You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

101 lines
2.3 KiB

5 months ago
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", {
value: true
exports.default = void 0;
var GlobalConfig = {
// showOverflow: null,
// showHeaderOverflow: null,
// resizeInterval: 250,
// size: null,
// validConfig: {
// message: 'default'
// },
// resizable: false,
// stripe: false,
// border: false,
fit: true,
emptyCell: ' ',
showHeader: true,
rowId: '_XID',
// 行数据的唯一主键字段名
version: 0,
// 版本号,对于某些带数据缓存的功能有用到,上升版本号可以用于重置数据
optimization: {
animat: true,
delayHover: 250,
scrollX: {
gt: 100 // oSize: 0,
// rSize: 0
// vSize: 0
scrollY: {
gt: 500 // oSize: 0,
// rSize: 0
// vSize: 0,
// rHeight: 0
icon: {
sortAsc: 'vxe-icon--caret-top',
sortDesc: 'vxe-icon--caret-bottom',
filter: 'vxe-icon--funnel',
edit: 'vxe-icon--edit-outline',
tree: 'vxe-icon--caret-right',
refresh: 'vxe-icon--refresh',
custom: 'vxe-icon--menu',
jumpPrev: 'vxe-icon--d-arrow-left',
jumpNext: 'vxe-icon--d-arrow-right',
prevPage: 'vxe-icon--arrow-left',
nextPage: 'vxe-icon--arrow-right',
zoomIn: 'vxe-icon--zoomin',
zoomOut: 'vxe-icon--zoomout',
modalClose: 'vxe-icon--close',
modalInfo: 'vxe-icon--info',
modalSuccess: 'vxe-icon--success',
modalWarning: 'vxe-icon--warning',
modalError: 'vxe-icon--error',
modalQuestion: 'vxe-icon--question',
modalLoading: 'vxe-icon--refresh roll',
caretBottom: 'vxe-icon--caret-bottom',
dropdownBottom: 'vxe-icon--arrow-bottom',
btnLoading: 'vxe-icon--refresh roll'
grid: {},
menu: {},
tooltip: {
trigger: 'hover',
theme: 'dark'
pager: {// pageSize: 10,
// pagerCount: 7,
// pageSizes: [10, 15, 20, 50, 100],
// layouts: ['PrevJump', 'PrevPage', 'Jump', 'PageCount', 'NextPage', 'NextJump', 'Sizes', 'Total']
toolbar: {// resizable: {
// storage: false
// },
// setting: {
// storage: false
// },
// buttons: []
modal: {
zIndex: 2000,
minWidth: 340,
minHeight: 200,
lockView: true,
mask: true,
duration: 3000,
marginSize: 10,
animat: true
i18n: function i18n(key) {
return key;
var _default = GlobalConfig;
exports.default = _default;