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interface ILogHandler
public function write($msg);
class CLogFileHandler implements ILogHandler
private $handle = null;
public function __construct($file = '')
$this->handle = fopen($file,'a');
public function write($msg)
fwrite($this->handle, $msg, 4096);
public function __destruct()
class Log
private $handler = null;
private $level = 15;
private static $instance = null;
private function __construct(){}
private function __clone(){}
public static function Init($handler = null,$level = 15)
if(!self::$instance instanceof self)
self::$instance = new self();
return self::$instance;
private function __setHandle($handler){
$this->handler = $handler;
private function __setLevel($level)
$this->level = $level;
public static function DEBUG($msg)
{ self::$instance->write(1, $msg); } public static function WARN($msg) { self::$instance->write(4, $msg); } public static function ERROR($msg) { $debugInfo = debug_backtrace(); $stack = "["; foreach($debugInfo as $key => $val){ if(array_key_exists("file", $val)){ $stack .= ",file:" . $val["file"]; } if(array_key_exists("line", $val)){ $stack .= ",line:" . $val["line"]; } if(array_key_exists("function", $val)){ $stack .= ",function:" . $val["function"]; } } $stack .= "]"; self::$instance->write(8, $stack . $msg); } public static function INFO($msg) { self::$instance->write(2, $msg); } private function getLevelStr($level) { switch ($level) { case 1: return 'debug'; break; case 2: return 'info'; break; case 4: return 'warn'; break; case 8: return 'error'; break; default: } } protected function write($level,$msg) { if(($level & $this->level) == $level ) { $msg = '['.date('Y-m-d H:i:s').']['.$this->getLevelStr($level).'] '.$msg."\n"; $this->handler->write($msg); } } }