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namespace app\card\model;
use app\BaseModel;
use app\dynamic\model\CardShopOrder;
use app\dynamic\model\CardStatistics;
use app\dynamic\model\UserInfo;
use app\radar\model\RadarCount;
use think\facade\Db;
use think\Model;
class Collection extends BaseModel
protected $name = 'longbing_card_collection';
protected static function init ()
* @Purpose: 绑定的员工列表
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function bindCardList ( $userId, $userInfo, $page = 1, $uniacid = 0 )
$page = intval( $page );
$page = $page ? $page : 1;
$data = self::alias( 'a' )
->join( 'longbing_card_user_info b', 'a.to_uid = b.fans_id' )
->join( 'longbing_card_job c', 'b.job_id = c.id', 'LEFT' )
->where( [ [ 'a.uniacid', '=', $uniacid ], [ 'a.uid', '=', $userId ], [ 'a.status', '=', 1 ],
[ 'b.is_staff', '=', 1 ], [ 'a.to_uid', '<>', $userId ] ]
->field( [ 'a.to_uid', 'b.name', 'b.avatar', 'b.job_id', 'b.phone', 'b.email', 'c.name as job_name' ,'b.name']
->order( [ 'a.id' => 'desc' ] )
->paginate( [ 'list_rows' => 10, 'page' => $page ]
// 自己如果是员工则把自己返回在第一页第一个
// if ( $userInfo[ 'is_staff' ] == 1 && $page == 1 )
// {
// $card = self::alias( 'a' )
// ->where( [ [ 'a.uniacid', '=', $uniacid ], [ 'a.uid', '=', $userId ], [ 'a.status', '=', 1 ],
// [ 'b.is_staff', '=', 1 ], [ 'a.to_uid', '=', $userId ] ]
// )
// ->field( [ 'a.to_uid', 'b.name', 'b.avatar', 'b.job_id', 'b.phone', 'b.email', 'c.name as job_name' ]
// )
// ->join( 'longbing_card_user_info b', 'a.to_uid = b.fans_id' )
// ->join( 'longbing_card_job c', 'b.job_id = c.id', 'LEFT' )
// ->find();
// if ($card)
// {
// $card = $card->toArray();
// $data[ 'data' ] = array_merge([$card], $data[ 'data' ]);
// }
// }
foreach ($data[ 'data' ] as $index => $item)
if ($item['job_name'] === null)
$data[ 'data' ][$index]['job_name'] = '未设置职位';
$data[ 'data' ] = transImages( $data[ 'data' ], [ 'avatar' ] );
return $data;
* @Purpose: 默认推荐员工列表
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function defaultCardList ($page = 1, $uniacid = 0 ,$staff_id = null)
$page = intval( $page );
$page = $page ? $page : 1;
$modelUserInfo = new UserInfo();
//Update by jingshuixian 'a.fans_id', 'a.fans_id as to_uid', 修复无法访问的bug
$where = [ [ 'a.uniacid', '=', $uniacid ], [ 'a.is_default', '=', 1 ], [ 'a.is_staff', '=', 1 ]];
if(!empty($staff_id)) $where[] = ['fans_id' ,'<>' , $staff_id];
$data = $modelUserInfo->alias('a')
->field( [ 'a.fans_id', 'a.fans_id as to_uid', 'a.name', 'a.avatar', 'a.job_id', 'a.phone', 'a.email', 'b.name as job_name' ]
->join( 'longbing_card_job b', 'a.job_id = b.id', 'LEFT' )
->order( [ 'a.top' => 'desc' ] )
->paginate( [ 'list_rows' => 10, 'page' => $page ]
foreach ($data[ 'data' ] as $index => $item)
if ($item['job_name'] === null)
$data[ 'data' ][$index]['job_name'] = '未设置职位';
$data[ 'data' ] = transImages( $data[ 'data' ], [ 'avatar' ] );
return $data;
public function createCollection($data)
$data['create_time'] = time();
// var_dump($data);die;
$result = $this->save($data);
return !empty($result);
public function updateCollection($filter ,$data)
$data['update_time'] = time();
$result = $this->where($filter)->update($data);
return !empty($result);
public function getCollectionCount($filter)
$result = $this->where($filter)->count();
return $result;
public function checkCollection($filter)
$result = $this->where($filter)->field('id ,status')->find();
if($result) $result = $result->toArray();
return $result;
public function getCollection($filter)
$result = $this->where($filter)->find();
if($result) $result = $result->toArray();
return $result;
// public function getCollectionJoinRateCount()
// {
// $time = time() - 24*60*60;
// $result = $this->alias('a')
// ->leftJoin('longbing_card_rate b' ,'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.staff_id && a.uniacid = b.uniacid')
//// ->whereOr([['b.update_time' ,'<' ,$time] ,['b.id' , '=',null]])
//// ->fetchSql()
// ->count();
//// var_dump($result);die;
// return $result;
// }
