You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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7 months ago
class Admin_GeneController extends Ctrl_Admin{
public function indexAction(){
public function getlistAction(){
$GeneModel = new GeneModel();
$p = $_REQUEST;
$page = $p['page'];
$limit = $p['limit'];
$offset = ($page-1)*$limit;
$sql = "select * from {$GeneModel->table} ";
$count = $GeneModel->query($sql);
$sql = "select * from {$GeneModel->table} order by id desc limit {$offset},{$limit} ";
$data = $GeneModel->query($sql);
$return['code'] = 0;
$return['count'] = count($count);
$return['data'] = $data;
$return['msg'] = "成功";
echo json_encode($return);die;
7 months ago
public function editAction(){
$GeneModel = new GeneModel();
$data['id'] = empty($_POST['id'])||!isset($_POST['id'])?Tool_Fnc::apiMsg('系统错误', '500'):Tool_Fnc::safe_string($_POST['id']);
$field = empty($_POST['field'])||!isset($_POST['field'])?Tool_Fnc::apiMsg('系统错误', '500'):Tool_Fnc::safe_string($_POST['field']);
$status = empty($_POST['status'])||!isset($_POST['status'])?0:Tool_Fnc::safe_string($_POST['status']);
$data[$field] = $status;
if(!$GeneModel->update($data)) Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('变更失败', '500');
Tool_Fnc::ajaxMsg('变更成功', '1');
7 months ago