toString() ); // i.e. e4eaaaf2-d142-11e1-b3e4-080027620cdd } catch ( UnsatisfiedDependencyException $e ) { // Some dependency was not met. Either the method cannot be called on a // 32-bit system, or it can, but it relies on Moontoast\Math to be present. error( 'Caught exception: ' . $e->getMessage(), 1100 ); } } /** * TODO回调函数 * @param string $description 未完成需求描述 * @return */ function todo ( $description ) { // $req = think\Request::instance(); // trace('[TODO] {' . join('/', [$req->module(), $req->controller(), $req->action()]) . '} ' . $description, 'log'); } //设置缓存 function setCache ( $key, $value, $expire = 0, $uniacid = '7777',$tag_data='' ) { $key.= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $tag = 'longbing_card_' . $uniacid.$tag_data; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; return Cache::tag($tag)->set( $key, $value, $expire ); } //获取缓存 function getCache ( $key, $uniacid = '7777' ) { if ( !hasCache( $key, $uniacid ) ) return false; $key.= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; return Cache::get( $key ); } //设置缓存 function setCacheAll ( $key, $value, $expire = 0, $uniacid = '7777' ) { $tag = 'longbing_card_' . $uniacid; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; return Cache::tag( $tag )->set( $key, $value, $expire ); } function getCacheAll ( $key, $uniacid = '7777' ) { if ( !hasCacheAll( $key, $uniacid ) ) return false; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; return Cache::get( $key ); } //追加缓存 function pushCache ( $key, $value, $uniacid = '7777' ) { $key.=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; return Cache::push( $key, $value ); } //删除缓存 function delCache ( $key, $uniacid = '7777' ) { $key.=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; return Cache::delete( $key ); } //获取并删除缓存 function pullCache ( $key, $uniacid = '7777' ) { $key.=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; return Cache::pull( $key ); } //不存在则写入缓存数据后返回 function rememberCache ( $key, $value, $uniacid = '7777' ) { $key.=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; return Cache::remember( $key, $value ); } //清空缓存 function clearCache ( $uniacid = '7777',$tag_data='' ) { $tag = 'longbing_card_' . $uniacid.$tag_data; return Cache::tag($tag)->clear(); } //缓存自增 function incCache ( $key, $step = 1, $uniacid = '7777',$time=null ) { $key.=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; $tag = 'longbing_card_' . $uniacid; return Cache::tag( $tag )->inc($key, $step,$time ); } //缓存自减 function decCache ( $key, $step = 1, $uniacid = '7777' ) { $key.=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; $tag = 'longbing_card_' . $uniacid; return Cache::tag( $tag )->dec( $key, $step ); return Cache::dec( $key, $step ); } //判断缓存是否存在 function hasCache ( $key, $uniacid = '7777' ) { $key.=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; return Cache::has( $key ); } function hasCacheAll ( $key, $uniacid = '7777' ) { // $key.=$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $key = $key . '_' . $uniacid; return Cache::has( $key ); } //获取controller 和 action function getRouteMessage ( $route ) { $data = explode( "\\", $route ); $data = explode( "@", $data[ count( $data ) - 1 ] ); return $data; } //通过Token获取用户信息 function getUserForToken ( $token ) { return getCache( "Token_" . $token ); } /** * 生成RSA2类获取秘钥 */ function getRsa2Keys () { $rsa2 = new Rsa2(); return $rsa2->getKeys(); } /** * 获取两组交叉keys */ function get2keys () { $key1 = getRsa2Keys(); $key2 = getRsa2Keys(); if ( isset( $key1[ 'public_key' ] ) && isset( $key1[ 'private_key' ] ) && isset( $key2[ 'public_key' ] ) && isset( $key2[ 'private_key' ] ) ) { $result[ 'api_key' ] = [ 'public_key' => $key1[ 'public_key' ], 'private_key' => $key1[ 'private_key' ] ]; $result[ 'sever_key' ] = [ 'public_key' => $key2[ 'public_key' ], 'private_key' => $key2[ 'private_key' ] ]; return $result; } return false; } /** * 获取RSA2秘钥(测试) */ function setRsa2Key () { $rsa2_key = getRsa2Keys(); $rsa2_sign = new Rsa2Sign( $rsa2_key ); //设置签名 $sign = $rsa2_sign->createSign( "12333212" ); //验证签名 $data = $rsa2_sign->verifySign( "12333212", $sign ); //生成加密数据 $jiami = $rsa2_sign->encrypt( json_encode( "123", true ) ); //数据解密 $jiemi = $rsa2_sign->decrypt( $jiami ); return $data; } //签名 function rsa2CreateSign ( $keys, $data ) { $rsa2_sign = new Rsa2Sign( $keys ); $sign = $rsa2_sign->createSign( $data ); return $sign; } //验证签名 function rsa2VerifySign ( $keys, $data, $sign ) { $rsa2_sign = new Rsa2Sign( $keys ); $jiemi = $rsa2_sign->verifySign( $data, $sign ); return $jiemi; } //加密 function rsa2Encrypt ( $keys, $data ) { $rsa2_sign = new Rsa2Sign( $keys ); $cipher = $rsa2_sign->encrypt( $data ); return $cipher; } //解密 function rsa2Decrypt ( $keys, $cipher ) { $rsa2_sign = new Rsa2Sign( $keys ); $clear = $rsa2_sign->decrypt( $cipher ); return $clear; } //批量加密 function rsa2Encrypts ( $keys, $arrs ) { //判断需要加密的文件是否为空 if ( !is_array( $arrs ) ) return false; $rsa2_sign = new Rsa2Sign( $keys ); $result = []; foreach ( $arrs as $arr ) { $result = $rsa2_sign->encrypt( $arr ); } return $result; } //批量解密 function rsa2Decrypts ( $keys, $ciphers ) { if ( !is_array( $ciphers ) ) return false; $rsa2_sign = new Rsa2Sign( $keys ); $result = []; foreach ( $ciphers as $cipher ) { $result[] = $rsa2_sign->decrypt( $cipher ); } return $result; } //创建签名 (一个超级简单的签名) function createSimpleSign ( $token, $data ) { // $key1 = md5($token); // $key2 = md5($data); // $sign = md5($key1 . $key2 .$token); $sign = md5( $token . $data . $token ); return $sign; } //异步消息控制 function messagesProcess ( $msg ) { //获取消息内容 if ( is_object( $msg ) ) { $messages = [ $msg->getBody() ]; $ack = true; } else { // 兼容以前的消息格式 $messages = $msg; $ack = false; } //循环处理消息 foreach ( $messages as $message ) { //解析json数据 $data = json_decode( $message, true ); //处理 // var_dump($data); try{ switch ( $action = $data[ 'action' ] ) { case 'previewSchedule': $Schedule = new app\preview\Schedule( $data->preview, [ $data->source ] ); $Schedule->process(); break; // 定时任务调度 case 'SCHEDULER': // 确认消息已经被处理,则返回此信号 $msg->delivery_info[ 'channel' ]->basic_ack( $msg->delivery_info[ 'delivery_tag' ] ); scheduleProcess( $data ); $ack = false; break; case 'addMessage': asyncAddMessage( $data[ 'message' ] ); break; //发送消息服务通知 case 'sendMessageWxServiceNotice': longbingSendMessageWxServiceNotice($data['message']); break; //发送普通服务通知 case 'SendWxServiceNotice': longbingSendWxServiceNotice($data['count_id']); break; case 'longbingSendWxServiceNoticeBase': longbingSendWxServiceNoticeBase($data['data']); break; case 'updatecollectionRate': updatecollectionRate($data['client_id']); break; case 'updateCustomerRate': updateCustomerRate($data['page'] ,$data['page_count']); break; case 'longbingCreateWxCode': longbingCreateWxCode($data['uniacid'] ,$data['data'] ,$data['page'] ,$data['type']); break; case 'longbingCreateSharePng': longbingCreateSharePng($data['gData'] ,$data['user_id'] ,$data['uniacid']); break; case 'longbingSaveFormId': longbingSaveFormId($data['data']); break; case 'test': test( $data[ 'uuid' ], $data[ 'data' ] ); break; } }catch(Exception $e) {} } if ( $ack ) { // 确认消息已经被处理,则返回此信号 $msg->delivery_info[ 'channel' ]->basic_ack( $msg->delivery_info[ 'delivery_tag' ] ); } // 保存并清空日志,避免导致内存溢出 // \think\Log::save(); // \think\Log::clear(); } //消费者 function consumer () { $consumerapi = new ConsumerApi(); $messages = $consumerapi->consumerMessage(); messagesProcess( $messages ); } //生成者 function publisher ( $messages, $delayTime = null ) { $param = Request::param() ; $param['s'] = "publics/HttpAsyn/message" ; $url = Request::baseFile(true); $url = $url . '?' . http_build_query($param); $res = longbing_do_request($url, ['message' => $messages] ); return $res; } //获取毫秒级时间戳 function getMillisecond () { list( $s1, $s2 ) = explode( ' ', microtime() ); return (float)sprintf( '%.0f', ( floatval( $s1 ) + floatval( $s2 ) ) * 1000 ); } /** * 发送邮件 * @param string $address 需要发送的邮箱地址 发送给多个地址需要写成数组形式 * @param string $subject 标题 * @param string $content 内容 * @return boolean 是否成功 */ function send_email ( $address, $subject, $content ) { $email_smtp = \think\Config::get( 'API_CONFIG.EMAIL_SMTP' ); $email_username = \think\Config::get( 'API_CONFIG.EMAIL_USERNAME' ); $email_password = \think\Config::get( 'API_CONFIG.EMAIL_PASSWORD' ); $email_from_name = \think\Config::get( 'API_CONFIG.EMAIL_FROM_NAME' ); $email_smtp_secure = \think\Config::get( 'API_CONFIG.EMAIL_SMTP_SECURE' ); $email_port = \think\Config::get( 'API_CONFIG.EMAIL_PORT' ); if ( empty( $email_smtp ) || empty( $email_username ) || empty( $email_password ) || empty( $email_from_name ) ) { return error( 'The mailbox configuration is incomplete!', '1109' ); } require_once '../thinkphp/library/think/class.phpmailer.php'; require_once '../thinkphp/library/think/class.smtp.php'; $phpmailer = new \Phpmailer(); // 设置PHPMailer使用SMTP服务器发送Email $phpmailer->IsSMTP(); // 设置设置smtp_secure $phpmailer->SMTPSecure = $email_smtp_secure; // 设置port $phpmailer->Port = $email_port; // 设置为html格式 $phpmailer->IsHTML( true ); // 设置邮件的字符编码' $phpmailer->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; // 设置SMTP服务器。 $phpmailer->Host = $email_smtp; // 设置为"需要验证" $phpmailer->SMTPAuth = true; // 设置用户名 $phpmailer->Username = $email_username; // 设置密码 $phpmailer->Password = $email_password; // 设置邮件头的From字段。 $phpmailer->From = $email_username; // 设置发件人名字 $phpmailer->FromName = $email_from_name; // 添加收件人地址,可以多次使用来添加多个收件人 if ( is_array( $address ) ) { foreach ( $address as $addressv ) { $phpmailer->AddAddress( $addressv ); } } else { $phpmailer->AddAddress( $address ); } // 设置邮件标题 $phpmailer->Subject = $subject; // 设置邮件正文 $phpmailer->Body = $content; // 发送邮件。 if ( !$phpmailer->Send() ) { $phpmailererror = $phpmailer->ErrorInfo; return error( $phpmailererror, '1102' ); } else { return array( "status" => 'success' ); } } /** * @Purpose: 处理数组中的图片为完整能访问的URL * * @Param: array $data 需要处理图片的数组,可以是一维数组也可以是多维数组 * @Param: array $target 需要处理字段名组成的数组,一维数组 * @Param: string $split 多张图片放在一起的分隔符 * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ if ( !function_exists( 'transImages' ) ) { function transImages ( $data, $target, $split = ',' ) { if ( !is_array( $data ) ) { return $data; } foreach ( $data as $index => $item ) { if ( is_array( $item ) ) { $data[ $index ] = transImages( $item, $target, $split ); continue; } if ( in_array( $index, $target ) && $item ) { $tmpArr = explode( $split, $item ); $data[ $index ] = handleImages( $tmpArr ); } } return $data; } } /** * @Purpose: 处理数组中的图片为完整能访问的URL--单张图片 * * @Param: array $data 需要处理图片的数组,可以是一维数组也可以是多维数组 * @Param: array $target 需要处理字段名组成的数组,一维数组 * @Param: string $split 多张图片放在一起的分隔符 * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ if ( !function_exists( 'transImagesOne' ) ) { function transImagesOne ( $data, $target ,$uniacid = '7777') { if(longbingIsWeiqin()) { global $_W; if (isset($_W['uniacid'])) { $uniacid = $_W['uniacid']; } else { if(defined('LONGBING_CARD_UNIACID')) { $uniacid = LONGBING_CARD_UNIACID; } } } if ( !is_array( $data ) ) { return $data; } foreach ( $data as $index => $item ) { if ( is_array( $item ) ) { $data[ $index ] = transImagesOne( $item, $target ,$uniacid); continue; } if ( in_array( $index, $target ) && $item ) { $src = trim( $item ); // 老版本微擎的图片 if ( empty( $src ) || !$src ) { $data[ $index ] = $src; continue; } $sub = substr( $src, 0, 4 ); // 连接已经是完整的连接了,无需在处理 if ( $sub == 'http' ) { continue; } $sub = substr( $src, 0, 2 ); if ( $sub == '//' || $sub == 'wx' ) { continue; } // 是新版的图片id用新的处理方法 if ( is_numeric( $src ) ) { //TODO 新版的图片处理方法 continue; } if(longbingIsWeiqin()) { if ( strstr( $src, 'addons/' ) !== false ) { $data[ $index ] = $_W[ 'siteroot' ] . substr( $src, strpos( $src, 'addons/' ) ); } if ( strstr( $src, $_W[ 'siteroot' ] ) !== false && strstr( $src, '/addons/' ) === false ) { $urls = parse_url( $src ); $data[ $index ] = $t = substr( $urls[ 'path' ], strpos( $urls[ 'path' ], 'images' ) ); continue; } if ( empty( $_W[ 'setting' ][ 'remote' ][ 'type' ] ) && ( empty( $_W[ 'uniacid' ] ) || !empty( $_W[ 'uniacid' ] ) && empty( $_W[ 'setting' ][ 'remote' ][ $_W[ 'uniacid' ] ][ 'type' ] ) ) || file_exists( IA_ROOT . '/' . $_W[ 'config' ][ 'upload' ][ 'attachdir' ] . '/' . $src ) ) { $data[ $index ] = $_W[ 'siteroot' ] . $_W[ 'config' ][ 'upload' ][ 'attachdir' ] . '/' . $src; } else { $result = longbingGetOssConfig($uniacid); if (isset($result['default_url']) && !$result['default_url']){ $result['default_url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/attachment/upload'; } $data[ $index ] = $result['default_url'] . '/' . $src; } } if(strpos($src,'http') === false){ $longbingOssConfig = longbingGetOssConfig($uniacid); $http_agreemet = 'https'; if(!isset($longbingOssConfig['default_url']) || empty($longbingOssConfig['default_url']) || empty($longbingOssConfig['open_oss'])) { $longbingOssConfig['default_url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/attachment'; if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']) && !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'])) $http_agreemet = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']; } if(longbingHasLocalFile($src)) { $longbingOssConfig['default_url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/attachment'; if(isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']) && !empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'])) $http_agreemet = $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']; } //http协议 if(strpos($longbingOssConfig['default_url'],'http') === false){ $longbingOssConfig['default_url'] = $http_agreemet . '://'.$longbingOssConfig['default_url']; } $data[ $index ] = $longbingOssConfig['default_url'] . '/' . $src; }else{ $data[ $index ] = $src; } } } return $data; } } function longbingHasLocalFile($file_name) { $file_path = FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $file_name; return file_exists($file_path); } /** * @Purpose: 打印并终止程序 * * @Param: array $data 需要打印的数据 * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ if ( !function_exists( 'zDumpAndDie' ) ) { function zDumpAndDie ( $data ) { echo '
'; var_dump( $data ); echo ''; die; } } /** * @Purpose: 打印数据 * * @Param: array $data 需要打印的数据 * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ if ( !function_exists( 'zDump' ) ) { function zDump ( $data ) { echo '
