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ICSS Utils


Governs the way tokens are searched & replaced during the linking stage of ICSS loading.

This is broken into its own module in case the behaviour needs to be replicated in other PostCSS plugins (i.e. CSS Modules Values)

import { replaceSymbols, replaceValueSymbols } from "icss-utils"
replaceSymbols(css, replacements)
replaceValueSymbols(string, replacements)


  • css is the PostCSS tree you're working with
  • replacements is an JS object of symbol: "replacement" pairs, where all occurrences of symbol are replaced with replacement.

A symbol is a string of alphanumeric, - or _ characters. A replacement can be any string. They are replaced in the following places:

  • In the value of a declaration, i.e. color: my_symbol; or box-shadow: 0 0 blur spread shadow-color
  • In a media expression i.e. @media small {} or @media screen and not-large {}

extractICSS(css, removeRules = true)

Extracts and remove (if removeRules is equal true) from PostCSS tree :import and :export statements.

import postcss from 'postcss';
import { extractICSS } from 'icss-utils'

const css = postcss.parse(`
  :import(colors) {
    a: b;
  :export {
    c: d;

    icssImports: {
      colors: {
        a: 'b'
    icssExports: {
      c: 'd'

createICSSRules(icssImports, icssExports)

Converts icss imports and exports definitions to postcss ast

  colors: {
    a: 'b'
}, {
  c: 'd'



Glen Maddern and Bogdan Chadkin, 2015.