You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

391 lines
14 KiB

5 months ago
namespace crmeb\services\printer\storage;
use app\services\activity\table\TableQrcodeServices;
use crmeb\basic\BasePrinter;
class FeiEYun extends BasePrinter
* 初始化
* @param array $config
* @return mixed|void
protected function initialize(array $config)
* 开始打印
* @return bool|mixed|string
* @throws \Exception
public function startPrinter()
if (!$this->printerContent) {
return $this->setError('Missing print');
$time = time();
$request = $this->accessToken->postRequest('http://api.feieyun.cn/Api/Open/', [
'user' => $this->accessToken->feyUser,
'stime' => $time,
'sig' => sha1($this->accessToken->feyUser . $this->accessToken->feyUkey . $time),
'apiname' => 'Open_printMsg',
'sn' => $this->accessToken->feySn,
'content' => $this->printerContent,
'times' => $this->accessToken->times,
$res = json_decode($request, true);
if ($res['msg'] == 'ok') {
return $res;
} else {
return $this->setError($res['msg']);
* 设置打印内容
* @param array $config
* @return YiLianYun
public function setPrinterContent(array $config): self
$printTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
$product = $config['product'];
$orderInfo = $config['orderInfo'];
$orderTime = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $orderInfo['pay_time']);
$this->printerContent = '<CB>**' . $config['name'] . '**</CB><BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '--------------------------------<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '订单编号:' . $orderInfo['order_id'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '打印时间: ' . $printTime . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '付款时间: ' . $orderTime . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '姓 名: ' . $orderInfo['real_name'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '电 话: ' . $orderInfo['user_phone'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '地 址: ' . $orderInfo['user_address'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '赠送积分: ' . $orderInfo['gain_integral'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '订单备注:' . $orderInfo['mark'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '**************商品**************<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '名称 单价 数量 金额<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '--------------------------------<BR>';
foreach ($product as $item) {
$name = $item['productInfo']['store_name'] . " | " . $item['productInfo']['attrInfo']['suk'];
$price = $item['truePrice'];
$num = $item['cart_num'];
$prices = bcmul((string)$item['cart_num'], (string)$item['truePrice'], 2);
$kw3 = '';
$kw1 = '';
$kw2 = '';
$kw4 = '';
$str = $name;
$blankNum = 14;//名称控制为14个字节
$lan = mb_strlen($str, 'utf-8');
$m = 0;
$j = 1;
$result = array();
if (strlen($price) < 6) {
$k1 = 6 - strlen($price);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k1; $q++) {
$kw1 .= ' ';
$price = $price . $kw1;
if (strlen($num) < 3) {
$k2 = 3 - strlen($num);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k2; $q++) {
$kw2 .= ' ';
$num = $num . $kw2;
if (strlen($prices) < 6) {
$k3 = 6 - strlen($prices);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k3; $q++) {
$kw4 .= ' ';
$prices = $prices . $kw4;
for ($i = 0; $i < $lan; $i++) {
$new = mb_substr($str, $m, $j, 'utf-8');
if (mb_strwidth($new, 'utf-8') < $blankNum) {
if ($m + $j > $lan) {
$m = $m + $j;
$tail = $new;
$lenght = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $new);
$k = 14 - strlen($lenght);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k; $q++) {
$kw3 .= ' ';
if ($m == $j) {
$tail .= $kw3 . ' ' . $price . ' ' . $num . ' ' . $prices;
} else {
$tail .= $kw3 . '<BR>';
} else {
$next_new = mb_substr($str, $m, $j, 'utf-8');
if (mb_strwidth($next_new, 'utf-8') < $blankNum) {
} else {
$m = $i + 1;
$result[] = $new;
$j = 1;
$head = '';
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
if ($key < 1) {
$v_lenght = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $value);
$v_lenght = strlen($v_lenght);
if ($v_lenght == 13) $value = $value . " ";
$head .= $value . ' ' . $price . ' ' . $num . ' ' . $prices;
} else {
$head .= $value . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= $head . $tail;
$this->printerContent .= '--------------------------------<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '合计:' . number_format($orderInfo['total_price'], 1) . '元<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '邮费:' . number_format($orderInfo['pay_postage'], 1) . '元<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '优惠:' . number_format($orderInfo['coupon_price'], 1) . '元<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '抵扣:' . number_format($orderInfo['deduction_price'], 1) . '元<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '实际支付:' . number_format($orderInfo['pay_price'], 1) . '元<BR>';
return $this;
* 设置桌码打印内容
* @param array $config
* @return YiLianYun
public function setPrinterTableContent(array $config): self
$timeYmd = date('Y-m-d', time());
$timeHis = date('H:i:s', time());
$product = $config['product'];
$tableInfo = $config['tableInfo'];
$name = $config['name'];
/** @var TableQrcodeServices $qrcodeService */
$qrcodeService = app()->make(TableQrcodeServices::class);
$Info = $qrcodeService->getQrcodeyInfo((int)$tableInfo['qrcode_id'], ['category']);
$sumPrice = 0;
foreach ($product as $item) {
$price = bcadd((string)$item['vip_truePrice'], (string)bcmul((string)$item['cart_num'], (string)$item['truePrice'], 4), 2);
$sumPrice = bcadd((string)$sumPrice, (string)$price, 2);
