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declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app;
use app\BaseController;
use app\card\model\User;
use app\card\model\UserPhone;
use app\massage\model\Coach;
use app\massage\model\Config;
use app\massage\model\Order;
use app\restaurant\model\Table;
use app\shop\model\Cap;
use longbingcore\tools\LongbingArr;
use Qiniu\Auth;
use think\App;
use think\exception\HttpResponseException;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use think\Request;
use think\Validate;
use think\Response;
use think\facade\Db;
use think\facade\Lang;
* 控制器基础类
abstract class AgentRest extends BaseController
public $_app = null;
public $_controller = null;
public $_action = null;
public $_method = 'GET';
public $_param = [];
public $_input = [];
public $_header = [];
public $_token = null;
public $_lang = 'zh-cn';
public $_role = 'guest';
public $_host = null;
public $_ip = null;
public $_user = null;
public $_user_id = null;
public $_uniacid = 666;
// protected $middleware = [ 'app\middleware\CheckInput' ,'think\middleware\LoadLangPack' ,'app\middleware\GetAuthConfig' ,'app\middleware\AutoStatic','app\middleware\StaticHour'];
protected $_config = [];
// 小程序登陆每个用户产生的唯一表示
protected $autograph = '';
protected $uniacid = 0;
protected $is_app = 0;
protected $defaultImage = array(
// 默认用户头像
'avatar' => 'https://lbqnyv2.migugu.com/defaultAvatar.png',
// 默认内容图片
'image' => 'https://lbqnyv2.migugu.com/lbCardDefaultImage.png',
protected $_is_weiqin = false;
protected $check_url = "";
* 无需登录的方法,同时也就不需要鉴权了
* @var array
protected $noNeedLogin = [];
public function __construct(App $app)
if (in_array($this->_method, ['options', 'Options', 'OPTIONS'])) {
echo true;
$this->_param = $this->request->param();
$this->_input = json_decode($this->request->getInput(), true);
$this->_header = $this->request->header();
if (defined('IS_WEIQIN')) {
global $_GPC, $_W;
$this->_uniacid = $_W['uniacid'];
} else {
if (isset($this->_param['i'])) {
$this->_uniacid = $this->_param['i'];
if (defined('LONGBING_CARD_UNIACID')) {
define('LONGBING_CARD_UNIACID', $this->_uniacid);
$this->is_app = !empty($this->_header['isapp']) ? $this->_header['isapp'] : 0;
if (!$this->match($this->noNeedLogin)) {
//获取autograph 小程序用户唯一标示
if (isset($this->_header['autograph']) && $this->_header['autograph']) {
$this->autograph = $this->_header['autograph'];
} else {
$this->errorMsg('need login', 401);
$this->_config = longbingGetAppConfig($this->_uniacid);
if (isset($this->_header['lang'])) $this->_token = $this->_header['lang'];
if (!empty($this->autograph) && !$this->match($this->noNeedLogin)) {
$this->_user_id = $this->getUserId();
$this->_user = $this->getUserInfo();
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-08-21 17:43
* @功能说明:
public function shareChangeData($input)
$arr = [
if (!empty($input['timeline']) && $input['timeline'] == 1 && !empty($input['s']) && in_array($input['s'], $arr)) {
$input['s'] = trim(strrchr($input['s'], '/'), '/');
$this->noNeedLogin[] = $input['s'];
return true;
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-07-09 12:00
* @功能说明:检测方法传递
public function match($arr)
$arr = is_array($arr) ? $arr : explode(',', $arr);
if (!$arr) {
return FALSE;
$arr = array_map('strtolower', $arr);
// 是否存在
if (in_array(strtolower($this->request->action()), $arr) || in_array('*', $arr)) {
return TRUE;
// 没找到匹配
return FALSE;
* REST 调用
* @access public
* @param string $method 方法名
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function _empty($method)
if (method_exists($this, $method . '_' . $this->method . '_' . $this->type)) {
// RESTFul方法支持
$fun = $method . '_' . $this->method . '_' . $this->type;
} elseif ($this->method == $this->restDefaultMethod && method_exists($this, $method . '_' . $this->type)) {
