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namespace app\admin\library\buiapi;
* API生成器模版
class BuiapiTemp
protected static $data = [
'controller_name' => '',
'model_path' => 'api',
'model_name' => '',
'table_name' => '',
'controller_index' => '',
'relation_with_list' => '',
'visible_field_list' => '',
'index_search_field' => '',
'relation_visible_field_list' => '',
'relation_method_list' => '',
'need_login' => '[]',
'allow_func' => '[]'
protected static $error_msg = [];
* 循环处理内容并赋值
public static function handleTemplate($template = [])
$with_table = [];
$pattern = 'normal';
$file_model_path = '';
$file_controller_path = '';
$relation_visible_field_list = "";
$pattern_msg = "已创建";
$model_path_msg = "";
$validate_path_msg = "";
$controller_path_msg = "";
foreach ($template as $key => $temp) {
if (empty($key) && strpos($temp, "local=0") !== false) {
self::$data['model_path'] = 'common';
if (empty($key) && strpos($temp, "force=1") !== false) {
$pattern = 'force';
$pattern_msg = "已覆盖";
if (empty($key) && strpos($temp, "delete=1") !== false) {
$pattern = 'delete';
$pattern_msg = "已删除";
$relation = $relationmode = $relationforeignkey = $relationprimarykey = '';
foreach (explode(" ", trim($temp)) as $commond) {
list($fkey, $fval) = explode("=", $commond);
if ($fkey == 'table') {
self::$data['table_name'] = $fval;
self::$data['model_name'] = self::convertUnderline($fval);
self::$data['controller_name'] = self::convertUnderline($fval);
$dir_model_path = APP_PATH . self::$data['model_path'] . DS . 'model';
$file_model_path = APP_PATH . self::$data['model_path'] . DS . 'model' . DS . self::$data['model_name'] . '.php';
$file_controller_path = APP_PATH . 'api' . DS . 'controller' . DS . self::$data['controller_name'] . '.php';
$file_validate_path = APP_PATH . self::$data['model_path'] . DS . 'validate' . DS . self::$data['model_name'] . '.php';
$model_path_msg = self::$data['model_path'] . DS . 'model' . DS . self::$data['model_name'] . '.php';
$validate_path_msg = 'api' . DS . 'controller' . DS . self::$data['controller_name'] . '.php';
$controller_path_msg = self::$data['model_path'] . DS . 'validate' . DS . self::$data['model_name'] . '.php';
if ($fkey == 'func' && !empty($fval)) {
self::$data['allow_func'] = "['" . implode("','", explode(",", $fval)) . "']";
if ($fkey == 'vlogin' && $fval == 'not') {
self::$data['need_login'] = "'*'";
$dir_validate = APP_PATH . self::$data['model_path'] . DS . 'validate';
if (!is_dir($dir_validate)) {
$oldumask = umask(0);
mkdir($dir_validate, 0777);
if ($fkey == 'fields') {
$visible_field_list = str_replace(",", "','", $fval);
self::$data['visible_field_list'] = "\$row->visible(['{$visible_field_list}']);";
if ($fkey == 'searchfields') {
$index_search_field = str_replace(",", "','", $fval);
self::$data['index_search_field'] = "protected \$_search_field = ['{$index_search_field}'];";
if ($fkey == 'relation') {
$relation = trim($fval);
if (!empty($relation)) {
if ($fkey == 'relationmode') {
$relationmode = trim($fval);
if ($fkey == 'relationforeignkey') {
$relationforeignkey = trim($fval);
if ($fkey == 'relationprimarykey') {
$relationprimarykey = trim($fval);
if ($fkey == 'relationfields' && !empty($relation) && !empty($relationmode) && !empty($relationforeignkey) && !empty($relationprimarykey)) {
$table_name = self::$data['table_name'];
$model_name = self::$data['model_name'];
$relation_name = self::convertUnderline($relation);
$visible_value = str_replace(",", "','", $fval);
if (strpos($relation, '_') !== false) {
$relation = str_replace("_", "", $relation);
$with_table[] = $relation;
self::$data['relation_visible_field_list'] .= <<<EOT
self::$data['relation_method_list'] .= <<<EOT
public function $relation()
return \$this->$relationmode('$relation_name', '$relationforeignkey', '$relationprimarykey', [], 'LEFT')->setEagerlyType(0);
if (!empty($with_table)) {
