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module.exports = api => {
match: /vue-cli-service test:unit/,
description: 'org.vue.jest.tasks.test.description',
link: 'https://github.com/vuejs/vue-cli/tree/dev/packages/%40vue/cli-plugin-unit-jest#injected-commands',
prompts: [
name: 'watch',
type: 'confirm',
description: 'org.vue.jest.tasks.test.watch'
name: 'notify',
type: 'confirm',
description: 'org.vue.jest.tasks.test.notify',
when: answers => answers.watch
name: 'update',
type: 'confirm',
description: 'org.vue.jest.tasks.test.update'
onBeforeRun: ({ answers, args }) => {
if (answers.watch) args.push('--watch')
if (answers.notify) args.push('--notify')
if (answers.update) args.push('--updateSnapshot')