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<h1>Schema Utils</h1>
<h2 align="center">Install</h2>
npm i schema-utils
<h2 align="center">Usage</h2>
### `validateOptions`
"type": "object",
"properties": {
// Options...
"additionalProperties": false
#### Error Messages (Custom)
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"option": {
"type": [ "boolean" ]
// Overrides the default err.message for option
"errorMessage": {
"option": "should be {Boolean} (https:/github.com/org/repo#anchor)"
"additionalProperties": false
import schema from 'path/to/schema.json'
import validateOptions from 'schema-utils'
validateOptions(schema, options, 'Loader/Plugin Name')
<h2 align="center">Examples</h2>
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"name": {
"type": "string"
"test": {
"anyOf": [
{ "type": "array" },
{ "type": "string" },
{ "instanceof": "RegExp" }
"transform": {
"instanceof": "Function"
"sourceMap": {
"type": "boolean"
"additionalProperties": false
### `Loader`
import { getOptions } from 'loader-utils'
import validateOptions from 'schema-utils'
import schema from 'path/to/schema.json'
function loader (src, map) {
const options = getOptions(this) || {}
validateOptions(schema, options, 'Loader Name')
// Code...
### `Plugin`
import validateOptions from 'schema-utils'
import schema from 'path/to/schema.json'
class Plugin {
constructor (options) {
validateOptions(schema, options, 'Plugin Name')
this.options = options
apply (compiler) {
// Code...
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[node-url]: https://nodejs.org
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[deps-url]: https://david-dm.org/webpack-contrib/schema-utils
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[test-url]: https://travis-ci.org/webpack-contrib/schema-utils
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[cover-url]: https://codecov.io/gh/webpack-contrib/schema-utils
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