// public function listCollectionJoinRate($page_config = ['page' => 1 ,'page_count' =>200])
// {
// $time = time() - 24*60*60;
// $result = $this->alias('a')
// ->leftJoin('longbing_card_rate b' ,'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.staff_id && a.uniacid = b.uniacid')
// ->whereOr([['b.update_time' ,'<' ,$time] ,['b.id' ,'=' ,null]])
// ->field('a.id ,b.id as rate_id')
// ->page($page_config['page'] ,$page_config['page_count'])
// ->select();
// if(!empty($result)) $result = $result->toArray();
// return $result;
// }
public function getCollectionJoinRateCount()
$time = time() - 24*60*60;
$result = $this->where([['update_rate_time' ,'<' ,$time]])->count();
// var_dump($result);die;
return $result;
public function listCollectionJoinRate($page_config = ['page' => 1 ,'page_count' =>200])
$time = time() - 24*60*60;
$result = $this->where([['update_rate_time' ,'<' ,$time]])
->page($page_config['page'] ,$page_config['page_count'])
if(!empty($result)) $result = $result->toArray();
return $result;
public function getYesterdaylist($where){
$data = $this->alias('a')
->join( 'longbing_card_user_info b', 'a.to_uid = b.fans_id')
->join( 'longbing_card_user d', 'b.fans_id = d.id && d.is_staff = 1','left')
->join( 'longbing_card_job c', 'c.id = b.job_id ','left')
->field('a.to_uid,count(a.to_uid) as number,a.uniacid,b.name,avatar,c.name as job_name,nickName,avatarUrl')
->order('number desc ,a.to_uid asc')
foreach ($data as $k=>$v){
$data[$k]['name'] = $v['nickName'];
$data[$k]['avatar'] = $v['avatarUrl'];
$data[$k]['job_name'] = '未设置职位';
$data = transImagesOne($data,['avatar']);
return $data;
public function getlistAll($where,$page,$list_rows,$type =0,$desc = 0){
if($desc == 0){
$de = 'asc';
$de = 'desc';
if($desc == 0){
$de1 = 'desc';
$de1 = 'asc';
$data = $this->alias('a')
->join( 'longbing_card_user_info b', 'a.to_uid = b.fans_id')
->join( 'longbing_card_user d', 'b.fans_id = d.id && d.is_staff = 1','left')
->join( 'longbing_card_job c', 'c.id = b.job_id ','left')
->field('a.to_uid,count(a.to_uid) as number,a.uniacid,b.name,avatar,c.name as job_name,nickName,avatarUrl')
->order("number $de,a.to_uid $de1")
->paginate([ 'list_rows' => $list_rows, 'page' => $page ])->each(function ($item,$key)use ($type){
$item['name'] = $item['nickName'];
$item['avatar'] = $item['avatarUrl'];
$item['job_name'] = '未设置职位';
return $item;
$data = transImagesOne($data,['avatar']);
return $data;
public function getTodaylist($where){
$data = $this->alias('a')
//->leftJoin( 'longbing_card_count b', 'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.to_uid' )
->join( 'longbing_card_user c', 'a.uid = c.id' )
->field('a.to_uid as user_id,count(a.to_uid) as number,a.uniacid')
->group( 'a.to_uid' )
foreach ($data as $key=>$val){
$data[$key]['table'] = 'customer';
$data[$key]['create_time'] = strtotime("-1 day");
$stat = new CardStatistics();
return $data;
public function getCount($where){
return $this->alias('a')
public function today($where){
return $this->alias('a')
->leftJoin( 'longbing_card_count b', 'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.to_uid' )
->join( 'longbing_card_user c', 'a.uid = c.id' )
->group( 'a.uid, a.to_uid' )
public function weekToday($where){
$weekday = date("Y-m-d",strtotime("-6 day"));
$data = $this->alias('a')
->leftJoin( 'longbing_card_count b', 'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.to_uid' )
->join( 'longbing_card_user c', 'a.uid = c.id' )
->group( 'a.uid, a.to_uid' )
return $data;
public function Yesterday($where){
return $this->alias('a')
->leftJoin( 'longbing_card_count b', 'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.to_uid' )
->join( 'longbing_card_user c', 'a.uid = c.id' )
->group( 'a.uid, a.to_uid' )
// public function getLookCount($where){
// return $this->alias('a')
// ->join( 'longbing_card_count b', 'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.to_uid' )
// ->where($where)
// ->count();
// }
public function todayLook($where){
return $this->alias('a')
