You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
267 lines
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267 lines
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// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\controller\api\v1\order;
use app\Request;
use app\services\order\StoreCartServices;
use app\services\activity\discounts\StoreDiscountsServices;
use crmeb\services\CacheService;
use app\services\user\UserServices;
* 购物车类
* Class StoreCart
* @package app\controller\api\store
class StoreCart
protected $services;
public function __construct(StoreCartServices $services)
$this->services = $services;
* 购物车 列表
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
public function lst(Request $request)
[$status, $latitude, $longitude, $store_id] = $request->postMore([
['status', 1],//购物车商品状态
['latitude', ''],
['longitude', ''],
], true);
if (!checkCoordinates($longitude, $latitude)) {
return app('json')->fail('参数错误');
// $this->services->setItem('latitude', $latitude)->setItem('longitude', $longitude)->setItem('store_id', (int)$store_id)->setItem('status', $status);
$this->services->setItem('latitude', $latitude)->setItem('longitude', $longitude)->setItem('store_id', (int)$store_id)->setItem('status', $status);
$result = $this->services->getUserCartList($request->uid(), $status, [], -1, 0);
$result['valid'] = $this->services->getReturnCartList($result['valid'], $result['promotions']);
return app('json')->successful($result);
* 购物车 添加
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function add(Request $request)
$where = $request->postMore([
['productId', 0],//普通商品编号
[['cartNum', 'd'], 1], //购物车数量
['uniqueId', ''],//属性唯一值
[['new', 'd'], 0],// 1 加入购物车直接购买 0 加入购物车
[['is_new', 'd'], 0],// 1 加入购物车直接购买 0 加入购物车
[['secKillId', 'd'], 0],//秒杀商品编号
[['bargainId', 'd'], 0],//砍价商品编号
[['combinationId', 'd'], 0],//拼团商品编号
[['storeIntegralId', 'd'], 0],//积分商品ID
[['discountId', 'd'], 0],//优惠套餐编号
['discountInfos', []],//优惠套餐商品信息
[['newcomerId', 'd'], 0],//新人专享商品编号
[['luckRecordId', 'd'], 0],//抽奖记录编号
[['key', 's'], ''],//直接购买购物车ID 再次累加1
[['is_set', 'd'], 0],//1:直接设置购物车数量 0:累加
['member_type', 0],//普通商品编号
$uid = (int)$request->uid();
if($where['member_type'] && sys_config('svip_gouka_status', 1)){
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
return app('json')->fail('自主注册用户无法购买,需邀请注册才开通会员');
///获取上级uid || 开启自购返回自己uid
$spread_uid = $userServices->getSpreadUid($uid, $userInfo);
return app('json')->fail('自主注册用户无法购买,需邀请注册才开通会员');
if ($where['is_new'] || $where['new']) $new = true;
else $new = false;
if (!$where['productId'] && !$where['discountId']) {
return app('json')->fail('参数错误11');
$type = 0;
$activityId = 0;
$this->services->setItem('key', $where['key'] ?? '');
$this->services->setItem('is_set', $where['is_set'] ?? 0);
if ($where['discountId']) {
/** @var StoreDiscountsServices $discountService */
$discountService = app()->make(StoreDiscountsServices::class);
$discounts = $discountService->get((int)$where['discountId'], ['id', 'is_limit', 'limit_num']);
if (!$discounts) {
return app('json')->fail('套餐商品未找到!');
if ($discounts['is_limit']) {
if ($discounts['limit_num'] <= 0) {
return app('json')->fail('套餐限量不足');
if (!CacheService::checkStock(md5($discounts['id']), 1, 5)) {
return app('json')->fail('套餐限量不足');
$cartIds = [];
$cartNum = 0;
$activityId = (int)$where['discountId'];
foreach ($where['discountInfos'] as $info) {
[$cartId, $cartNum] = $this->services->setCart($uid, (int)$info['product_id'], $info['pnum'], $info['unique'], 5, $new, $activityId, (int)$info['id']);
$cartIds[] = $cartId;
} else {
if ($where['secKillId']) {
$type = 1;
$activityId = $where['secKillId'];
} elseif ($where['bargainId']) {
$type = 2;
$activityId = $where['bargainId'];
} elseif ($where['combinationId']) {
$type = 3;
$activityId = $where['combinationId'];
} elseif ($where['storeIntegralId']) {
$type = 4;
$activityId = $where['storeIntegralId'];
} elseif ($where['newcomerId']) {
$type = 7;
$activityId = $where['newcomerId'];
} elseif ($where['luckRecordId']) {
$type = 8;
$activityId = $where['luckRecordId'];
[$cartIds, $cartNum] = $this->services->setCart($uid, (int)$where['productId'], (int)$where['cartNum'], $where['uniqueId'], $type, $new, (int)$activityId);
if (!$cartIds) {
return app('json')->fail('添加失败');
} else {
$this->services->cacheTag('Cart_Nums_' . $uid)->clear();
return app('json')->successful('ok', ['cartId' => $cartIds, 'cartNum' => $cartNum]);
* 购物车 删除商品
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
public function del(Request $request)
[$ids, $store_id] = $request->postMore([
['ids', ''],//购物车编号
], true);
$ids = is_array($ids) ? $ids : stringToIntArray($ids);
if (!count($ids))
return app('json')->fail('参数错误!');
$uid = (int)$request->uid();
$res = $this->services->removeUserCart($uid, $ids);
if ($res) {
$invalid_key = 'invalid_' . $store_id . '_'. $uid;
return app('json')->successful();
return app('json')->fail('清除失败!');
* 购物车 修改商品数量
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\Exception
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \think\exception\DbException
public function num(Request $request)
$where = $request->postMore([
['id', 0],//购物车编号
['number', 0],//购物车编号
if (!$where['id'] || !$where['number'] || !is_numeric($where['id']) || !is_numeric($where['number'])) return app('json')->fail('参数错误!');
$res = $this->services->changeUserCartNum($where['id'], $where['number'], $request->uid());
if ($res) return app('json')->successful();
else return app('json')->fail('修改失败');
* 购物车 统计 数量 价格
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
public function count(Request $request)
[$numType, $store_id] = $request->postMore([
['numType', true],//购物车编号
['store_id', -1]
], true);
$uid = (int)$request->uid();
if (!$store_id || $store_id == 'undefined') $store_id = -1;
return app('json')->success('ok', $this->services->getUserCartCount($uid, $numType, (int)$store_id));
* 购物车重选
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
public function reChange(Request $request)
[$cart_id, $product_id, $unique] = $request->postMore([
['cart_id', 0],
['product_id', 0],
['unique', '']
], true);
$this->services->modifyCart($cart_id, $product_id, $unique);
return app('json')->success('重选成功');
* 计算用户购物车商品(优惠活动、最优优惠券)
* @param Request $request
* @return mixed
public function computeCart(Request $request)
[$cartId, $new, $addressId, $shipping_type, $storeId] = $request->postMore([
['addressId', 0],
['shipping_type', -1],
['store_id', 0],
['delivery_type', 1],
], true);
if (!is_string($cartId) || !$cartId) {
$result = ['promotions' => [], 'coupon' => [], 'deduction' => [], 'svip_status' => false, 'svip_price' => 0.00];
} else {
$uid = (int)$request->uid();
$result = $this->services->computeUserCart($uid, $cartId, !!$new, (int)$addressId, (int)$shipping_type, (int)$storeId);
return app('json')->success($result);