You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1616 lines
73 KiB

webpackJsonp([17], {
"Xv/b": function(e, t) {},
mpqJ: function(e, t, a) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", {
value: !0
var r = a("aFK5")
, n = a.n(r)
, i = a("woOf")
, o = a.n(i)
, s = a("mvHQ")
, l = a.n(s)
, c = a("Dd8w")
, d = a.n(c)
, p = a("Xxa5")
, m = a.n(p)
, _ = a("exGp")
, u = a.n(_)
, f = a("PJh5")
, h = a.n(f)
, v = a("NYxO")
, b = {
data: function() {
return {
pickerOptions: {
disabledDate: function(e) {
return e.getTime() > 1e3 * (h()(h()(Date.now()).format("YYYY-MM-DD")).unix() + 86400 - 1)
statusOptions: [{
label: "全部订单",
value: 0
}, {
label: "已取消",
value: -1
}, {
label: "待支付",
value: 1
}, {
label: "待服务",
value: 2
}, {
label: this.$t("action.attendantName") + "接单",
value: 3
}, {
label: this.$t("action.attendantName") + "出发",
value: 4
}, {
label: this.$t("action.attendantName") + "到达",
value: 5
}, {
label: "服务中",
value: 6
}, {
label: "已完成",
value: 7
coachTypeList: [{
id: 0,
title: "全部" + this.$t("action.attendantName")
}, {
id: 1,
title: "入驻" + this.$t("action.attendantName")
}, {
id: 2,
title: "非入驻" + this.$t("action.attendantName")
serviceTypeList: [{
id: 0,
title: "全部服务"
}, {
id: 2,
title: "上门服务"
}, {
id: 1,
title: "到店服务"
transfreTypeList: [{
id: 1,
title: "距离最近"
}, {
id: 2,
title: "最早可预约"
base_agent: [],
carType: {
0: "公交/地铁",
1: "出租车"
payType: {
1: "微信支付",
2: "余额支付",
3: "支付宝支付"
statusType: {
"-1": "已取消",
1: "待支付",
2: "待服务",
3: this.$t("action.attendantName") + "接单",
4: this.$t("action.attendantName") + "出发",
5: this.$t("action.attendantName") + "到达",
6: "服务中",
7: "已完成123",
8: "待转单"
technicianStatusOperType: {
2: "orderTaking",
3: "setOut",
4: "arrive",
5: "startService",
6: "serviceCompletion"
cityType: {
3: {
type: "success",
text: "省"
1: {
type: "primary",
text: "城市"
2: {
type: "danger",
text: "区县"
loading: {
list: !1,
transfer: !1
searchForm: {
list: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
goods_name: "",
coach_name: "",
order_code: "",
mobile: "",
start_time: "",
end_time: "",
pay_type: 0,
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is_store: 0,
admin_id: "",
is_add: 0
transfer: {
page: 1,
limit: 10,
order_id: "",
type: 1
tableData: {
list: [],
transfer: []
total: {
list: 0,
transfer: 0
order_price: 0,
car_price: 0,
print: !1,
printTableData: [],
downloadLoading: !1,
showDialog: {
transfer: !1
showMap: !1,
transferForm: {
order_id: "",
coach_type: 1,
coach_id: "",
coach_name: "",
mobile: "",
text: "",
admin_id: ""
transferSubFormRules: {
coach_name: {
required: !0,
validator: this.$reg.isNotNull,
text: this.$t("action.attendantName") + "姓名",
reg_type: 2,
trigger: "blur"
mobile: {
required: !0,
validator: this.$reg.isTel,
text: "联系电话",
reg_type: 2,
trigger: "blur"
lockTap: !1
activated: function() {
var e = this;
return u()(m.a.mark(function t() {
return m.a.wrap(function(t) {
for (; ; )
switch (t.prev = t.next) {
case 0:
return t.next = 2,
case 2:
e.getTableDataList(1, "list");
case 3:
case "end":
return t.stop()
}, t, e)
computed: d()({}, Object(v.d)({
routesItem: function(e) {
return e.routes
methods: {
getBaseInfo: function() {
var e = this;
return u()(m.a.mark(function t() {
var a, r, n;
