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A lightweight rich text editor, friendly API and use extremely conventient.
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## About wangEditor is a web rich text editor that use typescript develop. It's lightweight, simple, use convience and open source. It support most of modern browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Safar, Edge, QQ-browser, IE11 and so on. It doesn't support mobile browsers. ![Product Name Screen Shot](./docs/imgs/demo-en.png) ## Usage ### Use NPM package ```sh npm install wangeditor --save ``` A few lines code for creating editor instance: ```js import E from "wangeditor"; const editor = new E("#div1"); editor.create(); ``` ### Use CDN ```html ``` ## Contributing Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are **greatly appreciated**. Before contributing wangEditor, You must read [contribution](./docs/contribution.md) docs. ## License Distributed under the MIT License. See [MIT License](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_license) for more information. ## Developer team We have a professional developer team, if you want to join us, you can send email to `wangfupeng1988@163.com`. If you are a chinese developer, you can join our QQ group or read [chinese](./README-zh-cn.md) docs for more information. ## Support us Your support will encourage us to output more quality content. ![](./docs/imgs/wechat-pay.jpeg) ![](./docs/imgs/ali-pay.jpeg)