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2463 lines
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2463 lines
82 KiB
namespace app\card\controller;
use app\admin\service\UpdateService;
use app\AdminRest;
use app\agent\model\Cardauth2ConfigModel;
use app\card\model\CardAuth2Activity;
use app\card\model\CardAuth2Article;
use app\card\model\CardBoss;
use app\card\model\CardCount;
use app\card\model\CardExtension;
use app\card\model\CardForward;
use app\card\model\CardJob;
use app\card\model\CardMessage;
use app\card\model\CardTags;
use app\card\model\CardValue;
use app\card\model\Collection;
use app\card\model\Company;
use app\card\model\Config;
use app\card\model\DefaultSetting;
use app\card\model\User;
use app\card\model\UserFollow;
use app\card\model\UserInfo;
use app\card\model\UserMark;
use app\card\service\UserService;
use app\diy\model\DiyModel;
use app\diy\service\DiyService;
use app\sendmsg\model\SendConfig;
use longbingcore\permissions\AdminMenu;
use longbingcore\permissions\Tabbar;
use think\App;
use think\facade\Db;
use think\process\exception\Failed;
class Admin extends AdminRest
protected $modelCompany;
protected $modelConfig;
// 继承 验证用户登陆
public function __construct ( App $app )
parent::__construct( $app );
$this->modelCompany = new Company();
$this->modelConfig = new Config();
// dump('ccc');exit;
* @Purpose: 后台概览页面
* @Method: GET
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function overview ()
$time = time();
$modelConfig = new Config();
$config = $modelConfig->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ] )
if ( !$config )
$modelConfig->initConfig( $this->_uniacid );
$config = $modelConfig->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ] )
$data = [];
$exist = Db::query( 'show tables like "%longbing_card_config%"' );
$auth_info = false;
if ( !empty( $exist ) )
$auth_info = Db::name( 'longbing_cardauth2_config' )
->where( [ [ 'modular_id', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ] )
// 小程序版本
$data[ 'version' ] = '多功能无限开版';
if ( $this->card_auth_version )
$data[ 'version' ] = $this->card_auth_version . '开版';
// 已开员工名片数量
$data[ 'card_number' ] = User::where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ] )
// 可开通名片数量
$data[ 'total_card_number' ] = '无限制';
if ( $this->card_auth_card )
$data[ 'total_card_number' ] = $this->card_auth_card;
if ( $auth_info )
$data[ 'total_card_number' ] = $auth_info[ 'number' ];
if ( $exist && !$auth_info )
$existTmp = Db::query( 'show tables like "longbing_cardauth2_default"' );
if ( $existTmp )
$auth_info_tmp = Db::name( 'longbing_cardauth2_default' )
if ( $auth_info_tmp )
$data[ 'total_card_number' ] = $auth_info_tmp[ 'number' ];
// 小程序使用天数
$data[ 'use_days' ] = ( $time - $config[ 'create_time' ] ) / ( 24 * 60 * 60 );
$data[ 'start_date' ] = date( 'Y年m月d日', $config[ 'create_time' ] );
if ( $data[ 'use_days' ] < 0 )
$data[ 'use_days' ] = 0;
$data[ 'use_days' ] = ceil( $data[ 'use_days' ] );
// 小程序剩余可用天数 / 日期
$data[ 'left_days' ] = [];
if ( defined( 'IS_WEIQIN' ) && IS_WEIQIN )
$tmp = Db::name( 'account' )
->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ] )
if ( $tmp && $tmp[ 'endtime' ] )
$data[ 'left_days' ][] = $tmp[ 'endtime' ];
if ( $auth_info )
$data[ 'left_days' ][] = $auth_info[ 'end_time' ];
if ( empty( $data[ 'left_days' ] ) )
$data[ 'left_days' ] = '无限制';
$data[ 'left_date' ] = '无限制';
sort( $data[ 'left_days' ] );
$data[ 'left_days' ] = $data[ 'left_days' ][ 0 ];
$data[ 'left_date' ] = date( 'Y年m月d日', $data[ 'left_days' ] );
$data[ 'left_days' ] = ( $time - $config[ 'left_days' ] ) / ( 24 * 60 * 60 );
if ( $data[ 'left_days' ] < 0 )
$data[ 'left_days' ] = 0;
$data[ 'left_days' ] = ceil( $data[ 'left_days' ] );
// 新增客户数量
$last = 30;
$data[ 'new_client_30' ] = [];
for ( $i = 0; $i < $last; $i++ )
$beginTime = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ) - $i, date( 'Y' ) );
$endTime = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ) - $i + 1, date( 'Y' ) ) - 1;
$number = User::where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginTime, $endTime ] ] ]
$tmp = [ 'date' => date( 'm-d', $beginTime ), 'time' => $beginTime, 'number' => $number, ];
array_push( $data[ 'new_client_30' ], $tmp );
$data[ 'new_client_7' ] = array_slice( $data[ 'new_client_30' ], 0, 7 );
$data[ 'new_client_15' ] = array_slice( $data[ 'new_client_30' ], 0, 15 );
$last = 30;
$data[ 'consult_client_30' ] = [];
for ( $i = 0; $i < $last; $i++ )
$beginTime = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ) - $i, date( 'Y' ) );
$endTime = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ) - $i + 1, date( 'Y' ) ) - 1;
$number = CardMessage::where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ],
[ 'create_time', 'BETWEEN', [ $beginTime, $endTime ] ] ]
->group( 'user_id' )
$tmp = [ 'date' => date( 'm-d', $beginTime ), 'time' => $beginTime, 'number' => $number, ];
array_push( $data[ 'consult_client_30' ], $tmp );
$data[ 'consult_client_7' ] = array_slice( $data[ 'consult_client_30' ], 0, 7 );
$data[ 'consult_client_15' ] = array_slice( $data[ 'consult_client_30' ], 0, 15 );
// 客户兴趣占比
$interest_total = 0;
// 对公司感兴趣
$data[ 'interest_company' ][ 'number' ] = CardCount::whereOr( [ [ 'sign', '=', 'view' ], [ 'type', '=', 6 ],
[ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ]
$interest_total += $data[ 'interest_company' ][ 'number' ];
// 对产品感兴趣
$map1 = [ [ 'sign', '=', 'copy' ], [ 'type', '=', 2 ],
[ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ];
$map2 = [ [ 'sign', '=', 'copy' ], [ 'type', '=', 1 ],
[ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ];
$data[ 'interest_goods' ][ 'number' ] = CardCount::whereOr( [ $map1, $map2 ]
$interest_total += $data[ 'interest_goods' ][ 'number' ];
// 对员工感兴趣
$map1 = [ [ 'sign', '=', 'copy' ], [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ];
$map2 = [ [ 'sign', '<>', 'praise' ], [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ];
$data[ 'interest_staff' ][ 'number' ] = CardCount::whereOr( [ $map1, $map2 ]
$interest_total += $data[ 'interest_staff' ][ 'number' ];
$data[ 'interest_company' ][ 'rate' ] = $data[ 'interest_company' ][ 'number' ] / $interest_total * 100;
$data[ 'interest_company' ][ 'rate' ] = sprintf( "%.0f", $data[ 'interest_company' ][ 'rate' ] );
$data[ 'interest_goods' ][ 'rate' ] = $data[ 'interest_goods' ][ 'number' ] / $interest_total * 100;
$data[ 'interest_goods' ][ 'rate' ] = sprintf( "%.0f", $data[ 'interest_goods' ][ 'rate' ] );
$data[ 'interest_staff' ][ 'rate' ] = $data[ 'interest_staff' ][ 'number' ] / $interest_total * 100;
$data[ 'interest_staff' ][ 'rate' ] = sprintf( "%.0f", $data[ 'interest_staff' ][ 'rate' ] );
$data[ 'staff_power' ] = $this->bossAi( $this->_uniacid );
return $this->success( $data );
function bossAi ( $uniacid )
$default = [ 'client' => 0, // 获客能力值
'charm' => 0, // 个人魅力值
'interaction' => 0, // 客户互动值
'product' => 0, // 产品推广值
'website' => 0, // 官网推广度
'active' => 0, // 销售主动性值
$max = [ 'client' => 0, // 获客能力值
'charm' => 0, // 个人魅力值
'interaction' => 0, // 客户互动值
'product' => 0, // 产品推广值
'website' => 0, // 官网推广度
