extension = 'jpg'; }elseif(strstr($tType,'image/gif')!==''){ $this->extension ='gif'; }elseif(strstr($tType,'image/png')!==''){ $this->extension ='png'; }else{ Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('非法文件'); } $tDir = $this->savePath; $this->createDir($tDir); $res = Tool_Fnc::writefile($tDir.'/'.$tSavename.'.'.$this->extension,base64_decode($tData)); //return 1; //if($res){ return $tDir.'/'.$tSavename.'.'.$this->extension; //}else{ // return false; //} } /** * Create thumb * @access public * $sourceImg: source image * $targetWidth 缩略图宽度 * $targetHeight 缩略图高度 * $path: target path to store thumb image * * @return full path + file name if success */ function createThumbh5($targetWidth, $targetHeight, $path){ $sourceImg = $this->savePath.'/'.$this->saveName.$this->extension; // Get image size $originalSize = getimagesize($sourceImg); // Set thumb image size $targetSize = $this->setWidthHeight($originalSize[0], $originalSize[1], $targetWidth, $targetHeight); // Get image extension $this->getExtension($sourceImg); // Determine source image type if($this->extension == 'gif'){ $src = imagecreatefromgif($sourceImg); }elseif($this->extension == 'png'){ $src = imagecreatefrompng($sourceImg); }elseif ($this->extension == 'jpg' || $this->extension == 'jpeg'){ $src = imagecreatefromjpeg($sourceImg); }else{ return $this->errorArr[0]; } // Copy image $dst = imagecreatetruecolor($targetSize[0], $targetSize[1]); imagecopyresampled($dst, $src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $targetSize[0], $targetSize[1],$originalSize[0], $originalSize[1]); if(!file_exists($path)){ if(!$this->createDir($path)){ return $this->errorArr[5]; } } // Path + fileName $thumbName = $path.$this->saveName; if($this->extension == 'gif'){ imagegif($dst, $thumbName); }else if($this->extension == 'png'){ imagepng($dst, $thumbName); }else if($this->extension == 'jpg' || $this->extension == 'jpeg'){ imagejpeg($dst, $thumbName, 100); }else{ return $this->errorArr[6]; } imagedestroy($dst); imagedestroy($src); return $thumbName; } /** * Check file info before upload and set target file name if everything is OK */ function checkFileInfo(){ $valid = 1; // Check file type if(!in_array($this->extension, $this->validTypes)){ $this->error = $this->errorArr[0]; $valid = false; } // Check file size if($this->size > $this->maxSize){ $this->error = $this->errorArr[1]; $valid = false; } if(!file_exists($this->savePath)){ $this->createDir($this->savePath); } // Check whether save path is writable if(!is_writable($this->savePath)){ $this->error = $this->errorArr[3]; $valid = false; } // Set target name $this->setTargetName(); // File exists ? if(!$this->overWrite && file_exists($this->savePath.$this->saveName)){ $this->error = $this->errorArr[2]; $valid = false; } return $valid; } /** * Copy file */ function copyFile(){ // Copy file to final path if(move_uploaded_file($this->tempName, $this->savePath.$this->saveName)){ if($this->delete){ @unlink($this->tempName); } //raiseError($traceInfo, $this->errorArr[4]); } return true; } /** * set target name */ function setTargetName(){ // saveName is not set, generate a random file name if(!isset($this->saveName)){ srand((double)microtime() * 1000000); $rand = rand(100, 999); $finalName = date('U') + $rand; $finalName .= '.'.$this->extension; }else{ $finalName = $this->saveName.'.'.$this->extension; } $this->saveName = $finalName; } /** * Set thumb image width and height */ function setWidthHeight($width, $height, $maxWidth, $maxHeight) { if($width > $height){ if($width > $maxWidth){ $difinwidth = $width/$maxWidth; $height = intval($height/$difinwidth); $width = $maxWidth; if($height > $maxHeight){ $difinheight = $height/$maxHeight; $width = intval($width/$difinheight); $height = $maxHeight; } }else{ if($height > $maxHeight){ $difinheight = $height/$maxHeight; $width = intval($width/$difinheight); $height = $maxHeight; } } }else{ if($height > $maxHeight){ $difinheight = $height/$maxHeight; $width = intval($width/$difinheight); $height = $maxHeight; if($width > $maxWidth){ $difinwidth = $width/$maxWidth; $height = intval($height/$difinwidth); $width = $maxWidth; } }else{ if($width > $maxWidth){ $difinwidth = $width/$maxWidth; $height = intval($height/$difinwidth); $width = $maxWidth; } } } $final = array($width, $height); return $final; } /** * Functionality: Add watermark * @Params: $source: source img with path $destination: target img with path $watermarkPath: water mark img * @Retrun: image with watermark */ function addWatermark($source, $destination, $watermarkPath){ list($owidth,$oheight) = getimagesize($source); $width = $height = 300; $im = imagecreatetruecolor($width, $height); $img_src = imagecreatefromjpeg($source); imagecopyresampled($im, $img_src, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $owidth, $oheight); $watermark = imagecreatefrompng($watermarkPath); list($w_width, $w_height) = getimagesize($watermarkPath); $pos_x = $width - $w_width; $pos_y = $height - $w_height; imagecopy($im, $watermark, $pos_x, $pos_y, 0, 0, $w_width, $w_height); imagejpeg($im, $destination, 100); imagedestroy($im); } /** * Get file extension */ function getExtension($fileName){ $info = pathinfo($fileName); $this->extension = strtolower($info['extension']); } /** * Create directory recursively */ function createDir($folder){ $reval = false; if(!file_exists($folder)){ @umask(0); preg_match_all('/([^\/]*)\/?/i', $folder, $atmp); $base = ($atmp[0][0] == '/') ? '/' : ''; foreach($atmp[1] AS $val) { if('' != $val){ $base .= $val; if ('..' == $val || '.' == $val) { $base .= '/'; continue; } }else{ continue; } $base .= '/'; if(!file_exists($base)){ if(@mkdir($base, 0777)){ @chmod($base, 0777); $reval = true; } } } }else{ $reval = is_dir($folder); } clearstatcache(); return $reval; } }