You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

328 lines
13 KiB

3 months ago
namespace app\admin\command;
use app\admin\model\AuthRule;
use ReflectionClass;
use ReflectionMethod;
use think\Cache;
use think\Config;
use think\console\Command;
use think\console\Input;
use think\console\input\Option;
use think\console\Output;
use think\Exception;
use think\Loader;
class Menu extends Command
protected $model = null;
protected function configure()
->addOption('controller', 'c', Option::VALUE_REQUIRED | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'controller name,use \'all-controller\' when build all menu', null)
->addOption('delete', 'd', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'delete the specified menu', '')
->addOption('force', 'f', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'force delete menu,without tips', null)
->addOption('equal', 'e', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'the controller must be equal', null)
->setDescription('Build auth menu from controller');
protected function execute(Input $input, Output $output)
$this->model = new AuthRule();
$adminPath = dirname(__DIR__) . DS;
$controller = $input->getOption('controller') ?: '';
if (!$controller) {
throw new Exception("please input controller name");
$force = $input->getOption('force');
$delete = $input->getOption('delete');
$equal = $input->getOption('equal');
if ($delete) {
if (in_array('all-controller', $controller)) {
throw new Exception("could not delete all menu");
$ids = [];
$list = $this->model->where(function ($query) use ($controller, $equal) {
foreach ($controller as $index => $item) {
if (stripos($item, '_') !== false) {
$item = Loader::parseName($item, 1);
if (stripos($item, '/') !== false) {
$controllerArr = explode('/', $item);
$key = key($controllerArr);
$controllerArr[$key] = Loader::parseName($controllerArr[$key]);
} else {
$controllerArr = [Loader::parseName($item)];
$item = str_replace('_', '\_', implode('/', $controllerArr));
if ($equal) {
$query->whereOr('name', 'eq', $item);
} else {
$query->whereOr('name', 'like', strtolower($item) . "%");
foreach ($list as $k => $v) {
$ids[] = $v->id;
if (!$ids) {
throw new Exception("There is no menu to delete");
if (!$force) {
$output->info("Are you sure you want to delete all those menu? Type 'yes' to continue: ");
$line = fgets(defined('STDIN') ? STDIN : fopen('php://stdin', 'r'));
if (trim($line) != 'yes') {
throw new Exception("Operation is aborted!");
$output->info("Delete Successed");
if (!in_array('all-controller', $controller)) {
foreach ($controller as $index => $item) {
if (stripos($item, '_') !== false) {
$item = Loader::parseName($item, 1);
if (stripos($item, '/') !== false) {
$controllerArr = explode('/', $item);
$key = key($controllerArr);
$controllerArr[$key] = ucfirst($controllerArr[$key]);
} else {
$controllerArr = [ucfirst($item)];
$adminPath = dirname(__DIR__) . DS . 'controller' . DS . implode(DS, $controllerArr) . '.php';
if (!is_file($adminPath)) {
$output->error("controller not found");
} else {
$authRuleList = AuthRule::select();
file_put_contents(RUNTIME_PATH . 'authrule.json', json_encode(collection($authRuleList)->toArray()));
$this->model->where('id', '>', 0)->delete();
$controllerDir = $adminPath . 'controller' . DS;
// 扫描新的节点信息并导入
$treelist = $this->import($this->scandir($controllerDir));
$output->info("Build Successed!");
* 递归扫描文件夹
* @param string $dir
* @return array
public function scandir($dir)
$result = [];
$cdir = scandir($dir);
foreach ($cdir as $value) {
if (!in_array($value, array(".", ".."))) {
if (is_dir($dir . DS . $value)) {
$result[$value] = $this->scandir($dir . DS . $value);
} else {
$result[] = $value;
return $result;
* 导入规则节点
* @param array $dirarr
* @param array $parentdir
* @return array
public function import($dirarr, $parentdir = [])
$menuarr = [];
foreach ($dirarr as $k => $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$nowparentdir = array_merge($parentdir, [$k]);
$this->import($v, $nowparentdir);
} else {
if (!preg_match('/^(\w+)\.php$/', $v, $matchone)) {
$controller = ($parentdir ? implode('/', $parentdir) . '/' : '') . $matchone[1];
return $menuarr;
protected function importRule($controller)