'active' => 0, // 销售主动性值
$staff_list = User::where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $uniacid ], [ 'is_staff', '=', 1 ] ] )
->field( [ 'id', 'nickName' ] )
foreach ( $staff_list as $k => $v )
$info = UserInfo::where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $uniacid ], [ 'fans_id', '=', $v[ 'id' ] ] ] )
->field( [ 'name', 'avatar', 'phone', 'job_id' ] )
$total = 0;
$value = $this->bossGetAiValue( $v[ 'id' ], $uniacid );
foreach ( $value as $k2 => $v2 )
if ( $v2[ 'value' ] > $max[ $k2 ] )
$max[ $k2 ] = $v2[ 'value' ];
$total += $v2[ 'value' ];
$staff_list[ $k ][ 'value' ] = $value;
$staff_list[ $k ][ 'total' ] = $total;
$staff_list[ $k ][ 'info' ] = $info;
// 二维数组排序
array_multisort( array_column( $staff_list, 'total' ), SORT_DESC, $staff_list );
$staff_list = array_splice( $staff_list, 0, 3 );
$data = [ 'list' => $staff_list, 'max' => $max ];
return $data;
function bossGetAiValue ( $id, $uniacid )
$value = [ 'client' => 0, // 获客能力值
'charm' => 0, // 个人魅力值
'interaction' => 0, // 客户互动值
'product' => 0, // 产品推广值
'website' => 0, // 官网推广度
'active' => 0, // 销售主动性值
$check = CardValue::where( [ [ 'staff_id', '=', $id ] ] )
if ( ( empty( $check ) ) || ( !empty( $check ) && $check[ 'update_time' ] - time() > 24 * 60 * 60 ) )
// 获客能力值
$value[ 'client' ] = Collection::where( [ [ 'status', '=', 1 ], [ 'to_uid', '=', $id ] ] )
// 个人魅力值
$list1 = CardCount::where( [ [ 'type', '=', 'praise' ], [ 'type', '=', 1 ], [ 'to_uid', '=', $id ] ] )
$list2 = CardCount::where( [ [ 'type', '=', 'praise' ], [ 'type', '=', 3 ], [ 'to_uid', '=', $id ] ] )
$list3 = CardCount::where( [ [ 'type', '=', 'copy' ], [ 'to_uid', '=', $id ] ] )
$count = $list1 + $list2 + $list3;
$value[ 'charm' ] = $count;
// 客户互动值
$list1 = CardMessage::where( [ [ 'user_id', '=', $id ] ] )
$list2 = CardMessage::where( [ [ 'target_id', '=', $id ] ] )
$list3 = CardCount::where( [ [ 'type', '=', 'view' ], [ 'to_uid', '=', $id ] ] )
$count = $list1 + $list2 + $list3;
$value[ 'interaction' ] = $count;
// 产品推广值
$list1 = CardExtension::where( [ [ 'user_id', '=', $id ] ] )
$list2 = UserMark::where( [ [ 'staff_id', '=', $id ], [ 'mark', '=', 2 ] ] )
$list3 = UserFollow::where( [ [ 'staff_id', '=', $id ] ] )
$count = $list1 + $list2 + $list3;
$value[ 'product' ] = $count;
// 官网推广度
$list1 = CardCount::where( [ [ 'type', '=', 'view' ], [ 'to_uid', '=', $id ], [ 'type', '=', 6 ] ] )
$list2 = CardForward::where( [ [ 'staff_id', '=', $id ], [ 'type', '=', 4 ] ] )
$count = $list1 + $list2;
$value[ 'website' ] = $count;
// 销售主动性值
$list1 = CardMessage::where( [ [ 'user_id', '=', $id ] ] )
$list2 = CardMessage::where( [ [ 'target_id', '=', $id ] ] )
$list3 = UserFollow::where( [ [ 'staff_id', '=', $id ] ] )
$list4 = UserMark::where( [ [ 'staff_id', '=', $id ] ] )
$count = $list1 + $list2 + $list3 + $list4;
$value[ 'active' ] = $count;
$insertData = $value;
$insertData[ 'staff_id' ] = $id;
$time = time();
$insertData[ 'create_time' ] = $time;
$insertData[ 'update_time' ] = $time;
$insertData[ 'uniacid' ] = $uniacid;
if ( empty( $check ) )
CardValue::create( $insertData );
$updateData = $value;
$insertData[ 'update_time' ] = $time;
CardValue::update( $updateData, [ 'id' => $check[ 'id' ] ] );
$value = [ 'client' => $check[ 'client' ], // 获客能力值
'charm' => $check[ 'charm' ], // 个人魅力值
'interaction' => $check[ 'interaction' ], // 客户互动值
'product' => $check[ 'product' ], // 产品推广值
'website' => $check[ 'website' ], // 官网推广度
'active' => $check[ 'active' ], // 销售主动性值
$data = [ 'client' => [ 'titlle' => '获客能力值', 'value' => $value[ 'client' ] ],
'charm' => [ 'titlle' => '个人魅力值', 'value' => $value[ 'charm' ] ],
'interaction' => [ 'titlle' => '客户互动值', 'value' => $value[ 'interaction' ] ],
'product' => [ 'titlle' => '产品推广值', 'value' => $value[ 'product' ] ],
'website' => [ 'titlle' => '官网推广度', 'value' => $value[ 'website' ] ],
'active' => [ 'titlle' => '销售主动性值', 'value' => $value[ 'active' ] ], ];
return $data;
* @Purpose: 工具中心
* @Method: GET
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function toolCenter ()
$toolList = array( 0 => array( 'sign' => 'appoint', 'title' => '预约插件', 'desc' => '为客户提供上门服务预约、到店消费预约功能',
'image' => '', ),
1 => array( 'sign' => 'payqr', 'title' => '线下付款',
'desc' => '让门店能精准抓取客户手机号,并反复的向客户发广告,最后达到二次、三次销售提升复购率的目地',
'image' => '', ),
2 => array( 'sign' => 'article', 'title' => '获客文章',
'desc' => '为员工提供高质量文章库,员工每天发送文章,吸引用户点击阅读。再通过寻客雷达精准提取意向客户,起到引流获客的作用',
'image' => '', ),
3 => array( 'sign' => 'activity', 'title' => '活动报名', 'desc' => '为企业提供营销活动、团建活动等各类活动报名和签到功能',
'image' => '', ), );
$payList = array();
$notPayList = array();
$exist = Db::query( 'show tables like "%longbing_card_config%"' );
$auth_info = false;
if ( !empty( $exist ) )
$auth_info = Db::name( 'longbing_cardauth2_config' )
->where( [ [ 'modular_id', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ] )
foreach ( $toolList as $key => $value )
$payed = false;
switch ( $value[ 'sign' ] )
case 'appoint':
$existTmp = Db::query( 'show tables like "%lb_appoint_record_check%"' );
if ( $existTmp )
$payed = true;
if ( $auth_info && isset( $auth_info[ 'appoint' ] ) && $auth_info[ 'appoint' ] == 0 )
$payed = false;
case 'payqr':
$existTmp = Db::query( 'show tables like "%lb_pay_qr_config%"' );
if ( $existTmp )
$payed = true;
if ( $auth_info && isset( $auth_info[ 'payqr' ] ) && $auth_info[ 'payqr' ] == 0 )
$payed = false;
case 'article':
$existTmp = Db::query( 'show tables like "%longbing_cardauth2_article%"' );
if ( $existTmp )
$articleAuthInfo = CardAuth2Article::where( [ [ 'modular_id', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ] )
if ( $articleAuthInfo && isset( $articleAuthInfo[ 'number' ] ) && $articleAuthInfo[ 'number' ] > 0 )
$payed = true;
case 'activity':
$existTmp = Db::query( 'show tables like "%longbing_cardauth2_activity%"' );
if ( $existTmp )
$activityAuthInfo = CardAuth2Activity::where( [ [ 'modular_id', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ] )
if ( $activityAuthInfo && isset( $activityAuthInfo[ 'sign' ] ) && $activityAuthInfo[ 'sign' ] > time() )
$payed = true;
$payed = false;
if ( $payed )
array_push( $payList, $value );
array_push( $notPayList, $value );
return $this->success( [ 'payList' => $payList, 'notPayList' => $notPayList ] );
* @Purpose: 公司列表
* @Method: GET
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function companyList ()
$topCompany = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'status', '>', -1 ],
[ 'pid', '=', 0 ] ]
->field( [ 'id', 'pid', 'name', 'addr', 'status' ] )
$sonCompany = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'status', '>', -1 ],
[ 'pid', '<>', 0 ] ]
->field( [ 'id', 'pid', 'name', 'addr', 'status' ] )
$companyList = $this->modelCompany->handleCompanyLevel( $topCompany, $sonCompany, 'children' );
return $this->success( $companyList );
* @Purpose: 下架 / 上架 / 删除公司
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$company_id number 公司id
* @Param:$method number 操作类型 0 = 下架 1 = 上架 2 = 删除
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function updateCompanyStatus ()
