
public function changeemail()
$user = $this->auth->getUser();
$email = $this->request->post('email');
$captcha = $this->request->post('captcha');
if (!$email || !$captcha) {
$this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
if (!Validate::is($email, "email")) {
$this->error(__('Email is incorrect'));
if (\app\common\model\User::where('email', $email)->where('id', '<>', $user->id)->find()) {
$this->error(__('Email already exists'));
$result = Ems::check($email, $captcha, 'changeemail');
if (!$result) {
$this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect'));
$verification = $user->verification;
$verification->email = 1;
$user->verification = $verification;
$user->email = $email;
Ems::flush($email, 'changeemail');
* 修改手机号
* @ApiMethod (POST)
* @param string $mobile 手机号
* @param string $captcha 验证码
public function changemobile()
$user = $this->auth->getUser();
$mobile = $this->request->post('mobile');
$newmobile = $this->request->post('newmobile');
$captcha = $this->request->post('captcha');
if (!$mobile || !$captcha) {
$this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
if (!Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) {
$this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect'));
if (\app\common\model\User::where('mobile', $mobile)->where('id', '<>', $user->id)->find()) {
$this->error(__('Mobile already exists'));
$result = Sms::check($mobile, $captcha, 'changemobile');
if (!$result) {
$this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect'));
$verification = $user->verification;
$verification->mobile = 1;
$user->verification = $verification;
$user->mobile = $newmobile;
Sms::flush($mobile, 'changemobile');
* 第三方登录
* @ApiMethod (POST)
* @param string $platform 平台名称
* @param string $code Code码
public function third()
$url = url('user/index');
$platform = $this->request->post("platform");
$code = $this->request->post("code");
$config = get_addon_config('third');
if (!$config || !isset($config[$platform])) {
$this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
$app = new \addons\third\library\Application($config);
$result = $app->{$platform}->getUserInfo(['code' => $code]);
if ($result) {
$loginret = \addons\third\library\Service::connect($platform, $result);
if ($loginret) {
$data = [
'userinfo' => $this->auth->getUserinfo(),
'thirdinfo' => $result
$this->success(__('Logged in successful'), $data);
$this->error(__('Operation failed'), $url);
* 重置密码
* @ApiMethod (POST)
* @param string $mobile 手机号
* @param string $newpassword 新密码
* @param string $captcha 验证码
public function resetpwd()
$type = $this->request->post("type", "mobile");
$mobile = $this->request->post("mobile");
$email = $this->request->post("email");
$newpassword = $this->request->post("newpassword");
$captcha = $this->request->post("captcha");
if (!$newpassword || !$captcha) {
$this->error(__('Invalid parameters'));
if (!Validate::make()->check(['newpassword' => $newpassword], ['newpassword' => 'require|regex:\S{6,30}'])) {
$this->error(__('Password must be 6 to 30 characters'));
if ($type == 'mobile') {
if (!Validate::regex($mobile, "^1\d{10}$")) {
$this->error(__('Mobile is incorrect'));
$user = \app\common\model\User::getByMobile($mobile);
if (!$user) {
$this->error(__('User not found'));
$ret = Sms::check($mobile, $captcha, 'resetpwd');
if (!$ret) {
$this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect'));
Sms::flush($mobile, 'resetpwd');
} else {
if (!Validate::is($email, "email")) {
$this->error(__('Email is incorrect'));
$user = \app\common\model\User::getByEmail($email);
if (!$user) {
$this->error(__('User not found'));
$ret = Ems::check($email, $captcha, 'resetpwd');
if (!$ret) {
$this->error(__('Captcha is incorrect'));
Ems::flush($email, 'resetpwd');
$ret = $this->auth->changepwd($newpassword, '', true);
if ($ret) {
$this->success(__('Reset password successful'));
} else {
public function guanzhu(){
$user_id = $this->request->post('user_id');
$uid = $this->auth->id;
$type = $this->request->post('type');
if($user_id==$uid) return $this->error('不能关注自己哦');
$info = Friend::where(['user_id'=>$uid,'children_id'=>$user_id])->find();
$data = [
'deletetime'=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
$res = Friend::update($data);
return $this->success('取消关注成功');
return $this->error('取消关注失败');
return $this->error('关注关系不存在');
return $this->error('已关注');
$data = [
'createtime'=>date("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
$res = Friend::insert($data);
return $this->success('关注成功');
return $this->error('关注失败');
public function getguanzhu(){
$uid = $this->auth->id;
$list = Friend::alias('f')->join('fa_user p',' f.children_id')->where('user_id',$uid)
->field(',f.children_id as user_id,p.nickname,p.avatar')
return $this->success('获取成功',$list);
public function settixianmomey(){
$data = $this->request->post();
$uid = $this->auth->id;
$user = $this->auth->getUser();
return $this->error('提现金额不能小于0');
return $this->error('余额不足');
$insert['type'] = 1;
$insert['cardname'] = $data['cardname'];
$insert['cardno'] = $data['cardno'];
$insert['address'] = $data['address'];
$insert['money'] = $data['money'];
$insert['user_id'] = $uid;
$insert['createtime'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s",time());
$dashang = 0-number_format($data['money'], 2, '.', '');
UserModel::money($dashang, $uid, "用户申请提现金额¥{$data['money']}元,待审核");
if(Tixian::insertGetId($insert)) return $this->success('提交成功,待后台审核');
return $this->success('提现申请失败');
public function gettixianlist(){
$data = $this->request->post();
$tixian = new Tixian();
$where['user_id'] = $this->auth->id;
$order = ['createtime'=>'desc'];
$offset = $data['offset'];
$limit = $data['limit'];
$list = $tixian->getlist($where, $order, $offset, $limit);
return $this->success('获取成功',$list);
return $this->error("非法请求");
public function getshourulist(){
$data = $this->request->post();
$MoneyLog = new MoneyLog();
$where['user_id'] = $this->auth->id;
$where['type'] = 1;
$order = ['createtime'=>'desc'];
$offset = $data['offset'];
$limit = $data['limit'];
$list = $MoneyLog->getlist($where, $order, $offset, $limit);
return $this->success('获取成功',$list);
return $this->error("非法请求");
public function getorderlist(){
$data = $this->request->post();
$Order = new OrderModel();
$where['o.user_id'] = $this->auth->id;
$where['ispay'] = 1;
$order = ['o.createtime'=>'desc'];
$offset = $data['offset'];
$limit = $data['limit'];
$list = $Order->getlist($where, $order, $offset, $limit);
foreach($list['rows'] as $k=>&$v){
$v['title'] = $v['type']==2?'开通云股东':$v['title'];
return $this->success('获取成功',$list);
return $this->error("非法请求");
public function getyungudong(){
$yungudong = Vipset::where('id',1)->find();
$userinfo = $this->auth->getUser();
$zanshang = Zanshang::order('order asc')->select();
$return['yungudong'] = $yungudong;
$return['zanshang'] = $zanshang;
$return['is_vip'] = !$userinfo->is_vip?0:1;
return $this->success('获取成功',$return);