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460 lines
16 KiB

5 months ago
namespace app\card\model;
use app\BaseModel;
use app\dynamic\model\CardStatistics;
use think\Model;
class CardCount extends BaseModel
protected $name = 'longbing_card_count';
protected static function init ()
public function getYesterdaylist($where){
$data = $this->where($where)
->field('to_uid as user_id,type,sign,count(to_uid) as number,uniacid')
$stat = new CardStatistics();
foreach ($data as $key=>$val){
$data[$key]['create_time'] = strtotime("-1 day");
$data[$key]['table'] = 'CardCount';
// $whe['user_id'] = $val['to_uid'];
// $whe['type'] = $val['type'];
// $whe['sign'] = $val['sign'];
// $info = $stat->getUserid($whe);
// if($info){
// $stat->where($whe)->inc('number',$val['number'])->update();
// }else{
// $whe['number'] =$val['number'];
// $stat->addinfo($whe);
// }print_r(123);exit;
return $data;
public function getYesterday($where){
return $this->where($where)->whereDay('create_time','yesterday')->count();
public function gettoday($where){
return $this->where($where)->whereDay('create_time')->count();
public function zxInfo($user_id,$where=[],$type=0){
$de = '=';
$de = 'in';
$where1 = [
$where2 = [
$count = $this->where([array_filter($where1)])->whereor([array_filter($where2)])->count();
return $count;
public function getCount($where5){
$data = $this->where($where5)->count();
return $data;
public function radarList ( $where = [], $page = 1, $list_rows = 20 )
$data = self::where( $where )
->alias( 'a' )
->field( [ 'a.*','b.nickName as name']
->join( 'longbing_card_user b', 'a.user_id = b.id' )
->join( 'longbing_card_collection c', 'a.user_id = c.uid && a.to_uid = c.to_uid' )
->order( [ 'a.id' => 'desc' ] )
->paginate( [ 'list_rows' => $list_rows, 'page' => $page ]
// 查询手机号
// $tmpArr = [];
// foreach ( $data[ 'data' ] as $index => $item )
// {
// $data[ 'data' ][ $index ][ 'phone' ] = '';
// array_push( $tmpArr, $item[ 'user_id' ] );
// }
// if ( !empty( $tmpArr ) )
// {
// $tmpArr = array_unique( $tmpArr );
// $list = UserPhone::where( [ [ 'user_id', 'in', $tmpArr ] ] )
// ->field( [ 'user_id', 'phone' ] )
// ->select()
// ->toArray();
// $tmpArr = [];
// foreach ( $list as $index => $item )
// {
// $tmpArr[ $item[ 'user_id' ] ] = $item[ 'phone' ];
// }
// foreach ( $data[ 'data' ] as $index => $item )
// {
// if ( isset( $tmpArr[ $item[ 'user_id' ] ] ) )
// {
// $data[ 'data' ][ $index ][ 'phone' ] = $tmpArr[ $item[ 'user_id' ] ];
// }
// }
// }
if (!empty($data[ 'data' ]))
// 处理雷达展示日期
//$data[ 'data' ] = lbHandelRadarDate( $data[ 'data' ] );
// 处理用户来源
//$data[ 'data' ] = lbHandelRadarSource( $data[ 'data' ] );
// 处理雷达激励提醒文案
$data[ 'data' ] = lbHandelRadarMsg( $data[ 'data' ] );
return $data;
public function doPageBossInterest ($where,$uniacid)
$filter = [
['sign','=','copy'] , ['uniacid','=',$uniacid],$where,[ 'type', 'in', [ 6, 7 ,11] ]
$filter1 = [
['sign','=','view'] , [ 'type', '=', 6 ],['uniacid','=',$uniacid],$where
//// // 对公司感兴趣
$compony = $this->where([$filter])->whereor([$filter1])->count();
$filter2 = [
['sign','=','copy'] , ['uniacid','=',$uniacid],$where,[ 'type', '=', 8 ]
$where3 = [
['sign','=','view'] ,['uniacid','=',$uniacid],$where,[ 'type', 'in', [ 1, 2, 11, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 ] ]
$where21 = [
['sign','=','praise'] , ['uniacid','=',$uniacid],$where, [ 'type', 'in', [ 5, 6, 7, 8 ] ]
$where31 = [
['sign','=','order'] ,['uniacid','=',$uniacid],$where
// 对产品感兴趣
$goods = $this->where([$filter2])->whereor([$where3])->whereor([$where21])->whereor([$where31])->count();
// 对员工感兴趣
$where4 = [
['sign','=','copy'],['uniacid','=',$uniacid],$where, [ 'type', 'in', [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10 ] ]
$where5 = [