$verify = [ 'company_id' => 'required', 'method' => 0 ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
$result = $this->modelCompany->updateStatus( $params[ 'company_id' ], $params[ 'method' ] );
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
return $this->success( [] );
* @Purpose: 新增 / 编辑公司
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$company_id number 公司id 编辑公司信息是需要传入
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function editCompany ()
// desc/shop_bg 商城背景图 culture/carousel 官网轮播图
$verify = [ 'company_id' => 0, 'name' => 'required', 'addr' => '', 'logo' => '', 'shop_bg' => '', 'shop_name' => '',
'carousel' => '', 'longitude' => '', 'latitude' => '', 'auth_code' => '', 'short_name' => '', 'top' => 0 ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
$dataTmp = [ 'name' => $params[ 'name' ], 'addr' => $params[ 'addr' ], 'logo' => $params[ 'logo' ],
'desc' => $params[ 'shop_bg' ], 'shop_name' => $params[ 'shop_name' ],
'culture' => trim( implode( ',', $params[ 'carousel' ] ), ',' ), 'longitude' => $params[ 'longitude' ],
'latitude' => $params[ 'latitude' ], 'auth_code' => $params[ 'auth_code' ],
'short_name' => $params[ 'short_name' ], 'top' => $params[ 'top' ] ];
// 编辑公司
if ( $params[ 'company_id' ] )
$company_id = $params[ 'company_id' ];
unset( $params[ 'company_id' ] );
$result = $this->modelCompany->update( $dataTmp, [ 'id' => $company_id ]
unset( $dataTmp[ 'name' ] );
$this->modelCompany->updateSonCompanyInfo( $company_id, $dataTmp );
// 新增公司
$dataTmp[ 'uniacid' ] = $this->_uniacid;
$result = $this->modelCompany->create( $dataTmp );
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
return $this->success( [ 'operation success' ] );
* @Purpose: 公司信息
* @Method: GET
* @Param:$company_id number 公司id 编辑公司信息是需要传入
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function companyInfo ()
// desc/shop_bg 商城背景图 culture/carousel 官网轮播图
$verify = [ 'company_id' => 'require' ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_param, $verify );
$company = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'status', '>', -1 ],
[ 'id', '=', $params[ 'company_id' ] ] ]
if ( !$company )
return $this->error( 'company not fount' );
$company = $company->toArray();
$company = transImages( $company, [ 'logo', 'desc', 'culture' ] );
$company[ 'shop_bg' ] = $company[ 'desc' ];
$company[ 'carousel' ] = $company[ 'culture' ];
return $this->success( $company );
* @Purpose: 新增 / 编辑 部门信息
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$company_id number 公司id 编辑公司信息是需要传入
* @Param:$name string 部门名
* @Param:$method method 操作类型 1 = 新增部门 2 = 修改部门
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function editDepartment ()
$verify = [ 'company_id' => 'require', 'name' => 'require', 'method' => 1 ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
$company_id = $params[ 'company_id' ];
// 新增部门
if ( $params[ 'method' ] == 1 )
$comapny = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'id', '=', $company_id ] ] )
if ( !$comapny )
return $this->error( 'company not found' );
$company = $comapny->toArray();
unset( $company[ 'id' ] );
unset( $company[ 'create_time' ] );
unset( $company[ 'update_time' ] );
$company[ 'name' ] = $params[ 'name' ];
$company[ 'pid' ] = $company_id;
$company[ 'status' ] = 1;
$value = getCache( $key, $this->_uniacid );
if ( !$value && false )
$company[ 'pid' ] = 0;
$company[ 'uniacid' ] = $this->_uniacid;
$result = $this->modelCompany->create( $company );
// 修改部门
else if ( $params[ 'method' ] == 2 )
$result = $this->modelCompany->update( [ 'name' => $params[ 'name' ] ], [ 'id' => $company_id ] );
return $this->error( 'method failed' );
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
return $this->success( [ 'operation success' ] );
* @Purpose: 职位列表
* @Method: GET
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function position ()
$page = isset( $this->_param[ 'page' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'page' ] : 1;
$limit = isset( $this->_param[ 'limit' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'limit' ] : 10;
$keyword = isset( $this->_param[ 'keyword' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'keyword' ] : '';
$where = [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'status', '>', -1 ] ];
if ( $keyword )
$where[] = [ 'name', 'like', "%{$keyword}%" ];
$data = CardJob::where( $where )
->order( 'top', 'desc' )
->paginate( [ 'list_rows' => $limit, 'page' => $page ]
$data[ 'data' ] = handleTimes( $data[ 'data' ], 'create_time', 'Y-m-d H:i:s' );
$data[ 'keyword' ] = $keyword;
return $this->success( $data );
* @Purpose: 下架 / 上架 / 删除职位
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$job_id number 职位id
* @Param:$method number 操作类型 0 = 下架 1 = 上架 2 = 删除
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function updatePositionStatus ()
$verify = [ 'id' => 'required', 'method' => 0 ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
switch ( $params[ 'method' ] )
case 0:
$result = CardJob::update( [ 'status' => 0 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'id' ] ] );
case 1:
$result = CardJob::update( [ 'status' => 1 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'id' ] ] );
case 2:
$result = CardJob::update( [ 'status' => -1 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'id' ] ] );
return $this->error( 'method failed' );
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
return $this->success( [] );
* @Purpose: 编辑职位
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$job_id number 职位id
* @Param:$name string 职位名
* @Param:$top number 排序值
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function editPosition ()
$verify = [ 'job_id' => 0, 'name' => 'required', 'top' => 0 ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
if ( $params[ 'job_id' ] )
$result = CardJob::update( [ 'name' => $params[ 'name' ], 'top' => $params[ 'top' ] ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'job_id' ] ]
$result = CardJob::create( [ 'name' => $params[ 'name' ], 'top' => $params[ 'top' ], 'uniacid' => $this->_uniacid ] );
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
return $this->success( [] );
* @Purpose: 员工列表
* @Method: GET
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function staffs ()
$page = isset( $this->_param[ 'page' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'page' ] : 1;
$limit = isset( $this->_param[ 'limit' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'limit' ] : 10;
$keyword = isset( $this->_param[ 'keyword' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'keyword' ] : '';
$where[] = [ 'a.uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ];
$where[] = [ 'a.is_staff', '=', 1 ];
if ( $keyword )
$where2 = $where;
$tmp = '%' . $keyword . '%';
$where[] = [ '', 'like', $tmp ];
$where2[] = [ 'a.nickName', 'like', $tmp ];
$data = User::alias( 'a' )
->field( [ ' as card_id', '', 'b.avatar', 'b.job_id', 'b.company_id', '',
'b.create_time', 'a.nickName', 'a.avatarUrl', 'a.is_staff', 'a.is_boss',
' as job_name', 'a.qr_path', 'b.is_default', '' ]
->join( 'longbing_card_user_info b', 'b.fans_id =' )
