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* +----------------------------------------------------------------------
* | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
* +----------------------------------------------------------------------
* | Copyright (c) 2016~2022 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
* +----------------------------------------------------------------------
* | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
* +----------------------------------------------------------------------
* | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
* +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace crmeb\services\upload\extend\obs;
use crmeb\exceptions\UploadException;
use crmeb\services\upload\BaseClient;
use crmeb\services\upload\extend\cos\XML;
* 华为云上传
* Class Client
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/18
* @package crmeb\services\upload\extend\obs
class Client extends BaseClient
const HEADER_PREFIX = 'x-obs-';
const INTEREST_HEADER_KEY_LIST = ['content-type', 'content-md5', 'date'];
const ALTERNATIVE_DATE_HEADER = 'x-obs-date';
const OBS_ACL = [
'value' => 'public-read',
'label' => '公共读(推荐)',
'value' => 'public-read-write',
'label' => '公共读写',
const DEFAULT_OBS_ACL = 'public-read';
protected $isCname = false;
protected $pathStyle;
* @var
protected $accessKeyId;
* @var
protected $secretKey;
* 桶名
* @var string
protected $bucketName;
* 地区
* @var string
protected $region;
* @var mixed|string
protected $uploadUrl;
* @var string
protected $baseUrl = 'obs.cn-north-1.myhuaweicloud.com';
protected $type = 'hw';
* Client constructor.
* @param array $config
public function __construct(array $config = [])
$this->accessKeyId = $config['accessKey'] ?? '';
$this->secretKey = $config['secretKey'] ?? '';
$this->bucketName = $config['bucket'] ?? '';
$this->region = $config['region'] ?? 'ap-chengdu';
$this->uploadUrl = $config['uploadUrl'] ?? '';
$this->type = $config['type'] ?? 'hw';
* 检测
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/18
protected function checkOptions()
if (!$this->bucketName) {
throw new UploadException('请传入桶名');
if (!$this->region) {
throw new UploadException('请传入所属地域');
if (!$this->accessKeyId) {
throw new UploadException('请传入SecretId');
if (!$this->secretKey) {
throw new UploadException('请传入SecretKey');
return $this;
* 上传图片
* @param string $key
* @param $body
* @return mixed
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/18
public function putObject(string $key, $body, string $contentType = 'image/jpeg')
$header = [
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl($this->bucketName, $this->region),
'Content-Type' => $contentType,
'Content-Length' => strlen($body),
$res = $this->checkOptions()->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/' . $key, 'PUT', [
'bucket' => $this->bucketName,
'body' => $body
], $header);
return $this->response($res);
* 删除上传对象
* @param string $key
* @return mixed
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/18
public function deleteObject(string $key)
$header = [
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl($this->bucketName, $this->region),
$res = $this->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/' . $key, 'DELETE', [
'bucket' => $this->bucketName
], $header);
return $this->response($res);
* 获取桶
* @return false|string
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/16
public function listBuckets()
$header = [
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl('', $this->region),
$res = $this->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/', 'GET', [], []);
return $this->response($res);
public function headBucket(string $bucket, string $region)
$header = [
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl($bucket, $region),
$res = $this->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/', 'HEAD', [], []);
return $this->response($res);
* 设置桶的策略
* @param string $bucket
* @param string $region
* @param array $data
* @return mixed
* @date 2023/06/08
* @author yyw
public function putPolicy(string $bucket, string $region, array $data)
$header = [
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl($bucket, $region),
"Content-Type" => "application/json"
$res = $this->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/?policy', 'PUT', [
'bucket' => $bucket,
'json' => $data
], $header);
