// +---------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace app\services\order\store; use app\dao\order\StoreOrderDao; use app\services\message\service\StoreServiceServices; use app\services\order\StoreOrderCartInfoServices; use app\services\order\StoreOrderCreateServices; use app\services\order\StoreOrderRefundServices; use app\services\order\StoreOrderTakeServices; use app\services\activity\integral\StoreIntegralOrderServices; use app\services\activity\integral\StoreIntegralOrderStatusServices; use app\services\activity\combination\StorePinkServices; use app\services\BaseServices; use app\services\store\SystemStoreStaffServices; use app\services\store\DeliveryServiceServices; use app\services\user\UserServices; use crmeb\services\CacheService; use crmeb\services\FormBuilder as Form; use think\exception\ValidateException; /** * 核销订单 * Class StoreOrderWriteOffServices * @package app\sservices\order * @mixin StoreOrderDao */ class WriteOffOrderServices extends BaseServices { /** * 构造方法 * StoreOrderWriteOffServices constructor. * @param StoreOrderDao $dao */ public function __construct(StoreOrderDao $dao) { $this->dao = $dao; } /** * 验证核销订单权限 * @param int $uid * @param array $orderInfo * @param int $auth 0 管理员 1 客服 2 配送员 3 用户微信扫码 4店员 * @param int $staff_id * @return bool */ public function checkAuth(int $uid, array $orderInfo, int $auth = 0, int $staff_id = 0) { if (($auth > 0 && !$uid && !$staff_id) || !$orderInfo) { throw new ValidateException('订单不存在'); } $store_id = $orderInfo['store_id'] ?? 0; $info = $this->checkUserAuth($uid, $auth, $store_id, $staff_id); $isAuth = false; switch ($auth) { case 0://管理员 $isAuth = true; break; case 1://前端客服 if (isset($info['user_service']) && $info['user_service']) { $isAuth = true; } break; case 2://配送员 if (in_array($orderInfo['shipping_type'], [1, 3]) && $info && $orderInfo['delivery_type'] == 'send' && $orderInfo['delivery_uid'] == $uid) { $isAuth = true; } break; case 4://门店 店员 if ($orderInfo['shipping_type'] == 2 && $info && isset($info['store_id']) && $info['store_id'] == $store_id) { $isAuth = true; } break; } if (!$isAuth) { throw new ValidateException('您无权限核销此订单,请联系管理员'); } return true; } /** * 验证核销权限 * @param int $uid * @param int $auth 0 管理员 1 客服 2 配送员 3 用户微信扫码 4店员 * @param int $store_id * @param int $staff_id * @return array|\think\Model */ public function checkUserAuth(int $uid, int $auth = 0, int $store_id = 0, int $staff_id = 0) { if ($auth > 0 && !$uid && !$staff_id) { throw new ValidateException('用户不存在'); } $isAuth = false; $info = []; switch ($auth) { case 0://管理员 $isAuth = true; break; case 1://前端客服 /** @var StoreServiceServices $storeService */ $storeService = app()->make(StoreServiceServices::class); $userService = $storeService->checkoutIsService(['uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1, 'account_status' => 1, 'customer' => 1]); if ($userService) { $isAuth = true; $info['user_service'] = $userService; } break; case 2://配送员 /** @var DeliveryServiceServices $deliverServiceServices */ $deliverServiceServices = app()->make(DeliveryServiceServices::class); try { $info = $deliverServiceServices->getDeliveryInfoByUid($uid, $store_id ? 