->join( 'longbing_card_job c', 'b.job_id =', 'LEFT' )
->whereOr( [ $where, $where2 ] )
->order( [ 'a.is_boss' => 'desc', 'a.update_time' => 'desc', '' => 'desc' ] )
->paginate( [ 'list_rows' => $limit, 'page' => $page ] )
$data = User::alias( 'a' )
->field( [ ' as card_id', '', 'b.avatar', 'b.job_id', 'b.company_id', '',
'b.create_time', 'a.nickName', 'a.avatarUrl', 'a.is_staff', 'a.is_boss',
' as job_name', 'a.qr_path', 'b.is_default', '' ]
->join( 'longbing_card_user_info b', 'b.fans_id =' )
->join( 'longbing_card_job c', 'b.job_id =', 'LEFT' )
->where( $where )
->order( [ 'a.is_boss' => 'desc', 'a.is_staff' => 'desc', 'a.update_time' => 'desc', '' => 'desc' ] )
->paginate( [ 'list_rows' => $limit, 'page' => $page ] )
foreach ( $data[ 'data' ] as $index => $item )
if ( !$item[ 'name' ] && $item[ 'nickName' ] )
$data[ 'data' ][ $index ][ 'name' ] = $item[ 'nickName' ];
// 获取公司名,部门名
list ( $data[ 'data' ][ $index ][ 'companyName' ], $data[ 'data' ][ $index ][ 'departmentName' ]
) = $this->modelCompany->getCompanyAndDepartmentName( $item[ 'company_id' ] );
$data[ 'data' ] = transImagesOne( $data[ 'data' ], [ 'avatar', 'qr_path' ] );
$data[ 'data' ] = handleImagesWe7Local( $data[ 'data' ], [ 'avatar' ] );
$data[ 'data' ] = handleTimes( $data[ 'data' ] );
return $this->success( $data );
* @param $str
* @return string|string[]|null
* 过滤表情包
public function filterEmoji($str)
$str = preg_replace_callback(
function (array $match) {
return strlen($match[0]) >= 4 ? '' : $match[0];
return $str;
* @Purpose: 员工列表
* @Method: GET
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function users ()
$page = isset( $this->_param[ 'page' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'page' ] : 1;
$limit = isset( $this->_param[ 'limit' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'limit' ] : 10;
$keyword = isset( $this->_param[ 'keyword' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'keyword' ] : '';
$type = isset( $this->_param[ 'type' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'type' ] : '';
$is_default = isset( $this->_param[ 'is_default' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'is_default' ] : '';
$where = [ [ 'a.uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ] ];
if(in_array($type, [1 ,'1'])) $where[] = ['a.is_staff' ,'=' ,1];
if(in_array($type, [2 ,'2'])) $where[] = ['a.is_staff' ,'=' ,0];
if($is_default != 2 ) {
//兼容 有些是空
$where[] = ['b.is_default' , '<>' , 1];
$where[] = ['b.is_default' , '=' , $is_default];
if ( $keyword )
$keyword = $this->filterEmoji($keyword);
$where2 = $where;
$tmp = '%' . $keyword . '%';
$where[] = [ '', 'like', $tmp ];
$where2[] = [ 'a.nickName', 'like', $tmp ];
$data = User::alias( 'a' )
->field( [ ' as card_id', '', 'b.avatar', 'b.job_id', 'b.company_id', '',
'b.create_time', 'a.nickName', 'a.avatarUrl', 'a.is_staff', 'a.is_boss',
' as job_name', 'a.qr_path', 'b.is_default', '','a.import','' ]
->join( 'longbing_card_user_info b', 'b.fans_id =' ,'LEFT')
->join( 'longbing_card_job c', 'b.job_id =', 'LEFT' )
->whereOr( [ $where, $where2 ] )
->order( [ 'a.is_boss' => 'desc',''=>'desc', 'a.update_time' => 'desc', '' => 'desc' ] )
->paginate( [ 'list_rows' => $limit, 'page' => $page ] )
// dump($where);exit;
$data = User::alias( 'a' )
->field( [ ' as card_id', '', 'b.avatar', 'b.job_id', 'b.company_id', '',
'b.create_time', 'a.nickName', 'a.avatarUrl', 'a.is_staff', 'a.is_boss',
' as job_name', 'a.qr_path', 'b.is_default', '' ,'a.import','']
->join( 'longbing_card_user_info b', 'b.fans_id =' ,'LEFT')
->join( 'longbing_card_job c', 'b.job_id =', 'LEFT' )
->where( $where )
->order( [ 'a.is_boss' => 'desc', 'a.is_staff' => 'desc', ''=>'desc','a.update_time' => 'desc', '' => 'desc' ] )
->paginate( [ 'list_rows' => $limit, 'page' => $page ] )
foreach ( $data[ 'data' ] as $index => $item )
if ( !$item[ 'name' ] && $item[ 'nickName' ] )
$data[ 'data' ][ $index ][ 'name' ] = $item[ 'nickName' ];
// 获取公司名,部门名
list ( $data[ 'data' ][ $index ][ 'companyName' ], $data[ 'data' ][ $index ][ 'departmentName' ]
) = $this->modelCompany->getCompanyAndDepartmentName( $item[ 'company_id' ] );
foreach($data[ 'data' ] as $key => $val)
if(!empty($val['avatar'])&&$val['avatar']) $data[ 'data' ][$key]['avatarUrl'] = $val['avatar'];
if(empty($data[ 'data' ][$key]['avatarUrl'])) $data[ 'data' ][$key]['avatarUrl'] = "";
$data[ 'data' ] = transImagesOne( $data[ 'data' ], [ 'avatar', 'avatarUrl', 'qr_path' ] );
$data[ 'data' ] = handleImagesWe7Local( $data[ 'data' ], [ 'avatar' ] );
$data[ 'data' ] = handleTimes( $data[ 'data' ] );
return $this->success( $data );
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-04-14 14:23
* @功能说明:
public function cardExcel(){
$post = $this->_param;
$keyword = !empty($post[ 'keyword' ])?$post[ 'keyword' ]:'' ;
$user_model = new User();
$where[] = ['a.uniacid','=',$this->_uniacid];
$where[] = ['b.is_staff','=',1];
$where2 = [];
$keyword = $this->filterEmoji($keyword);
$tmp = '%' . $keyword . '%';
$where2[] = [ '', 'like', $tmp ];
$where2[] = [ 'a.nickName', 'like', $tmp ];
$post['company'] = explode(',',$post['company']);
$where[] = ['b.company_id' , 'IN' , $post['company']];
$start_time = 0;
$end_time = 0;
$post['range'] = explode(',',$post['range']);
$start_time = strtotime($post['range'][0]);
$end_time = strtotime($post['range'][1])+86400-1;
$where[] = ['b.create_time','<',$end_time];
$start_time = strtotime(date('Y-m-d',time()));
$end_time = $start_time+86400-1;
$start_time = strtotime($post['time']);
$end_time = strtotime($post['time'])+86400-1;
$where[] = ['b.create_time','<',$end_time];
$data = $user_model->cardExcel($where,$where2,$post['date_type'],$start_time,$end_time);
return $this->success( $data );
* @Purpose: 取消员工名片
* @Method: POST
* @Param: $method number 操作类型 1 => 取消名片 2 = 取消boss 3 = 取消推荐
* @Param: $staff_id number 员工id
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function cancelStaff ()
// if(UserService::getDefaultStraffNumber($this->_uniacid) == 1 ){
// return $this->error( 'At least one staff is required' );
// }
$verify = [ 'staff_id' => 'required', 'method' => 0 ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
$info = User::where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'id', '=', $params[ 'staff_id' ] ], [ 'is_staff', '=', 1 ] ]
if ( !$info )
return $this->error( 'staff info not found' );
$is_d = Db::name('longbing_card_user_info')->where(['fans_id'=>$params[ 'staff_id' ]])->value('is_default');
if(!empty($params[ 'method' ])&&$params[ 'method' ]!=2){
if(UserService::getDefaultStraffNumber($this->_uniacid) == 1&&$is_d==1 ){
return $this->error( 'At least one staff is required' );
switch ( $params[ 'method' ] )
case 1:
$data = User::update( [ 'is_staff' => 0, 'is_boss' => 0 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] );
if(!empty($data)) {
$data = UserInfo::update( [ 'is_staff' => 0, 'is_default' => 0 ,'is_boss' => 0], [ 'fans_id' => $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] );
User::update( [ 'is_boss' => 0 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] );
