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448 lines
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class Orm_Base{
* 数据库链接
* @var obj
protected $db;
* 查询参数
* @var array
public $options = array();
* PDO 实例化对象
* @var object
static $instance = array();
* 配置
* @var string
protected $_config;
* 错误信息
public $error = array();
* 锁表语句
* @var string
protected $_lock = '';
* 构造函数
function __construct($pPK = 0, $pConfig = 'default'){
$this->_config = $pConfig;
# 通过主键取出数据
if($pPK && $pPK = abs($pPK)){
if($tRow = $this->fRow($pPK)){
foreach($tRow as $k1 => $v1){
$this->$k1 = $v1;
} else{
foreach($this->field as $k1 => $v1){
$this->$k1 = false;
* 特殊方法实现
* @param string $pMethod
* @param array $pArgs
* @return mixed
public function __call($pMethod, $pArgs){
# 连贯操作的实现
if(in_array($pMethod, array('field', 'table', 'where', 'order', 'limit', 'page', 'having', 'group', 'lock', 'distinct'), true)){
$this->options[$pMethod] = $pArgs[0];
return $this;
# 统计查询的实现
if(in_array($pMethod, array('count', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'avg'))){
$field = isset($pArgs[0])? $pArgs[0]: '*';
return $this->fOne("$pMethod($field)");
# 根据某个字段获取记录
if('ff' == substr($pMethod, 0, 2)){
return $this->where(strtolower(substr($pMethod, 2)) . "='{$pArgs[0]}'")->fRow();
* 数据库连接
static function &instance($pConfig = 'default'){
# 实例化PDO
$tDB = Yaf_Registry::get("config")->db->$pConfig->toArray();
self::$instance[$pConfig] = @new PDO($tDB['dsn'], $tDB['username'], $tDB['password'], array(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES utf8mb4"));
return self::$instance[$pConfig];
* 过滤危险数据
* @param array $pData
private function _filter(&$pData){
foreach($pData as $k1 => &$v1){
$v1 = $v1[0];
$v1 = strtr($v1, array('\\' => '', "'" => "\'"));
return $pData? true: false;
* 查询参数
* @param mixed $pOpt
private function _options($pOpt = array()){
# 合并查询条件
$tOpt = $pOpt? array_merge($this->options, $pOpt): $this->options;
$this->options = array();
# 数据表
empty($tOpt['table']) && $tOpt['table'] = $this->table;
empty($tOpt['field']) && $tOpt['field'] = '*';
# 查询条件
if(isset($tOpt['where']) && is_array($tOpt['where'])){
foreach($tOpt['where'] as $k1 => $v1) {
if(isset($this->field[$k1]) && is_scalar($v1)){
# 整型格式化
if(false !== strpos($this->field[$k1]['type'], 'int')){
$tOpt['where'][$k1] = intval($v1);
# 浮点格式化
elseif(false !== strpos($this->field[$k1]['type'], 'decimal')){
$tOpt['where'][$k1] = floatval($v1);
return $tOpt;
* 执行SQL
function exec($pSql){
$this->db = &self::instance($this->_config);
if($tReturn = $this->db->exec($pSql)){
# $tReturn = $this->db->lastInsertId();
$this->error = array();
$this->error = $this->db->errorInfo();
isset($this->error[1]) || $this->error = array();
return $tReturn;
* 设置出错信息
* @param $pMsg 信息
* @param int $pCode 错误码
* @param string $pState SQL错误码
function setError($pMsg, $pCode = 1, $pState = 'BTC001'){
$this->error = array($pState, $pCode, $pMsg);
return false;
* 开启本次查询缓存
* @param str $pKey MemKey
* @param int $pExpire 有效期
private $cache = array();
function cache($pKey = 'md5', $pExpire = 86400){
$this->cache['key'] = $pKey;
$this->cache['expire'] = $pExpire;
return $this;
* 执行SQL,并返回结果
function query(){
$tArgs = func_get_args();
$tSql = array_shift($tArgs);
# 锁表查询
if($this->_lock) {
$tSql.= ' '.$this->_lock;
$this->_lock = '';
# 使用缓存
$tMem = &Cache_Memcache::instance('default');
if('md5' == $this->cache['key']){
$this->cache['key'] = md5($tSql . ($tArgs? join(',', $tArgs): ''));
if(false !== ($tData = $tMem->get($this->cache['key']))){
return $tData;
# 查询数据库
$this->db = &self::instance($this->_config);
$tQuery = $this->db->prepare($tSql);
} else{
$tQuery = $this->db->query($tSql);
if(!$tQuery) {
$this->error = $this->db->errorInfo();
isset($this->error[1]) || $this->error = array();
return array();
# 不缓存查询结果
return $tQuery->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
# 设置缓存
$tData = $tQuery->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$tMem->set($this->cache['key'], $tData, 0, $this->cache['expire']);
$this->cache = array();
return $tData;
* 保存记录(自动区分 增/改)
function save($pData){
return isset($pData[$this->pk])? $this->update($pData): $this->insert($pData);
* 添加记录
* return lastid
function insert($pData, $pReplace = false){
$tField = '`'.join('`,`', array_keys($pData)).'`';
$tVal = join("','", $pData);
// echo ($pReplace? "REPLACE": "INSERT") . " INTO $this->table($tField) VALUES ('$tVal')";exit();
