You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
149 lines
4.6 KiB
149 lines
4.6 KiB
namespace addons\wanlshop\library\command;
use think\console\Command;
use think\console\Input;
use think\console\input\Argument;
use think\console\input\Option;
use think\console\Output;
use Workerman\Worker;
use GatewayWorker\Register;
use Workerman\WebServer;
use GatewayWorker\Gateway;
use GatewayWorker\BusinessWorker;
use Workerman\Autoloader;
// 自动加载类
require_once ADDON_PATH . 'wanlshop' . DS . 'library' . DS . 'GatewayWorker' . DS . 'vendor' . DS . 'autoload.php';
class Chat extends Command
protected function configure()
->addArgument('action', Argument::OPTIONAL, "start|stop|restart|reload|status|connections", 'start')
->addOption('deploy', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'Distributed Deployment', null)
->addOption('daemon', 'd', Option::VALUE_NONE, 'Run the workerman server in daemon mode.')
->setDescription('Wanlshop im instant messaging system');
protected function execute(Input $input, Output $output)
$action = $input->getArgument('action');
if (!in_array($action, ['start', 'stop', 'reload', 'restart', 'status', 'connections'])) {
$output->writeln("<error>Invalid argument action:{$action}, Expected start|stop|restart|reload|status|connections .</error>");
return false;
global $argv;
array_unshift($argv, 'think', $action);
} elseif ('start' != $action) {
$output->writeln("<error>Not Support action:{$action} on Windows.</error>");
return false;
if ('start' == $action) {
$output->writeln('Starting GatewayWorker server...');
if ($this->getDeployOption('register')) {
// 分布式部署的时候其它服务器可以关闭register服务
// 注意需要设置不同的lanIp
// 启动businessWorker
if ($this->getDeployOption('business')) {
// 启动gateway
if ($this->getDeployOption('gateway')) {
* 启动register
* @access public
* @return void
public function register()
// 初始化register
new Register('text://');
// 初始化 bussinessWorker 进程
public function businessWorker()
// bussinessWorker 进程
$worker = new BusinessWorker();
// worker名称
$worker->name = 'WanlBusinessWorker';
// bussinessWorker进程数量
$worker->count = 4;
// 服务注册地址
$worker->registerAddress = '';
// 需要将eventHandler的默认值Events修改成Event就可以了
$worker->eventHandler = 'addons\\wanlshop\\library\\WanlChat\\GatewayWorker';
// 初始化 gateway 进程
public function gateway()
// wss服务证书
// $context = array(
// 'ssl' => array(
// // 请使用绝对路径
// 'local_cert' => '/www/wwwroot/wanlshop/addons/wanlshop/library/GatewayWorker/ssl/chat.pem', // 也可以是crt文件
// 'local_pk' => '/www/wwwroot/wanlshop/addons/wanlshop/library/GatewayWorker/ssl/chat.key',
// 'verify_peer' => false,
// // 'allow_self_signed' => true, //如果是自签名证书需要开启此选项
// )
// );
// websocket协议(端口任意,只要没有被其它程序占用就行)
// $gateway = new Gateway("websocket://", $context);
$gateway = new Gateway("websocket://");
// 开启SSL,websocket+SSL 即wss
// $gateway->transport = 'ssl';
// gateway名称,status方便查看
$gateway->name = 'WanlGateway';
// gateway进程数
$gateway->count = 4;
// 本机ip,分布式部署时使用内网ip
$gateway->lanIp = '';
// 内部通讯起始端口,假如$gateway->count=4,起始端口为4000
// 则一般会使用4000 4001 4002 4003 4个端口作为内部通讯端口
$gateway->startPort = 2900;
// 服务注册地址
$gateway->registerAddress = '';
// 心跳间隔
$gateway->pingInterval = 10;
// 心跳数据
$gateway->pingData = '{"type":"ping"}';
// 全局静态属性
// 以daemon(守护进程)方式运行
Worker::$daemonize = true;
Worker::$pidFile = '/var/run/';
// Worker::$logFile = '.../.../.../wanllog/workerman.log';
protected function getDeployOption($name){
if ($this->input->hasOption('deploy')) {
$deployList = $this->input->getOption('deploy');
return in_array($name,$deployList) ? true : false;
return true; //默认全部
} |