1 : 0, (int)$store_id); } catch (\Throwable $e) { } if ($info) { $isAuth = true; } break; case 4://门店 //验证店员 /** @var SystemStoreStaffServices $storeStaffServices */ $storeStaffServices = app()->make(SystemStoreStaffServices::class); try { if ($staff_id) { $info = $storeStaffServices->getStaffInfo($staff_id); } else { $info = $storeStaffServices->getStaffInfoByUid($uid, $store_id); } } catch (\Throwable $e) { } if ($info && $info['verify_status'] == 1) { $isAuth = true; } break; } if (!$isAuth) { throw new ValidateException('您无权限核销,请联系管理员'); } return $info; } /** * 用户码获取待核销订单列表 * @param int $uid * @param string $code * @param int $auth * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function userUnWriteoffOrder(int $uid, string $code, int $auth = 0) { /** @var UserServices $userServices */ $userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class); $userInfo = $userServices->getOne(['bar_code' => $code]); if (!$userInfo) { throw new ValidateException('该用户不存在'); } $info = $this->checkUserAuth($uid, $auth); if ($info && $auth > 0) { if ($auth == 1 && isset($info['user_service']) && $info['user_service']) { $where = ['delivery_uid' => 0]; } elseif ($auth == 2) { $where = ['delivery_uid' => $info['uid']]; } else if ($auth == 4) { if (isset($info['store_id'])) { $where = ['store_id' => $info['store_id']]; } } $unWriteoffOrder = $this->dao->getUnWirteOffList(['uid' => $userInfo['uid']] + $where, ['id']); } else { $unWriteoffOrder = $this->dao->getUnWirteOffList(['uid' => $userInfo['uid']], ['id']); } $data = []; if ($unWriteoffOrder) { foreach ($unWriteoffOrder as $item) { try { $orderInfo = $this->writeoffOrderInfo($uid, '', $auth, $item['id']); } catch (\Throwable $e) {//无权限或其他异常不返回订单信息 $orderInfo = []; } if ($orderInfo) $data[] = $orderInfo; } } return $data; } /** * 获取核销订单信息 * @param int $uid * @param string $code * @param int $auth * @param int $oid * @return array * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function writeoffOrderInfo(int $uid, string $code = '', int $auth = 0, int $oid = 0, int $staff_id = 0) { if ($oid) { //订单 $orderInfo = $this->dao->getOne(['id' => $oid, 'is_del' => 0], '*', ['user', 'pink']); $order_type = 'order'; if (!$orderInfo) { //积分兑换订单 /** @var StoreIntegralOrderServices $storeIntegralOrderServices */ $storeIntegralOrderServices = app()->make(StoreIntegralOrderServices::class); $orderInfo = $storeIntegralOrderServices->getOne(['id' => $oid]); $order_type = 'integral'; } } else { //订单 $orderInfo = $this->dao->getOne(['verify_code' => $code, 'is_del' => 0], '*', ['user', 'pink']); $order_type = 'order'; if (!$orderInfo) { //积分兑换订单 /** @var StoreIntegralOrderServices $storeIntegralOrderServices */ $storeIntegralOrderServices = app()->make(StoreIntegralOrderServices::class); $orderInfo = $storeIntegralOrderServices->getOne(['verify_code' => $code]); $order_type = 'integral'; } } if (!$orderInfo) { throw new ValidateException('Write off order does not exist'); } if ($order_type == 'order' && !$orderInfo['paid']) { throw new ValidateException('订单还未完成支付'); } if ($order_type == 'order' && $orderInfo['refund_status'] != 0) { throw new ValidateException('该订单状态暂不支持核销'); } $orderInfo['order_type'] = $order_type; $orderInfo = $orderInfo->toArray(); //验证权限 $this->checkAuth($uid, $orderInfo, $auth, $staff_id); if ($order_type == 'order') { /** @var StoreOrderCartInfoServices $cartServices */ $cartServices = app()->make(StoreOrderCartInfoServices::class); $cartInfo = $cartServices->getCartInfoList(['oid' => $orderInfo['id']], ['id', 'oid', 'write_times', 'write_surplus_times', 'write_start', 'write_end']); $orderInfo['write_off'] = $orderInfo['write_times'] = 0; $orderInfo['write_day'] = ''; $cart = $cartInfo[0] ?? []; if ($orderInfo['product_type'] == 4 && $cart) {//次卡商品 $orderInfo['write_off'] = max(bcsub((string)$cart['write_times'], (string)$cart['write_surplus_times'], 0), 0); $orderInfo['write_times'] = $cart['write_times'] ?? 