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59 lines
2.4 KiB

3 months ago
return [
'Id' => 'ID',
'Shop_id' => '店铺ID',
'Type' => '券类型',
'Type reduction' => '满减券',
'Type discount' => '折扣券',
'Type shipping' => '包邮券',
'Type vip' => '会员赠券',
'Name' => '标题',
'Userlevel' => '会员等级',
'Usertype' => '赠券类型',
'Usertype reduction' => '满减券',
'Usertype discount' => '折扣券',
'Price' => '减免金额',
'Discount' => '折扣率',
'Limit' => '最低消费金额',
'Rangetype' => '可用范围',
'Rangetype all' => '全部商品',
'Rangetype goods' => '指定商品',
'Rangetype category' => '指定分类',
'Range' => '范围',
'Pretype' => '到期类型',
'Pretype appoint' => '领取后到期天数',
'Pretype fixed' => '固定到期时间',
'Validity' => '领取后有效天数',
'Startdate' => '开始日期',
'Enddate' => '到期时间',
'Drawlimit' => '领取限制张数',
'Grant' => '发放总数量',
'Alreadygrant' => '已领取数量',
'Usenum' => '已使用数量',
'Content' => '卡券使用说明',
'Invalid' => '状态',
'Createtime' => '创建时间',
'Updatetime' => '更新时间',
'Deletetime' => '删除时间',
'Weigh' => '权重',
// 追加
'All' => '全部',
'Import' => '导入',
'Recycle bin' => '回收站',
'Click to search %s' => '点击搜索 %s',
'Toggle menu visible' => '点击切换菜单显示',
'Toggle sub menu' => '点击切换子菜单显示',
'Click to search %s' => '点击搜索 %s',
'Click to toggle' => '点击切换',
'Del' => '删除',
'Drag to sort' => '拖动进行排序',
'Common search' => '普通搜索',
'Are you sure you want to delete the %s selected item?' => '确定删除选中的 %s 项?',
'Are you sure you want to delete this item?' => '确定删除此项?',
'Restore' => '还原',
'Restore all'=> '还原全部',
'Destroy' => '销毁',
'Destroy all'=> '清空回收站'