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Generic configuration validation tool that helps you with warnings, errors and deprecation messages as well as showing users examples of correct configuration.

npm install --save jest-validate


import {validate} from 'jest-validate';

validate((config: Object), (options: ValidationOptions)); // => {hasDeprecationWarnings: boolean, isValid: boolean}

Where ValidationOptions are:

type ValidationOptions = {
  blacklist?: Array<string>,
  comment?: string,
  condition?: (option: any, validOption: any) => boolean,
  deprecate?: (
    config: Object,
    option: string,
    deprecatedOptions: Object,
    options: ValidationOptions,
  ) => true,
  deprecatedConfig?: {[key: string]: Function},
  error?: (
    option: string,
    received: any,
    defaultValue: any,
    options: ValidationOptions,
  ) => void,
  exampleConfig: Object,
  recursive?: boolean,
  title?: Title,
  unknown?: (
    config: Object,
    exampleConfig: Object,
    option: string,
    options: ValidationOptions,
  ) => void,

type Title = {|
  deprecation?: string,
  error?: string,
  warning?: string,

exampleConfig is the only option required.


By default jest-validate will print generic warning and error messages. You can however customize this behavior by providing options: ValidationOptions object as a second argument:

Almost anything can be overwritten to suite your needs.


  • recursiveBlacklist – optional array of string keyPaths that should be excluded from deep (recursive) validation.
  • comment – optional string to be rendered below error/warning message.
  • condition – an optional function with validation condition.
  • deprecate, error, unknown – optional functions responsible for displaying warning and error messages.
  • deprecatedConfig – optional object with deprecated config keys.
  • exampleConfig – the only required option with configuration against which you'd like to test.
  • recursive - optional boolean determining whether recursively compare exampleConfig to config (default: true).
  • title – optional object of titles for errors and messages.

You will find examples of condition, deprecate, error, unknown, and deprecatedConfig inside source of this repository, named respectively.


Minimal example:

validate(config, {exampleConfig});

Example with slight modifications:

validate(config, {
  comment: '  Documentation: http://custom-docs.com',
  title: {
    deprecation: 'Custom Deprecation',
    // leaving 'error' and 'warning' as default

This will output:


● Validation Warning:

  Unknown option transformx with value "<rootDir>/node_modules/babel-jest" was found.
  This is either a typing error or a user mistake. Fixing it will remove this message.

  Documentation: http://custom-docs.com


● Validation Error:

  Option transform must be of type:
  but instead received:

    "transform": {
      "^.+\\.js$": "<rootDir>/preprocessor.js"

  Documentation: http://custom-docs.com


Based on deprecatedConfig object with proper deprecation messages. Note custom title:

Custom Deprecation:

  Option scriptPreprocessor was replaced by transform, which support multiple preprocessors.

  Jest now treats your current configuration as:
    "transform": {".*": "xxx"}

  Please update your configuration.

  Documentation: http://custom-docs.com