CardBoss::where( [ [ 'user_id', '=', $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] ] )->delete();
longbingGetCardNum($this->_uniacid ,true);
longbingGetBossNum($this->_uniacid ,true);
case 2:
$data = User::update( [ 'is_boss' => 0 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] );
// CardBoss::where( [ [ 'user_id', '=', $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] ] )->delete();
longbingGetBossNum($this->_uniacid ,true);
case 3:
UserInfo::update( [ 'is_default' => 0 ], [ 'fans_id' => $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] );
return $this->error( 'method error' );
longbingGetUser($params[ 'staff_id' ] ,$this->_uniacid ,true);
longbingGetUserInfo($params[ 'staff_id' ] ,$this->_uniacid ,true);
return $this->success( [] );
* @Purpose: 设置员工名片
* @Method: POST
* @Param: $method number 操作类型 1 => 设置名片 2 = 设置boss 3 = 设置推荐
* @Param: $staff_id number 员工id
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function setStaff ()
$verify = [ 'staff_id' => 'required', 'method' => 0 ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_param, $verify );
$info = User::where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'id', '=', $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] ] )
if ( !$info )
return $this->error( 'staff info not found' );
$user_info = longbingGetUserInfo($params['staff_id'] ,$this->_uniacid);
$permissions = longbingGetPluginAuth($this->_uniacid);
switch ( $params[ 'method' ] )
case 1:
if(empty($info['is_staff']) && !empty($permissions) && isset($permissions['card_number']) && !empty($permissions['card_number']))
if(!(longbingGetCardNum($this->_uniacid) < $permissions['card_number']))
return $this->error(lang('not card num'));
$data = User::update( [ 'is_staff' => 1 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] );
if(!empty($data)) UserInfo::update( [ 'is_staff' => 1 ], [ 'fans_id' => $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] );
longbingGetCardNum($this->_uniacid ,true);
case 2:
if ( empty($info[ 'is_staff' ]) )
return $this->error( 'need set card first' );
if(empty($info['is_boss']) && !empty($permissions) && isset($permissions['boss_num']) && !empty($permissions['boss_num']))
if(!(longbingGetBossNum($this->_uniacid) < $permissions['boss_num']))
return $this->error(lang('not boss num'));
User::update( [ 'is_boss' => 1 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] );
longbingGetBossNum($this->_uniacid ,true);
case 3:
if ( $info[ 'is_staff' ] != 1 )
return $this->error( 'need set card first' );
$count = longbingGetUserInfoMinAutoCount($this->_uniacid);
UserInfo::update( [ 'is_default' => 1 ,'auto_count' => $count], [ 'fans_id' => $params[ 'staff_id']]);
return $this->error( 'method error' );
longbingGetUser($params[ 'staff_id' ] ,$this->_uniacid ,true);
longbingGetUserInfo($params[ 'staff_id' ] ,$this->_uniacid ,true);
return $this->success( [] );
* @Purpose: 编辑员工名片回显数据
* @Method: GET
* @Param: $staff_id number 员工id
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function staffInfo ()
$permissions = longbingGetPluginAuth($this->_uniacid);
$verify = [ 'staff_id' => 'required' ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_param, $verify );
$info = UserInfo::where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'fans_id', '=', $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] ] )
if ( !$info )
return $this->error( lang('staff info not found') );
$info = $info->toArray();
// if(empty($info['avatar']))
// {
// $user = longbingGetUser($params['staff_id'] ,$this->_uniacid);
// if(!empty($user)) $info['avatar'] = $user['avatarUrl'];
// if(empty($info['avatar'])) $info['avatar'] = "";
// }
// 处理图片
$info = transImages( $info, [ 'images' ], ',' );
$info = transImagesOne( $info, [ 'avatar', 'voice', 'my_url', 'my_video', 'my_video_cover', 'bg', 'vr_cover', 'vr_path' ] ,$this->_uniacid);
$jobs = CardJob::where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'status', '=', 1 ] ] )
->field( [ 'id', 'name' ] )
->order( [ 'top' => 'desc' ] )
foreach ( $jobs as $index => $item )
$jobs[ $index ][ 'selected' ] = 0;
if ( $item[ 'id' ] == $info[ 'job_id' ] )
$jobs[ $index ][ 'selected' ] = 1;
$info[ 'job_name' ] = $jobs[ $index ]['name'];
if(!isset($info[ 'job_name' ])) $info[ 'job_name' ] = lang('not set job');
$companyCheck = CardBoss::where( [ [ 'user_id', '=', $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] ] )
$info['company_ids'] = longbingGetUpCompanyIds($info['company_id']);
$boss_permission = true;
if(empty($permissions) || !isset($permissions['plugin']) || !isset($permissions['plugin']['boss']) || empty($permissions['plugin']['boss']))
$boss_permission = false;
$topCompany = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ],
[ 'status', '>', -1 ],
[ 'pid', '=', 0 ]
->field( [ 'id', 'pid', 'name', 'addr', 'status' ,'top_id'] )
$sonCompany = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ],
[ 'status', '>', -1 ],
[ 'pid', '<>', 0 ]
->field( [ 'id', 'pid', 'name', 'addr', 'status' ,'top_id'] )
if ( !empty($companyCheck) && $boss_permission)
$companyCheck = explode( ',', $companyCheck['boss'] );
foreach($topCompany as $key => $val)
$topCompany[$key]['selected'] = 0;
if(in_array($val['id'], $companyCheck)) $topCompany[$key]['selected'] = 1;
foreach($sonCompany as $key => $val)
$sonCompany[$key]['selected'] = 0;
if(in_array($val['id'], $companyCheck)) $sonCompany[$key]['selected'] = 1;
$company = $this->modelCompany->handleCompanyLevel( $topCompany, $sonCompany, 'children' );
// if ( !empty($companyCheck) && $boss_permission)
// {
// $companyCheck = explode( ',', $companyCheck['boss'] );
//// $company = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'id', 'in', $companyCheck ], [ 'status', '=', 1 ] ,['pid' , '=', 0]] )
// $company = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'id', 'in', $companyCheck ], [ 'status', '=', 1 ]] )
// ->field( [ 'id', 'name' ] )
// ->select()
// ->toArray();
// }
// else
// {
// $topCompany = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'status', '>', -1 ],
// [ 'pid', '=', 0 ] ]
// )
// ->field( [ 'id', 'pid', 'name', 'addr', 'status' ] )
// ->select()
// ->toArray();
// $sonCompany = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'status', '>', -1 ],
// [ 'pid', '<>', 0 ] ]
// )
// ->field( [ 'id', 'pid', 'name', 'addr', 'status' ] )
// ->select()
// ->toArray();
// $company = $this->modelCompany->handleCompanyLevel( $topCompany, $sonCompany, 'children' );
//// $company = [];
// }
// foreach ( $company as $index => $item )
// {
// $company[ $index ][ 'selected' ] = 0;
// if ( $item[ 'id' ] == $info[ 'company_id' ] )
// {
// $company[ $index ][ 'selected' ] = 1;
// $info[ 'company_name' ] = $company[ $index ]['name'];
// }
// }
// if(!isset($info[ 'company_name' ])) $info[ 'company_name' ] = lang('not set company');
$info[ 'job_list' ] = $jobs;
$info[ 'company_list' ] = $company;
$info['desc'] = str_replace(" "," ",$info['desc']);
$info['boss_permission'] = $boss_permission;
return $this->success( $info );
* @Purpose: 编辑员工名片
* @Method: POST
* @Param: $staff_id number 员工id
