You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2245 lines
78 KiB
2245 lines
78 KiB
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}, function(t, e) {
return !1
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| == && (n.count = 0, e.isCount.indexOf( < 0 && e.isCount.push(
chatTime: function(t) {
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o + "日 " + c + ":" + g;
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case 1:
return "昨天" + c + ":" + g;
case 2:
return "前天" + c + ":" + g;
return "星期" + a[r] + " " + c + ":" + g
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var p = n[a].split("=");
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form: {
avatar: this.user.avatar,
message: {
type: e,
content: t
createtime: parseInt((new Date).getTime() / 1e3)
this.onChat(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(n))), this.send(n)
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url: "wanlshop/service/send.html",
data: t
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t), "img" == t.message.type && this.addImgMsg(t)),
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formatter: a.api.formatter.operate
}), a.api.bindevent(e)
add: function() {
edit: function() {
api: {
bindevent: function() {
return i