['sign','=','praise'],['uniacid','=',$uniacid],$where,[ 'type', 'in', [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ]
$staff = $this->where([$where4])->whereor([array_filter($where5)])->count();
$total = $compony + $goods + $staff;
$data = [
'data' => $compony,
'rate' => 0,
'data' => $goods,
'rate' => 0,
'data' => $staff,
'rate' => 0,
if ( $total ) {
foreach ( $data as $k => $v ) {
$data[ $k ][ 'rate' ] = sprintf( "%.2f", $v[ 'data' ] / $total ) * 100;
return $data;
//活跃度0,1,2 $type 单个用户还是多个
// public function doPageActivity ($uid,$type=0)
// {
// if($type ==1){
// $str = 'in';
// $last = 7;
// }else{
// $str = '=';
// $last = 30;
// }
// //$forward = new CardForward();
// //$stat = new CardStatistics();
// $card_count = new CardCount();
// $data = [];
// $ss = [];
// for ( $i = 0; $i < $last; $i++ ) {
// $beginTime = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ) - $i, date( 'Y' ) );
// $endTime = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date( 'm' ), date( 'd' ) - $i + 1, date( 'Y' ) ) - 1;
// $date = date( 'm/d', $beginTime );
// $data[ $i ][ 'date' ] = $date;
// $data[ $i ][ 'beginTime' ] = $beginTime;
// $data[ $i ][ 'endTime' ] = $endTime;
//// $where1[] = [
//// ['user_id',$str,$uid],['table','=','forward'],['create_time','BETWEEN',[$beginTime,$endTime]]
//// ];
// // $count2 = $forward->forwardCount($where1);
//// $wherez = [['sign','=','praise'], ['type','=',4],['to_uid','=',$uid],['uniacid','=',$this->_uniacid],['create_time','BETWEEN',[$beginTime,$endTime]]];
//// $count2 =$card_count->getCount($wherez);
// //$count2 = $stat->getCustomerCount($where1);
// $card_message = new CardMessage();
//// $where2[] = [
//// ['user_id',$str,$uid],['table','=','message'],['create_time','BETWEEN',[$beginTime,$endTime]]
//// ];
// $where3 = [['status','=',1], ['deleted','=',0],['target_id',$str,$uid],['uniacid','=',$this->_uniacid],['create_time','BETWEEN',[$beginTime,$endTime]]];
// $count3 = $card_message->getCount($where3);
// //$count3 = $stat->getCustomerCount($where2);
// //$card_count = new CardCount();
// $where4 = [['sign','=','copy'],['to_uid',$str,$uid],['uniacid','=',$this->_uniacid],['create_time','BETWEEN',[$beginTime,$endTime]]];
//// $where3[] = [
//// ['user_id',$str,$uid],['create_time','BETWEEN',[$beginTime,$endTime],['sign','=','copy']]
//// ];
// $count4 = $card_count->getCount($where4);
//// $where3[] = [
//// ['user_id',$str,$uid],['create_time','BETWEEN',[$beginTime,$endTime],['sign','=','view']]
//// ];
// $where5 = [['sign','=','view'],['to_uid',$str,$uid],['uniacid','=',$this->_uniacid],['create_time','BETWEEN',[$beginTime,$endTime]]];
// $count5 = $card_count->getCount($where5);
// $where3[] = [
// ['user_id',$str,$uid],['create_time','BETWEEN',[$beginTime,$endTime],['sign','=','praise']]
// ];
// $where6 = [['sign','=','praise'],['to_uid',$str,$uid],['uniacid','=',$this->_uniacid],['create_time','BETWEEN',[$beginTime,$endTime]]];
// $count6 = $card_count->getCount($where6);
//// $count6 = $stat->getCustomerCount($where3);$count2 +
// $count = $count3 + $count4 + $count5 + $count6;
// $data[ $i ][ 'number' ] = $count;
// $ss[] = $count;
// }
// $arr = max($ss);
// if($arr ==0){
// $arr =5;
// }
// return ['max'=>$arr,'data'=>$data];
// }
public function active ( $staff_id, $uniacid,$type=0 )
if($type ==1){
$str = 'in';
// $last = 7;['uniacid'=>$uniacid],
$str = '=';
// $last = 30;
$data = [];
$lastday = date( 'Y/m/d' );
$number = self::where( [ [ 'to_uid',$str, $staff_id ], [ 'create_time', 'between',
[ strtotime( $lastday . ' 00:00:00' ), strtotime( $lastday . ' 23:59:59' ) ] ] ]
$data[] = [ 'date' => date( 'm/d' ), 'number' => $number ];
$max = $number;
for ( $i = 1; $i < 15; $i++ )
$start_time = strtotime( "$lastday -$i days" );
$md = date( 'm/d', $start_time );
$ymd = date( 'Y/m/d', $start_time );
