You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import CALENDAR from './calendar.js'
class Calendar {
} = {}) {
// 当前日期
this.date = this.getDate(date) // 当前初入日期
// 打点信息
this.selected = selected || [];
// 范围开始
this.startDate = startDate
// 范围结束
this.endDate = endDate
this.range = range
// 多选状态
this.multipleStatus = {
before: '',
after: '',
data: []
// 每周日期
this.weeks = {}
* 获取任意时间
getDate(date, AddDayCount = 0, str = 'day') {
if (!date) {
date = new Date()
if (typeof date !== 'object') {
date = date.replace(/-/g, '/')
const dd = new Date(date)
switch (str) {
case 'day':
dd.setDate(dd.getDate() + AddDayCount) // 获取AddDayCount天后的日期
case 'month':
if (dd.getDate() === 31) {
dd.setDate(dd.getDate() + AddDayCount)
} else {
dd.setMonth(dd.getMonth() + AddDayCount) // 获取AddDayCount天后的日期
case 'year':
dd.setFullYear(dd.getFullYear() + AddDayCount) // 获取AddDayCount天后的日期
const y = dd.getFullYear()
const m = dd.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? '0' + (dd.getMonth() + 1) : dd.getMonth() + 1 // 获取当前月份的日期,不足10补0
const d = dd.getDate() < 10 ? '0' + dd.getDate() : dd.getDate() // 获取当前几号,不足10补0
return {
fullDate: y + '-' + m + '-' + d,
year: y,
month: m,
date: d,
day: dd.getDay()
* 获取上月剩余天数
_getLastMonthDays(firstDay, full) {
let dateArr = []
for (let i = firstDay; i > 0; i--) {
const beforeDate = new Date(full.year, full.month - 1, -i + 1).getDate()
date: beforeDate,
month: full.month - 1,
lunar: this.getlunar(full.year, full.month - 1, beforeDate),
disable: true
return dateArr
* 获取本月天数
_currentMonthDys(dateData, full) {
let dateArr = []
let fullDate = this.date.fullDate
for (let i = 1; i <= dateData; i++) {
let isinfo = false
let nowDate = full.year + '-' + (full.month < 10 ?
full.month : full.month) + '-' + (i < 10 ?
'0' + i : i)
// 是否今天
let isDay = fullDate === nowDate
// 获取打点信息
let info = this.selected && this.selected.find((item) => {
if (this.dateEqual(nowDate, item.date)) {
return item
// 日期禁用
let disableBefore = true
let disableAfter = true
if (this.startDate) {
let dateCompBefore = this.dateCompare(this.startDate, fullDate)
disableBefore = this.dateCompare(dateCompBefore ? this.startDate : fullDate, nowDate)
if (this.endDate) {
let dateCompAfter = this.dateCompare(fullDate, this.endDate)
disableAfter = this.dateCompare(nowDate, dateCompAfter ? this.endDate : fullDate)
let multiples = this.multipleStatus.data
let checked = false
let multiplesStatus = -1
if (this.range) {
if (multiples) {
multiplesStatus = multiples.findIndex((item) => {
return this.dateEqual(item, nowDate)
if (multiplesStatus !== -1) {
checked = true
let data = {
fullDate: nowDate,
year: full.year,
date: i,
multiple: this.range ? checked : false,
month: full.month,
lunar: this.getlunar(full.year, full.month, i),
disable: !disableBefore || !disableAfter,
if (info) {
data.extraInfo = info
return dateArr
* 获取下月天数
_getNextMonthDays(surplus, full) {
let dateArr = []
for (let i = 1; i < surplus + 1; i++) {
date: i,
month: Number(full.month) + 1,
lunar: this.getlunar(full.year, Number(full.month) + 1, i),
disable: true
return dateArr
* 设置日期
* @param {Object} date
setDate(date) {
* 获取当前日期详情
* @param {Object} date
getInfo(date) {
if (!date) {
date = new Date()
const dateInfo = this.canlender.find(item => item.fullDate === this.getDate(date).fullDate)
return dateInfo
* 比较时间大小
dateCompare(startDate, endDate) {
// 计算截止时间
startDate = new Date(startDate.replace('-', '/').replace('-', '/'))
// 计算详细项的截止时间
endDate = new Date(endDate.replace('-', '/').replace('-', '/'))
if (startDate <= endDate) {
return true
} else {
return false
* 比较时间是否相等
dateEqual(before, after) {
// 计算截止时间
before = new Date(before.replace('-', '/').replace('-', '/'))
// 计算详细项的截止时间
after = new Date(after.replace('-', '/').replace('-', '/'))
if (before.getTime() - after.getTime() === 0) {
return true
} else {
return false
* 获取日期范围内所有日期
* @param {Object} begin
* @param {Object} end
geDateAll(begin, end) {
var arr = []
var ab = begin.split('-')
var ae = end.split('-')
var db = new Date()
db.setFullYear(ab[0], ab[1] - 1, ab[2])
var de = new Date()
de.setFullYear(ae[0], ae[1] - 1, ae[2])
var unixDb = db.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
var unixDe = de.getTime() - 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
for (var k = unixDb; k <= unixDe;) {
k = k + 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
arr.push(this.getDate(new Date(parseInt(k))).fullDate)
return arr
* 计算阴历日期显示
getlunar(year, month, date) {
return CALENDAR.solar2lunar(year, month, date)
* 设置打点
setSelectInfo(data, value) {
this.selected = value
* 获取多选状态
setMultiple(fullDate) {
let {
} = this.multipleStatus
if (!this.range) return
if (before && after) {
this.multipleStatus.before = ''
this.multipleStatus.after = ''
this.multipleStatus.data = []
} else {
if (!before) {
this.multipleStatus.before = fullDate
} else {
this.multipleStatus.after = fullDate
if (this.dateCompare(this.multipleStatus.before, this.multipleStatus.after)) {
this.multipleStatus.data = this.geDateAll(this.multipleStatus.before, this.multipleStatus.after);
} else {
this.multipleStatus.data = this.geDateAll(this.multipleStatus.after, this.multipleStatus.before);
* 获取每周数据
* @param {Object} dateData
_getWeek(dateData) {
const {
} = this.getDate(dateData)
let firstDay = new Date(year, month - 1, 1).getDay()
let currentDay = new Date(year, month, 0).getDate()
let dates = {
lastMonthDays: this._getLastMonthDays(firstDay, this.getDate(dateData)), // 上个月末尾几天
currentMonthDys: this._currentMonthDys(currentDay, this.getDate(dateData)), // 本月天数
nextMonthDays: [], // 下个月开始几天
weeks: []
let canlender = []
const surplus = 42 - (dates.lastMonthDays.length + dates.currentMonthDys.length)
dates.nextMonthDays = this._getNextMonthDays(surplus, this.getDate(dateData))
canlender = canlender.concat(dates.lastMonthDays, dates.currentMonthDys, dates.nextMonthDays)
let weeks = {}
// 拼接数组 上个月开始几天 + 本月天数+ 下个月开始几天
for (let i = 0; i < canlender.length; i++) {
if (i % 7 === 0) {
weeks[parseInt(i / 7)] = new Array(7)
weeks[parseInt(i / 7)][i % 7] = canlender[i]
this.canlender = canlender
this.weeks = weeks
// static init(date) {
// if (!this.instance) {
// this.instance = new Calendar(date);
// }
// return this.instance;
// }
export default Calendar