'; var_dump( $data ); echo ''; } } /** * 检验数据的真实性,并且获取解密后的明文. * @param $encryptedData string 加密的用户数据 * @param $iv string 与用户数据一同返回的初始向量 * @param $data string 解密后的原文 * * @return int 成功0,失败返回对应的错误码 */ if ( !function_exists( 'decryptDataLongbing' ) ) { function decryptDataLongbing ( $appid, $sessionKey, $encryptedData, $iv, &$data ) { $OK = 0; $IllegalAesKey = -41001; $IllegalIv = -41002; $IllegalBuffer = -41003; $DecodeBase64Error = -41004; if ( strlen( $sessionKey ) != 24 ) { return $IllegalAesKey; } $aesKey = base64_decode( $sessionKey ); if ( strlen( $iv ) != 24 ) { return $IllegalIv; } $aesIV = base64_decode( $iv ); $aesCipher = base64_decode( $encryptedData ); $result = openssl_decrypt( $aesCipher, "AES-128-CBC", $aesKey, 1, $aesIV ); $dataObj = json_decode( $result ); if ( $dataObj == NULL ) { return $IllegalBuffer; } if ( $dataObj->watermark->appid != $appid ) { return $IllegalBuffer; } $data = $result; return $OK; } } /** * @Purpose: 获取随机字符串 * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ if ( !function_exists( 'getRandStr' ) ) { function getRandStr ( $len ) { $len = intval( $len ); $a = "A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,S,Y,Z"; $a = explode( ',', $a ); $tmp = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i++ ) { $rand = rand( 0, count( $a ) - 1 ); $tmp .= $a[ $rand ]; } return $tmp; } } /** * @Purpose: 处理腾讯视频 * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ if ( !function_exists( 'lbGetTencentVideo' ) ) { function lbGetTencentVideo ( $src ) { if ( !$src ) { return ''; } if ( !strstr( $src, '' ) ) { return 0; } if ( strstr( $src, 'vid' ) ) { $str = strstr( $src, 'vid' ); $tmpArr = explode( '=', $str ); $str = $tmpArr[ 1 ]; } else { $tmpArr = explode( '/', $src ); $str = $tmpArr[ count( $tmpArr ) - 1 ]; $tmpArr = explode( '.', $str ); $str = $tmpArr[ 0 ]; } if ( $str ) { return $str; } return $src; } } /** * @Purpose: 处理时间戳--单个 * * @Param: $data array 需要处理的二维数组 * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ if ( !function_exists( 'handleTimes' ) ) { function handleTimes ( $data, $item_name = 'create_time', $rule = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) { foreach ( $data as $index => $item ) { $data[ $index ][ $item_name ] = date( $rule, $item[ $item_name ] ); } return $data; } } /** * @Purpose: 处理时间戳--数组 * * @Param: $data array 需要处理的二维数组 * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ if ( !function_exists( 'handleTimesByArray' ) ) { function handleTimesByArray ( $data, $item_name = ['create_time'], $rule = 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) { foreach ( $data as $index => $item ) { foreach ($item_name as $index2 => $item2) { $data[ $index ][$item2] = date( $rule, $item[ $item2 ] ); } } return $data; } } if ( !function_exists( 'getMiniQr' ) ) { function getMiniQr ( $staff_id, $from_id, $name, $uniacid, $imagePath, $version = 'v2' ) { global $_W; $imageName = "{$name}_{$staff_id}_{$from_id}_{$uniacid}_{$version}.png"; if ( defined( 'IS_WE7' ) && IS_WE7 ) { if ( defined( 'ATTACHMENT_ROOT' ) && ATTACHMENT_ROOT ) { $src = $_W[ 'siteroot' ] . $_W[ 'config' ][ 'upload' ][ 'attachdir' ] . '/' . $imagePath . '/' . $imageName; } else { $src = $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] . '/public/upload/' . $imagePath . '/' .$imageName; } } else { $src = $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_HOST' ] . '/public/upload/' . $imagePath . '/' .$imageName; } return $src; } } /** * @Purpose: 处理数字 * * @Param: $staff_id number 员工id * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ if ( !function_exists( 'formatNumberPrice' ) ) { function formatNumberPrice ( $data, $target = [ 'price' ], $un = 10000, $unit = '万' ) { global $_W; foreach ( $data as $index => $item ) { if ( is_array( $item ) ) { $data[ $index ] = formatNumberPrice( $item, $target, $un ); } else { if ( in_array( $index, $target ) && $item > $un ) { $data[ $index ] = bcdiv( $item, $un, 2 ) . $unit; } } } return $data; } } /** * @Purpose: 处理默认图片 * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ if ( !function_exists( 'formatDefaultImage' ) ) { function formatDefaultImage ( $data, $target, $default, $defaultArr ) { foreach ( $data as $index => $item ) { if ( is_array( $item ) ) { $data[ $index ] = formatDefaultImage( $item, $target, $default, $defaultArr ); } else { if ($index == $target && $item == '' && isset($defaultArr[$default])) { $data[$index] = $defaultArr[$default]; } } } return $data; } } if ( !function_exists( 'mkdirs_v2' ) ) { function mkdirs_v2 ( $dir, $mode = 0777 ) { if ( is_dir( $dir ) || @mkdir( $dir, $mode ) ) return TRUE; if ( !mkdirs_v2( dirname( $dir ), $mode ) ) return FALSE; return @mkdir( $dir, $mode ); } } if ( !function_exists( 'getAccessToken' ) ) { function getAccessToken ( $uniacid ) { $key = "longbing_card_access_token"; $value = getCache( $key,$uniacid); if ( $value !== false ) { return $value; } $modelConfig = new \app\card\model\Config(); $config = $modelConfig->getConfig( $uniacid ); $key = ''; $secret = ''; if ( defined( 'IS_WE7' ) && IS_WE7 ) { global $_W; $key = $_W[ 'account' ][ 'key' ]; $secret = $_W[ 'account' ][ 'secret' ]; } if ( isset( $config[ 'appid' ] ) && $config[ 'appid' ] ) { $key = $config[ 'appid' ]; } if ( isset( $config[ 'app_secret' ] ) && $config[ 'app_secret' ] ) { $secret = $config[ 'app_secret' ]; } if ( !$key || !$secret ) { echo json_encode( [ 'code' => 402, 'error' => 'need appid appsecret' ] ); exit; } $url = "$key&secret={$secret}"; $accessToken = file_get_contents( $url ); if ( strstr( $accessToken, 'errcode' ) ) { return 0; } $accessToken = json_decode( $accessToken, true ); $accessToken = $accessToken[ 'access_token' ]; setCache( $key, $accessToken, 7000, $uniacid ); return $accessToken; } } if ( !function_exists( 'lbCurlPost' ) ) { function lbCurlPost ( $url, $data ) { //初使化init方法 $ch = curl_init(); //指定URL curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url ); //设定请求后返回结果 curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1 ); //声明使用POST方式来进行发送 curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1 ); //发送什么数据呢 curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data ); //忽略证书 curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false ); curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false ); //忽略header头信息 curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0 ); //设置超时时间 curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10 ); //发送请求 $output = curl_exec( $ch ); //关闭curl curl_close( $ch ); //返回数据 return $output; //{"errcode":48001,"errmsg":"api unauthorized rid: 63dcc155-6f696d96-3a37589d"} } } if ( !function_exists( 'lbGetDates' ) ) { function lbGetDates ( $time ) { if(date('Y-m-d',time())==date('Y-m-d',$time)){ return date('H:i',$time); } if ( time()-$time <= 86400 * 30 ) { $month = ceil( (time()-$time) / ( 86400) ) . '天前'; return $month; } if ( date('Y',$time) == date('Y',time()) ) { return date('m-d',$time); } return date('Y-m-d',$time); } } if ( !function_exists( 'lbGetDatess' ) ) { function lbGetDatess ( $time ) { $s_time = $time; if ( $time >= 86400 * 30 ) { $month = floor( $time / ( 86400 * 30 ) ); $time -= 86400 * 30 * $month; $month .