return m.a.wrap(function(t) {
for (; ; )
switch (t.prev = t.next) {
case 0:
return t.next = 2,
case 2:
if (a = t.sent,
r = a.code,
n = a.data,
200 === r) {
t.next = 7;
return t.abrupt("return");
case 7:
e.base_agent = n;
case 8:
case "end":
return t.stop()
}, t, e)
confirmDel: function(e) {
var t = this;
this.$confirm(this.$t("tips.confirmDelete"), this.$t("tips.reminder"), {
confirmButtonText: this.$t("action.comfirm"),
cancelButtonText: this.$t("action.cancel"),
type: "warning"
}).then(function() {
t.updateItem(e, -1)
updateItem: function(e, t) {
var a = this;
return u()(m.a.mark(function r() {
return m.a.wrap(function(r) {
for (; ; )
switch (r.prev = r.next) {
case 0:
id: e,
}).then(function(e) {
if (200 === e.code) {
if (a.$message.success(a.$t(-1 === t ? "tips.successDel" : "tips.successOper")),
-1 !== t)
a.getTableDataList(1, "list")
} else {
if (-1 === t)
a.getTableDataList(1, "list")
case 1:
case "end":
return r.stop()
}, r, a)
resetForm: function(e) {
var t = e + "Form";
this.getTableDataList(1, e)
handleSizeChange: function(e, t) {
this.searchForm[t].limit = e,
this.handleCurrentChange(1, t)
handleCurrentChange: function(e, t) {
this.searchForm[t].page = e,
this.getTableDataList("", t)
getTableDataList: function(e, t) {
var a = this;
e && (this.searchForm[t].page = 1),
this.loading[t] = !0;
var r = JSON.parse(l()(this.searchForm[t]));
if ("list" === t) {
var n = r.start_time;
n && n.length > 0 ? (r.start_time = n[0] / 1e3,
r.end_time = n[1] / 1e3) : (r.start_time = "",
r.end_time = "")
var i = {
list: "orderList",
transfer: "orderChangeCoachList"
this.$api.shop[i](r).then(function(e) {
if (a.loading[t] = !1,
200 === e.code) {
var r = e.data
, n = r.data
, i = r.total
, o = r.order_price
, s = r.car_price;
if (a.tableData[t] = n,
a.total[t] = i,
"list" === t) {
n.map(function(e) {
e.refund_price = 1 * e.refund_price > 0 ? e.refund_price : ""
a.order_price = o,
a.car_price = s;
var l = n.map(function(e) {
e.goods_text = "",
e.add_order_text = "",
e.order_goods.map(function(t, a) {
var r = 1 * t.material_price > 0 ? "物料费:¥" + t.material_price : "";
e.goods_text += (0 === a ? "" : ";") + t.goods_name + " 时长:" + t.time_long + "分钟 " + r + " 单价:¥" + t.price + " 数量:x" + t.num + " "
e.add_order_id && e.add_order_id.length > 0 && e.add_order_id.map(function(t, a) {
e.add_order_text += (0 === a ? "" : ";") + t.order_code + " "
var t = 1 === e.car_type ? "全程" + e.distance + ",车费" + e.car_price + " " : "";
e.car_text = e.store_id ? "" : "" + a.carType[e.car_type] + t + " ";
var r = e.coach_id ? "入驻" : "非入驻";
return [e.id, e.goods_text, e.user_name, e.mobile, e.coach_info.coach_name, r + a.$t("action.attendantName"), e.store_id ? "到店服务" : "上门服务", h()(1e3 * e.start_time).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"), e.car_text, e.init_service_price, "¥" + e.pay_price + " ", e.refund_price ? "¥" + e.refund_price + " " : "", e.add_order_text, e.order_code, e.transaction_id, e.admin_name, h()(1e3 * e.create_time).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"), a.payType[e.pay_model], a.statusType[e.pay_type]]
a.printTableData = [["ID", "服务项目信息", "下单人", "下单手机号", a.$t("action.attendantName"), a.$t("action.attendantName") + "类型", "服务方式", "服务开始时间", "出行费用", "服务项目费用", "实收金额", "退款金额", "子订单号", "系统订单号", "付款订单号", "代理商", "下单时间", "支付方式", "状态"], l]
