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5 months ago
# test-exclude
The file include/exclude logic used by [nyc](https://github.com/istanbuljs/nyc).
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## Usage
const exclude = require('test-exclude')
if (exclude().shouldInstrument('./foo.js')) {
// let's instrument this file for test coverage!
_you can load configuration from a key in package.json:_
"name": "awesome-module",
"test": {
"include": ["**/index.js"]
const exclude = require('test-exclude')
if (exclude({configKey: 'test'}).shouldInstrument('./index.js')) {
// let's instrument this file for test coverage!
## Including node_modules folder
by default the `node_modules` folder is added to all groups of
exclude rules. In the rare case that you wish to instrument files
stored in `node_modules`, a negative glob can be used:
const exclude = require('test-exclude')
const e = exclude({
exclude: ['!**/node_modules/**']
## License