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class CageModel extends Orm_Base{
public $table = 'cage';
public $field = array(
'id' => array('type' => "int(11)",'comment' => ''),
'number' => array('type' => "varchar(45)",'comment' => '笼位编号'),
'strains' => array('type' => "varchar(45)",'comment' => '品系'),
'type' => array('type' => "int(11)",'comment' => '笼位类型 '),
'color' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '笼位颜色'),
'group' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '实验室对应用户课题组'),
'user_id' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '负责人id'),
'c_user_id' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '添加人id'),
'code' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '二维码信息'),
'is_delete' => array('type' => "int(11)",'comment' => '是否删除'),
'created' => array('type' => "varchar(255)",'comment' => '添加时间'),
public $pk = 'id';
public function getModelList($params){
$cagemodel = new CageSetModel();
10 months ago
$shownum = $cagemodel->field('line_num')->where("c_user_id='{$params['uid']}'")->fRow();
$limmit = empty($shownum['line_num'])?20:$shownum['line_num']*5;
10 months ago
$sql = "select cage.id,cage.number,cage.color,strains.title strains,cage.type from cage left join strains on cage.strains=strains.id";
$sql .="cage.number like '%{$params['order']}%'";
$sql .=" order by cage.{$params['order']} desc";
$sql .=" order by cage.id desc";
$data['count'] = count($this->query($sql));
$offset = ($params['page']-1)*$limmit;
$sql .=" limit {$offset},{$limmit}";
$data['data'] = $this->query($sql);
foreach($data['data'] as $key => &$val){
$sql = "select count(*) num from squirrel where cage={$val['id']} and is_kill=0 and is_delete=0 and sex=1";
$mannum = $this->query($sql);
$val['mannum'] = $mannum[0]['num'];
$sql = "select count(*) num from squirrel where cage={$val['id']} and is_kill=0 and is_delete=0 and sex=2";
$womannum = $this->query($sql);
$val['womannum'] = $womannum[0]['num'];
10 months ago
$val['type_color'] = $val['type']==2?'#FF0000':'';
$data['page'] = $params['page'];
return $data;
10 months ago
public function getOneInfo($id){
$info = $this->field('*')->where("id='{$id}'")->fRow();
return $info;