$fun = $method . '_' . $this->type;
} elseif ($this->type == $this->restDefaultType && method_exists($this, $method . '_' . $this->method)) {
$fun = $method . '_' . $this->method;
if (isset($fun)) {
return App::invokeMethod([$this, $fun]
} else {
// 抛出异常
throw new \Exception('error action :' . $method);
* @Purpose: 通过小程序端的用户标示获取用户信息
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
protected function getUserInfo()
$value = getCache($this->autograph, $this->_uniacid);
if (empty($value)) {
$this->errorMsg('need login', 401);
$user_model = new \app\massage\model\User();
// if($value['id']==1599){
// $value = $user_model->dataInfo(['id'=>1595]);
// }
$value['balance'] = $user_model->where(['id' => $value['id']])->value('balance');
if ($this->is_app == 1) {
$value['openid'] = $value['app_openid'];
} elseif ($this->is_app == 0) {
$value['openid'] = $value['wechat_openid'];
} else {
$value['openid'] = $value['web_openid'];
return $value;
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2021-03-19 15:22
* @功能说明:获取当前的团长信息
public function getCapInfo($err = 1)
$user_id = $this->getUserId();
$user_model = new \app\shop\model\User();
$cap_id = $user_model->where(['id' => $user_id])->value('cap_id');
$cap_info = [];
if (!empty($cap_id)) {
$cap_model = new Cap();
$cap_info = $cap_model->dataInfo(['id' => $cap_id, 'status' => 2]);
if (empty($cap_info) && $err == 1) {
$this->errorMsg('请选择楼长', -407);
return $cap_info;
* @Purpose: 通过小程序端的用户标示获取用户id
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
protected function getUserId()
$value = getCache($this->autograph, $this->_uniacid);
if ($value === false && !$this->match($this->noNeedLogin)) {
$this->errorMsg('need login', 401);
// if($value['id']==54){
// return 713;
// }
// return 360;
return $value['id'];
* 获取支付信息
public function payConfig($uniacid = '', $is_app = 7)
if ($is_app == 7) {
$is_app = $this->is_app;
$uniacid_id = !empty($uniacid) ? $uniacid : $this->_uniacid;
$pay = Db::name('shequshop_school_pay_config')->where(['uniacid' => $uniacid_id])->find();
$config = Db::name('shequshop_school_config')->where(['uniacid' => $uniacid_id])->find();
if (empty($pay['mch_id']) || empty($pay['pay_key'])) {
$setting['payment']['merchant_id'] = $pay['mch_id'];
$setting['payment']['key'] = $pay['pay_key'];
$setting['payment']['cert_path'] = $pay['cert_path'];
$setting['payment']['key_path'] = $pay['key_path'];
$setting[ 'payment' ][ 'ali_appid' ] = $pay[ 'ali_appid' ];
$setting[ 'payment' ][ 'ali_privatekey' ] = $pay[ 'ali_privatekey' ];
$setting[ 'payment' ][ 'ali_publickey' ] = $pay[ 'ali_publickey' ];
$setting['company_pay'] = $config['company_pay'];
if ($is_app == 0) {
$setting['app_id'] = $config['appid'];
$setting['secret'] = $config['appsecret'];
} elseif ($is_app == 1) {
$setting['app_id'] = $config['app_app_id'];
$setting['secret'] = $config['app_app_secret'];
} else {
$setting['app_id'] = $config['web_app_id'];
$setting['secret'] = $config['web_app_secret'];
$setting['is_app'] = $is_app;
return $setting;
* 根据时间获取时间维度
* @param $start_time
* @param $end_time
* @param $coach_id
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
protected function getTimeData($start_time, $end_time, $coach_id, $time_,$is_coach=0)
$time_ = (int)$time_;
$config_model = new Config();
$config = $config_model->dataInfo(['uniacid' => $this->_uniacid]);
$end_time = strtotime($end_time) - strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time())) + strtotime(date("Y-m-d", $time_));
$start_time = strtotime($start_time) - strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time())) + strtotime(date("Y-m-d", $time_));
$coach_model = new Coach();
$coach = $coach_model->dataInfo(['id'=>$coach_id]);