= '月'; } else { $month = ''; } if ( $time >= 86400 ) { $day = floor( $time / ( 86400 ) ); $time -= 86400 * $day; $day .= '天'; } else { $day = ''; } if ( $time >= 3600 ) { $hour = floor( $time / ( 3600 ) ); $time -= 3600 * $hour; $hour .= '时'; } else { $hour = ''; } if ( $time >= 60 ) { $min = floor( $time / ( 60 ) ); $time -= 60 * $min; $min .= '分'; } else { $min = ''; } if ( $time >= 1 ) { $sin = $time . '秒'; }elseif($s_time == $time&&$time<=0){ return '已过期'; }else{ $sin = ''; } return '还剩' . $month . $day . $hour . $min . $sin; } } if ( !function_exists( 'lbGetDatesss' ) ) { function lbGetDatesss ( $time ) { $s_time = $time; if ( $time >= 86400 * 30 ) { $month = floor( $time / ( 86400 * 30 ) ); $time -= 86400 * 30 * $month; $month .= '月'; } else { $month = ''; } if ( $time >= 86400 ) { $day = floor( $time / ( 86400 ) ); $time -= 86400 * $day; $day .= '天'; } else { $day = ''; } if ( $time >= 3600 ) { $hour = floor( $time / ( 3600 ) ); $time -= 3600 * $hour; $hour .= '时'; } else { $hour = ''; } if ( $time >= 60 ) { $min = floor( $time / ( 60 ) ); $time -= 60 * $min; $min .= '分'; } else { $min = ''; } if ( $time >= 1 ) { $sin = $time . '秒'; }elseif($s_time == $time&&$time<=0){ return '已过期'; }else{ $sin = ''; } return $month . $day . $hour . $min . $sin; } } if ( !function_exists( 'lbGetfDate' ) ) { function lbGetfDate ( $time ) { if ( $time >= 86400 * 30 ) { $month = floor( $time / ( 86400 * 30 ) ) . '月前'; return $month; } if ( $time >= 86400 * 7 ) { $month = floor( $time / ( 86400 * 7 ) ) . '周前'; return $month; } if ( $time >= 86400 ) { $day = floor($time / (86400)) . '天前'; return $day; }else{ return '今天'; } } } //创建文件夹 function longbingMkdirs ( $path ) { if ( !is_dir( $path ) ) { mkdirs( dirname( $path ) ); mkdir( $path ); } return is_dir( $path ); } //复制文件 function longbingFileCopy ( $src, $des, $filter ) { $dir = opendir( $src ); @mkdir( $des ); while ( false !== ( $file = readdir( $dir ) ) ) { if ( ( $file != '.' ) && ( $file != '..' ) ) { if ( is_dir( $src . '/' . $file ) ) { file_copy( $src . '/' . $file, $des . '/' . $file, $filter ); } elseif ( !in_array( substr( $file, strrpos( $file, '.' ) + 1 ), $filter ) ) { copy( $src . '/' . $file, $des . '/' . $file ); } } } closedir( $dir ); } //删除文件 function longbingRmdirs ( $path, $clean = false ) { if ( !is_dir( $path ) ) { return false; } $files = glob( $path . '/*' ); if ( $files ) { foreach ( $files as $file ) { is_dir( $file ) ? rmdirs( $file ) : @unlink( $file ); } } return $clean ? true : @rmdir( $path ); } function longbingStrexists ( $string, $find ) { return !( strpos( $string, $find ) === FALSE ); } //获取文件地址 function longbingGetFilePath($path , $web_url,$uniacid = '7777' ,$type = null) { $oss_config = longbingGetOssConfig($uniacid); // if(longbingIsWeiqin() && empty($oss_config)){ // return longbingTomedia($path); // } $website_url = $web_url . '/attachment'; if(!empty($oss_config) && !empty($oss_config['open_oss']) && !in_array($type, ['loacl'])) { $website_url = $oss_config['default_url']; } return $website_url . '/' .$path; } //获取配置 function longbingGetOssConfig($uniacid = '7777' ,$is_update = false) { $key = 'longbing_oos_config_'; //判断是否更新数据 if(!$is_update) { if(hasCache($key ,$uniacid)) { return getCache($key ,$uniacid); } } //生成操作模型 $oss_config_model = new OssConfig(); //小程序授权模型 // $card_Auth_model = new Cardauth2ConfigModel(); // //获取代理端配置端上传信息 // $uplode_setting = $card_Auth_model->where(['modular_id'=>$uniacid])->find(); // //如果统一使用了上传配置 // if(!empty($uplode_setting['upload_setting'])){ // //获取数据 // $config = $oss_config_model->getConfig(['id' => $uplode_setting['upload_setting']]); // }else{ //获取数据 $config = $oss_config_model->getConfig(['uniacid' => $uniacid]); // } $result = []; if(!empty($config)) { $filter = []; switch($config['open_oss']) { case 0: $filter = ['uniacid','miniapp_name' ,'open_oss' ,'is_sync']; break; case 1: $filter = ['uniacid','miniapp_name' ,'open_oss' ,'is_sync' ,'aliyun_bucket' ,'aliyun_access_key_id' ,'aliyun_access_key_secret' ,'aliyun_base_dir' ,'aliyun_zidinyi_yuming' ,'aliyun_endpoint' ,'aliyun_rules']; break; case 2: $filter = ['uniacid','miniapp_name' ,'open_oss' ,'is_sync' ,'qiniu_accesskey' ,'qiniu_secretkey' ,'qiniu_bucket' ,'qiniu_yuming' ,'qiniu_rules']; break; case 3: $filter = ['uniacid','miniapp_name' ,'open_oss' ,'is_sync' ,'tenxunyun_appid' ,'tenxunyun_secretid' ,'tenxunyun_secretkey' ,'tenxunyun_bucket' ,'tenxunyun_region' ,'tenxunyun_yuming']; break; default: $filter = ['uniacid','miniapp_name' ,'open_oss' ,'is_sync']; break; } foreach($config as $k => $v) { if(in_array($k, $filter)) { $result[$k] = $v; } } switch($result['open_oss']) { case 1: $result['default_url'] = $result['aliyun_zidinyi_yuming']; break; case 2: $result['default_url'] = $result['qiniu_yuming']; break; case 3: $result['default_url'] = $result['tenxunyun_yuming']; break; default: $result['default_url'] = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; break; } }else{ $oss_config_model->createConfig(['uniacid' => $uniacid ,'open_oss' => 0]); $result = longbingGetOssConfig($uniacid ,true); } if(!empty($result)) setCache($key, $result , 3600 ,$uniacid); return $result; } //微信接口返回数据处理 function LongbingGetWxApiReturnData($result) { if (!is_array($result)) return $result; if(isset($result['page'])) $result['current_page'] = $result['page'];unset($result['page']); if(isset($result['page_count'])) $result['per_page'] = $result['page_count'];unset($result['page_count']); if(isset($result['total_page'])) $result['last_page'] = $result['total_page'];unset($result['total_page']); return $result; } function getStr($str){ $vid = strstr($str, 'vid='); if($vid){ $sdd = substr($str,strpos($str,"vid=")+4); $dd = explode('"',$sdd)[0]; }else{ $aa = basename($str); $bb = explode('.',$aa); $dd = $bb[0]; } return $dd; } //获取html src里面的内容替换 function getimgs($str) { $arr1 = []; $arr2 = []; $reg = "/src=\"(.+?)\"/"; $matches = array(); $str = htmlspecialchars_decode($str); preg_match_all($reg, $str, $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $value) { if(!strstr($value, '/')){ continue; } $in = rtrim(getStr($value),'"'); $sf = "src=\"$in\" lbType=vid"; $arr1[] = $value; $arr2[] = $sf; } $ssf = str_replace($arr1, $arr2, $str); return htmlspecialchars($ssf); } function getimgsV2($str) { $arr1 = []; $arr2 = []; $reg = "/src=\"(.+?)