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154 lines
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154 lines
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5 months ago
namespace app\agent\controller;
use app\agent\service\AdminUserService;
use think\App;
use app\agent\model\Cardauth2ActivityModel;
use app\AgentRest;
use think\facade\Db;
class ActivityController extends AgentRest
public function __construct ( App $app ){
parent::__construct( $app );
if ($this->_user['role_name'] != 'admin') {
echo json_encode(['code' => 401, 'error' => lang('Permission denied')]);
public function list()
$param = $this->_param;
$m_activity_auth2 = new Cardauth2ActivityModel();
//By.jingshuixian 2020年4月21日15:13:50
$app_model_name = APP_MODEL_NAME;
$list = $m_activity_auth2->alias('a')
->field(['', 'a.modular_id', 'a. create_time', 'a.sign', 'c.mini_app_name'])
->join('longbing_card_config c', 'a.modular_id = c.uniacid')
->join('account' , 'a.modular_id = account.uniacid')
->join('wxapp_versions v' , 'a.modular_id = v.uniacid')
->where([['a.status', '=', 1] , ['account.type', '=', 4] ,['account.isdeleted', '=', 0] , ['v.modules', 'like', "%{$app_model_name}%"]])
->paginate(['list_rows' => $param['page_count'] ? $param['page_count'] : 10, 'page' => $param['page'] ? $param['page'] : 1])->toArray();
$list = $m_activity_auth2->alias('a')
->field(['', 'a.modular_id', 'a. create_time', 'a.sign', 'c.mini_app_name'])
->join('longbing_card_config c', 'a.modular_id = c.uniacid')
->where([['a.status', '=', 1]])
->paginate(['list_rows' => $param['page_count'] ? $param['page_count'] : 10, 'page' => $param['page'] ? $param['page'] : 1])->toArray();
$wxapp_map = [];
$wxapp = Db::name('account_wxapp')->field(['uniacid', 'name'])->select();
foreach ($wxapp as $item) {
$wxapp_map[$item['uniacid']] = $item['name'];
foreach ($list['data'] as $k => $item) {
$list['data'][$k]['name'] = $wxapp_map[$item['modular_id']] ?? $item['mini_app_name'];
$list['total_activity_number'] = AdminUserService::getSassNum('activity',$this->_uniacid);
$list['total_activity_used'] = (int)$m_activity_auth2->where([['uniacid','in',$this->_uniacid_arr]])->sum('count');
return $this->success($list);
public function create()
$data = $this->_input;
if (!isset($data['modular_id'])) {
return $this->success('参数错误');
$time = time();
$auth_activity = Cardauth2ActivityModel::where([['modular_id', '=', $data['modular_id']]])->findOrEmpty();
if (!$auth_activity->isEmpty()) {
return $this->error('已存在此小程序');
$total_activity_number = AdminUserService::getSassNum('activity',$this->_uniacid);
$total_activity_used = (int)$auth_activity->where([['uniacid','in',$this->_uniacid_arr]])->sum('count');
$remain = $total_activity_number - $total_activity_used;
if ($remain <= 0) {
return $this->error('分配的数量超过可用的总数');
$rst = $auth_activity->save([
'modular_id' => $data[ 'modular_id' ],
'create_time' => $time,
'update_time' => $time,
'sign' => intval( $time + ( 366 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ),
'count' => 1,
'uniacid' => $this->_uniacid,
if ($rst) {
return $this->success('success');
return $this->error('fail');
public function extendedOneYear ()
$data = $this->_input;
if (!isset($data['modular_id'])) {
return $this->success('参数错误');
$time = time();
$auth_activity = Cardauth2ActivityModel::where([['modular_id', '=', $data['modular_id']]])->findOrEmpty();
if ($auth_activity->isEmpty()) {
return $this->error('小程序不存在');
$total_activity_number = AdminUserService::getSassNum('activity',$this->_uniacid);
$total_activity_used = (int)$auth_activity->where([['uniacid','in',$this->_uniacid_arr]])->sum('count');
$remain = $total_activity_number - $total_activity_used;
if ($remain <= 0) {
return $this->error('分配的数量超过可用的总数');
$rst = $auth_activity->save([
'sign' => $auth_activity[ 'sign' ] > $time ? ($auth_activity[ 'sign' ] + ( 366 * 24 * 60 * 60 )) : ( $time + ( 366 * 24 * 60 * 60 ) ),
'count' => $auth_activity['count'] + 1,
'update_time' => $time,
if ($rst) {
return $this->success('success');
return $this->error('fail');