0; $start = $cart['write_start'] ?? 0; $end = $cart['write_end'] ?? 0; if (!$start && !$end) { $orderInfo['write_day'] = '不限时'; } else { $orderInfo['write_day'] = ($start ? date('Y-m-d', $start) : '') . '/' . ($end ? date('Y-m-d', $end) : ''); } } } return $orderInfo; } /** * 获取订单商品信息 * @param int $uid * @param int $id * @param int $auth * @param int $staff_id * @param bool $isCasher * @return array|\think\Model|null * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function getOrderCartInfo(int $uid, int $id, int $auth = 0, int $staff_id = 0, bool $isCasher = false) { if ($isCasher) {//获取订单信息 暂时不验证权限 $orderInfo = $this->dao->getOne(['id' => $id], '*', ['user', 'pink']); if (!$orderInfo) { throw new ValidateException('Write off order does not exist'); } $orderInfo = $orderInfo->toArray(); } else { $orderInfo = $this->writeoffOrderInfo($uid, '', $auth, $id, $staff_id); } $writeoff_count = 0; /** @var StoreOrderCartInfoServices $cartInfoServices */ $cartInfoServices = app()->make(StoreOrderCartInfoServices::class); $cartInfo = $cartInfoServices->getCartColunm(['oid' => $orderInfo['id']], 'id,cart_id,cart_num,surplus_num,is_writeoff,cart_info,product_type,is_support_refund,is_gift,write_times,write_surplus_times'); foreach ($cartInfo as &$item) { $_info = is_string($item['cart_info']) ? json_decode($item['cart_info'], true) : $item['cart_info']; if (!isset($_info['productInfo'])) $_info['productInfo'] = []; //缩略图处理 if (isset($_info['productInfo']['attrInfo'])) { $_info['productInfo']['attrInfo'] = get_thumb_water($_info['productInfo']['attrInfo']); } $_info['productInfo'] = get_thumb_water($_info['productInfo']); $item['cart_info'] = $_info; if ($item['write_times'] > $item['write_surplus_times']) { $writeoff_count = bcadd((string)$writeoff_count, (string)bcsub((string)$item['write_times'], (string)$item['write_surplus_times'])); } $item['surplus_num'] = $item['write_surplus_times']; unset($_info); } $orderInfo['cart_count'] = count($cartInfo); $orderInfo['writeoff_count'] = $writeoff_count; $orderInfo['cart_info'] = $cartInfo; return $orderInfo; } /** * 核销订单 * @param int $uid * @param array $orderInfo * @param array $cartIds * @param int $auth * @return array|null * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function writeoffOrder(int $uid, array $orderInfo, array $cartIds = [], int $auth = 0, int $staff_id = 0) { if (!$orderInfo) { throw new ValidateException('订单不存在'); } $key = md5('lock_order_writeoff_' . $orderInfo['id']); if (!CacheService::lock($key)) { throw new ValidateException('核销操作太过频繁,请稍后再试'); } //默认正常订单 $orderInfo['order_type'] = $orderInfo['order_type'] ?? 'order'; $time = time(); if ($orderInfo['order_type'] == 'order') { //验证核销权限 $this->checkAuth($uid, $orderInfo, $auth, $staff_id); if (!