->join( 'longbing_card_count b', 'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.to_uid' )
// public function changeNember($where){
// $data = $this->where($where)
// ->alias('a')
// //->join( 'longbing_card_count b', 'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.to_uid' )
// ->field('a.to_uid as user_id,count(a.to_uid) as number,a.uniacid')
// //->whereDay('a.create_time')
// ->group('a.to_uid')
// ->select()
// ->toArray();
// if($data){
// $stat = new CardStatistics();
// foreach ($data as $key=>$val){
// $id = $stat->getUserid(['user_id'=>$val['user_id'],'sign'=>'customer_no']);
// if($id){
// $stat->updateinfo(['user_id'=>$val['user_id'],'sign'=>'customer_no'],['number'=>$val['number'],'create_time'=>strtotime("-1 day")]);
// }else{
// $val['sign'] = 'customer_no';
// $val['create_time'] = strtotime("-1 day");
// $stat->addinfo($val);
// }
// }
// }
// return $data;
// }
public function todayUid($where){
$data = $this->alias('a')
->leftJoin( 'longbing_card_count b', 'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.to_uid' )
->join( 'longbing_card_user c', 'a.uid = c.id','left' )
->group( 'a.uid, a.to_uid' )
return $data;
public function xian($where){
$sc1 = $this->alias('a')
//->join( 'longbing_card_collection b', 'a.uid = b.user_id' )
// if($sc1){
// foreach ($sc1 as $key=>$value){
// $uid = $this->where(['uid'=>$key,'intention'=>1])->value('uid');
// if($uid){
// unset($sc1[$key]);
// }
// }
// }
return count($sc1);
public function Todayxian($where){
$sc1 = $this->alias('a')
//->join( 'longbing_card_collection b', 'a.uid = b.user_id' )
// if($sc1){
// foreach ($sc1 as $key=>$value){
// $uid = $this->where(['uid'=>$key,'intention'=>1])->value('uid');
// if($uid){
// unset($sc1[$key]);
// }
// }
// }
return count($sc1);
public function allXian($where){
$data = $this->alias('a')->leftJoin( 'longbing_card_count b', 'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.to_uid' )
->join( 'longbing_card_user c', 'a.uid = c.id' )
->group( 'a.uid, a.to_uid' )->count();
return $data;
public function getlistCount($where){
return $this->where($where)->count();
public function visit($where){
$visit_number = 0;
$visit = $this->alias('a')
->join( 'longbing_card_count b', 'a.uid = b.user_id && a.to_uid = b.to_uid' )
->field('count(a.to_uid) as number')
// ->where($where)
foreach ($visit as $value){
$visit_number += $value['number'];
return $visit_number;
public function staffInfo($where_s,$page,$list_rows){
$data = $this->alias('a')
->join( 'longbing_card_user_info b', 'a.to_uid = b.fans_id' )
->join( 'longbing_card_company c', 'b.company_id = c.id')
->join( 'longbing_card_job d', 'b.job_id = d.id','left' )
->join( 'longbing_card_user e', 'e.id = b.fans_id' )
->field('avatar,b.name,company_id,job_id,b.phone,a.create_time,c.name as company_name,d.name as job_name,b.fans_id,a.uniacid,b.create_time as start_time,a.to_uid,e.create_time as start_time')
$arr =[] ;
$follow_info = [];
$radar_count = [];
$behavior = [];
$ability = [];
$Interest = [];
$active = [];
$start_time = 0;
$data = $data ->toArray();
if ($data['job_name'] === null)
$data[ 'job_name' ] = '未设置职位';
$timediff = time() - $data['start_time'];
$data['day'] = intval($timediff / 86400);
$data['time'] = '今天'.date('H:i',time());
// $card_value = new CardValue();
// $rest = $card_value->bossGetAiValue($data['to_uid'],$data['uniacid']);
// $data['total_info'] = $rest['data'];
$data['create_time'] = date('Y-m-d',$data['create_time']);
$collect = new Collection();
$user_id = $data['fans_id'];
$stat = new CardStatistics();
// $wherex[] =[
// ['user_id','=',$user_id],
// ['uniacid','=',$this->_uniacid],
// ['table','=','customer']
// ];
// $user_info = new UserInfo();
// $other_staff = $user_info->getIsStaff($user_id,$data['uniacid']);
$whes[] = [
$cumulative_clues = $collect->todayUid($whes);
$todayKh = $collect->today($whes);
$yesterdaytodayKh = $collect->Yesterday($whes);
$whes[1] =[
[ 'a.create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginbeforeYesterday, $endbeforeYesterday ]]
