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var zrUtil = require("../core/util");
var Style = require("./Style");
var _vector = require("../core/vector");
var vec2Copy = _vector.copy;
* States machine for managing graphic states
* @typedef {Object} IGraphicState
* @property {number} [zlevel]
* @property {number} [z]
* @property {Array.<number>} {position}
* @property {Array.<number>|number} {rotation}
* @property {Array.<number>} {scale}
* @property {Object} style
* @property {Function} onenter
* @property {Function} onleave
* @property {Function} ontransition
* @property {Array.<IGraphicStateTransition|string>} transition
* Transition object or a string descriptor like '* 30 0 Linear'
var transitionProperties = ['position', 'rotation', 'scale', 'style', 'shape'];
* @module zrender/graphic/States~TransitionObject
var TransitionObject = function (opts) {
if (typeof opts === 'string') {
} else if (opts) {
opts.property && (this.property = opts.property);
opts.duration != null && (this.duration = opts.duration);
opts.easing && (this.easing = opts.easing);
opts.delay && (this.delay = opts.delay);
if (this.property !== '*') {
this.property = this.property.split(',');
} else {
this.property = transitionProperties;
TransitionObject.prototype = {
constructor: TransitionObject,
* List of all transition properties. Splitted by comma. Must not have spaces in the string.
* e.g. 'position,style.color'. '*' will match all the valid properties.
* @type {string}
* @default *
property: '*',
* @type {string}
* @default 'Linear'
easing: 'Linear',
* @type {number}
* @default 'number'
duration: 500,
* @type {number}
delay: 0,
_fromStr: function (str) {
var arr = str.split(/\s+/g);
this.property = arr[0];
this.duration = +arr[1];
this.delay = +arr[2];
this.easing = arr[3];
* @alias module:zrender/graphic/States
var GraphicStates = function (opts) {
opts = opts || {};
this._states = {};
* Target element
* @type {zrender/graphic/Displayable|zrender/container/Group}
this._el = opts.el;
this._subStates = [];
this._transitionAnimators = [];
if (opts.initialState) {
this._initialState = opts.initialState;
var optsStates = opts.states;
if (optsStates) {
for (var name in optsStates) {
if (optsStates.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
var state = optsStates[name];
this._addState(name, state);
GraphicStates.prototype = {
constructor: GraphicStates,
* All other state will be extended from initial state
* @type {string}
* @private
_initialState: 'normal',
* Current state
* @type {string}
* @private
_currentState: '',
el: function () {
return this._el;
_addState: function (name, state) {
this._states[name] = state;
if (state.transition) {
state.transition = new TransitionObject(state.transition);
} // Extend from initial state
if (name !== this._initialState) {
} else {
var el = this._el; // setState 的时候自带的 style 和 shape 都会被直接覆盖
// 所以这边先把自带的 style 和 shape 扩展到初始状态中
zrUtil.merge(state.style, el.style, false, false);
if (state.shape) {
zrUtil.merge(state.shape, el.shape, false, true);
} else {
state.shape = zrUtil.clone(el.shape, true);
for (var name in this._states) {
if (this._states.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
_extendFromInitial: function (state) {
var initialState = this._states[this._initialState];
if (initialState && state !== initialState) {
zrUtil.merge(state, initialState, false, true);
setState: function (name, silent) {
if (name === this._currentState && !this.transiting()) {
var state = this._states[name];
if (state) {
if (!silent) {
var prevState = this._states[this._currentState];
if (prevState) {
prevState.onleave && prevState.onleave.call(this);
state.onenter && state.onenter.call(this);
this._currentState = name;
if (this._el) {
var el = this._el; // Setting attributes
if (state.zlevel != null) {
el.zlevel = state.zlevel;
if (state.z != null) {
el.z = state.z;
} // SRT
state.position && vec2Copy(el.position, state.position);
state.scale && vec2Copy(el.scale, state.scale);
if (state.rotation != null) {
el.rotation = state.rotation;
} // Style
if (state.style) {
var initialState = this._states[this._initialState];
el.style = new Style();
if (initialState) {
el.style.extendFrom(initialState.style, false);
if ( // Not initial state
name !== this._initialState // Not copied from initial state in _extendFromInitial method
&& initialState.style !== state.style) {
el.style.extendFrom(state.style, true);
if (state.shape) {
el.shape = zrUtil.clone(state.shape, true);
for (var i = 0; i < this._subStates.length; i++) {
getState: function () {
return this._currentState;
transitionState: function (target, done) {
if (target === this._currentState && !this.transiting()) {
var state = this._states[target];
var styleShapeReg = /$[style|shape]\./;
var self = this; // Animation 去重
var propPathMap = {};
if (state) {
var el = self._el;
if (state.transition && el && el.__zr) {
// El can be animated
var transitionCfg = state.transition;
var property = transitionCfg.property;
var animatingCount = 0;
var animationDone = function () {
if (animatingCount === 0) {
done && done();
for (var i = 0; i < property.length; i++) {
var propName = property[i]; // Animating all the properties in style or shape
if (propName === 'style' || propName === 'shape') {
if (state[propName]) {
for (var key in state[propName]) {
/* eslint-disable max-depth */
if (!state[propName].hasOwnProperty(key)) {
var path = propName + '.' + key;
if (propPathMap[path]) {
/* eslint-enable max-depth */
propPathMap[path] = 1;
animatingCount += self._animProp(state, propName, key, transitionCfg, animationDone);
} else {
if (propPathMap[propName]) {
propPathMap[propName] = 1; // Animating particular property in style or style
if (propName.match(styleShapeReg)) {
// remove 'style.', 'shape.' prefix
var subProp = propName.slice(0, 5);
propName = propName.slice(6);
animatingCount += self._animProp(state, subProp, propName, transitionCfg, animationDone);
} else {
animatingCount += self._animProp(state, '', propName, transitionCfg, animationDone);
} // No transition properties
if (animatingCount === 0) {
done && done();
} else {
done && done();
var subStates = self._subStates;
for (var i = 0; i < subStates.length; i++) {
* Do transition animation of particular property
* @param {Object} state
* @param {string} subPropKey
* @param {string} key
* @param {Object} transitionCfg
* @param {Function} done
* @private
_animProp: function (state, subPropKey, key, transitionCfg, done) {
var el = this._el;
var stateObj = subPropKey ? state[subPropKey] : state;
var elObj = subPropKey ? el[subPropKey] : el;
var availableProp = stateObj && key in stateObj && elObj && key in elObj;
var transitionAnimators = this._transitionAnimators;
if (availableProp) {
var obj = {};
if (stateObj[key] === elObj[key]) {
return 0;
obj[key] = stateObj[key];
var animator = el.animate(subPropKey).when(transitionCfg.duration, obj).delay(transitionCfg.dealy).done(function () {
var idx = zrUtil.indexOf(transitionAnimators, 1);
if (idx > 0) {
transitionAnimators.splice(idx, 1);
return 1;
return 0;
_stopTransition: function () {
var transitionAnimators = this._transitionAnimators;
for (var i = 0; i < transitionAnimators.length; i++) {
transitionAnimators.length = 0;
transiting: function () {
return this._transitionAnimators.length > 0;
addSubStates: function (states) {
removeSubStates: function (states) {
var idx = zrUtil.indexOf(this._subStates, states);
if (idx >= 0) {
this._subStates.splice(states, 1);
var _default = GraphicStates;
module.exports = _default;