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namespace crmeb\services\upload\storage;
use Aws\Acm\Exception\AcmException;
use crmeb\exceptions\AdminException;
use crmeb\exceptions\UploadException;
use crmeb\basic\BaseUpload;
use GuzzleHttp\Psr7\Utils;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
* 京东云COS文件上传
* Class Jdoss
* @package crmeb\services\upload\storage
class Jdoss extends BaseUpload
* 应用id
* @var string
protected $appid;
* accessKey
* @var mixed
protected $accessKey;
* secretKey
* @var mixed
protected $secretKey;
* 句柄
* @var S3Client
protected $handle;
* 空间域名 Domain
* @var mixed
protected $uploadUrl;
* 存储空间名称 公开空间
* @var mixed
protected $storageName;
* COS使用 所属地域
* @var mixed|null
protected $storageRegion;
* @var string
protected $cdn;
* 水印位置
* @var string[]
protected $position = [
'1' => '1',//:左上
'2' => '2',//:中上
'3' => '3',//:右上
'4' => '4',//:左中
'5' => '5',//:中部
'6' => '6',//:右中
'7' => '7',//:左下
'8' => '8',//:中下
'9' => '9',//:右下
* 初始化
* @param array $config
* @return mixed|void
public function initialize(array $config)
$this->accessKey = $config['accessKey'] ?? null;
$this->secretKey = $config['secretKey'] ?? null;
$this->uploadUrl = $this->checkUploadUrl($config['uploadUrl'] ?? '') ?: sys_config('site_url');
$this->storageName = $config['storageName'] ?? null;
$this->storageRegion = $config['storageRegion'] ?? null;
$this->waterConfig['watermark_text_font'] = 'simfang仿宋.ttf';
* @return \crmeb\services\upload\extend\jdoss\Client
protected function app()
if (!$this->accessKey || !$this->secretKey) {
throw new UploadException('Please configure accessKey and secretKey');
$this->handle = new \crmeb\services\upload\extend\jdoss\Client([
'accessKey' => $this->accessKey,
'secretKey' => $this->secretKey,
return $this->handle;
* 上传图片
* @param string $file
* @return array|bool|mixed
public function move(string $file = 'file')
$fileHandle = app()->request->file($file);
if (!$fileHandle) {
return $this->setError('上传的文件不存在');
if ($this->validate) {
try {
$error = [
$file . '.filesize' => 'Upload filesize error',
$file . '.fileExt' => 'Upload fileExt error',
$file . '.fileMime' => 'Upload fileMine error'
validate([$file => $this->validate], $error)->check([$file => $fileHandle]);
} catch (ValidateException $e) {
return $this->setError($e->getMessage());
$key = $this->saveFileName($fileHandle->getRealPath(), $fileHandle->getOriginalExtension());
$key = $this->getUploadPath($key);
$body = fopen($fileHandle->getRealPath(), 'rb');
$body = (string)Utils::streamFor($body);
try {
$uploadInfo = $this->app()->putObject($this->storageName, $this->storageRegion, $key, [
'body' => $body
if (!$uploadInfo) {
return $this->setError('Upload failure');
$this->fileInfo->uploadInfo = $uploadInfo;
$this->fileInfo->realName = $fileHandle->getOriginalName();
$this->fileInfo->filePath = ($this->cdn ?: $this->uploadUrl) . '/' . $key;
$this->fileInfo->fileName = $key;
$this->fileInfo->filePathWater = $this->water($this->fileInfo->filePath);
$this->authThumb && $this->thumb($this->fileInfo->filePath);
return $this->fileInfo;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->setError($e->getMessage());
* 文件流上传
* @param string $fileContent
* @param string|null $key
* @return bool|mixed
public function stream(string $fileContent, string $key = null)
try {
if (!$key) {
$key = $this->saveFileName();
$key = $this->getUploadPath($key);
$fileContent = (string)Utils::streamFor($fileContent);
$uploadInfo = $this->app()->putObject($this->storageName, $this->storageRegion, $key, [
'body' => $fileContent
if (!$uploadInfo) {
return $this->setError('Upload failure');
$this->fileInfo->uploadInfo = $uploadInfo;
$this->fileInfo->realName = $key;
$this->fileInfo->filePath = ($this->cdn ?: $this->uploadUrl) . '/' . $key;
$this->fileInfo->fileName = $key;
$this->fileInfo->filePathWater = $this->water($this->fileInfo->filePath);