$beforXs = $collect->todayUid($whes);
$contrastKh =$yesterdaytodayKh-$beforXs;
$whes1[] =[
$xs = $collect->todayUid($whes1);
$whes1[1] =[[ 'a.create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginToday, $endToday ]]];
$todayxs = $collect->todayUid($whes1);
$whes1[1] =[[ 'a.create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginYesterday, $endYesterday ]]];
$yesterdayxs = $collect->todayUid($whes1);
$whes1[1] =[[ 'a.create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginbeforeYesterday, $endbeforeYesterday ]]];
$beforexs = $collect->todayUid($whes1);
$contrastxs =$yesterdayxs-$beforexs;
$whez[] =[
// //累计客户数量
$customer = $collect->todayUid($whez);
$today = $collect->today($whez);
$addTodayxs = $todayxs-$today;
$yesterdaykh = $collect->Yesterday($whez);
$whez[] = [
[ 'a.update_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginbeforeYesterday, $endbeforeYesterday ]]
$beforkh = $collect->todayUid($whez);
$contrastkh =$yesterdaykh-$beforkh;
$card_count = new CardCount();
// $visit_number = $stat->getCustomerCount([['user_id','=',$user_id],
// ['sign','=','praise'],
// ['type','=',2],['uniacid','=',$this->_uniacid]]);
$wheres[] = [
$visit_number = $card_count->getCount($wheres);
$wheres[1] =[[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginToday, $endToday ]]];
$todayVisitNumber = $card_count->getCount($wheres);
$wheres[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginYesterday, $endYesterday ] ],
$yesterdayVisit = $card_count->getCount($wheres);
$wheres[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginbeforeYesterday, $endbeforeYesterday] ],
$beforVisit = $card_count->getCount($wheres);
$contrastVisit =$yesterdayVisit-$beforVisit;
$whereMsg[] = [
$card_message = new CardMessage();
$message = $card_message->getCount($whereMsg);
$whereMsg[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginToday, $endToday ] ],
$today_message = $card_message->getCount($whereMsg);
$whereMsg[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginYesterday, $endYesterday ] ],
$Yesterday_message = $card_message->getCount($whereMsg);
$whereMsg[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginbeforeYesterday, $endbeforeYesterday ] ],
$before_message = $card_message->getCount($whereMsg);
$zx = $card_count->zxInfo($user_id,[],1);
$zx = $zx+$message;
$where1 = ['create_time','BETWEEN',[ $beginToday, $endToday ]];
$zxtoday = $card_count->zxInfo($user_id,$where1,1);
$zxtoday = $zxtoday+$today_message;
$where1 = ['create_time','BETWEEN',[ $beginYesterday, $endYesterday ]];
$zxYesterday = $card_count->zxInfo($user_id,$where1,1);
$zxYesterday = $zxYesterday+$Yesterday_message;
$where1 = ['create_time','BETWEEN',[ $beginbeforeYesterday, $endbeforeYesterday ]];
$zxbefore = $card_count->zxInfo($user_id,$where1,1);
$zxbefore = $zxbefore+$before_message;
$contrastzx =$zxYesterday-$zxbefore;
$user_mark = new UserFollow();
$where3[] = [
$mark = $user_mark->getCount($where3);
$where3[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginToday, $endToday ] ],
$today_mark = $user_mark->getCount($where3);
$where3[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginYesterday, $endYesterday ] ],
$Yesterday_mark = $user_mark->getCount($where3);
$where3[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginbeforeYesterday, $endbeforeYesterday ] ],
$before_mark = $user_mark->getCount($where3);
$contrastzmark =$Yesterday_mark-$before_mark;
// $forward = new CardForward();
$where4[] = [
$forward_count = $card_count->getCount($where4);
$today_forward_count =$card_count->gettoday($where4);
$Yesterday_forward_count =$card_count->getYesterday($where4);
$where4[] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [$beginbeforeYesterday, $endbeforeYesterday] ],
$before_forward_count =$card_count->getCount($where4);
$contrastzforward =$Yesterday_forward_count-$before_forward_count;
$where5[] = [
$dz = $card_count->getCount($where5);
$where5[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginToday, $endToday ] ],