$controller = str_replace('\\', '/', $controller);
if (stripos($controller, '/') !== false) {
$controllerArr = explode('/', $controller);
$key = key($controllerArr);
$controllerArr[$key] = ucfirst($controllerArr[$key]);
} else {
$key = 0;
$controllerArr = [ucfirst($controller)];
$classSuffix = Config::get('controller_suffix') ? ucfirst(Config::get('url_controller_layer')) : '';
$className = "\\app\\admin\\controller\\" . implode("\\", $controllerArr) . $classSuffix;
$pathArr = $controllerArr;
array_unshift($pathArr, '', 'application', 'admin', 'controller');
$classFile = ROOT_PATH . implode(DS, $pathArr) . $classSuffix . ".php";
$classContent = file_get_contents($classFile);
$uniqueName = uniqid("FastAdmin") . $classSuffix;
$classContent = str_replace("class " . $controllerArr[$key] . $classSuffix . " ", 'class ' . $uniqueName . ' ', $classContent);
$classContent = preg_replace("/namespace\s(.*);/", 'namespace ' . __NAMESPACE__ . ";", $classContent);
$tempClassFile = __DIR__ . DS . $uniqueName . ".php";
file_put_contents($tempClassFile, $classContent);
$className = "\\app\\admin\\command\\" . $uniqueName;
register_shutdown_function(function () use ($tempClassFile) {
if ($tempClassFile) {
$reflector = new ReflectionClass($className);
$methods = $reflector->getMethods(ReflectionMethod::IS_PUBLIC);
$classComment = $reflector->getDocComment();
$softDeleteMethods = ['destroy', 'restore', 'recyclebin'];
$withSofeDelete = false;
$modelRegexArr = ["/\\\$this\->model\s*=\s*model\(['|\"](\w+)['|\"]\);/", "/\\\$this\->model\s*=\s*new\s+([a-zA-Z\\\]+);/"];
$modelRegex = preg_match($modelRegexArr[0], $classContent) ? $modelRegexArr[0] : $modelRegexArr[1];
preg_match_all($modelRegex, $classContent, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1]) && isset($matches[1][0]) && $matches[1][0]) {
$model = model($matches[1][0]);
if (in_array('trashed', get_class_methods($model))) {
$withSofeDelete = true;
if (stripos($classComment, "@internal") !== false) {
preg_match_all('#(@.*?)\n#s', $classComment, $annotations);
$controllerIcon = 'fa fa-circle-o';
$controllerRemark = '';
if (isset($annotations[1])) {
foreach ($annotations[1] as $tag) {
if (stripos($tag, '@icon') !== false) {
$controllerIcon = substr($tag, stripos($tag, ' ') + 1);
if (stripos($tag, '@remark') !== false) {
$controllerRemark = substr($tag, stripos($tag, ' ') + 1);
$controllerTitle = trim(preg_replace(array('/^\/\*\*(.*)[\n\r\t]/u', '/[\s]+\*\//u', '/\*\s@(.*)/u', '/[\s|\*]+/u'), '', $classComment));
\think\Lang::load(dirname(__DIR__) . DS . 'lang/zh-cn.php');
$pid = 0;
foreach ($controllerArr as $k => $v) {
$key = $k + 1;
$controllerNameArr = array_slice($controllerArr, 0, $key);
foreach ($controllerNameArr as &$val) {
$val = strtolower(trim(preg_replace("/[A-Z]/", "_\\0", $val), "_"));
$name = implode('/', $controllerNameArr);
$title = (!isset($controllerArr[$key]) ? $controllerTitle : '');
$icon = (!isset($controllerArr[$key]) ? $controllerIcon : 'fa fa-list');
$remark = (!isset($controllerArr[$key]) ? $controllerRemark : '');
$title = $title ? $title : $v;
$rulemodel = $this->model->get(['name' => $name]);
if (!$rulemodel) {
->data(['pid' => $pid, 'name' => $name, 'title' => $title, 'icon' => $icon, 'remark' => $remark, 'ismenu' => 1, 'status' => 'normal'])
$pid = $this->model->id;
} else {
$pid = $rulemodel->id;
$ruleArr = [];
foreach ($methods as $m => $n) {
if (substr($n->name, 0, 2) == '__' || $n->name == '_initialize') {
if (!$withSofeDelete && in_array($n->name, $softDeleteMethods)) {
if (!preg_match('/^(\w+)' . Config::get('action_suffix') . '/', $n->name, $matchtwo)) {
$comment = $reflector->getMethod($n->name)->getDocComment();
if (stripos($comment, "@internal") !== false) {
$comment = preg_replace(array('/^\/\*\*(.*)[\n\r\t]/u', '/[\s]+\*\//u', '/\*\s@(.*)/u', '/[\s|\*]+/u'), '', $comment);
$title = $comment ? $comment : ucfirst($n->name);
$id = $this->getAuthRulePK($name . "/" . strtolower($n->name));
$ruleArr[] = array('id' => $id, 'pid' => $pid, 'name' => $name . "/" . strtolower($n->name), 'icon' => 'fa fa-circle-o', 'title' => $title, 'ismenu' => 0, 'status' => 'normal');
protected function getAuthRulePK($name)
if (!empty($name)) {
$id = $this->model
->where('name', $name)
return $id ? $id : null;