\"/"; $matches = array(); $str = htmlspecialchars_decode($str); preg_match_all($reg, $str, $matches); foreach ($matches[0] as $value) { if(!strstr($value, '/')){ continue; } $in = rtrim(getStr($value),'"'); $sf = "src=\"$in\" lbType=\"vid\""; $arr1[] = $value; $arr2[] = $sf; } $ssf = str_replace($arr1, $arr2, $str); $ssf = str_replace('lbType=vid','lbType="vid"',$ssf); return ($ssf); } function datachange($data,$field = 'create_time'){ // dump($data);exit; // 今天的时间戳 $time = time(); // 昨天的时间戳 $Yesterday = $time - ( 24 * 60 * 60 ); $today = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( "m", $time ), date( "d", $time ), date( "Y", $time ) ); $Yesterday = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( "m", $Yesterday ), date( "d", $Yesterday ), date( "Y", $Yesterday ) ); $tmpTime = $data[ $field ]; if ( $tmpTime > $today ) { // $data[ $index ][ 'radar_time' ] = '今天 '; $data[ 'radar_group' ] = '今天'; $data[ 'radar_time' ] = date( 'H:i', $data[ $field ] ); } else if ( $tmpTime > $Yesterday ) { // $data[ $index ][ 'radar_time' ] = '昨天 '; $data[ 'radar_group' ] = '昨天'; $data[ 'radar_time' ] = date( 'H:i', $data[ $field ] ); } else { $thisYear = date( 'Y' ); $itemYear = date( 'Y', $data[ $field ] ); if ( $thisYear == $itemYear ) { $data[ 'radar_group' ] = date( 'm-d', $data[ $field ] ); $data[ 'radar_time' ] = date( ' H:i', $data[ $field ] ); } else { $data[ 'radar_group' ] = date( 'Y-m-d', $data[ $field ] ); $data[ 'radar_time' ] = date( ' H:i', $data[ $field ] ); } } return $data; } //设置用户信息 function longbingSetUser($user_id ,$uniacid ,$data) { //缓存数据key $key = 'longbing_card_user_' . $user_id; if(empty($data) || empty($uniacid) || empty($user_id)) return false; return setCache ( $key, $data, 3600, $uniacid); } //设置缓存数据 function longbingSetUserInfo($user_id ,$uniacid ,$data) { //缓存数据key $key = 'longbing_card_user_info_' . $user_id; if(empty($data) || empty($uniacid) || empty($user_id)) return false; return setCache ( $key, $data, 600, $uniacid); } //获取小程序配置信息 function longbingGetAppConfig($uniacid ,$is_update = false) { //获取缓存信息 $key = 'shequshop_school_config'; $result = getCache($key ,$uniacid); if(empty($result)||$is_update==true) { $config_model = new \app\massage\model\Config(); $dis = [ 'uniacid' => $uniacid ]; $result = $config_model->dataInfo($dis); } //返回数据 return $result; } //生成curl方法 function longbingCurl($url,$post,$method = 'GET') { $curl_model = new LongbingCurl(); return $curl_model->curlPublic($url,$post,$method); } /** * 友好的时间显示 * * @param int $sTime 待显示的时间 * @param string $type 类型. normal | mohu | full | ymd | other * @param string $alt 已失效 * @return string */ if (!function_exists('lb_friendly_date')) { function lb_friendly_date($sTime,$type = 'mohu',$alt = 'false') { if (!$sTime) return ''; //sTime=源时间,cTime=当前时间,dTime=时间差 $cTime = time(); $dTime = $cTime - $sTime; //$dDay = intval(date("z",$ cTime)) - intval(date("z",$sTime)); $dDay = intval($dTime/3600/24); $dYear = intval(date("Y",$cTime)) - intval(date("Y",$sTime)); //normal:n秒前,n分钟前,n小时前,日期 if($type=='normal'){ if( $dTime < 60 ){ if($dTime < 10){ return '刚刚'; //by yangjs }else{ return intval(floor($dTime / 10) * 10).'秒前'; } } elseif( $dTime < 3600 ){ return intval($dTime/60).'分钟前'; //今天的数据.年份相同.日期相同. } elseif( $dYear==0 && $dDay == 0 ){ //return intval($dTime/3600).L('_HOURS_AGO_'); return '今天'.date('H:i',$sTime); } elseif( $dDay > 0 && $dDay<=3 ){ return intval($dDay).'天前'; } elseif($dYear==0){ return date("m月d日 H:i",$sTime); } else{ return date("m-d H:i",$sTime); } } elseif($type=='mohu'){ if( $dTime < 60 ){ return $dTime.'秒前'; } elseif( $dTime < 3600 ){ return intval($dTime/60).'分钟前'; } elseif( $dTime >= 3600 && $dDay == 0 ){ return intval($dTime/3600).'小时前'; } elseif( $dDay > 0 && $dDay<=7 ){ return intval($dDay).'天前'; } elseif( $dDay > 7 && $dDay <= 30 ){ return intval($dDay/7) . '周前'; } elseif( $dDay > 30 ){ return intval($dDay/30) .'个月前'; } //full: Y-m-d , H:i:s } elseif($type=='full'){ return date("m-d , H:i",$sTime); } elseif($type=='ymd'){ return date("Y-m-d",$sTime); } else{ if( $dTime < 60 ){ return $dTime.'秒前'; } elseif( $dTime < 3600 ){ return intval($dTime/60).'分钟前'; } elseif( $dTime >= 3600 && $dDay == 0 ){ return intval($dTime/3600).'小时前'; } elseif($dYear==0){ return date("m-d H:i",$sTime); } else{ return date("m-d H:i",$sTime); } } } } function longbingGetAccessToken($uniacid , $is_update = false) { $setting = new WxSetting($uniacid); $token = $setting->lbSingleGetAccessToken(); return $token; } function getImageExt ( $src = '' ) { $src = explode( '.', $src ); $count = count( $src ); if ( $count < 2 ) { return false; } $ext = strtolower( $src[ $count - 1 ] ); if ( $ext == 'jpg' ) { return 'jpg'; } if ( $ext == 'png' ) { return 'png'; } if ( $ext == 'jpeg' ) { return 'jpeg'; } return false; } function longbingSortStr ( $str, $len ) { if ( mb_strlen( $str, 'utf8' ) > $len ) { $str = mb_substr( $str, 0, $len, "UTF-8" ) . '...'; } return $str; } /** * @Purpose: 获取文件后缀名 * * @Author: zzf * * @Return: mixed 查询返回值(结果集对象) */ function longbingSingleGetImageExt ( $src = '' ) { $src = explode( '.', $src ); $count = count( $src ); if ( $count < 2 ) { return false; } $ext = strtolower( $src[ $count - 1 ] ); if ( $ext == 'jpg' ) { return 'jpg'; } if ( $ext == 'png' ) { return 'png'; } if ( $ext == 'jpeg' ) { return 'jpeg'; } return false; } function longbingSingleGetImageExtWx ( $src = '' ) { $src = explode( '.', $src ); $count = count( $src ); if ( $count < 2 ) { return false; } $ext = strtolower( $src[ $count - 1 ] ); if ( $ext == 'jpg' ) { return 'jpg'; } if ( $ext == 'png' ) { return 'png'; } if ( $ext == 'jpeg' ) { return 'jpeg'; } return 'jpg'; } function longbingchmodr($path) { $filemode = 0777; //判断文件夹是否存在 if (!is_dir($path)) return chmod($path, $filemode); //获取文件夹下 $dh = opendir($path); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $fullpath = $path.'/'.$file; if(is_link($fullpath)) { return FALSE; }elseif(!is_dir($fullpath) && !chmod($fullpath, $filemode)){ return FALSE; }elseif(!longbingchmodr($fullpath, $filemode)) { return FALSE; } } } closedir($dh); if(chmod($path, $filemode)) { return TRUE; }else{ return FALSE; } } /** * @author yangqi * 2019年11月29日11:43:26 * 多维数据拆分成一维数组 */ function longbingGetArrToOne($arr) { $result = array(); foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { if( is_array($val) ) { $result = array_merge($result, longbingGetArrToOne($val)); } else { $result[$key] = $val; } } return $result; } /** * By.jingshuixian * 2019年11月24日19:37:43 * 获取缓存key */ function longbing_get_cache_key($key , $uniacid){ //longbing_端口_key_7777 //前缀_区分端口_key_平台ID return 'longbing_' . $key . '_' . $uniacid; } /** * By.jingshuixian * 2019年11月24日19:46:35 * 自动缓存方法,具体实现打算使用闭包方式 */ function longbing_auto_cahe(){ //自动获取模块/查件名称、类名称、方法名称、来组合缓存key } /** * By.jingshuixian * 2019年11月26日13:57:16 * 执行异步的方法 * @param $url * @param array $param */ if (!function_exists('getRangeMem')) { function longbing_do_request($url, $param = array()) { // try { $urlinfo = parse_url($url); $host = $urlinfo['host']; $query_url = $urlinfo['query']; //By.jingshuixian 2019年12月4日00:19:11 // 当前请求的内容里有get 参数时 , 拼接 path if (!empty($query_url)) { $path = $urlinfo['path'] . '?' . $query_url; } // dump($path,$host);exit; $query = isset($param) ? http_build_query($param) : ''; if (empty($host)) return false; $port = !empty($urlinfo['scheme']) && $urlinfo['scheme'] == 'https' ? 443 : 80;//判断https 还是 http $errno = 0; $errstr = ''; $timeout = 50; $c_houst = !empty($urlinfo['scheme']) && $urlinfo['scheme'] == 'https' ? 'ssl://' . $host : $host;//判断https 还是 http $fp = fsockopen($c_houst, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout); $out = "POST " . $path . " HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $out .= "host:" . $host . "\r\n"; $out .= "content-length:" . strlen($query) . "\r\n"; $out .= "content-type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n"; $out .= "connection:close\r\n\r\n"; $out .