toShowDialog: function(e, t) {
var a = this;
return u()(m.a.mark(function r() {
var n;
return m.a.wrap(function(r) {
for (; ; )
switch (r.prev = r.next) {
case 0:
for (n in t = JSON.parse(l()(t)),
a[e + "Form"])
a[e + "Form"][n] = t[n];
if ("transfer" !== e) {
r.next = 7;
return a.searchForm.transfer.order_id = t.order_id,
a.searchForm.transfer.type = 1,
r.next = 7,
a.getTableDataList(1, e);
case 7:
a.showDialog[e] = !0;
case 8:
case "end":
return r.stop()
}, r, a)
changeCoachType: function() {
var e = o()({}, this.transferForm, {
coach_id: "",
coach_name: "",
mobile: "",
text: "",
admin_id: ""
this.transferForm = e
handleTableChange: function(e, t) {
e = JSON.parse(l()(e)),
this.currentRow = e
handleDialogConfirm: function() {
var e = this;
return u()(m.a.mark(function t() {
var a, r, n, i, o, s, c, d, p, _;
return m.a.wrap(function(t) {
for (; ; )
switch (t.prev = t.next) {
case 0:
if (a = !0,
r = JSON.parse(l()(e.transferForm)),
n = r.coach_type,
1 !== (void 0 === n ? 1 : n)) {
t.next = 16;
if (null !== e.currentRow && e.currentRow.id) {
t.next = 7;
return e.$message.error("请选择" + e.$t("action.attendantName")),
case 7:
i = e.currentRow,
o = i.id,
s = void 0 === o ? 0 : o,
c = i.near_time,
d = void 0 === c ? "" : c,
r.coach_id = s,
r.near_time = d,
delete r.coach_name,
delete r.mobile,
delete r.text,
delete r.admin_id,
t.next = 18;
case 16:
r.coach_id = 0,
e.$refs.transferSubForm.validate(function(e) {
e || (a = !1)
case 18:
if (delete r.coach_type,
!e.lockTap && a) {
t.next = 21;
return t.abrupt("return");
case 21:
return e.lockTap = !0,
t.next = 24,
case 24:
if (p = t.sent,
_ = p.code,
e.lockTap = !1,
200 === _) {
t.next = 29;
return t.abrupt("return");
case 29:
e.getTableDataList("", "list"),
e.showDialog.transfer = !1;
case 32:
case "end":
return t.stop()
}, t, e)
toOperOrderItem: function(e) {
var t = this;
return u()(m.a.mark(function a() {
var r, n;
return m.a.wrap(function(a) {
for (; ; )
switch (a.prev = a.next) {
case 0:
r = e.type,
e.type = 1 * r + 1,
n = t.$t("action." + t.technicianStatusOperType[r]),
t.$confirm("你确认要操作" + n + "吗", t.$t("tips.reminder"), {
confirmButtonText: t.$t("action.comfirm"),
cancelButtonText: t.$t("action.cancel"),
type: "warning"
}).then(function() {
}).catch(function() {});
case 4:
case "end":
return a.stop()
}, a, t)
toConfirmOperOrder: function(e) {
var t = this;
return u()(m.a.mark(function a() {
var r, n;
return m.a.wrap(function(a) {
for (; ; )
switch (a.prev = a.next) {
case 0:
if (!t.lockTap) {
a.next = 2;
return a.abrupt("return");
case 2:
return t.lockTap = !0,
a.next = 5,
case 5:
if (r = a.sent,
n = r.code,
t.lockTap = !1,
200 === n) {
a.next = 10;
return a.abrupt("return");
case 10:
t.getTableDataList("", "list");
case 12:
case "end":
return a.stop()
}, a, t)
toExportExcel: function() {
var e = this;
this.downloadLoading = !0;
var t = JSON.parse(l()(this.searchForm.list))
, a = t.start_time;
a && a.length > 0 ? (t.start_time = a[0] / 1e3,
t.end_time = a[1] / 1e3) : (t.start_time = "",
t.end_time = "");
var r = this.$util.getProCurrentHref()
, i = r.indexOf("?") > 0 ? "" : "?"