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function editStaff ()
$verify = [ 'staff_id' => 'required', 'name' => 'required', 'avatar' => '', 'job_id' => 'required',
'company_id' => 'required', 'phone' => '', 'wechat' => '', 'telephone' => '', 'phone400' => '', 'email' => '',
'share_text' => '', 'voice' => '', 'voice_time' => 0, 'desc' => '', 'my_video' => '', 'my_video_cover' => '',
'images' => '', 'my_url' => '', 'view_number' => '', 't_number' => '', 'ww_account' => '', 'bg' => '',
'bg_switch' => 0, 'vr_tittle' => '', 'vr_cover' => '', 'vr_path' => '', 'vr_switch' => '' ,'from_company_ids' => '','top'=>''];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
// dump($params);exit;
$company_list = $params['from_company_ids'];
$permissions = longbingGetPluginAuth($this->_uniacid);
if(empty($permissions) || !isset($permissions['plugin']) || !isset($permissions['plugin']['boss']) || empty($permissions['plugin']['boss']))
CardBoss::where( [ [ 'user_id', '=', $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] ] )
if(empty($company_list)) return $this->error(lang('not from company'));
if(!in_array($params['company_id'], $company_list)) return $this->error('not set company');
CardBoss::where( [ [ 'user_id', '=', $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] ] )
$boss = implode( ',', $company_list );
$result = CardBoss::create( [ 'user_id' => $params[ 'staff_id' ], 'boss' => $boss, 'uniacid' => $this->_uniacid ] );
if(empty($result)) return $this->error(lang('chage card error'));
if ( is_array( $params[ 'images' ] ) && !empty( $params[ 'images' ] ) )
$params[ 'images' ] = implode( ',', $params[ 'images' ] );
$params[ 'images' ] = '';
if ( is_array( $params[ 'avatar' ] ) && !empty( $params[ 'avatar' ] ) )
$params[ 'avatar' ] = implode( ',', $params[ 'avatar' ] );
if ( is_array( $params[ 'my_video_cover' ] ) && !empty( $params[ 'my_video_cover' ] ) )
$params[ 'my_video_cover' ] = implode( ',', $params[ 'my_video_cover' ] );
$params[ 'my_video_cover' ] = '';
if ( is_array( $params[ 'vr_cover' ] ) && !empty( $params[ 'vr_cover' ] ) )
$params[ 'vr_cover' ] = implode( ',', $params[ 'vr_cover' ] );
$params[ 'vr_cover' ] = '';
$staff_id = $params[ 'staff_id' ];
unset( $params[ 'staff_id' ] );
$result = UserInfo::update( $params, [ 'fans_id' => $staff_id ] );
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'edit failed' );
UserService::createHeaderQr( $this->_uniacid ,['staff_id'=> $staff_id ]);
longbingGetUserInfo($staff_id ,$this->_uniacid ,true);
$key = 'longbing_card_card_info_' . $staff_id;
delCache($key ,$this->_uniacid);
return $this->success([]);
* @Purpose: 分配BOSS权限回显数据
* @Method: GET
* @Param: $staff_id number 员工id
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function authBossInfo ()
$permissions = longbingGetPluginAuth($this->_uniacid);
if(empty($permissions) || !isset($permissions['plugin']) || !isset($permissions['plugin']['boss']) || empty($permissions['plugin']['boss']))
return $this->success([]);
$verify = [ 'staff_id' => 'required' ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_param, $verify );
$authInfo = CardBoss::where( [ [ 'user_id', '=', $params[ 'staff_id' ] ] ] )
$authArr = [];
if ( $authInfo )
$authArr = explode( ',', $authInfo[ 'boss' ] );
$topCompany = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'status', '>', -1 ],
[ 'pid', '=', 0 ] ]
->field( [ 'id', 'pid', 'name', 'addr', 'status' ] )
$sonCompany = $this->modelCompany->where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'status', '>', -1 ],
[ 'pid', '<>', 0 ] ]
->field( [ 'id', 'pid', 'name', 'addr', 'status' ] )
foreach ( $topCompany as $index => $item )
$topCompany[ $index ][ 'selected' ] = 0;
if ( in_array( $item[ 'id' ], $authArr ) )
$topCompany[ $index ][ 'selected' ] = 1;
foreach ( $sonCompany as $index => $item )
$sonCompany[ $index ][ 'selected' ] = 0;
if ( in_array( $item[ 'id' ], $authArr ) )
$sonCompany[ $index ][ 'selected' ] = 1;
$company = $this->modelCompany->handleCompanyLevel( $topCompany, $sonCompany, 'children' );
return $this->success( $company );
* @Purpose: 分配BOSS权限
* @Method: POST
* @Param: $staff_id number 员工id
* @Param: $company_ids array 公司ID组成的数组
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function editAuthBoss ()
$verify = [ 'staff_id' => 'required', 'company_ids' => '' ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
$userService = new UserService() ;
$result = $userService->addUserToStaff($params['staff_id'] , $params['company_ids'] , $this->_uniacid) ;
return $this->error( $result );
return $this->success( $result );
* @Purpose: 生成名片码
* @Method: POST
* @Param: $staff_id number 员工id
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function createStaffQr ()
$verify = [ 'staff_id' => 'required' ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
$result = UserService::createHeaderQr($this->_uniacid ,$params );
return $this->error($result);
return $this->success( ['src' => $result['qr_path']]);
* @Purpose: 印象标签列表
* @Method: GET
* @Param: $staff_id number 员工id
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function tags ()
$page = isset( $this->_param[ 'page' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'page' ] : 1;
$limit = isset( $this->_param[ 'limit' ] ) ? $this->_param[ 'limit' ] : 10;
$data = CardTags::where( [ [ 'uniacid', '=', $this->_uniacid ], [ 'user_id', '=', 0 ], [ 'status', '>', -1 ] ] )
->order( [ 'top' => 'desc', 'id' => 'desc' ] )
->paginate( [ 'list_rows' => $limit, 'page' => $page ] )
$data[ 'data' ] = handleTimes( $data[ 'data' ] );
return $this->success( $data );
* @Purpose: 下架 / 上架 / 删除印象标签
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$id number 标签id
* @Param:$method number 操作类型 0 = 下架 1 = 上架 2 = 删除
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function updateTagStatus ()
$verify = [ 'id' => 'required', 'method' => 0 ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
switch ( $params[ 'method' ] )
case 0:
$result = CardTags::update( [ 'status' => 0 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'id' ] ] );
case 1:
$result = CardTags::update( [ 'status' => 1 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'id' ] ] );
case 2:
$result = CardTags::update( [ 'status' => -1 ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'id' ] ] );
return $this->error( 'method failed' );
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
return $this->success( [] );
* @Purpose: 新增 / 编辑标签
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$id number 标签id
* @Param:$name string 标签名
* @Param:$top number 排序值
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function editTag ()
$this->_input['name'] = trim( $this->_input['name'] );
$verify = [ 'id' => 0, 'name' => 'required', 'top' => 0 ];
return $this->error('请填写标签名');
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
if ( $params[ 'id' ] )
$tag_model = new CardTags();
$count = $tag_model->getTagCount([ ['id' , '<>', $params[ 'id' ] ] , [ 'tag' , '=' , $params['name'] ], [ 'uniacid' , '=',$this->_uniacid ], ['status' , '=',1], ['user_id' ,'=', 0]]);