$this->printerContent = '<CB>**' . $config['name'] . '**</CB><BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '--------------------------------<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '桌码流水:' . $tableInfo['serial_number'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '桌码分类: ' . $Info['category']['name'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '桌码编号: ' . $Info['table_number'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '日 期: ' . $timeYmd . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '时 间:' . $timeHis . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '**************商品**************<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '名称 单价 数量 金额<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '--------------------------------<BR>';
foreach ($product as $item) {
$name = $item['productInfo']['store_name'] . " | " . $item['productInfo']['attrInfo']['suk'];
$price = $item['truePrice'];
$num = $item['cart_num'];
$prices = bcmul((string)$item['cart_num'], (string)$item['truePrice'], 2);
$kw3 = '';
$kw1 = '';
$kw2 = '';
$kw4 = '';
$str = $name;
$blankNum = 14;//名称控制为14个字节
$lan = mb_strlen($str, 'utf-8');
$m = 0;
$j = 1;
$result = array();
if (strlen($price) < 6) {
$k1 = 6 - strlen($price);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k1; $q++) {
$kw1 .= ' ';
$price = $price . $kw1;
if (strlen($num) < 3) {
$k2 = 3 - strlen($num);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k2; $q++) {
$kw2 .= ' ';
$num = $num . $kw2;
if (strlen($prices) < 6) {
$k3 = 6 - strlen($prices);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k3; $q++) {
$kw4 .= ' ';
$prices = $prices . $kw4;
for ($i = 0; $i < $lan; $i++) {
$new = mb_substr($str, $m, $j, 'utf-8');
if (mb_strwidth($new, 'utf-8') < $blankNum) {
if ($m + $j > $lan) {
$m = $m + $j;
$tail = $new;
$lenght = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $new);
$k = 14 - strlen($lenght);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k; $q++) {
$kw3 .= ' ';
if ($m == $j) {
$tail .= $kw3 . ' ' . $price . ' ' . $num . ' ' . $prices;
} else {
$tail .= $kw3 . '<BR>';
} else {
$next_new = mb_substr($str, $m, $j, 'utf-8');
if (mb_strwidth($next_new, 'utf-8') < $blankNum) {
} else {
$m = $i + 1;
$result[] = $new;
$j = 1;
$head = '';
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
if ($key < 1) {
$v_lenght = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $value);
$v_lenght = strlen($v_lenght);
if ($v_lenght == 13) $value = $value . " ";
$head .= $value . ' ' . $price . ' ' . $num . ' ' . $prices;
} else {
$head .= $value . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= $head . $tail;
$this->printerContent .= '--------------------------------<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '商品金额:' . $sumPrice . '元<BR>';
return $this;
* 积分商城打印内容
* @param array $config
* @return YiLianYun
public function setIntegralPrinterContent(array $config): self
$timeYmd = date('Y-m-d', time());
$timeHis = date('H:i:s', time());
$orderInfo = $config['orderInfo'];
$product = [['store_name' => $orderInfo['store_name'], 'cart_num' => $orderInfo['total_num'], 'price' => $orderInfo['price'], 'total_price' => $orderInfo['total_price']]];
$this->printerContent = '<CB>**' . $config['name'] . '**</CB><BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '--------------------------------<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '订单编号:' . $orderInfo['order_id'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '日 期: ' . $timeYmd . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '时 间: ' . $timeHis . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '姓 名: ' . $orderInfo['real_name'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '电 话:' . $orderInfo['user_phone'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '地 址:' . $orderInfo['user_address'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '订单备注:' . $orderInfo['mark'] . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '**************商品**************<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '名称 单价 数量 金额<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '--------------------------------<BR>';
foreach ($product as $item) {
$name = $item['store_name'];
$price = $item['price'];
$num = $item['cart_num'];
$prices = $item['total_price'];
$kw3 = '';
$kw1 = '';
$kw2 = '';
$kw4 = '';
$str = $name;
$blankNum = 14;//名称控制为14个字节
$lan = mb_strlen($str, 'utf-8');
$m = 0;
$j = 1;
$result = array();
if (strlen($price) < 6) {
$k1 = 6 - strlen($price);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k1; $q++) {
$kw1 .= ' ';
$price = $price . $kw1;
if (strlen($num) < 3) {
$k2 = 3 - strlen($num);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k2; $q++) {
$kw2 .= ' ';
$num = $num . $kw2;
if (strlen($prices) < 6) {
$k3 = 6 - strlen($prices);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k3; $q++) {
$kw4 .= ' ';
$prices = $prices . $kw4;
for ($i = 0; $i < $lan; $i++) {
$new = mb_substr($str, $m, $j, 'utf-8');
if (mb_strwidth($new, 'utf-8') < $blankNum) {
if ($m + $j > $lan) {
$m = $m + $j;
$tail = $new;
$lenght = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $new);
$k = 14 - strlen($lenght);
for ($q = 0; $q < $k; $q++) {
$kw3 .= ' ';
if ($m == $j) {
$tail .= $kw3 . ' ' . $price . ' ' . $num . ' ' . $prices;
} else {
$tail .= $kw3 . '<BR>';
} else {
$next_new = mb_substr($str, $m, $j, 'utf-8');
if (mb_strwidth($next_new, 'utf-8') < $blankNum) {
} else {
$m = $i + 1;
$result[] = $new;
$j = 1;
$head = '';
foreach ($result as $key => $value) {
if ($key < 1) {
$v_lenght = iconv("UTF-8", "GBK//IGNORE", $value);
$v_lenght = strlen($v_lenght);
if ($v_lenght == 13) $value = $value . " ";
$head .= $value . ' ' . $price . ' ' . $num . ' ' . $prices;
} else {
$head .= $value . '<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= $head . $tail;
$this->printerContent .= '--------------------------------<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '金额:' . $orderInfo['price'] . '元<BR>';
$this->printerContent .= '积分:' . $orderInfo['integral'] . '<BR>';
return $this;