, o = r.indexOf("?") > 0;
n()(t).forEach(function(e, a) {
i += o ? "&" + e + "=" + t[e] : e + "=" + t[e],
o = !0
var s = window.localStorage.getItem("massage_minitk")
, c = r + "/massage/admin/AdminExcel/orderList" + i + "&token=" + s;
window.location.href = c,
setTimeout(function() {
e.downloadLoading = !1
}, 5e3)
printTable: function() {
var e = this;
this.print = !0,
setTimeout(function() {
e.print = !1
}, 50)
filters: {
handleTime: function(e, t) {
return 1 === t ? h()(1e3 * e).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : 2 === t ? h()(1e3 * e).format("HH:mm:ss") : h()(1e3 * e).format("YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss")
, y = {
render: function() {
var e = this
, t = e.$createElement
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staticClass: "lb-shop-order"
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staticClass: "page-main"
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staticClass: "page-search-form"
}, [a("el-form", {
ref: "listForm",
attrs: {
inline: !0,
model: e.searchForm.list
nativeOn: {
submit: function(e) {
}, [a("el-form-item", {
attrs: {
label: "服务名称",
prop: "goods_name"
}, [a("el-input", {
attrs: {
placeholder: "请输入服务名称"
model: {
value: e.searchForm.list.goods_name,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.list, "goods_name", t)
expression: "searchForm.list.goods_name"
})], 1), e._v(" "), a("el-form-item", {
attrs: {
label: e.$t("action.attendantName") + "姓名",
prop: "coach_name"
}, [a("el-input", {
attrs: {
placeholder: "请输入" + e.$t("action.attendantName") + "姓名"
model: {
value: e.searchForm.list.coach_name,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.list, "coach_name", t)
expression: "searchForm.list.coach_name"
})], 1), e._v(" "), a("el-form-item", {
attrs: {
label: "系统订单号",
prop: "order_code"
}, [a("el-input", {
attrs: {
placeholder: "请输入系统订单号"
model: {
value: e.searchForm.list.order_code,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.list, "order_code", t)
expression: "searchForm.list.order_code"
})], 1), e._v(" "), a("el-form-item", {
attrs: {
label: "下单手机号",
prop: "mobile"
}, [a("el-input", {
staticStyle: {
width: "200px"
attrs: {
placeholder: "请输入下单时填写的手机号"
model: {
value: e.searchForm.list.mobile,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.list, "mobile", t)
expression: "searchForm.list.mobile"
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label: "日期",
prop: "start_time"
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"default-time": ["00:00:00", "23:59:59"]
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model: {
value: e.searchForm.list.start_time,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.list, "start_time", t)
expression: "searchForm.list.start_time"
})], 1), e._v(" "), a("el-form-item", {
attrs: {
label: e.$t("action.attendantName") + "类型",
prop: "is_coach"
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attrs: {
placeholder: "请选择"
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change: function(t) {
return e.getTableDataList(1, "list")
model: {
value: e.searchForm.list.is_coach,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.list, "is_coach", t)
expression: "searchForm.list.is_coach"
}, e._l(e.coachTypeList, function(e) {
return a("el-option", {
key: e.id,
attrs: {
label: e.title,
value: e.id
}), 1)], 1), e._v(" "), e.routesItem.auth.store ? a("el-form-item", {
attrs: {
label: "服务方式",
prop: "is_store"
}, [a("el-select", {
attrs: {
placeholder: "请选择"
on: {
change: function(t) {
return e.getTableDataList(1, "list")
model: {
value: e.searchForm.list.is_store,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.list, "is_store", t)
expression: "searchForm.list.is_store"
}, e._l(e.serviceTypeList, function(e) {
return a("el-option", {
key: e.id,
attrs: {
label: e.title,
value: e.id
}), 1)], 1) : e._e(), e._v(" "), a("el-form-item", {
attrs: {
label: "代理商",
prop: "admin_id"
}, [a("el-select", {
attrs: {
placeholder: "请选择代理商",
filterable: "",
clearable: ""
on: {
change: function(t) {
return e.getTableDataList(1, "list")
model: {
value: e.searchForm.list.admin_id,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.list, "admin_id", t)
expression: "searchForm.list.admin_id"
}, e._l(e.base_agent, function(e) {
return a("el-option", {
key: e.id,
attrs: {
label: e.agent_name,
value: e.id
}), 1)], 1), e._v(" "), a("el-form-item", {