if (!empty($count)) return $this->error(lang('tag is exist'));
$result = CardTags::update( [ 'tag' => $params[ 'name' ], 'top' => $params[ 'top' ] ], [ 'id' => $params[ 'id' ] ]);
else {
$tag_model = new CardTags();
$count = $tag_model->getTagCount(['tag' => $params['name'], 'uniacid' => $this->_uniacid, 'status' => 1, 'user_id' => 0]);
if (!empty($count)) return $this->error(lang('tag is exist'));
$result = CardTags::create(['tag' => $params['name'], 'top' => $params['top'], 'uniacid' => $this->_uniacid, 'user_id' => 0]);
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
return $this->success( [] );
* @Purpose: 免审口令
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$action string 操作类型 edit = 修改 其他 = 回显数据
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function authCode ()
$config = $this->modelConfig->getConfig( $this->_uniacid );
if ( $this->_input[ 'action' ] !== 'edit' )
return $this->success( [ 'code' => $config[ 'code' ], 'btn_code_err' => $config[ 'btn_code_err' ],
'btn_code_miss' => $config[ 'btn_code_miss' ] ]
$verify = [ 'code' => '', 'btn_code_err' => 'required', 'btn_code_miss' => 'required', 'action' => '' ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
$result = $this->modelConfig->update( [ 'code' => $params[ 'code' ],
'btn_code_err' => $params[ 'btn_code_err' ],
'btn_code_miss' => $params[ 'btn_code_miss' ] ], [ 'id' => $config[ 'id' ] ]
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
$key = 'longbing_card_config_';
delCache($key, $this->_uniacid);
longbingGetAppConfig($this->_uniacid ,true);
return $this->success( [] );
* @Purpose: 手机创建设置
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$action string 操作类型 edit = 修改 其他 = 回显数据
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function phoneCreate ()
$config = $this->modelConfig->getConfig( $this->_uniacid );
if ( $this->_input[ 'action' ] !== 'edit' )
return $this->success( [ 'allow_create' => $config[ 'allow_create' ], 'create_text' => $config[ 'create_text' ],'agreement_status'=>$config['agreement_status'],'agreement'=>$config['agreement'] ]
$verify = [ 'allow_create' => 0, 'create_text' => 'required', 'action' => '','agreement'=>'','agreement_status'=>0 ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
// dump($params['agreement']);exit;
$result = $this->modelConfig->update( [ 'allow_create' => $params[ 'allow_create' ],
'create_text' => $params[ 'create_text' ],'agreement'=>$params['agreement'],'agreement_status'=>$params['agreement_status'] ], [ 'id' => $config[ 'id' ] ]
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
longbingGetAppConfig($this->_uniacid ,true);
return $this->success( [] );
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-03-18 12:26
* @功能说明:默认配置
public function defaultSetting(){
$input = $this->_input;
$default = new DefaultSetting();
$input['new_setting']['my_photo_cover'] = !empty($input['new_setting']['my_photo_cover'])?implode(',',$input['new_setting']['my_photo_cover'] ):'';
$default->settingUpdate(['id' => $input['new_setting']['id']],$input['new_setting']);
$data = $this->modelConfig->where(['id' => $input['old_setting']['id']])->update($input['old_setting']);
$data['new_setting'] = $default->settingInfo(['uniacid' => $this->_uniacid]);
$data['new_setting'] = transImages($data['new_setting'],['my_photo_cover']);
$data['old_setting'] = $this->modelConfig->getConfig( $this->_uniacid );
longbingGetAppConfig($this->_uniacid ,true);
return $this->success($data);
* @Purpose: 音频视频设置
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$action string 操作类型 edit = 修改 其他 = 回显数据
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function defaultMedia ()
$verify = [ 'default_video' => '', 'default_voice' => '', 'default_video_cover' => '', 'default_voice_switch' => 0,
'action' => '' ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
$config = $this->modelConfig->getConfig( $this->_uniacid );
// zDumpAndDie($config);
if ( $params[ 'action' ] !== 'edit' )
return $this->success(
'default_video' => $config[ 'default_video' ],
'default_voice' => $config[ 'default_voice' ],
'default_video_cover' => $config[ 'default_video_cover' ],
'default_voice_switch' => $config[ 'default_voice_switch' ],
'vr_tittle' => $config[ 'vr_tittle' ],
'vr_cover' => $config[ 'vr_cover' ],
'vr_path' => $config[ 'vr_path' ],
'vr_switch' => $config[ 'vr_switch' ],
if(isset($params[ 'default_video_cover' ][0])){
$params[ 'default_video_cover' ] = $params[ 'default_video_cover' ][0];
} else{
$params[ 'default_video_cover' ] = '';
$result = $this->modelConfig->update(
'default_video' => $params[ 'default_video' ],
'default_voice' => $params[ 'default_voice' ],
'default_video_cover' => $params[ 'default_video_cover' ],
'default_voice_switch' => $params[ 'default_voice_switch' ],
'vr_tittle' => $params[ 'vr_tittle' ],
'vr_cover' => $params[ 'vr_cover' ],
'vr_path' => $params[ 'vr_path' ],
'vr_switch' => $params[ 'vr_switch' ]
, [ 'id' => $config[ 'id' ] ]
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
longbingGetAppConfig($this->_uniacid ,true);
return $this->success( [] );
* @Purpose: 名片设置
* @Method: POST
* @Param:$action string 操作类型 edit = 修改 其他 = 回显数据
* @Param:$force_phone number 强制授权手机号开关
* @Param:$preview_switch number 大图模式开关
* @Param:$card_type number 名片板式 1=点击向下展开 2=左右滑动模式
* @Param:$exchange_switch number 交换名片开关
* @Param:$motto_switch number 员工名片是否显示个性签名开关
* @Param:$btn_consult number 咨询按钮文字
* @Param:$exchange_btn number 名片详情也交换手机号自定义文字
* @Param:$vr_tittle number 默认vr展示标题
* @Param:$vr_cover number 默认vr封面图
* @Param:$vr_path number 默认vr连接地址
* @Param:$vr_switch number 默认VR地址类型 1=网页链接 0=小程序APPID
* @Param:$qr_avatar_switch number 替换名片码中间头像开关
* @Param:$auto_switch number 自动分配开关
* @Param:$auto_switch_way number 分配方式 1=随机分配 2=顺序分配
* @Param:$job_switch number 是否允许员工在手机端切换职位开关
* @Author: zzf
* @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象)
public function cardSetting ()
$verify = [ 'force_phone' => 0, 'preview_switch' => 0, 'card_type' => 1, 'exchange_switch' => 0, 'motto_switch' => 0,
'btn_consult' => '', 'exchange_btn' => '', 'vr_tittle' => '', 'vr_cover' => 0, 'vr_path' => '',
'vr_switch' => 0, 'qr_avatar_switch' => 0, 'auto_switch' => 1, 'auto_switch_way' => 0, 'job_switch' => 0,
'action' => '' ,'auth_switch' => 1 ,'chat_switch' => 1 ,'dynamic_switch' => 0 ];
$params = lbGetParamVerify( $this->_input, $verify );
if ( is_array( $params[ 'vr_cover' ] ) && !empty( $params[ 'vr_cover' ] ) )
$params[ 'vr_cover' ] = implode( ',', $params[ 'vr_cover' ] );
$params[ 'vr_cover' ] = '';
$config = $this->modelConfig->getConfig( $this->_uniacid );
if ( $params[ 'action' ] !== 'edit' )
return $this->success( [ 'force_phone' => $config[ 'force_phone' ],
'preview_switch' => $config[ 'preview_switch' ], 'card_type' => $config[ 'card_type' ],
'exchange_switch' => $config[ 'exchange_switch' ],
'motto_switch' => $config[ 'motto_switch' ], 'btn_consult' => $config[ 'btn_consult' ],
'exchange_btn' => $config[ 'exchange_btn' ], 'vr_tittle' => $config[ 'vr_tittle' ],
'vr_cover' => $config[ 'vr_cover' ], 'vr_path' => $config[ 'vr_path' ],
