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131 lines
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4 months ago
namespace addons\wanlshop\library\WeixinSdk;
use fast\Http;
class Mp
public static function config()
$config = get_addon_config('wanlshop');
return [
* 账号基本信息,请从微信公众平台/开放平台获取
'app_id' => $config['sdk_qq']['gz_appid'], // AppID
'secret' => $config['sdk_qq']['gz_secret'], // AppSecret
'token' => $config['sdk_qq']['gz_token'], // Token
'aes_key' => $config['sdk_qq']['gz_aeskey'], // EncodingAESKey,安全模式下请一定要填写!!!
* 指定 API 调用返回结果的类型:array(default)/collection/object/raw/自定义类名
* 使用自定义类名时,构造函数将会接收一个 `EasyWeChat\Kernel\Http\Response` 实例
'response_type' => 'array',
* 日志配置
* level: 日志级别, 可选为:debug/info/notice/warning/error/critical/alert/emergency
* path:日志文件位置(绝对路径!!!),要求可写权限
'log' => [
'default' => 'dev', // 默认使用的 channel,生产环境可以改为下面的 prod
'channels' => [
// 测试环境
'dev' => [
'driver' => 'single',
'path' => ROOT_PATH . '/runtime/log/wanlmp/wechat.log',
'level' => 'debug',
// 生产环境
'prod' => [
'driver' => 'daily',
'path' => ROOT_PATH . '/runtime/log/wanlmp/wechat.log',
'level' => $config['sdk_qq']['gz_loglevel'],
* 接口请求相关配置,超时时间等,具体可用参数请参考:
* - retries: 重试次数,默认 1,指定当 http 请求失败时重试的次数。
* - retry_delay: 重试延迟间隔(单位:ms),默认 500
* - log_template: 指定 HTTP 日志模板,请参考:
'http' => [
'max_retries' => 1,
'retry_delay' => 500,
'timeout' => 5.0,
// 'base_uri' => '', // 如果你在国外想要覆盖默认的 url 的时候才使用,根据不同的模块配置不同的 uri
* OAuth 配置
* scopes:公众平台(snsapi_userinfo / snsapi_base),开放平台:snsapi_login
* callback:OAuth授权完成后的回调页地址
'oauth' => [
'scopes' => ['snsapi_userinfo'],
'callback' => $config['ini']['appurl']. $config['sdk_qq']['gz_callback'],
public static function appConfig()
return [];
public static function pay()
$config = get_addon_config('wanlshop');
return [
* 账号基本信息,请从微信公众平台/开放平台获取
'app_id' => $config['sdk_qq']['gz_appid'], // AppID
'mch_id' => $config['sdk_qq']['mch_id'],
'key' => $config['sdk_qq']['key'], // API 密钥
// 如需使用敏感接口(如退款、发送红包等)需要配置 API 证书路径(登录商户平台下载 API 证书)
// 'cert_path' => 'path/to/your/cert.pem', // XXX: 绝对路径!!!!
// 'key_path' => 'path/to/your/key', // XXX: 绝对路径!!!!
'notify_url' => $config['ini']['appurl']. $config['sdk_qq']['gz_notify_url'], // 你也可以在下单时单独设置来想覆盖它
* 获取Token
public static function getAccessToken()
$token = Session::get('wanlwechat_access_token');
if (!$token) {
$config = get_addon_config('wanlshop');
$params = [
'grant_type' => 'client_credential',
'appid' => $config['sdk_qq']['gz_appid'],
'secret' => $config['sdk_qq']['gz_secret'],
$url = "";
$result = Http::sendRequest($url, $params, 'GET');
if ($result['ret']) {
$msg = (array)json_decode($result['msg'], true);
if (isset($msg['access_token'])) {
$token = $msg['access_token'];
Session::set('wanlwechat_access_token', $token, $msg['expires_in'] - 1);
return $token;