= $query; fputs($fp, $out); $resp_str = ''; while (!feof($fp)) { $resp_str .= fgets($fp, 512);//返回值放入$resp_str } fclose($fp); //By.jingshuixian 增加内容返回值 return [$resp_str, $out]; // // } catch (\Exception $e) { // // } } } /** * 记录区间的内存使用情况 * @param string $start 开始标签 * @param string $end 结束标签 * @param integer|string $dec 小数位 * @return string */ if (!function_exists('getRangeMem')) { function getRangeMem($start, $end = null, $dec = 2) { if (!isset($end)) { $end = memory_get_usage(); } $size = $end - $start; $a = ['B', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB']; $pos = 0; while ($size >= 1024) { $size /= 1024; $pos++; } return round($size, $dec) . " " . $a[$pos]; } } /** * 统计某个区间的时间(微秒)使用情况 返回值以秒为单位 * @param string $start 开始标签 * @param string $end 结束标签 * @param integer|string $dec 小数位 * @return integer */ if (!function_exists('getRangeTime')) { function getRangeTime($start, $end = null, $dec = 6) { if (!isset($end)) { $end = microtime(true); } return number_format(($end - $start), $dec); } } if (!function_exists('longbing_init_info_subscribe')) { /** * 自动加载监听事件 * * @return array * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2019/12/12 9:47 */ function longbing_init_info_subscribe() { $myModelList = \config('app.AdminModelList'); $saas_auth_admin_model_list = $myModelList['saas_auth_admin_model_list'] ; $returnMenuData = []; foreach ($saas_auth_admin_model_list as $model_name => $model_item) { //需要判断文件是否存在 $dataPath = app_path() . $model_name . '/info/Subscribe.php'; if (file_exists($dataPath)) { $returnMenuData[] = 'app\\' . $model_name . '\\info\\Subscribe'; } } return $returnMenuData; } } if (!function_exists('longbing_array_columns')) { /** * 取出数组里的一列或者多列 * * @param $arr * @param $keys * @return array * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2019/12/16 10:39 */ function longbing_array_columns($arr, $keys) { $returnArray = [] ; foreach ($arr as $v) { foreach ($keys as $k) { if(array_key_exists($k,$v)){ $n[$k] = $v[$k]; } } $returnArray[] = $n; } return $returnArray; } } if (!function_exists('longbing_get_auth_prefix')) { /** * 获得SAAS授权的参数前缀内容 , 需要不要分行业授权,需要根据实际需求确定 * * @return string * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2019/12/19 16:31 */ function longbing_get_auth_prefix($authName) { //统一添加参数前缀 $prefix = strtoupper(APP_MODEL_NAME); $prefix = (($prefix == 'LONGBING_CARD') ? 'LONGBING_' : $prefix . '_'); return $prefix . $authName; } } if (!function_exists('longbing_dd')) { /** * 打印调试信息 * @access public * @param mixed $message 日志信息 * @param array $context 替换内容 * @return void * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2019/12/23 16:31 */ function longbing_dd($message, array $context = []) { if(Env::get('APP_DEBUG', false) ){ Log::debug($message, $context); } } } if (!function_exists('longbing_compare_version')) { /** * 功能说明 * * @param $oldVersion 老版本号 * @param $newVersion 新版本号 * @return bool 是否升级,新版本号大于老版本号,就升级 * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2019/12/17 10:16 */ function longbing_compare_version($oldVersion, $newVersion) { $isNew = false; $oldVersion = explode('.', $oldVersion); $newVersion = explode('.', $newVersion); foreach ($newVersion as $key => $value) { if (intval($value) > intval($oldVersion[$key])) { $isNew = true; break; } } return $isNew; } } if (!function_exists('longbing_tablename')) { /** * 根据当前表名获取完整的前缀+表名 * * @param $tablename * @return string * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2019/12/17 11:01 */ function longbing_tablename($tablename) { $prefix = config('database.connections.mysql.prefix'); return $prefix . $tablename; } } if (!function_exists('longbing_get_prefix')) { /** * 获得数据库表前缀 * * @return mixed * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2019/12/17 13:44 */ function longbing_get_prefix() { $prefix = config('database.connections.mysql.prefix'); return $prefix; } } if (!function_exists('longbing_get_table_prefix')) { /** * 获得数据库表前缀(感觉名字比较易懂一点) * * @return mixed * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2019/12/17 13:44 */ function longbing_get_table_prefix() { $prefix = config('database.connections.mysql.prefix'); return $prefix; } } if (!function_exists('longbing_check_install')) { /** * 检查是否安装,没有安装就自动安装 * * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2020/1/2 18:34 */ function longbing_check_install() { $lockPath = APP_PATH . 'install/controller/install.lock'; if (!file_exists($lockPath)) { \app\admin\service\UpdateService::installSql(8888); file_put_contents($lockPath, time()); } } } if (!function_exists('longbing_get_app_type')) { /** * 获取app类型 * * @return string * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2020/1/3 15:43 */ function longbing_get_app_type() { $type = ''; $agent = Request::header('user-agent'); if (strpos($agent, 'baiduboxapp')) { $type = 'baiduboxapp'; } return $type; } } if (!function_exists('longbing_get_mobile_type')) { /** * 获取app类型 * * @return string * @author shuixian * @DataTime: 2020/1/3 15:43 */ function longbing_get_mobile_type() { $type = ''; $agent = Request::header('user-agent'); if (strpos($agent, 'Android')) { $type = 'Android'; }elseif (strpos($agent, 'iPhone')) { $type = 'iPhone'; } return $type; } } if (!function_exists('longbing_filterEmoji')) { /** * @param $str * @return string|string[]|null * 过滤表情包 */ function longbing_filterEmoji($str) { $str = preg_replace_callback( '/./u', function (array $match) { return strlen($match[0]) >= 4 ? '' : $match[0]; }, $str); return $str; } } if(!function_exists('longbing_auth_status')){ /** **@author lichuanming * @DataTime: 2020/5/15 10:35 * @功能说明: 账户状态 */ function longbing_auth_status($uniacid){ $resData = [ 'name' => '', #套餐名称 'time' => '', #到期时间 'status' => 0, #状态 0未过期 1即将到期 2已到期 ]; //如果是微擎 则不判断是否到期 if(!longbingIsWeiqin()){ $info = Db::name('longbing_cardauth2_config')->where('modular_id','=',$uniacid) ->field('end_time,mini_name')->find(); #获取过期时间 $end_time = $info['end_time']; if($end_time <= time()){ //已过期 list($resData['name'],$resData['time'],$resData['status']) = array($info['mini_name'],date('Y-m-d',$end_time),2); }else if($end_time < time() + 30*86400 && $end_time > time()){ #即将过期/30天 list($resData['name'],$resData['time'],$resData['status']) = array($info['mini_name'],date('Y-m-d',$end_time),1); } } return $resData; } } //随机生成偏移量 function createOffset() { return substr(uuid() ,8,10); } //生成密码 function createPasswd($passwd ,$offset) { return password_hash($offset.$passwd.