$orderInfo['verify_code'] || ($orderInfo['shipping_type'] != 2 && $orderInfo['delivery_type'] != 'send')) { throw new ValidateException('此订单不能被核销'); } /** @var StoreOrderRefundServices $storeOrderRefundServices */ $storeOrderRefundServices = app()->make(StoreOrderRefundServices::class); if ($storeOrderRefundServices->count(['store_order_id' => $orderInfo['id'], 'refund_type' => [0, 1, 2, 4, 5, 6], 'is_cancel' => 0, 'is_del' => 0])) { throw new ValidateException('订单有售后申请请先处理'); } if (isset($orderInfo['pinkStatus']) && $orderInfo['pinkStatus'] != 2) { throw new ValidateException('拼团未完成暂不能核销!'); } /** @var StoreOrderCartInfoServices $cartInfoServices */ $cartInfoServices = app()->make(StoreOrderCartInfoServices::class); if ($orderInfo['status'] >= 2 && !$cartInfoServices->count(['oid' => $orderInfo['id'], 'is_writeoff' => 0])) { throw new ValidateException('订单已核销'); } $store_id = $orderInfo['store_id']; if ($orderInfo['type'] == 3 && $orderInfo['activity_id'] && $orderInfo['pink_id']) { /** @var StorePinkServices $services */ $services = app()->make(StorePinkServices::class); $res = $services->getCount([['id', '=', $orderInfo['pink_id']], ['status', '<>', 2]]); if ($res) throw new ValidateException('Failed to write off the group order'); } $cartInfo = []; if ($cartIds) {//商城存在部分核销 $ids = array_unique(array_column($cartIds, 'cart_id')); //订单下原商品信息 $cartInfo = $cartInfoServices->getCartColunm(['oid' => $orderInfo['id'], 'cart_id' => $ids, 'is_writeoff' => 0], 'id,cart_id,cart_num,surplus_num,product_id,write_times,write_surplus_times,write_start,write_end', 'cart_id'); if (count($ids) != count($cartInfo)) { throw new ValidateException('订单中有商品已核销'); } foreach ($cartIds as $cart) { $info = $cartInfo[$cart['cart_id']] ?? []; if (!$info) { throw new ValidateException('核销商品不存在'); } if ($cart['cart_num'] > $info['write_surplus_times']) { throw new ValidateException('核销数量超出剩余总核销次数'); } } } else {//整单核销 $cartInfo = $cartInfoServices->getCartColunm(['oid' => $orderInfo['id'], 'is_writeoff' => 0], 'id,cart_id,cart_num,surplus_num,product_id,write_times,write_surplus_times,write_start,write_end', 'cart_id'); } foreach ($cartInfo as $info) { if ($info['write_start'] && $time < $info['write_start']) { throw new ValidateException('还未到指定核销的开始时间,无法核销'); } if ($info['write_end'] && $time > $info['write_end']) { throw new ValidateException('已经超过指定核销的结束时间,无法核销'); } } $data = ['clerk_id' => $uid]; $cartData = ['writeoff_time' => $time]; if ($auth == 1) {//前端客服 下面数据暂时记录前端客服uid $data['staff_id'] = $uid ?? 0; $cartData['staff_id'] = $uid ?? 0; } else if ($auth == 2) {//配送员 /** @var DeliveryServiceServices $deliverServiceServices */ $deliverServiceServices = app()->make(DeliveryServiceServices::class); $deliveryInfo = $deliverServiceServices->getDeliveryInfoByUid($uid, $store_id); $cartData['delivery_id'] = $deliveryInfo['id'] ?? 0; } else if ($auth == 4) {//店员 /** @var SystemStoreStaffServices $storeStaffServices */ $storeStaffServices = app()->make(SystemStoreStaffServices::class); if ($uid) {//商城前端 $staffInfo = $storeStaffServices->getStaffInfoByUid($uid, $store_id); } else {//门店后台 $staffInfo = $storeStaffServices->getStaffInfo($staff_id); if ($store_id != $staffInfo['store_id']) { throw new ValidateException('订单不存在'); } if ($staffInfo['verify_status'] != 1) { throw new ValidateException('您暂无核销权限'); } $data['clerk_id'] = $staffInfo['uid']; } $data['staff_id'] = $staffInfo['id'] ?? 0; $cartData['staff_id'] = $staffInfo['id'] ?? 0; } $data = $this->transaction(function () use ($orderInfo, $staff_id, $data, $cartIds, $cartInfoServices, $cartData, $auth, $cartInfo) { if ($cartIds) {//选择商品、件数核销 foreach ($cartIds as $cart) { $write_surplus_num = $cartInfo[$cart['cart_id']]['write_surplus_times'] ?? 