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91 lines
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91 lines
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class SquirrelModel extends Orm_Base{
public $table = 'squirrel';
public $field = array(
'id' => array('type' => "int(11)",'comment' => ''),
'number' => array('type' => "varchar(45)",'comment' => '笼位编号'),
'sex' => array('type' => "varchar(45)",'comment' => '性别'),
'birthday' => array('type' => "int(11)",'comment' => '小鼠生日'),
'father' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '小鼠父亲'),
'mother' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '小鼠母亲'),
'strains_id' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '小鼠品系'),
'gene' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '小鼠基因'),
'hair_color' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '小鼠毛色'),
'remark' => array('type' => "int(11)",'comment' => '备注'),
'is_kill' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否杀死'),
'is_delete' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否删除'),
'cage' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '笼位id'),
'type' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'created' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'c_user_id' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'weaning_time' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'nursing_time' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'grow_time' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'infertility_time' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'dose_time' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'jianwei_time' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'test_time' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'kill_time' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
'del_time' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '是否为新生小鼠'),
public $pk = 'id';
public function getModelList($params){
$cageModel = new CageModel();
$NewSquirrel = new NewSquirrelModel();
$data['slist']=$this->field('id,number,sex,birthday,father,mother,strains_id as strains,gene,hair_color,cage,remark')->where("is_delete=0 and is_kill=0 {$params['where']}")->fList();
foreach($data['slist'] as $key => &$val){
$val['sex'] = $val['sex']=1?'公':'母';
$val['cage'] =$cageModel->getOneInfo($val['cage'])['number'];
$data['youzailishi'] = $params['type']==2?$NewSquirrel->getModelList($params):[];
return $data;
public function isFull($cage,$uid){
$params['user_id'] = $uid;
$CageSetModel = new CageSetModel();
$time = date('Y-m-d',time());
$cageSet = $CageSetModel->getsetinfo($params);
$small = $this->field('count(*) num')->where("cage={$cage} and is_delete=0 and is_kill=0 and nursing_time>'{$time}'")->fRow();
$big = $this->field('count(*) num')->where("cage={$cage} and is_delete=0 and is_kill=0 and nursing_time<'{$time}'")->fRow();
$data = true;
if($cageSet['big_small_num']<=$big['num']) $data = false;
if($cageSet['small_num_max']<=$big['num']) $data = false;
if($cageSet['big_num_max']<=$big['num']) $data = false;
$data = true;
return $data;
public function getOneInfo($squirrel){
return $this->field('id,number,sex,birthday,father,mother,strains_id as strains,gene,hair_color,cage,remark')->where("id={$squirrel}")->fRow();
public function partent(){
$time = date('Y-m-d',time());
$data=$this->field('id,number,sex')->where("is_delete=0 and is_kill=0 and grow_time<'{$time}'")->fList();
return $data;
public function getIcon($squirrel){
$date = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',time()));
$info = $this->field('nusring_time')->where("id={$squirrel}")->fRow();
$data['icon'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].Yaf_Registry::get("config")->cangshu->url->small;
$data['icon'] =$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].Yaf_Registry::get("config")->cangshu->url->big;
return $data;