return $this->fileInfo;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->setError($e->getMessage());
* 删除
* @param string $key
* @return array|bool|\crmeb\services\upload\extend\cos\SimpleXMLElement|mixed
public function delete(string $key)
try {
return $this->app()->deleteObject($this->storageName, $this->storageRegion, $key);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->setError($e->getMessage());
* @param string $region
* @param bool $line
* @param bool $shared
* @return array|\Aws\Result
public function listbuckets(string $region = 'cn-north-1', bool $line = false, bool $shared = false)
try {
$res = $this->app()->listBuckets();
return $res['Buckets']['Bucket'] ?? [];
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return [];
* 创建桶
* @param string $name
* @param string $region
* @param string $acl
* @return array|\AsyncAws\S3\Result\CreateBucketOutput|bool|\crmeb\services\upload\extend\cos\SimpleXMLElement
public function createBucket(string $name, string $region = '', string $acl = 'public-read')
$regionData = $this->getRegion();
$regionData = array_column($regionData, 'value');
if (!in_array($region, $regionData)) {
return $this->setError('COS:无效的区域!');
$this->storageRegion = $region;
$app = $this->app();
try {
$app->headBucket($name, $region);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
if (strstr('404', $e->getMessage())) {
return $this->setError('JDOSS:' . $e->getMessage());
try {
$res = $app->createBucket($name, $region, $acl);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->setError('JDOSS:' . $e->getMessage());
return $res;
* 删除桶
* @param string $name
* @param string $region
* @return bool
public function deleteBucket(string $name, string $region = '')
try {
$this->storageRegion = $region;
$this->app()->deleteBucket($name, $region);
return true;
} catch (AcmException $e) {
return $this->setError($e->getMessage());
public function getRegion()
return [
'value' => 'cn-north-1',
'label' => '华北-北京'
'value' => 'cn-east-1',
'label' => '华东-宿迁'
'value' => 'cn-east-2',
'label' => '华东-上海'
'value' => 'cn-south-1',
'label' => '华南-广州'
public function getDomian(string $name, string $region = null)
try {
$this->storageRegion = $region;
$res = $this->app()->getBucketPolicy([
'Bucket' => $name
return $res['DomainName'] ?? [];
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->setError($e->getMessage());
public function bindDomian(string $name, string $domain, string $region = null)
try {
$this->storageRegion = $region;
'Bucket' => $name,
'WebsiteConfiguration' => [
'RedirectAllRequestsTo' => [
'HostName' => $domain,
'Protocol' => 'http'
return true;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->setError($e->getMessage());
public function setBucketCors(string $name, string $region)
$this->storageRegion = $region;
try {
$this->app()->putBucketCors($name, $region,
['CORSConfiguration' => [ // REQUIRED
'CORSRules' => [ // REQUIRED
'AllowedHeaders' => ['*'],
'AllowedMethods' => ['POST', 'GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'HEAD'], // REQUIRED
'AllowedOrigins' => ['*'], // REQUIRED
'ExposeHeaders' => ['Etag'],
'MaxAgeSeconds' => 0
return true;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->setError($e->getMessage());
* 获取OSS上传密钥
* @return mixed|void
public function getTempKeys($key = '', $path = '', $contentType = '', $expires = '+10 minutes')
try {
$app = $this->app();
$host = $app->getRequestUrl() . '/' . $this->storageName;
$url = 'https://' . $host . '/' . $key;
$params = $this->getTempKeysParam($host, $url);
$param = [];
foreach ($params as $k => $value) {
$param[] = $k . '=' . $value;
return [
'upload_url' => $url . '?' . implode('&', $param),
'type' => 'JDOSS',
'url' => $this->uploadUrl . '/' . $key
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