$today_dz = $card_count->getCount($where5);
$where5[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [$beginYesterday, $endYesterday] ],
$Yesterday_dz = $card_count->getCount($where5);
$where5[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [$beginbeforeYesterday, $endbeforeYesterday] ],
$before_dz = $card_count->getCount($where5);
$contrastzdz =$Yesterday_dz-$before_dz;
$where6[] = [
$bc = $card_count->getCount($where6);
$where6[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginToday, $endToday ] ],
$today_bc = $card_count->getCount($where6);
$where6[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [$beginYesterday, $endYesterday] ],
$Yesterday_bc = $card_count->getCount($where6);
$where6[1] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [$beginbeforeYesterday, $endbeforeYesterday] ],
$before_bc = $card_count->getCount($where6);
$contrastzbc =$Yesterday_bc-$before_bc;
$admin_goods = new CardShopOrder();
$where7[]= [
$sales_count = $admin_goods->getGoosSale($where7);
$where7[] = [
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [$beginYesterday, $endYesterday] ],
$Yesterday_sales_count = $admin_goods->getGoosSale($where7);
$arr = [
// 'text'=>$title,
// 'up'=>$up
$title1 = '日增涨';
$title2 = '日减少';
$title3 = '持平 -';
foreach ($arr['count'][0] as $key=>$value){
$arr['count'][0][$key]['text'] = $title1;
$arr['count'][0][$key]['up'] =1;
}elseif ($value['rate']==0){
$arr['count'][0][$key]['up'] =-1;
$arr['count'][0][$key]['text'] = $title3;
$arr['count'][0][$key]['up'] =0;
$arr['count'][0][$key]['text'] = $title2;
$arr['count'][0][$key]['rate'] = abs($value['rate']);
foreach ($arr['count'][1] as $k=>$val){
$arr['count'][1][$k]['text'] = $title1;
$arr['count'][1][$k]['up'] =1;
}elseif ($val['rate']==0){
$arr['count'][1][$k]['up'] =-1;
$arr['count'][1][$k]['text'] = $title3;
$arr['count'][1][$k]['up'] =0;
$arr['count'][1][$k]['text'] = $title2;
$arr['count'][1][$k]['rate'] = abs($val['rate']);
$follow_info = UserFollow::alias( 'a' )
->join( 'longbing_card_user b', 'a.user_id = b.id')
->field( [ 'content', 'a.create_time','user_id','b.nickName as name' ] )
->where( [
[ 'a.staff_id', '=',$user_id ] ]
)->order( 'a.id', 'desc' )
->paginate( [ 'list_rows' => 4, 'page' => 1 ])->toArray();
$follow_info['data'] = lbHandelRadarDate( $follow_info['data'], 'create_time' );
foreach ($follow_info['data'] as $index => $item )
$follow_info['data'][ $index ][ 'create_time' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i', $item[ 'create_time' ] );
$ardar = new CardCount();
$radar_count = $ardar->radarList([ [ 'a.to_uid', '=', $user_id ],[ 'a.user_id', '<>', $user_id ] ], 1,4);
$radar_count['data'] = lbHandelRadarDate( $radar_count['data'], 'create_time' );
foreach ($radar_count['data'] as $k => $v )
$radar_count['data'][ $k ][ 'create_time' ] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i', $v[ 'create_time' ] );
$card_count = new CardCount();
$behavior = $card_count->getsss($user_id,$data['uniacid'],1);
$card_value = new CardValue();
$ability = $card_value->bossGetAiValue($user_id,$data['uniacid']);
$Interest = $ardar->doPageBossInterest(['to_uid','=',$user_id],$data['uniacid']);
$active = $ardar->active($user_id,$data['uniacid']);
$timediff = time() - $data['start_time'];
$start_time = intval($timediff / 86400);
$data['look'] =$arr;
$data['interaction'] =$radar_count;
$data['follow_info'] =$follow_info;
$data['behavior'] =$behavior;
$data['ability'] =$ability;
$data['interest'] =$Interest;
$data['active'] =$active;
$data['day'] = $start_time;
$data = transImagesOne($data, ['avatar']);
return $data;
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-03-30 15:06
* @功能说明:获取浏览过的名片
public function getCard($uid,$uniacid){
$data = $this->alias('a')
->join('longbing_card_user b', 'a.to_uid = b.id AND b.is_staff = 1')
$data = Db::name('longbing_card_user_info')->where(['uniacid'=>$uniacid,'is_default'=>1])->value('fans_id');
$key = 'longbing_card_user_' . $uid;
return $data;