$offset ,PASSWORD_DEFAULT); } //多维数组排序 if(!function_exists('arraySort')){ function arraySort($array,$keys,$sort='asc'){ $newArr = $valArr = array(); foreach ($array as $key=>$value) { $valArr[$key] = $value[$keys]; } ($sort == 'asc') ? asort($valArr) : arsort($valArr); reset($valArr); foreach($valArr as $key=>$value) { $newArr[$key] = $array[$key]; } return array_values($newArr); } } /** * 转星期 */ if(!function_exists('changeWeek')){ function changeWeek($week){ switch ($week){ case 1: return '周一'; break; case 2: return '周二'; break; case 3: return '周三'; break; case 4: return '周四'; break; case 5: return '周五'; break; case 6: return '周六'; break; case 0: return '周天'; break; } } } if(!function_exists('orderCode')){ function orderCode(){ $i = rand(1,999); $out_trade_no = date( 'YmdHis' ) . '0' . $i. '0'; $idlen = strlen($i); $out_trade_no = $out_trade_no . str_repeat( '0', 7 - $idlen ) . $i; return $out_trade_no; } } if(!function_exists('orderRefundApi')){ function orderRefundApi($paymentApp,$total_fee,$refund_fee,$order_code){ $setting['mini_appid'] = $paymentApp['app_id']; $setting['mini_appsecrept'] = $paymentApp['secret']; $setting['mini_mid'] = $paymentApp['payment']['merchant_id']; $setting['mini_apicode'] = $paymentApp['payment']['key']; $setting['apiclient_cert'] = $paymentApp['payment']['cert_path']; $setting['apiclient_cert_key'] = $paymentApp['payment']['key_path']; if(!is_file($setting['apiclient_cert'])||!is_file($setting['apiclient_cert_key'])){ return ['return_msg'=>'未配置支付证书,或支付证书错误请重新上传','code'=>500]; } defined('WX_APPID') or define('WX_APPID', $setting['mini_appid']); defined('WX_MCHID') or define('WX_MCHID', $setting['mini_mid']); defined('WX_KEY') or define('WX_KEY', $setting['mini_apicode']); defined('WX_APPSECRET') or define('WX_APPSECRET', $setting['mini_appsecrept']); defined('WX_SSLCERT_PATH') or define('WX_SSLCERT_PATH', $setting['apiclient_cert']); defined('WX_SSLKEY_PATH') or define('WX_SSLKEY_PATH', $setting['apiclient_cert_key']); defined('WX_CURL_PROXY_HOST') or define('WX_CURL_PROXY_HOST', ''); defined('WX_CURL_PROXY_PORT') or define('WX_CURL_PROXY_PORT', 0); defined('WX_REPORT_LEVENL') or define('WX_REPORT_LEVENL', 0); require_once PAY_PATH . "/weixinpay/lib/WxPay.Api.php"; require_once PAY_PATH . "/weixinpay/example/WxPay.JsApiPay.php"; $input = new \WxPayRefund(); $input->SetTotal_fee($total_fee*100); $input->SetRefund_fee($refund_fee*100); $input->SetOut_refund_no("YmdHis")); $input->SetTransaction_id($order_code); $input->SetOp_user_id(WX_MCHID); $order = \WxPayApi::refund($input); return $order; } } if(!function_exists('getdistance')){ /** * User: chenniang * Date: 2019-10-18 16:00 * @param $lng1 * @param $lat1 * @param $lng2 * @param $lat2 * @return float|int * descption:获取距离 */ function getdistance($lng1, $lat1, $lng2, $lat2) { $radLat1 = deg2rad($lat1); //deg2rad()函数将角度转换为弧度 $radLat2 = deg2rad($lat2); $radLng1 = deg2rad($lng1); $radLng2 = deg2rad($lng2); $a = $radLat1 - $radLat2; $b = $radLng1 - $radLng2; $s = 2 * asin(sqrt(pow(sin($a / 2), 2) + cos($radLat1) * cos($radLat2) * pow(sin($b / 2), 2))) * 6378.137 * 1000; return $s; } } if(!function_exists('getDistances')){ function getDistances($longitude1, $latitude1, $longitude2, $latitude2, $unit=2, $decimal=2){ $EARTH_RADIUS = 6378.137; // 地球半径系数 $PI = 3.1415926; $radLat1 = $latitude1 * $PI / 180.0; $radLat2 = $latitude2 * $PI / 180.0; $radLng1 = $longitude1 * $PI / 180.0; $radLng2 = $longitude2 * $PI /180.0; $a = $radLat1 - $radLat2; $b = $radLng1 - $radLng2; $distance = 2 * asin(sqrt(pow(sin($a/2),2) + cos($radLat1) * cos($radLat2) * pow(sin($b/2),2))); $distance = $distance * $EARTH_RADIUS * 1000; // if($unit==2){ // $distance = $distance / 1000; // } return $distance; } } if(!function_exists('checkPass')){ function checkPass ($pass){ return md5('shequ'.$pass); } } if(!function_exists('initLogin')){ function initLogin ($uniacid = 666){ $admin_model = new \app\massage\model\Admin(); $admin = $admin_model->dataInfo(['uniacid'=>$uniacid]); if(empty($admin)){ $insert = [ 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'username'=> 'admin', 'passwd' => checkPass('admin123'), 'create_time' => time() ]; $admin_model->dataAdd($insert); } return true; } } if(!function_exists('setUserForToken')){ function setUserForToken($token ,$user,$uniacid='7777') { \longbingcore\permissions\DiyAuthConfig::getSAuConfig(666); $tag = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$user['id']; return setCache("Token_" . $token ,$user ,86400,$uniacid,$tag); } } if(!function_exists('is_time_cross')){ /** * PHP计算两个时间段是否有交集(边界重叠不算) * * @param string $beginTime1 开始时间1 * @param string $endTime1 结束时间1 * @param string $beginTime2 开始时间2 * @param string $endTime2 结束时间2 * @return bool */ function is_time_cross($beginTime1 = '', $endTime1 = '', $beginTime2 = '', $endTime2 = '') { $status = $beginTime2 - $beginTime1; if ($status > 0) { $status2 = $beginTime2 - $endTime1; if ($status2 >= 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $status2 = $endTime2 - $beginTime1; if ($status2 > 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } } } if(!function_exists('is_time_crossV2')){ /** * PHP计算两个时间段是否有交集 * * @param string $beginTime1 开始时间1 * @param string $endTime1 结束时间1 * @param string $beginTime2 开始时间2 * @param string $endTime2 结束时间2 * @return bool */ function is_time_crossV2($beginTime1 = '', $endTime1 = '', $beginTime2 = '', $endTime2 = '') { $status = $beginTime2 - $beginTime1; if ($status > 0) { $status2 = $beginTime2 - $endTime1; if ($status2 > 0) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { $status2 = $endTime2 - $beginTime1; if ($status2 >= 0) { return false; } else { return true; } } } } if(!function_exists('distance_text')){ /** * PHP计算两个时间段是否有交集(边界重叠不算) * * @param string $beginTime1 开始时间1 * @param string $endTime1 结束时间1 * @param string $beginTime2 开始时间2 * @param string $endTime2 结束时间2 * @return bool */ function distance_text($distance) { if($distance>1000){ $distance = round($distance/1000,2); $text = $distance.'km'; }else{ $text = round($distance,2).'m'; } return $text; } } if(!function_exists('getCode')){ function getCode($uniacid,$data,$type=1,$page='pages/home'){ if($type==1){ $model = new WxSetting($uniacid); $data = $model->phpQrCode($data); }else{ //小程序码 $data = longbingCreateWxCode($uniacid,$data,$page,1); $data = transImagesOne($data ,['qr_path'] ,$uniacid); $data = $data['qr_path']; } return $data; } } if(!function_exists('base64ToPng')){ /** * @author chenniang * @DataTime: 2021-07-07 15:22 * @功能说明:base64转图片 */ function base64ToPng($v){ if(!empty($v)){ $path ='Y-m-d',time()).'/img'; if (!file_exists($path)){ mkdir ($path,0777,true); } if (strpos($v, 'https://') !== false) { $file_arr[] = $v; } else { if (strstr($v,",")){ $v = explode(',',$v); $v = $v[1]; } $imageName = "/25220_".date("His",time())."_".rand(1111,9999).'.jpg'; file_put_contents($path.$imageName, base64_decode($v)); $file = str_replace(FILE_UPLOAD_PATH,HTTPS_PATH,$path.$imageName); } return $file; } return []; } } if(!function_exists('getCityByLongLat')) { function getCityByLongLat($lng, $lat,$uniacid){ $dis = [ 'uniacid' => $uniacid ]; $config_model = new Config(); $config = $config_model->dataInfo($dis); $map_secret = !empty($config['map_secret'])?$config['map_secret']:'bViFglag7C7G7QlZ1MglFyvh40yK1Tir'; $URL = "$lat,$lng&key=$map_secret"; $data = longbingCurl($URL,[]); $data = json_decode($data,true); $data = !empty($data['result']['address_component']['city'])?$data['result']['address_component']['city']:''; return $data; } } if(!function_exists('getCityNumber')) { function getCityNumber($uniacid) { $a = new PermissionMassage($uniacid,[]); $num = $a->getCityNumber(); return $num; } } if(!function_exists('getDriveDistance')) { /** * @param $start_lang * @param $start_lat * @param $end_lng * @param $end_lat * @param $uniacid * @功能说明:计算两地的驾驶距离 * @author chenniang * @DataTime: 2022-10-17 12:01 */ function getDriveDistance($start_lang,$start_lat, $end_lng,$end_lat,$uniacid) { $dis = [ 'uniacid' => $uniacid ]; $start = "$start_lat,$start_lang"; $end = "$end_lat,$end_lng"; $config_model = new Config(); $config = $config_model->dataInfo($dis); $key = !empty($config['map_secret'])?