{ "1": { "type": "b", "length": "64", "description": "Bit map (b 128 if secondary is present and b 192 if tertiary is present)" }, "2": { "type": "n", "length": "..24", "description": "Primary account number (PAN)" }, "3": { "type": "n", "length": "6", "description": "Processing code" }, "4": { "type": "n", "length": "12", "description": "Amount, transaction" }, "5": { "type": "n", "length": "12", "description": "Amount, account" }, "6": { "type": "n", "length": "12", "description": "Amount, cardholder billing" }, "9": { "type": "n", "length": "8", "description": "Conversion Rate, Cardholder Billing" }, "10": { "type": "n", "length": "8", "description": "Conversion Rate, Account" }, "11": { "type": "n", "length": "6", "description": "Systems Trace Audit Number (STAN)" }, "12": { "type": "n", "length": "12", "description": "Time, Local Transaction (YYMMDDhhmmss)" }, "14": { "type": "n", "length": "4", "description": "Date, Expiration (YYMM)" }, "15": { "type": "n", "length": "6", "description": "Settlement Date (YYMMDD)" }, "18": { "type": "n", "length": "4", "description": "Merchant type" }, "22": { "type": "ans", "length": "12", "description": "Point of Service Date Code" }, "24": { "type": "n", "length": "3", "description": "Function code (ISO 8583:1993)\/Network International identifier (NII)" }, "32": { "type": "n", "length": "..11", "description": "Acquiring Institution Identification Code" }, "37": { "type": "an", "length": "12", "description": "Retrieval reference number" }, "38": { "type": "ans", "length": "6", "description": "Authorization identification response" }, "39": { "type": "an", "length": "3", "description": "Response code" }, "41": { "type": "ans", "length": "8", "description": "Card acceptor terminal identification" }, "42": { "type": "an", "length": "15", "description": "Card acceptor identification code" }, "43": { "type": "ans", "length": "40", "description": "Card Acceptor Name and Location (1-38 Merchant number of bank name then separator > and city or location of the terminal device 39-40 ISO code of the country)" }, "48": { "type": "ans", "length": "...999", "description": "Additional data" }, "49": { "type": "n", "length": "3", "description": "Currency code, transaction" }, "50": { "type": "n", "length": "3", "description": "Currency code, account" }, "51": { "type": "n", "length": "3", "description": "Currency code, cardholder billing" }, "54": { "type": "an", "length": "...999", "description": "Additional Amounts" }, "55": { "type": "b", "length": "...255", "description": "EMV data" }, "61": { "type": "an", "length": "...999", "description": "Additional Amounts and Counters" }, "62": { "type": "ans", "length": "...220", "description": "Mini-statement data" }, "63": { "type": "n", "length": "12", "description": "Account Balance" }, "64": { "type": "b", "length": "8", "description": "Primary MAC Data" }, "91": { "type": "an", "length": "1", "description": "Action Code" }, "95": { "type": "an", "length": "...999", "description": "Replacement amounts" }, "100": { "type": "ans", "length": "..4", "description": "SVFE Issuer Institution Identifier" }, "102": { "type": "ans", "length": "..32", "description": "Account identification" }, "103": { "type": "ans", "length": "..32", "description": "Account identification 2" }, "128": { "type": "b", "length": "8", "description": "Secondary MAC Data" } }