$end_time = strtotime( $ymd . ' 23:59:59' );
$number = self::where( [ [ 'to_uid',$str, $staff_id ],
[ 'create_time', 'between', [ $start_time, $end_time ] ] ]
if ( $number > $max )
$max = $number;
$data[] = [ 'date' => $md, 'number' => $number ];
return [ 'data'=>$data, 'max'=>$max ];
public function getsss($staff_id,$uniacid,$type=0){
$str = '=';
$str = 'in';
$data = [ 'max_number' => 0, 'total' => 0, 'data' => [] ];
$count = self::where( [ [ 'sign', '=', 'copy' ], [ 'to_uid',$str, $staff_id ],
[ 'type', '=', 8 ],[ 'uniacid', '=', $uniacid ] ]
$data[ 'max_number' ] = $count;
$data[ 'total' ] += $count;
$data[ 'data' ][] = [ 'name' => '咨询产品', 'number' => $count ];
// 保存电话
$count = self::where( [ [ 'sign', '=', 'copy' ], [ 'to_uid', $str, $staff_id ],
[ 'type', '=', 1 ] ,[ 'uniacid', '=', $uniacid ]]
if ( $count > $data[ 'max_number' ] )
$data[ 'max_number' ] = $count;
$data[ 'total' ] += $count;
$data[ 'data' ][] = [ 'name' => '保存电话', 'number' => $count ];
// 拨打电话
$count = self::where( [ [ 'sign', '=', 'copy' ], [ 'to_uid', $str, $staff_id ],[ 'uniacid', '=', $uniacid ],
[ 'type', 'in', [ 2, 3, 11 ] ] ]
$count += self::where( [ [ 'sign', '=', 'praise' ], [ 'to_uid', $str, $staff_id ],[ 'uniacid', '=', $uniacid ],
[ 'type', '=', 7 ] ]
if ( $count > $data[ 'max_number' ] )
$data[ 'max_number' ] = $count;
$data[ 'total' ] += $count;
$data[ 'data' ][] = [ 'name' => '拨打电话', 'number' => $count ];
$view_base_filter = [
['to_uid', $str, $staff_id],
['sign', '=', 'view'],[ 'uniacid', '=', $uniacid ]
$view_shop_filter = $view_base_filter;
$view_shop_filter[] = ['type' , '=' , 1];
$view_shop_number = self::where($view_shop_filter)->count();
$data['total'] += $view_shop_number;
$data['data'][] = ['name' => '浏览商城', 'number' => $view_shop_number];
$view_goods_filter = $view_base_filter;
$view_goods_filter[] = ['type' , '=' , 2];
$view_goods_number = self::where($view_goods_filter)->count();
$data['total'] += $view_goods_number;
$data['data'][] = ['name' => '浏览商品', 'number' => $view_goods_number];
$view_official_web_filter = $view_base_filter;
$view_official_web_filter[] = ['type' , '=' , 6];
$view_official_web_number = self::where($view_official_web_filter)->count();
$data['total'] += $view_official_web_number;
$name = tabbarName(4,$uniacid);
$data['data'][] = ['name' =>!empty($name)?'查看'.$name: '查看官网', 'number' => $view_official_web_number];
$view_timeline_filter = $view_base_filter;
$view_timeline_filter[] = ['type' , '=' , 3];
$view_timeline_number = self::where($view_timeline_filter)->count();
$data['total'] += $view_timeline_number;
$data['data'][] = ['name' => '浏览动态', 'number' => $view_timeline_number];
$praise_filter = [
['to_uid', $str, $staff_id],[ 'uniacid', '=', $uniacid ],
['sign', '=', 'praise'],
['type', 'IN', [1, 3]]
$praise_number = self::where($praise_filter)->count();
$data['total'] += $praise_number;
$data['data'][] = ['name' => '点赞', 'number' => $praise_number];
$share_filter = [
['to_uid', $str, $staff_id],[ 'uniacid', '=', $uniacid ],
['sign', '=', 'praise'],
['type', '=', 4]
$share_number = self::where($share_filter)->count();
$data['total'] += $share_number;
$data['data'][] = ['name' => '分享', 'number' => $share_number];
$sort_arr = [];
foreach ($data['data'] as $k => $v) {
$sort_arr[] = $v['number'];
array_multisort($sort_arr, SORT_DESC, $data['data']);
$data['max_number'] = $data['data'][0]['number'] ?? 0;
foreach ($data['data'] as $index => $item) {
if ($data['max_number'] == 0) {
$rate = 0;
} else {
$rate = $item['number'] / $data['max_number'] * 100;
$rate = sprintf("%.0f", $rate);
$data['data'][$index]['rate'] = $rate;
return $data;
public function getCountUser($where,$time){
$data = $this->alias('a')
->join( 'longbing_card_user_info b', 'a.to_uid = b.fans_id' )
return $data;