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201 lines
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201 lines
7.1 KiB
6 months ago
namespace app\index\controller;
use addons\third\library\Application;
use addons\third\library\Service;
use app\common\controller\Frontend;
use app\common\library\Sms;
use fast\Random;
use think\Cookie;
use think\Hook;
use think\Lang;
use think\Session;
* 第三方登录控制器
class Third extends Frontend
protected $noNeedLogin = ['prepare'];
protected $noNeedRight = ['*'];
protected $app = null;
protected $options = [];
protected $layout = 'default';
public function _initialize()
$config = get_addon_config('third');
$this->app = new Application($config);
$auth = $this->auth;
Hook::add('user_login_successed', function ($user) use ($auth) {
$expire = input('post.keeplogin') ? 30 * 86400 : 0;
Cookie::set('uid', $user->id, $expire);
Cookie::set('token', $auth->getToken(), $expire);
Hook::add('user_register_successed', function ($user) use ($auth) {
Cookie::set('uid', $user->id);
Cookie::set('token', $auth->getToken());
* 准备绑定
public function prepare()
$platform = $this->request->request('platform', '');
if (!in_array($platform, ['wechat', 'weibo', 'qq'])) {
$url = $this->request->get('url', '/', 'trim,xss_clean');
// 授权成功后的回调
$thirdinfo = Session::get("third-{$platform}");
if (!$thirdinfo) {
$apptype = Service::getApptype();
$openid = $thirdinfo['openid'] ?? '';
$unionid = $thirdinfo['unionid'] ?? '';
// 如果是登录状态,直接跳到绑定
if ($this->auth->id) {
$isBind = Service::isBindThird($platform, $openid, '', $unionid);
if ($isBind) {
$this->redirect(url("index/third/bind") . "?" . http_build_query(['platform' => $platform, 'url' => $url]));
if ($this->request->isPost()) {
$mobile = $this->request->post("mobile");
$platform = $this->request->post("platform");
$captcha = $this->request->post("captcha");
$nickname = $thirdinfo['userinfo']['nickname'] ?? '';
if (!Sms::check($mobile, $captcha, 'bind')) {
$user = \app\common\model\User::where('mobile', $mobile)->find();
if ($user) {
$isBind = \addons\third\model\Third::where('platform', $platform)->where('user_id', $user['id'])->find();
if ($isBind) {
$result = $this->auth->direct($user->id);
} else {
$extend = array_filter(['nickname' => $nickname]);
$result = $this->auth->register($mobile, Random::alnum(), '', $mobile, $extend);
// 账号创建成功则添加绑定第三方绑定
if ($result) {
\addons\third\model\Third::create(['user_id' => $this->auth->id, 'platform' => $platform, 'apptype' => $apptype, 'openid' => $openid, 'unionid' => $unionid, 'openname' => $nickname], true);
$this->success("绑定成功", $url);
$this->view->assign('userinfo', $thirdinfo['userinfo']);
$this->view->assign('platform', $platform);
$this->view->assign('url', $url);
$this->view->assign('bindurl', url("index/third/bind") . '?' . http_build_query(['platform' => $platform, 'url' => $url]));
$this->view->assign('captchaType', config('fastadmin.user_register_captcha'));
$this->view->assign('title', "账号绑定");
return $this->view->fetch();
* 绑定账号
public function bind()
$platform = $this->request->request('platform', '');
if (!in_array($platform, ['wechat', 'weibo', 'qq'])) {
$url = $this->request->get('url', $this->request->server('HTTP_REFERER', '', 'trim'), 'trim');
if (!$platform) {
$apptype = $platform == 'wechat' ? Service::getApptype() : '';
// 授权成功后的回调
$thirdinfo = Session::get("third-{$platform}");
if (!$thirdinfo) {
$this->redirect(addon_url('third/index/connect', [':platform' => $platform]) . '?url=' . urlencode($url));
$third = \addons\third\model\Third::where('user_id', $this->auth->id)->where('platform', $platform)->find();
if ($third) {
$time = time();
$values = [
'platform' => $platform,
'apptype' => $apptype,
'user_id' => $this->auth->id,
'unionid' => $thirdinfo['unionid'] ?? '',
'openid' => $thirdinfo['openid'],
'openname' => $thirdinfo['userinfo']['nickname'] ?? '',
'access_token' => $thirdinfo['access_token'],
'refresh_token' => $thirdinfo['refresh_token'],
'expires_in' => $thirdinfo['expires_in'],
'logintime' => $time,
'expiretime' => $time + $thirdinfo['expires_in'],
$isBind = Service::isBindThird($platform, $values['openid'], '', $values['unionid']);
if ($isBind) {
$third = \addons\third\model\Third::create($values);
if ($third) {
$this->success("账号绑定成功", $url);
} else {
$this->error("账号绑定失败,请重试", $url);
* 解绑账号
public function unbind()
$platform = $this->request->request('platform', '');
if (!in_array($platform, ['wechat', 'weibo', 'qq'])) {
$apptype = $platform == 'wechat' ? Service::getApptype() : '';
$third = \addons\third\model\Third::where('user_id', $this->auth->id)
->where('platform', $platform)
->where(function ($query) use ($platform, $apptype) {
if ($platform == 'wechat') {
$query->where('apptype', $apptype);
if (!$third) {