$config['map_secret']:'bViFglag7C7G7QlZ1MglFyvh40yK1Tir';; //腾讯地图开发自己申请 $mode = 'driving'; //driving(驾车)、walking(步行) $from = $start; //例如:39.14122,117.14428 $to = $end; //例如(格式:终点坐标;起点坐标):39.10149,117.10199;39.14122,117.14428 $url = ''.$mode.'&from='.$from.'&to='.$to.'&key='.$key; $info = file_get_contents($url); //如果请求失败用直线距离 if(empty($info)){ return getDistances($start_lang,$start_lat, $end_lng,$end_lat); } $info = json_decode($info, true); if(!empty($info['message'])&&$info['message']=='Success'&&!empty($info['result']['elements'][0]['distance'])){ return $info['result']['elements'][0]['distance']; } return getDistances($start_lang,$start_lat, $end_lng,$end_lat); } } if(!function_exists('object_array')) { function object_array($array) { if (is_object($array)) { $array = (array)$array; } if (is_array($array)) { foreach ($array as $key => $value) { $array[$key] = object_array($value); } } return $array; } } if(!function_exists('getIP')) { function getIP(){ global $ip; if (getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP")) $ip = getenv("HTTP_CLIENT_IP"); else if(getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")) $ip = getenv("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR"); else if(getenv("REMOTE_ADDR")) $ip = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); else $ip = "Unknow"; return $ip; } } if(!function_exists('getFriendNum')) { /** * @param $num * @功能说明:友好数量显示 * @author chenniang * @DataTime: 2023-01-29 14:59 */ function getFriendNum($num){ //只有超过10000才显示 if($num>=10000){ $num = round($num/10000,1).'万'; } return $num; } } if(!function_exists('defaultCoachAvatar')) { /** * @author chenniang * @DataTime: 2023-03-08 14:44 * @功能说明:默认技师头像 */ function defaultCoachAvatar(){ return ''; } } if(!function_exists('getConfigSetting')) { /** * @author chenniang * @DataTime: 2023-03-08 14:44 * @功能说明:默认技师头像 */ function getConfigSetting($uniacid,$key){ $config_model = new \app\massage\model\ConfigSetting(); $config = $config_model->dataInfo($uniacid,[$key]); return $config[$key]; } } if(!function_exists('getConfigSettingArr')) { /** * @author chenniang * @DataTime: 2023-03-08 14:44 * @功能说明:默认技师头像 */ function getConfigSettingArr($uniacid,$key){ $config_model = new \app\massage\model\ConfigSetting(); $config = $config_model->dataInfo($uniacid,$key); return $config; } } if(!function_exists('numberEncryption')) { /** * @author chenniang * @DataTime: 2023-03-08 14:44 * @功能说明:默认技师头像 */ function numberEncryption($uniacid){ $key = 'numberEncryptionnumberEncryption'; $value = getCache($key,$uniacid); if(is_numeric($value)){ return $value; } //开启了号码加密 if(getConfigSetting($uniacid,'number_encryption')==1){ $ip = getConfigSetting($uniacid,'number_encryption_ip'); $ip = !empty($ip)?explode(',',$ip):[]; if(!in_array(getIP(),$ip)){ setCache($key,1,99999999,$uniacid); return 1; } } setCache($key,0,99999999,$uniacid); return 0; } } //生成微信小程序二维码 function longbingCreateWxCode($uniacid ,$data ,$page = '' ,$type = 3) { $code_id = md5($uniacid . json_encode($data ,true)); //上传路径 $path = 'image/' . $uniacid . '/' . 'wxcode'; if(!mkdirs_v2(FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $path)) return false; //设置文件权限 // longbingchmodr(FILE_UPLOAD_PATH); //封装数据 if(!isset($data['data'])) $data['data'] = $data; $code_data = array( 'uniacid' => $uniacid, 'data' => json_encode($data['data'] ,true) ); //写入数据 $wechat_code_model = new LongbingCardWechatCode(); //判断数据是否存在 $code = longbingGetWxCode($code_id ,$uniacid); //创建 if(empty($code)) { $code_data['id'] = $code_id; $result = $wechat_code_model->createCode($code_data); }else{ $result = $wechat_code_model->updateCode(['id' => $code_id] ,$code_data); } //刷新缓存 longbingGetWxCode($code_id ,$uniacid ,true); if(empty($result)) return false; $path = null; $with = 430; $auto_color = true; $line_color = '{"r":0,"g":0,"b":0}'; $is_hyaline = false; //获取数据 if(isset($data['path'])) $path = $data['path']; if(isset($data['with'])) $with = $data['with']; if(isset($data['auto_color'])) $auto_color = $data['auto_color']; if(isset($data['line_color'])) $line_color = $data['line_color']; if(isset($data['is_hyaline'])) $is_hyaline = $data['is_hyaline']; //生成获取微信code接口 $wechat_code_model = new WeChatCode($uniacid); switch($type) { case 1: $result = $wechat_code_model->getQRCode($path ,$width = 430); break; case 2: $result = $wechat_code_model->getWxCode($path ,$width = 430 ,$auto_color = true ,$line_color = '{"r":0,"g":0,"b":0}' ,$is_hyaline = false); break; default: $result = $wechat_code_model->getUnlimitedCode($code_id ,$page ,$width = 430 ,$auto_color = false ,$line_color = '{"r":0,"g":0,"b":0}' ,$is_hyaline = true); break; } //判断是否生成失败 $data = json_decode($result ,true); if(isset($data['errcode']) || isset($data['errmsg'])) return false; //存储文件 $path = 'image/' . $uniacid . '/' . 'wxcode'; $file_name = $code_id . '.jpeg'; $path = $path . '/' . $file_name; if(longbingHasLocalFile($path)) unlink(FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $path); $data = file_put_contents(FILE_UPLOAD_PATH . $path ,$result); //设置文件权限 //上传到云端 // $file = new UploadedFile($path ,$file_name); // $file_upload_model = new Upload($uniacid); // $result = $file_upload_model->upload('picture' ,$file); //删除文件 // unlink($path); if(empty($data)) return false; //数据转换 return ['qr_path' => $path ,'path' => $path]; } //获取微信小程序二维码数据 function longbingGetWxCode($code_id ,$uniacid , $is_update = false) { //生成key $key = 'longbing_wechat_code_' . $code_id; $data = null; //获取缓存数据 // if(hasCache($key ,$uniacid) && empty($is_update)) // { // $data = getCache($key ,$uniacid); // if(!empty($data)) return $data; // } //从数据库中获取数据 $wechat_code_model = new LongbingCardWechatCode(); $data = $wechat_code_model->getCode(['id' => $code_id ,'uniacid' => $uniacid]); if(!empty($data)) { if(isset($data['data'])) $data['data'] = json_decode($data['data'],true); } return $data; } function curlDownFile($file_url, $save_path = '', $file_name = '') { // 没有远程url或已下载文件,返回false if (trim($file_url) == '' || file_exists( $save_path.$file_name )) { return false; } // 若没指定目录,则默认当前目录 if (trim($save_path) == '') { $save_path = './'; } // 若指定的目录没有,则创建 if (!file_exists($save_path) && !mkdir($save_path, 0777, true)) { return false; } // 若没指定文件名,则自动命名 if (trim($file_name) == '') { $file_ext = strrchr($file_url, '.'); $file_exts = array('.gif', '.jpg', '.png','mp3'); if (!in_array($file_ext, $file_exts)) { return false; } $file_name = time() . $file_ext; } // curl下载文件 $ch = curl_init(); $timeout = 5; curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $file_url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout); $file = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); //dump($file) //dump($file) // 保存文件到指定路径 file_put_contents($save_path.$file_name, $file); // 释放文件内存 unset($file); // 执行成功,返回true return true; }