attrs: {
label: "状态",
prop: "pay_type"
}, [a("el-select", {
attrs: {
placeholder: "请选择"
on: {
change: function(t) {
return e.getTableDataList(1, "list")
model: {
value: e.searchForm.list.pay_type,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.list, "pay_type", t)
expression: "searchForm.list.pay_type"
}, e._l(e.statusOptions, function(e) {
return a("el-option", {
key: e.value,
attrs: {
label: e.label,
value: e.value
}), 1)], 1), e._v(" "), a("el-form-item", [a("lb-button", {
staticStyle: {
"margin-right": "5px"
attrs: {
size: "medium",
type: "primary",
icon: "el-icon-search"
on: {
click: function(t) {
return e.getTableDataList(1, "list")
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("action.search")))]), e._v(" "), a("lb-button", {
staticStyle: {
"margin-right": "5px"
attrs: {
size: "medium",
icon: "el-icon-refresh-left"
on: {
click: function(t) {
return e.resetForm("list")
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("action.reset")))])], 1)], 1)], 1), e._v(" "), a("el-row", {
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click: e.printTable
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("action.print")))]), e._v(" "), a("lb-button", {
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name: "hasPermi",
rawName: "v-hasPermi",
value: e.$route.name + "-export",
expression: "`${$route.name}-export`"
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click: e.toExportExcel
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("action.export")))])], 1), e._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "pb-lg"
}, [e._v("\n 共" + e._s(e.total.list) + "条数据,订单金额共计:" + e._s(e.order_price) + "元,车费共计:" + e._s(e.car_price) + "元\n ")]), e._v(" "), a("el-table", {
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name: "loading",
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key: "default",
fn: function(t) {
return e._l(t.row.order_goods, function(t, r) {
return a("div", {
key: r,
staticClass: "pb-sm"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "flex-warp pt-md"
}, [a("lb-image", {
staticClass: "avatar radius-5",
attrs: {
src: t.goods_cover
}), e._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "flex-1 f-caption c-caption ml-md",
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width: "210px"
}, [a("div", {
staticClass: "flex-between"
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staticClass: "f-paragraph c-title ellipsis",
class: [{
"max-300": t.refund_num > 0
staticStyle: {
"line-height": "1.2",
"margin-bottom": "4px"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(t.goods_name) + "\n ")]), e._v(" "), t.refund_num > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "f-caption c-warning"
}, [e._v("\n 已退x" + e._s(t.refund_num) + "\n ")]) : e._e()]), e._v(" "), a("div", {
staticClass: "flex-y-center f-caption",
staticStyle: {
"line-height": "1.4"
}, [e._v("\n 时长:" + e._s(t.time_long) + " 分钟\n ")]), e._v(" "), 1 * t.material_price > 0 ? a("div", {
staticClass: "flex-y-center f-caption",
staticStyle: {
"line-height": "1.4"
}, [e._v("\n 物料费:\n "), a("div", {
staticClass: "c-warning"
}, [e._v("¥" + e._s(t.material_price))])]) : e._e(), e._v(" "), a("div", {
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"line-height": "1.4"
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staticClass: "c-warning"
}, [e._v("¥" + e._s(t.price))]), e._v(" "), a("div", [e._v("x" + e._s(t.num))])])])], 1)])
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fn: function(t) {
return t.row.store_id ? void 0 : [a("div", [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.carType[t.row.car_type]) + "\n ")]), e._v(" "), 1 == t.row.car_type ? a("div", {
staticClass: "flex-y-center"
}, [e._v("\n 全程" + e._s(t.row.distance) + ",车费¥" + e._s(t.row.car_price) + "\n ")]) : e._e()]
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return [a("div", [e._v("¥" + e._s(t.row.pay_price))])]
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prop: "refund_price",
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staticClass: "c-warning cursor-pointer",
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"mt-md": 0 !== r
on: {
click: function(a) {
return e.$router.push("/shop/order/detail?id=" + t.id)
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(t.order_code) + "\n ")])
}) : void 0
