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namespace app\massage\model;
use app\BaseModel;
use think\facade\Db;
class Printer extends BaseModel
protected $name = 'massage_service_printer';
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-09-29 11:04
* @功能说明:添加
public function dataAdd($data){
$res = $this->insert($data);
return $res;
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-09-29 11:05
* @功能说明:编辑
public function dataUpdate($dis,$data){
$res = $this->where($dis)->update($data);
return $res;
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-09-29 11:06
* @功能说明:列表
public function dataList($dis,$page){
$data = $this->where($dis)->order('id desc')->paginate($page)->toArray();
return $data;
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-09-29 11:43
* @功能说明:
public function dataInfo($dis){
$data = $this->where($dis)->find();
$data = $this->where($dis)->find();
return !empty($data)?$data->toArray():[];
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-11-11 09:25
* @功能说明:订单打印
public function userOrder($id){
$order_model = new Order();
$order = $order_model->dataInfo(['id'=>$id]);
$brs = "<BR>";
$orderInfo = '<CB>'.'订单小票'.'</CB><BR>';
$orderInfo .= '--------------------------------'.$brs;
$orderInfo .= '服务/数量/价格'.$brs;
$orderInfo .= '--------------------------------'.$brs;
foreach ($order['order_goods'] as $v) {
$v['goods_name'] = mb_convert_encoding($v['goods_name'], "UTF-8", "auto");
$orderInfo .= $v['goods_name'].$brs;
$orderInfo .= ' X'.$v['num'].' '.round($v['true_price']*$v['num'],2).'元'.$brs;
// $orderInfo .= round($v['true_price']*$v['num'],2).'元'.$brs;
$orderInfo .= ''.$brs;
$orderInfo .= ''.$brs;
$coach_model = new Coach();
$address_model = new OrderAddress();
$coach_name = $coach_model->where(['id'=>$order['coach_id']])->value('coach_name');
$user_name = $address_model->where(['order_id'=>$order['id']])->value('user_name');
$orderInfo .= '预约技师:'.$coach_name.$brs;
$orderInfo .= '下单人:'.$user_name.$brs;
$time = date('Y-m-d H:i',$order['start_time']).'-'.date('Y-m-d H:i',$order['end_time']);
$orderInfo .= '预约时间:'.$time.$brs;
$orderInfo .= '预约金额:'.round($order['pay_price'],2).$brs;
$orderInfo .= '付款时间:'.date('Y-m-d H:i',$order['pay_time']).$brs;
return $orderInfo;
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-11-11 10:20
* @功能说明:
public function storeOrderPrinter($uniacid,$orderInfo,$aotu=1){
$dis = [
'uniacid' => $uniacid,
'status' => 1,
$dis['auto'] =1;
$printer_config = $this->where($dis)->select()->toArray();
foreach ($printer_config as $value){
$value['ukey'] = $value['api_key'];
$value['sn'] = $value['printer_key'];
$res = \longbingcore\printer\Printer::FeiePrintMsg($value,$orderInfo,'Open_printMsg',$value['user_ticket_num']);
return true;
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-11-12 09:57
* @功能说明:打印
public function printer($id,$aotu=1){
$user_order = $this->userOrder($id);
$order_model = new Order();
$uniacid = $order_model->where(['id'=>$id])->value('uniacid');
$res = $this->storeOrderPrinter($uniacid,$user_order,$aotu);
return $res;
* @author chenniang
* @DataTime: 2020-11-12 10:22
* @功能说明:订单取消打印机通知
public function cancelOrderPrinter(){