return $this->response($res);
* 创建桶
* @param string $bucket
* @param string $region
* @param string $acl
* @return mixed
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/18
public function createBucket(string $bucket, string $region, string $acl = self::DEFAULT_OBS_ACL)
$header = [
'x-obs-acl' => $acl,
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl($bucket, $region),
"Content-Type" => "application/xml"
$xml = "<CreateBucketConfiguration><Location>{$region}</Location></CreateBucketConfiguration>";
$res = $this->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/', 'PUT', [
'bucket' => $bucket,
'body' => $xml
], $header);
return $this->response($res);
* 删除桶
* @param string $bucket
* @param string $region
* @return mixed
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/18
public function deleteBucket(string $bucket, string $region)
$header = [
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl($bucket, $region),
$res = $this->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/', 'DELETE', [
'bucket' => $bucket
], $header);
return $this->response($res);
* 获取桶的自定义域名
* @param string $bucket
* @param string $region
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/18
public function getBucketDomain(string $bucket, string $region)
$header = [
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl($bucket, $region),
$res = $this->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/?customdomain', 'GET', [
'bucket' => $bucket
], $header);
return $this->response($res);
* 设置桶的自定义域名
* @param string $bucket
* @param string $region
* @param array $data
* @return mixed
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/18
public function putBucketDomain(string $bucket, string $region, array $data = [])
$header = [
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl($bucket, $region),
$res = $this->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/?customdomain=' . $data['domainname'], 'PUT', [
'bucket' => $bucket
], $header);
return $this->response($res);
* 设置跨域
* @return bool
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/18
public function putBucketCors(string $bucket, string $region, array $data = [])
$xml = $this->xmlBuild($data, 'CORSConfiguration', 'CORSRule');
$header = [
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl($bucket, $region),
'Content-Type' => 'application/xml',
'Content-Length' => strlen($xml),
'Content-MD5' => base64_encode(md5($xml, true))
$res = $this->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/?cors', 'PUT', [
'bucket' => $bucket,
'body' => $xml
], $header);
return $this->response($res);
* 删除跨域
* @param string $bucket
* @param string $region
* @return mixed
* @date 2023/06/08
* @author yyw
public function deleteBucketCors(string $bucket, string $region)
$header = [
'Host' => $this->getRequestUrl($bucket, $region),
$res = $this->request('https://' . $header['Host'] . '/?cors', 'DELETE', [
'bucket' => $bucket,
], $header);
return $this->response($res);
* @param $res
* @return mixed
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/18
protected function response($res)
if (!empty($res['Code']) && !empty($res['Message'])) {
throw new UploadException($res['Message']);
return $res;
* 获取请求域名
* @param string $bucket
* @param string $region
* @return string
* @date 2023/06/08
* @author yyw
protected function getRequestUrl(string $bucket = '', string $region = '')
if ($this->type == 'hw') {
$url = '.myhuaweicloud.com'; // 华为
} else {
$url = '.ctyun.cn'; // 天翼
if ($bucket) {
return $bucket . '.obs.' . $region . $url;
} else {
return 'obs.' . $region . $url;
* 地域名称
* @return \string[][]
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/17
public function getRegion()
return [
'value' => 'cn-north-1',
'label' => '华北-北京一',
// [
// 'value' => 'cn-north-4',
// 'label' => '华北-北京四',
// ],
'value' => 'cn-north-9',
'label' => '华北-乌兰察布一',
'value' => 'cn-east-2',
'label' => '华东-上海二',
'value' => 'cn-east-3',
'label' => '华东-上海一',
'value' => 'cn-south-1',
'label' => '华南-广州',
'value' => 'ap-southeast-1',
'label' => '中国-香港',
'value' => 'cn-south-4',
'label' => '华南-广州-友好用户环境',
'value' => 'cn-southwest-2',
'label' => '西南-贵阳一',
'value' => 'la-north-2',
'label' => '拉美-墨西哥城二',
'value' => 'na-mexico-1',
'label' => '拉美-墨西哥城一',
'value' => 'sa-brazil-1',
'label' => '拉美-圣保罗一',
'value' => 'la-south-2',
'label' => '拉美-圣地亚哥',