if($this->exec(($pReplace? "REPLACE": "INSERT") . " INTO $this->table($tField) VALUES ('$tVal')")){
return $this->db->lastInsertId();
return 0;
9 months ago
function inserts($pDatas, $pReplace = false){
$field = "";
foreach($pDatas as $key => $pData){
$tField = '`'.join('`,`', array_keys($pData)).'`';
$tVal = join("','", $pData);
// echo ($pReplace? "REPLACE": "INSERT") . " INTO $this->table($tField) VALUES ('$tVal')";exit();
$field = rtrim($field,",");
if($this->exec(($pReplace? "REPLACE": "INSERT") . " INTO $this->table($tField) VALUES $field")){
return $this->db->lastInsertId();
return 0;
* 更新记录
function update($pData){
# 过滤
if(!$this->_filter($pData)) return false;
# 条件
$tOpt = array();
$tOpt = array('where' => "$this->pk='{$pData[$this->pk]}'");
$tOpt = $this->_options($tOpt);
# 更新
if($pData && !empty($tOpt['where'])){
foreach($pData as $k1 => $v1){
$tSet[] = "`$k1`='$v1'";
$tSql = "UPDATE `" . $tOpt['table'] . "` SET " . join(',', $tSet) . " WHERE " . $tOpt['where'];
# Tool_Fnc::writefile('/home/zhangyueru/xx',$tSql);
return $this->exec("UPDATE " . $tOpt['table'] . " SET " . join(',', $tSet) . " WHERE " . $tOpt['where']);
return false;
* 删除记录
function del(){
if($tArgs = func_get_args()){
# 主键删除
$tSql = "DELETE FROM $this->table WHERE ";
if(intval($tArgs[0]) || count($tArgs) > 1){
return $this->exec($tSql.$this->pk . ' IN(' . join(',', array_map("intval", $tArgs)) . ')');
# 条件删除
false === strpos($tArgs[0], '=') && exit('删除条件错误!');
return $this->exec($tSql . $tArgs[0]);
# 连贯删除
$tOpt = $this->_options();
if(empty($tOpt['where'])) return false;
return $this->exec("DELETE FROM " . $tOpt['table'] . " WHERE " . $tOpt['where']);
* 查找一条
function fRow($pId = 0){
if(false === stripos($pId, 'SELECT')){
$tOpt = $pId? $this->_options(array('where' => $this->pk . '=' . abs($pId))): $this->_options();
$tOpt['where'] = empty($tOpt['where'])? '': ' WHERE ' . $tOpt['where'];
$tOpt['order'] = empty($tOpt['order'])? '': ' ORDER BY ' . $tOpt['order'];
$tSql = "SELECT {$tOpt['field']} FROM {$tOpt['table']} {$tOpt['where']} {$tOpt['order']} LIMIT 0,1";
} else {
$tSql = &$pId;
// echo $tSql;echo "\r\n";
if($tResult = $this->query($tSql)){
return $tResult[0];
return array();
* 查找一字段 ( 基于 fRow )
* @param string $pField
* @return string
function fOne($pField){
if(($tRow = $this->fRow()) && isset($tRow[$pField])){
return $tRow[$pField];
return false;
* 查找多条
function fList($pOpt = array()){
$pOpt = array('where' => $this->pk . (strpos($pOpt, ',')? ' IN(' . $pOpt . ')': '=' . $pOpt));
$tOpt = $this->_options($pOpt);
$tSql = "SELECT {$tOpt['field']} FROM {$tOpt['table']}";
$this->join && $tSql .= implode(' ', $this->join);
empty($tOpt['where']) || $tSql .= ' WHERE ' . $tOpt['where'];
empty($tOpt['group']) || $tSql .= ' GROUP BY ' . $tOpt['group'];
empty($tOpt['order']) || $tSql .= ' ORDER BY ' . $tOpt['order'];
empty($tOpt['having']) || $tSql.= ' HAVING '.$tOpt['having'];
empty($tOpt['limit']) || $tSql .= ' LIMIT ' . $tOpt['limit'];
#echo $tSql;
return $this->query($tSql);
* 查询并处理为哈西数组 ( 基于 fList )
* @param string $pField
* @return array
function fHash($pField){
$tList = array();
$tField = explode(',', $pField);
if(2 == count($tField)) foreach($this->fList() as $v1) $tList[$v1[$tField[0]]] = $v1[$tField[1]];
else foreach($this->fList() as $v1) $tList[$v1[$tField[0]]] = $v1;
return $tList;
* 库 > (所有)数据表
* @return array
function getTables(){
$this->db = &self::instance($this->_config);
return $this->db->query("SHOW TABLES")->fetchAll(3);
* 数据表 > (所有)字段
* @return array
function getFields($pTable){
$this->db = &self::instance($this->_config);
$tQuery = $this->db->query("SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM `$pTable`");
return $tQuery? $tQuery->fetchAll(2): array();
public $join = array();
function join($pTable, $pWhere, $pPrefix = ''){
$this->join[] = " $pPrefix JOIN `$pTable` ON $pWhere ";
return $this;
* 事务开始
private $_begin_transaction = false;
function begin(){
$this->db || $this->db = &self::instance($this->_config);
# 已经有事务,退出事务
return false;
$this->_begin_transaction = true;
return true;
* 事务提交
function commit(){
if($this->_begin_transaction) {
$this->_begin_transaction = false;
return true;
* 事务回滚
function back(){
if($this->_begin_transaction) {
$this->_begin_transaction = false;
return false;
* 锁表
function lock($pSql = 'FOR UPDATE'){
$this->_lock = $pSql;
return $this;