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prop: "transaction_id",
"min-width": "150",
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prop: "admin_name",
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prop: "create_time",
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staticClass: "f-icontext c-warning"
}, [e._v("\n " + e._s(e.$t("action.attendantName")) + "拒单\n ")]) : e._e(), e._v(" "), t.row.is_show ? e._e() : a("div", {
staticClass: "f-icontext c-warning"
}, [e._v("\n 用户已删除\n ")])]
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attrs: {
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plain: ""
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click: function(a) {
return e.$router.push("/shop/order/detail?id=" + t.row.id)
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("action.view")))]), e._v(" "),a("lb-button", {
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click: function(a) {
return e.confirmDel(t.row.id)
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("action.delete")))]), e._v(" "), a("lb-button", {
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value: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8].includes(t.row.pay_type),
expression: "[2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8].includes(scope.row.pay_type)"
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expression: "`${$route.name}-transferOrder`"
attrs: {
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plain: ""
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click: function(a) {
return e.toShowDialog("transfer", {
order_id: t.row.id,
coach_type: 1
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("action.transferOrder")))]), e._v(" "), a("lb-button", {
directives: [{
name: "show",
rawName: "v-show",
value: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(3 === t.row.pay_type && t.row.store_id ? 5 : t.row.pay_type),
expression: "\n [2, 3, 4, 5, 6].includes(\n scope.row.pay_type === 3 && scope.row.store_id\n ? 5\n : scope.row.pay_type\n )\n "
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rawName: "v-hasPermi",
value: e.$route.name + "-" + e.technicianStatusOperType[3 === t.row.pay_type && t.row.store_id ? 5 : t.row.pay_type],
expression: "\n `${$route.name}-${\n technicianStatusOperType[\n scope.row.pay_type === 3 && scope.row.store_id\n ? 5\n : scope.row.pay_type\n ]\n }`\n "
attrs: {
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plain: ""
on: {
click: function(a) {
return e.toOperOrderItem({
order_id: t.row.id,
type: 3 === t.row.pay_type && t.row.store_id ? 5 : t.row.pay_type
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("action." + e.technicianStatusOperType[3 === t.row.pay_type && t.row.store_id ? 5 : t.row.pay_type])))])], 1)]
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border: "1px solid"
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key: r
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return a("td", {
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border: "1px solid"
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return e.handleCurrentChange(t, "list")
}), e._v(" "), a("el-dialog", {
attrs: {
title: "转派" + e.$t("action.attendantName"),
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"update:visible": function(t) {
return e.$set(e.showDialog, "transfer", t)
}, [a("lb-tips", [e._v("转派给线下" + e._s(e.$t("action.attendantName")) + "的服务提成按照系统内最低比例核算,加钟订单遵循加钟比例设置提现")]), e._v(" "), a("el-form", {
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model: e.transferForm,
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"label-width": "100px"
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submit: function(e) {
}, [a("el-form-item", {
attrs: {
label: "转派订单",
prop: "coach_type"
}, [a("el-radio-group", {
on: {
change: e.changeCoachType
model: {
value: e.transferForm.coach_type,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.transferForm, "coach_type", t)
expression: "transferForm.coach_type"
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attrs: {
label: 1
}, [e._v("更换" + e._s(e.$t("action.attendantName")))]), e._v(" "), a("el-radio", {
attrs: {
label: 2
}, [e._v("委派" + e._s(e.$t("action.attendantName")))])], 1)], 1), e._v(" "), 2 === e.transferForm.coach_type ? a("block", [a("el-form-item", {
attrs: {
label: e.$t("action.attendantName") + "姓名",
