You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

222 lines
10 KiB

3 months ago
define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form', 'template'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form, Template) {
var Controller = {
index: function () {
// 初始化表格参数配置
extend: {
"index_url": "auth/rule/index",
"add_url": "auth/rule/add",
"edit_url": "auth/rule/edit",
"del_url": "auth/rule/del",
"multi_url": "auth/rule/multi",
"table": "auth_rule"
var table = $("#table");
// 初始化表格
url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url,
sortName: '',
escape: false,
columns: [
{field: 'state', checkbox: true,},
{field: 'id', title: 'ID'},
{field: 'title', title: __('Title'), align: 'left', formatter: Controller.api.formatter.title, clickToSelect: !false},
{field: 'icon', title: __('Icon'), formatter: Controller.api.formatter.icon},
{field: 'name', title: __('Name'), align: 'left', formatter: Controller.api.formatter.name},
{field: 'weigh', title: __('Weigh')},
{field: 'status', title: __('Status'), formatter: Table.api.formatter.status},
field: 'ismenu',
title: __('Ismenu'),
align: 'center',
table: table,
formatter: Table.api.formatter.toggle
field: 'operate',
title: __('Operate'),
table: table,
events: Table.api.events.operate,
formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate
pagination: false,
search: false,
commonSearch: false,
rowAttributes: function (row, index) {
return row.pid == 0 ? {} : {style: "display:none"};
// 为表格绑定事件
var btnSuccessEvent = function (data, ret) {
if ($(this).hasClass("btn-change")) {
var index = $(this).data("index");
var row = Table.api.getrowbyindex(table, index);
row.ismenu = $("i.fa.text-gray", this).length > 0 ? 1 : 0;
table.bootstrapTable("updateRow", {index: index, row: row});
} else if ($(this).hasClass("btn-delone")) {
if ($(this).closest("tr[data-index]").find("a.btn-node-sub.disabled").length > 0) {
} else {
} else if ($(this).hasClass("btn-dragsort")) {
return false;
table.on('pre-body.bs.table', function (e, data) {
var options = table.bootstrapTable("getOptions");
options.escape = true;
table.on('post-body.bs.table', function (e, data) {
var options = table.bootstrapTable("getOptions");
options.escape = false;
$(".btn-change[data-id],.btn-delone,.btn-dragsort").data("success", btnSuccessEvent);
table.on('post-body.bs.table', function (e, settings, json, xhr) {
$(">tbody>tr[data-index] > td", this).on('click', "a.btn-node-sub", function () {
var status = $(this).data("shown") ? true : false;
$("a[data-pid='" + $(this).data("id") + "']").each(function () {
if (status) {
$("a[data-pid='" + $(this).data("id") + "']").trigger("collapse");
$(this).data("shown", !status);
$("i", this).toggleClass("fa-caret-down").toggleClass("fa-caret-right");
return false;
$(document).on("collapse", ".btn-node-sub", function () {
if ($("i", this).length > 0) {
$("a[data-pid='" + $(this).data("id") + "']").trigger("collapse");
$("i", this).removeClass("fa-caret-down").addClass("fa-caret-right");
$(this).data("shown", false);
$(".toolbar > .btn-del,.toolbar .btn-more~ul>li>a").data("success", function (e) {
$(document.body).on("click", ".btn-toggle", function (e) {
var that = this;
var show = $("i", that).hasClass("fa-chevron-down");
$("i", that).toggleClass("fa-chevron-down", !show).toggleClass("fa-chevron-up", show);
$(".btn-node-sub[data-pid=0]").data("shown", show);
$(document.body).on("click", ".btn-toggle-all", function (e) {
var that = this;
var show = $("i", that).hasClass("fa-plus");
$("i", that).toggleClass("fa-plus", !show).toggleClass("fa-minus", show);
$(".btn-node-sub").data("shown", show);
$(".btn-node-sub > i").toggleClass("fa-caret-down", show).toggleClass("fa-caret-right", !show);
add: function () {
edit: function () {
api: {
formatter: {
title: function (value, row, index) {
value = value.toString().replace(/(&|&)nbsp;/g, ' ');
var caret = row.haschild == 1 || row.ismenu == 1 ? '<i class="fa fa-caret-right"></i>' : '';
value = value.indexOf("&nbsp;") > -1 ? value.replace(/(.*)&nbsp;/, "$1" + caret) : caret + value;
value = !row.ismenu || row.status == 'hidden' ? "<span class='text-muted'>" + value + "</span>" : value;
return '<a href="javascript:;" data-id="' + row.id + '" data-pid="' + row.pid + '" class="'
+ (row.haschild == 1 || row.ismenu == 1 ? 'text-primary' : 'disabled') + ' btn-node-sub">' + value + '</a>';
name: function (value, row, index) {
return !row.ismenu || row.status == 'hidden' ? "<span class='text-muted'>" + value + "</span>" : value;
icon: function (value, row, index) {
return '<span class="' + (!row.ismenu || row.status == 'hidden' ? 'text-muted' : '') + '"><i class="' + value + '"></i></span>';
bindevent: function () {
$(document).on('click', "input[name='row[ismenu]']", function () {
var name = $("input[name='row[name]']");
var ismenu = $(this).val() == 1;
name.prop("placeholder", ismenu ? name.data("placeholder-menu") : name.data("placeholder-node"));
$('div[data-type="menu"]').toggleClass("hidden", !ismenu);
var iconlist = [];
var iconfunc = function () {
type: 1,
area: ['99%', '98%'], //宽高
content: Template('chooseicontpl', {iconlist: iconlist})
Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]"), function (data) {
$(document).on('change keyup', "#icon", function () {
$(this).prev().find("i").prop("class", $(this).val());
$(document).on('click', ".btn-search-icon", function () {
if (iconlist.length == 0) {
$.get(Config.site.cdnurl + "/assets/libs/font-awesome/less/variables.less", function (ret) {
var exp = /fa-var-(.*):/ig;
var result;
while ((result = exp.exec(ret)) != null) {
} else {
$(document).on('click', '#chooseicon ul li', function () {
$("input[name='row[icon]']").val('fa fa-' + $(this).data("font")).trigger("change");
$(document).on('keyup', 'input.js-icon-search', function () {
$("#chooseicon ul li").show();
if ($(this).val() != '') {
$("#chooseicon ul li:not([data-font*='" + $(this).val() + "'])").hide();
return Controller;