self::$data['relation_with_list'] = "->with(['" . implode("','", $with_table) . "'])";
if ($pattern == "delete") {
if (file_exists($file_model_path)) {
self::$error_msg[] = sprintf("删除Model成功:%s", $model_path_msg);
} else {
self::$error_msg[] = sprintf("删除Model失败:%s", $model_path_msg);
if (file_exists($file_controller_path)) {
self::$error_msg[] = sprintf("删除Controller成功:%s", $controller_path_msg);
} else {
self::$error_msg[] = sprintf("删除Controller失败:%s", $controller_path_msg);
if (file_exists($file_validate_path)) {
self::$error_msg[] = sprintf("删除Validate验证规则成功:%s", $validate_path_msg);
} else {
self::$error_msg[] = sprintf("删除Validate验证规则失败:%s", $validate_path_msg);
return ['code' => 5001, 'msg' => implode("\n", self::$error_msg)];
if ($pattern == "normal") {
if (file_exists($file_model_path)) {
self::$error_msg[] = "已存在Model文件,请勾选「强制覆盖模式」。";
self::$error_msg[] = sprintf("已存在Model文件:%s", $model_path_msg);
if (file_exists($file_controller_path)) {
self::$error_msg[] = "已存在Controller文件,请勾选「强制覆盖模式」。";
self::$error_msg[] = sprintf("已存在Controller文件:%s", $controller_path_msg);
if (!empty(self::$error_msg)) {
return ['code' => 5003, 'msg' => implode("\n", self::$error_msg)];
$index = self::getTempText('index');
$model = self::getTempText('model');
$controller = self::getTempText('controller');
$validate = self::getTempText('validate');
foreach (self::$data as $key_data => $val_data) {
$index = str_replace("{%" . $key_data . "%}", $val_data, $index);
$model = str_replace("{%" . $key_data . "%}", $val_data, $model);
$validate = str_replace("{%" . $key_data . "%}", $val_data, $validate);
if ($key_data != 'controller_index') {
$controller = str_replace("{%" . $key_data . "%}", $val_data, $controller);
if (!empty(self::$data['relation_visible_field_list']) || !empty(self::$data['visible_field_list'])) {
$controller = str_replace("{%controller_index%}", $index, $controller);
} else {
$controller = str_replace("{%controller_index%}", '', $controller);
$controllerfp = fopen($file_controller_path, "w");
fwrite($controllerfp, $controller);
if (!is_dir($dir_model_path)) {
mkdir($dir_model_path, 0777, true);
$modelfp = fopen($file_model_path, "w");
fwrite($modelfp, $model);
$validatefp = fopen($file_validate_path, "w");
fwrite($validatefp, $validate);
$success_desc = [];
$success_desc[] = sprintf("%sController文件:%s", $pattern_msg, $controller_path_msg);
$success_desc[] = sprintf("%sModel文件:%s", $pattern_msg, $model_path_msg);
$success_desc[] = sprintf("%sValidate验证规则文件:%s", $pattern_msg, $validate_path_msg);
return ['code' => 0, 'msg' => implode("\n", $success_desc)];
* 生成关联表的Model文件
protected static function relationModel($table_name = "")
$model_name = self::convertUnderline($table_name);
$dir_model = APP_PATH . self::$data['model_path'] . DS . 'model';
$model_file = $dir_model . DS . $model_name . '.php';
if (!is_dir($dir_model)) {
$oldumask = umask(0);
mkdir($dir_model, 0777);
if (!file_exists($model_file)) {
$model_temp = self::getTempText('model');
$model_temp = str_replace("{%relation_method_list%}", "", $model_temp);
$model_temp = str_replace("{%model_path%}", self::$data['model_path'], $model_temp);
$model_temp = str_replace("{%model_name%}", $model_name, $model_temp);
$model_temp = str_replace("{%table_name%}", $table_name, $model_temp);
$modelfp = fopen($model_file, "w");
fwrite($modelfp, $model_temp);
* 将下划线命名转换为驼峰式命名
protected static function convertUnderline($str, $ucfirst = true)
$str = explode('_', $str);
foreach ($str as $key => $val) {
$str[$key] = ucfirst($val);
if (!$ucfirst) {
$str[0] = strtolower($str[0]);
return implode('', $str);
* 读取模版内容
protected static function getTempText($tempName = '')
$file_path = '';
if (in_array($tempName, ['model', 'controller', 'index', 'validate'])) {
$file_path = __DIR__ . DS . 'stubs' . DS . $tempName . '.stub';
if (empty($file_path) || !file_exists($file_path)) {
return false;
return file_get_contents($file_path);