'vr_switch' => $config[ 'vr_switch' ],
'qr_avatar_switch' => $config[ 'qr_avatar_switch' ],
//'auto_switch' => $config[ 'auto_switch' ],
'auto_switch' => 1,
'auto_switch_way' => $config[ 'auto_switch_way' ],
'job_switch' => $config[ 'job_switch' ],
'auth_switch' => $config[ 'auth_switch' ],
'chat_switch' => $config[ 'chat_switch' ],
'dynamic_switch' => $config[ 'dynamic_switch'] ,
$result = $this->modelConfig->update( [ 'force_phone' => $params[ 'force_phone' ],
'preview_switch' => $params[ 'preview_switch' ],
'card_type' => $params[ 'card_type' ],
'exchange_switch' => $params[ 'exchange_switch' ],
'motto_switch' => $params[ 'motto_switch' ],
'btn_consult' => $params[ 'btn_consult' ],
'exchange_btn' => $params[ 'exchange_btn' ],
'vr_tittle' => $params[ 'vr_tittle' ],
'vr_cover' => $params[ 'vr_cover' ],
'vr_path' => $params[ 'vr_path' ],
'vr_switch' => $params[ 'vr_switch' ],
'qr_avatar_switch' => $params[ 'qr_avatar_switch' ],
//'auto_switch' => $params[ 'auto_switch' ],
'auto_switch' => 1,
'auto_switch_way' => $params[ 'auto_switch_way' ],
'job_switch' => $params[ 'job_switch' ] ,
'auth_switch' => $params[ 'auth_switch' ],
'chat_switch' => $params[ 'chat_switch' ] ,
'dynamic_switch' => $params[ 'dynamic_switch'] ,
[ 'id' => $config[ 'id' ] ]
if ( $result === false )
return $this->error( 'operation failed' );
longbingGetAppConfig($this->_uniacid ,true);
return $this->success( [] );
* User: chenniang
* Date: 2019-09-24 17:40
* @return void
* descption:获取微擎版权接口
public function getW7Tmp(){
global $_W;
$w['footerleft'] = !empty($_W['setting']['copyright']['footerleft'])?$_W['setting']['copyright']['footerleft']:'';
$w['version'] = !empty($_W['setting']['site']['version'])?$_W['setting']['site']['version']:'';
$w['icp'] = !empty($_W['setting']['copyright']['icp'])?$_W['setting']['copyright']['icp']:'';
$w = 1;
return $this->success($w);
public function getPluginAuth()
$pluginAuth = longbingGetPluginAuth($this->_uniacid);
return $this->success($pluginAuth);
public function getPermissionV2()
$adminMenes = AdminMenu::all($this->_uniacid);
$data = $adminMenes;
$level = Db::name('longbing_admin')->where(['admin_id'=>$this->_user['admin_id']])->value('level');
$data = [];
foreach ($adminMenes as &$v){
$v['redirect'] = '/customer/talkingSkill';
$v['meta']['subNavName'] = array_splice($v['meta']['subNavName'],1);
$data[] = $v;
return $this->success($data);
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-07-17 18:04
* @功能说明:
public function changeUserCache($level){
setCache("Token_" . $this->_token ,'' ,72000);
return true;
public function websitebind()
$type = $this->_input['type'] ?? null;
if (!in_array($type, ['get', 'post'])) {
return $this->error('参数错误');
$version_id = '64c7ad0322f14b9c894e95220c9d00d5';
$branch_id = '64c7ad0322f14b9c894e95220c9d00d6';
$version_name = '1.0.1';
$domain_name = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$server_url = '';//接口地址
$bindInfo = Db::name('lb_pluge_key')->where('domain_name', '=', $domain_name)->find();
if ($type == 'get') {
if ( !$bindInfo ) {
$data = array(
'version_id' => $version_id,
'branch_id' => $branch_id,
'version_name' => $version_name,
'domain_name' => $domain_name,
$bindInfo = Db::name('lb_pluge_key')->where('domain_name', '=', $domain_name)->find();
return $this->success($bindInfo);
} else {
$website_key = $this->_input['website_key'] ?? null;
if ($type == 'post' && $website_key == null) {
return $this->error('请输入密钥');
if (isset($bindInfo['website_keys']) && $bindInfo['website_keys']) {
return $this->error('已经绑定过了, 无需重复绑定');
$res = json_decode(($this->lb_api_notice_increment_we7($server_url . '/website/check?keys=' . $website_key, [], ['Accept-Charset:utf-8', 'Origin:' . $domain_name], 'GET')), true);
if (isset($res['error'])) {
return $this->error($res['error']['message']);
$data = $res['result']['data'];
$save_data = [
'domain_name' => $domain_name,
'domain_keys' => json_encode($data['domain_keys'], true),
'domain_id' => $data['domain_id'],
'website_id' => $data['website_id'],
'website_keys' => $website_key,
$result = Db::name('lb_pluge_key')->where('domain_name', '=', $domain_name)->save($save_data);
if ($result === false) {
return $this->error('fail');
return $this->success(true);
private function lb_api_notice_increment_we7 ( $url, $data, $headers = [ 'Accept-Charset:utf-8' ], $request_type = 'POST' )
$ch = curl_init();
// $header = "Accept-Charset: utf-8";
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, $request_type );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, FALSE );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0)' );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1 );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER, 1 );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
$tmpInfo = curl_exec( $ch );
// var_dump($tmpInfo);
// exit;
if ( curl_errno( $ch ) ) {
return false;
} else {
// var_dump($tmpInfo);
return $tmpInfo;
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-03-18 14:38
* @功能说明:返回json
public function returnJson(){
$input = $this->_input;
$m_diy = new DiyModel();
$data = $m_diy->where(['uniacid'=>$this->_uniacid,'status'=>1])->find();
$tabbar = [];
$data = $data->toArray();
$tabbar = json_decode($data['tabbar'],true);
return $this->success($tabbar);
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-12-17 15:58
* @功能说明:
public function admin(){
$input = $this->_input;
$key = 'return_admin'.$this->_uniacid;
$arr = getCache($key,$this->_uniacid);
return $this->success($arr);
$arr['checkAuth'] = $this->checkAuth();
$arr['permission'] = $this->getPermissionV3();
$arr['w7tmp'] = $this->getW7TmpV2();
$arr['app_model_name'] = config('app.AdminModelList')['app_model_name'];
$arr['copyright'] = Db::name('longbing_card_config')->where(['uniacid'=>$this->_uniacid])->value('copyright');
$arr = transImagesOne($arr,['copyright'],$this->_uniacid);
return $this->success($arr);
* By.jingshuixian
* 2019年11月23日21:43:47
* 升级脚本导入执行
public function update(){
// return $this->success([]);
$key = 'init_all_data';
$data = getCache($key,$this->_uniacid);
return [];
return [];
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-06-06 15:24
* @功能说明:检查短视频的权限
public function checkAuth(){
$saasKey = longbing_get_auth_prefix('AUTH_CARD') ;
$pass = getCache('AUTH_CARD','99999');
return 1;
return 0;
return 1;
public function getPermissionV3()
$adminMenes = AdminMenu::all($this->_uniacid);
$data = $adminMenes;
$level = Db::name('longbing_admin')->where(['admin_id'=>$this->_user['admin_id']])->value('level');
$data = [];
foreach ($adminMenes as &$v){
$v['redirect'] = '/customer/talkingSkill';
$v['meta']['subNavName'] = array_splice($v['meta']['subNavName'],1);
$data[] = $v;
return $data;
public function getW7TmpV2(){
global $_W;
$w['footerleft'] = !empty($_W['setting']['copyright']['footerleft'])?$_W['setting']['copyright']['footerleft']:'';
$w['version'] = !empty($_W['setting']['site']['version'])?$_W['setting']['site']['version']:'';
$w['icp'] = !empty($_W['setting']['copyright']['icp'])?$_W['setting']['copyright']['icp']:'';
$w = 1;
return $w;