0; if (!isset($cartInfo[$cart['cart_id']]) || !$write_surplus_num) continue; if ($cart['cart_num'] >= $write_surplus_num) {//拆分完成 $cartData['write_surplus_times'] = 0; $cartData['is_writeoff'] = 1; } else {//拆分部分数量 $cartData['write_surplus_times'] = bcsub((string)$write_surplus_num, $cart['cart_num'], 0); $cartData['is_writeoff'] = 0; } //修改原来订单商品信息 $cartInfoServices->update(['oid' => $orderInfo['id'], 'cart_id' => $cart['cart_id']], $cartData); } } else {//整单核销 //修改原来订单商品信息 $cartData['is_writeoff'] = 1; $cartData['write_surplus_times'] = 0; $cartInfoServices->update(['oid' => $orderInfo['id']], $cartData); } if (!$cartInfoServices->count(['oid' => (int)$orderInfo['id'], 'is_writeoff' => 0])) {//全部核销 if ($orderInfo['type'] == 8) { $data['status'] = 3; } else { $data['status'] = 2; } /** @var StoreOrderTakeServices $storeOrdeTask */ $storeOrdeTask = app()->make(StoreOrderTakeServices::class); $re = $storeOrdeTask->storeProductOrderUserTakeDelivery($orderInfo, true, false); if (!$re) { throw new ValidateException('Write off failure'); } } else {//部分核销 /** @var StoreOrderCreateServices $storeOrderCreateServices */ $storeOrderCreateServices = app()->make(StoreOrderCreateServices::class); $data['verify_code'] = $storeOrderCreateServices->getStoreCode(); $data['status'] = 5; } if (!$this->dao->update($orderInfo['id'], $data)) { throw new ValidateException('Write off failure'); } return $data; }); event('order.writeoff', [$orderInfo, $auth, $data, $cartIds, $cartInfo]); } else {//积分订单 if ($orderInfo['status'] == 3) { throw new ValidateException('订单已核销'); } $data = ['status' => 3]; /** @var StoreIntegralOrderServices $storeIntegralOrderServices */ $storeIntegralOrderServices = app()->make(StoreIntegralOrderServices::class); if (!$storeIntegralOrderServices->update($orderInfo['id'], $data)) { throw new ValidateException('Write off failure'); } //增加收货订单状态 /** @var StoreIntegralOrderStatusServices $statusService */ $statusService = app()->make(StoreIntegralOrderStatusServices::class); $statusService->save([ 'oid' => $orderInfo['id'], 'change_type' => 'take_delivery', 'change_message' => '已收货', 'change_time' => time() ]); } return $orderInfo; } /** * 次卡商品核销表单 * @param int $id * @param int $staffId * @param int $cart_num * @return mixed * @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException * @throws \think\db\exception\DbException * @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException */ public function writeOrderFrom(int $id, int $staffId, int $cart_num = 1) { $orderInfo = $this->getOrderCartInfo(0, (int)$id, 0, (int)$staffId); $cartInfo = $orderInfo['cart_info'] ?? []; if (!$cartInfo) { throw new ValidateException('核销订单商品信息不存在'); } if ($orderInfo['product_type'] != 4) { throw new ValidateException('订单商品不支持此类型核销'); } $name = ($cartInfo[0]['write_surplus_times'] ?? 0) . '/' . ($cartInfo[0]['write_times'] ?? 0); $f[] = Form::hidden('cart_id', $cartInfo[0]['cart_id'] ?? 0); $f[] = Form::input('name', '核销数', $name)->disabled(true); $f[] = Form::number('cart_num', '本次核销数量', min(max($cart_num, 1), $cartInfo[0]['write_surplus_times'] ?? 0))->min(1)->max($cartInfo[0]['write_surplus_times'] ?? 1); return create_form('次卡核销', $f, $this->url('/order/write/form/' . $id), 'POST'); } }