# [fast-xml-parser](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fast-xml-parser)
[![NPM quality][quality-image]][quality-url]
Validate XML, Parse XML to JS Object, or Build XML from JS Object without C/C++ based libraries and no callback.
I had recently published a book, The Power Glasses. Please have a look. Your feedback would be helpful. You can [mail](githubissues@proton.me) me for a free copy.
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## Users
The list of users are mostly published by Github or communicated directly. Feel free to contact if you find any information wrong.
## Main Features
* Validate XML data syntactically
* Parse XML to JS Object
* Build XML from JS Object
* Compatible to node js packages, in browser, and in CLI (click try me button above for demo)
* Faster than any other pure JS implementation.
* It can handle big files (tested up to 100mb).
* Controlled parsing using various options
* XML Entities, HTML entities, and DOCTYPE entites are supported.
* unpaired tags (Eg `
` in HTML), stop nodes (Eg `
Bundle size
| Bundle Name | Size |
| ------------------ | ---- |
| fxbuilder.min.js | 6.5K |
| fxparser.min.js | 20K |
| fxp.min.js | 26K |
| fxvalidator.min.js | 5.7K |
### Documents
v3 | v4 | v5 |
documents |