$rest_arr = $coach_model->getCoachRestTime($coach,$start_time,$end_time,$config);
$end_time = $end_time>$start_time?$end_time:$end_time+86400;
$i = 0;
$data = [];
$time = $start_time;
// dump(date('Y-m-d H',$start_time),date('Y-m-d H',$end_time));exit;
$is_eve = $end_time==$start_time?1:0;
$time_interval = $is_coach==1?0:$config['time_interval'];
while ($time < $end_time) {
$time = $start_time + $config['time_unit'] * $i * 60;
$times = date("Y-m-d", $time) == date("Y-m-d", $time_) ? $time : $time - 86400;
if ($time > $end_time) {
if (!empty($data[0]) && $times == $data[0]['time_str']) {
$data[$i]['time_str'] = $times;
$data[$i]['time_text'] = date('H:i', $times);
$data[$i]['time_texts'] = date('Y-m-d', $times);
$data[$i]['is_click'] = 0;
$data[$i]['is_order'] = 0;
$data[$i]['status'] = 1;
$where = [];
$where[] = ['coach_id', '=', $coach_id];
$where[] = ['start_time', '<=', $times+$time_interval];
$where[] = ['end_time', '>=', $times-$time_interval];
$where[] = ['pay_type', 'not in', [-1]];
$order = Db::name('massage_service_order_list')->where($where)->field('start_time')->find();
if (!empty($order)) {
$data[$i]['is_order'] = 1;
$data[$i]['status'] = 0;
foreach ($rest_arr as $values){
$data[$i]['status'] = 0;
$t = time();
$data[$i]['status'] = $times <$t ? 0 : $data[$i]['status'];
$data[$i]['status'] = $time == $end_time ? 0 : $data[$i]['status'];
$data = !empty($data)?arraySort($data,'time_str'):$data;
return $data;
protected function getTimeDataV2($start_time, $end_time, $coach_id, $time_)
$time_ = (int)$time_;
$config_model = new Config();
$config = $config_model->dataInfo(['uniacid' => $this->_uniacid]);
$where = [
'start_time' => $start_time,
'end_time' => $end_time,
'coach_id' => $coach_id,
'date' => date('Y-m-d', $time_),
'max_day' => $config['max_day'],
'time_unit' => $config['time_unit']
$info = Db::name('massage_service_coach_time')->where($where)->find();
if ($info) {
$info = json_decode($info['info'], true);
foreach ($info as &$value) {
$where = [];
$where[] = ['coach_id', '=', $coach_id];
$where[] = ['start_time', '<=', $value['time_str']];
$where[] = ['end_time', '>=', $value['time_str']];
$where[] = ['pay_type', 'not in', [-1]];
$order = Db::name('massage_service_order_list')->where($where)->find();
if (!empty($order)) {
$value['status'] = 0;
$value['is_order'] = 1;
} else {
$value['is_order'] = 0;
$value['status'] = $value['time_str'] < time() ? 0 : $value['status'];
return $info;
$end_time = strtotime($end_time) - strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time())) + strtotime(date("Y-m-d", $time_));
$start_time = strtotime($start_time) - strtotime(date("Y-m-d", time())) + strtotime(date("Y-m-d", $time_));
$end_time = $end_time > $start_time ? $end_time : $end_time + 86400;
$i = 0;
$data = [];
$time = $start_time;
while ($time < $end_time) {
$time = $start_time + $config['time_unit'] * $i * 60;
$times = date("Y-m-d", $time) == date("Y-m-d", $time_) ? $time : $time - 86400;
if ($time > $end_time) {
if (!empty($data[0]) && $times == $data[0]['time_str']) {
$data[$i]['time_str'] = $times;
$data[$i]['time_text'] = date('H:i', $times);
$data[$i]['time_texts'] = date('Y-m-d', $times);
$data[$i]['is_click'] = 0;
$where = [];
$where[] = ['coach_id', '=', $coach_id];
$where[] = ['start_time', '<=', $times];
$where[] = ['end_time', '>=', $times];
$where[] = ['pay_type', 'not in', [-1]];
$order = Db::name('massage_service_order_list')->where($where)->find();
if (!empty($order)) {
$data[$i]['is_order'] = 1;
$data[$i]['status'] = 0;
} else {
$data[$i]['is_order'] = 0;
$data[$i]['status'] = 1;
$t = '1666281540';
$data[$i]['status'] = $times <$t ? 0 : $data[$i]['status'];
$data = !empty($data) ? arraySort($data, 'time_str') : $data;
return $data;