'value' => 'tr-west-1',
'label' => '土耳其-伊斯坦布尔',
'value' => 'ap-southeast-2',
'label' => '亚太-曼谷',
'value' => 'ap-southeast-3',
'label' => '亚太-新加坡',
'value' => 'af-south-1',
'label' => '非洲-约翰内斯堡',
* 设置桶名
* @param string $bucketName
* @return $this
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/16
public function setBucketName(string $bucketName)
$this->bucketName = $bucketName;
return $this;
* 获取签名
* @param array $result
* @return array
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/17
protected function getSign(array $result)
$result['headers']['Date'] = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T');
$canonicalstring = $this->makeCanonicalstring($result['method'], $result['headers'], $result['pathArgs'], $result['dnsParam'], $result['uriParam']);
$result['cannonicalRequest'] = $canonicalstring;
$signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac('sha1', $canonicalstring, $this->secretKey, true));
$authorization = 'OBS ' . $this->accessKeyId . ':' . $signature;
$result['headers']['Authorization'] = $authorization;
return $result;
* 处理签名数据
* @param $method
* @param $headers
* @param $pathArgs
* @param $bucketName
* @param $objectKey
* @param null $expires
* @return string
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/17
public function makeCanonicalstring($method, $headers, $pathArgs, $bucketName, $objectKey, $expires = null)
$buffer = [];
$buffer[] = $method;
$buffer[] = "\n";
$interestHeaders = [];
foreach ($headers as $key => $value) {
$key = strtolower($key);
if (in_array($key, self::INTEREST_HEADER_KEY_LIST) || strpos($key, self::HEADER_PREFIX) === 0) {
$interestHeaders[$key] = $value;
if (array_key_exists(self::ALTERNATIVE_DATE_HEADER, $interestHeaders)) {
$interestHeaders['date'] = '';
if ($expires !== null) {
$interestHeaders['date'] = strval($expires);
if (!array_key_exists('content-type', $interestHeaders)) {
$interestHeaders['content-type'] = '';
if (!array_key_exists('content-md5', $interestHeaders)) {
$interestHeaders['content-md5'] = '';
foreach ($interestHeaders as $key => $value) {
if (strpos($key, self::HEADER_PREFIX) === 0) {
$buffer[] = $key . ':' . $value;
} else {
$buffer[] = $value;
$buffer[] = "\n";
$uri = '';
$bucketName = $this->isCname ? $headers['Host'] : $bucketName;
if ($bucketName) {
$uri .= '/';
$uri .= $bucketName;
if (!$this->pathStyle) {
$uri .= '/';
if ($objectKey) {
if (!($pos = strripos($uri, '/')) || strlen($uri) - 1 !== $pos) {
$uri .= '/';
$uri .= $objectKey;
$buffer[] = $uri === '' ? '/' : $uri;
if (!empty($pathArgs)) {
$_pathArgs = [];
foreach ($pathArgs as $key => $value) {
if (in_array(strtolower($key), self::ALLOWED_RESOURCE_PARAMTER_NAMES) || strpos($key, self::HEADER_PREFIX) === 0) {
$_pathArgs[] = $value === null || $value === '' ? $key : $key . '=' . urldecode($value);
if (!empty($_pathArgs)) {
$buffer[] = '?';
$buffer[] = implode('&', $_pathArgs);
return implode('', $buffer);
* 发起请求
* @param string $url
* @param string $method
* @param array $data
* @param array $clientHeader
* @param int $timeout
* @return false|string
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2023/5/16
public function request(string $url, string $method, array $data = [], array $clientHeader = [], int $timeout = 10)
$method = strtoupper($method);
$urlAttr = pathinfo($url);
$urlParse = parse_url($urlAttr['dirname'] ?? '');
$uriParam = '';
if ($urlAttr['dirname'] !== 'https:') {
if (isset($urlParse['path'])) {
$uriParam .= substr($urlParse['path'], 1) . '/';
if (isset($urlAttr['basename'])) {
$uriParam .= $urlAttr['basename'];
$result = $this->getSign([
'method' => $method,
'headers' => $clientHeader,
'pathArgs' => '',
'dnsParam' => $data['bucket'] ?? '',
'uriParam' => $uriParam,
return $this->requestClient($url, $method, $data, $result['headers'], $timeout);
* 组合成xml
* @param array $data
* @param string $root
* @param string $itemKey
* @return string
* @author 等风来
* @email 136327134@qq.com
* @date 2022/10/17
protected function xmlBuild(array $xmlAttr, string $root = 'xml', string $itemKey = 'item')
$xml = '<' . $root . '>';
$xml .= '<' . $itemKey . '>';
foreach ($xmlAttr as $kk => $vv) {
if (is_array($vv)) {
foreach ($vv as $v) {
$xml .= '<' . $kk . '>' . $v . '</' . $kk . '>';
} else {
$xml .= '<' . $kk . '>' . $vv . '</' . $kk . '>';
$xml .= '</' . $itemKey . '>';
$xml .= '</' . $root . '>';
return $xml;