prop: "coach_name"
}, [a("el-input", {
attrs: {
placeholder: "请输入线下" + e.$t("action.attendantName") + "姓名",
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"show-word-limit": ""
model: {
value: e.transferForm.coach_name,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.transferForm, "coach_name", t)
expression: "transferForm.coach_name"
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label: "联系电话",
prop: "mobile"
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attrs: {
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"show-word-limit": ""
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value: e.transferForm.mobile,
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e.$set(e.transferForm, "mobile", t)
expression: "transferForm.mobile"
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attrs: {
label: "转派备注",
prop: "text"
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attrs: {
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rows: 10,
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"show-word-limit": "",
resize: "none",
placeholder: "若订单有其他特殊情况可单独备注在此处"
model: {
value: e.transferForm.text,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.transferForm, "text", t)
expression: "transferForm.text"
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attrs: {
label: "关联代理商",
prop: "admin_id"
}, [a("el-select", {
attrs: {
placeholder: "请选择代理商",
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model: {
value: e.transferForm.admin_id,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.transferForm, "admin_id", t)
expression: "transferForm.admin_id"
}, e._l(e.base_agent, function(e) {
return a("el-option", {
key: e.id,
attrs: {
label: e.agent_name,
value: e.id
}), 1), e._v(" "), a("lb-tool-tips", [e._v("不关联代理商则默认是平台的" + e._s(e.$t("action.attendantName")))])], 1)], 1) : e._e()], 1), e._v(" "), 1 === e.transferForm.coach_type ? a("div", {
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"padding-left": "30px"
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attrs: {
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"label-width": "70px"
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attrs: {
label: "输入查询",
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}, [a("el-input", {
attrs: {
placeholder: "请输入" + e.$t("action.attendantName") + "姓名"
model: {
value: e.searchForm.transfer.coach_name,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.transfer, "coach_name", t)
expression: "searchForm.transfer.coach_name"
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label: "筛选排序",
prop: "type"
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attrs: {
placeholder: "请选择"
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change: function(t) {
return e.getTableDataList(1, "transfer")
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value: e.searchForm.transfer.type,
callback: function(t) {
e.$set(e.searchForm.transfer, "type", t)
expression: "searchForm.transfer.type"
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return a("el-option", {
key: e.id,
attrs: {
label: e.title,
value: e.id
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click: function(t) {
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"margin-right": "5px"
attrs: {
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click: function(t) {
return e.resetForm("transfer")
}, [e._v(e._s(e.$t("action.reset")))])], 1)], 1), e._v(" "), a("el-table", {
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"current-change": e.handleTableChange
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attrs: {
prop: "coach_name",
label: e.$t("action.attendantName") + "姓名"
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prop: "work_img",
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attrs: {
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attrs: {
prop: "distance",
label: "距离"
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attrs: {
prop: "near_time",
label: "最早可预约"
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prop: "admin_info.username",
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type: e.cityType[t.row.admin_info.city_type].type,
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var g = a("VU/8")(b, y, !1, function(e) {
}, "data-v-2c2bed86", null);
t.default = g.exports
w5bc: function(e, t) {}