return $this->setError($e->getMessage());
* 获取上传需要参数
* @param string $host
* @return array
public function getTempKeysParam(string $host, string $url)
$amzDate = gmdate('Ymd\THis\Z');
$sdt = substr($amzDate, 0, 8);
$credentialScope = $sdt . '/' . $this->storageRegion . '/' . 's3' . '/aws4_request';
$clientHeader = [
'Host' => $host,
'X-Amz-Content-Sha256' => 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD',
'X-Amz-Date' => $amzDate
$param = [
'X-Amz-Content-Sha256' => 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD',
'X-Amz-Algorithm' => 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256',
'X-Amz-Credential' => $this->accessKey . '/' . $credentialScope,
'X-Amz-Date' => $amzDate,
'X-Amz-SignedHeaders' => 'host;X-Amz-Content-Sha25;X-Amz-Date',
'X-Amz-Expires' => 600
[$canonicalRequest, $signedHeaders] = $this->app()->createCanonicalRequest($url, 'GET', $clientHeader, ['query' => $param]);
$stringToSign = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256\n" . $amzDate . "\n" . $credentialScope . "\n" . hash('sha256', $canonicalRequest);
$key = $this->getSigningKey($sdt, $this->storageRegion, 's3', $this->accessKey);
$signature = hash_hmac('sha256', $stringToSign, $key);
$param['X-Amz-Signature'] = $signature;
return $param;
* 生成key
* @param $shortDate
* @param $region
* @param $service
* @param $secretKey
* @return false|string
public function getSigningKey($shortDate, $region, $service, $secretKey)
$kSecret = 'AWS4' . $secretKey;
$kDate = hash_hmac('sha256', $shortDate, $kSecret, true);
$kRegion = hash_hmac('sha256', $region, $kDate, true);
$kService = hash_hmac('sha256', $service, $kRegion, true);
return hash_hmac('sha256', 'aws4_request', $kService, true);
* 缩略图
* @param string $filePath
* @param string $fileName
* @param string $type
* @return array|mixed
public function thumb(string $filePath = '', string $fileName = '', string $type = 'all')
$filePath = $this->getFilePath($filePath);
$data = ['big' => $filePath, 'mid' => $filePath, 'small' => $filePath];
$this->fileInfo->filePathBig = $this->fileInfo->filePathMid = $this->fileInfo->filePathSmall = $this->fileInfo->filePathWater = $filePath;
if ($filePath) {
$config = $this->thumbConfig;
foreach ($this->thumb as $v) {
if ($type == 'all' || $type == $v) {
$height = 'thumb_' . $v . '_height';
$width = 'thumb_' . $v . '_width';
$key = 'filePath' . ucfirst($v);
if (sys_config('image_thumbnail_status', 1) && isset($config[$height]) && isset($config[$width]) && $config[$height] && $config[$width]) {
$this->fileInfo->$key = $filePath . '?x-oss-process=img/s' . $config[$width] . '/' . $config[$height];
$this->fileInfo->$key = $this->water($this->fileInfo->$key);
$data[$v] = $this->fileInfo->$key;
} else {
$this->fileInfo->$key = $this->water($this->fileInfo->$key);
$data[$v] = $this->fileInfo->$key;
return $data;
* 水印
* @param string $filePath
* @return mixed|string
public function water(string $filePath = '')
$filePath = $this->getFilePath($filePath);
$waterConfig = $this->waterConfig;
$waterPath = $filePath;
if ($waterConfig['image_watermark_status'] && $filePath) {
if (strpos($filePath, '?x-oss-process') === false) {
$filePath .= '?x-oss-process=img';
switch ($waterConfig['watermark_type']) {
case 1://图片
if (!$waterConfig['watermark_image']) {
throw new AdminException('请先配置水印图片');
$waterPath = $filePath .= '/wmi/wk/' . base64_encode($waterConfig['watermark_image']) . '/wd/' . $waterConfig['watermark_opacity'] . '/wp/' . ($this->position[$waterConfig['watermark_position']] ?? '1') . '/wdx/' . $waterConfig['watermark_x'] . '/wdy/' . $waterConfig['watermark_y'];
case 2://文字
if (!$waterConfig['watermark_text']) {
throw new AdminException('请先配置水印文字');
$waterConfig['watermark_text_color'] = str_replace('#', '', $waterConfig['watermark_text_color']);
$waterPath = $filePath .= '/wmt/wt/' . base64_encode($waterConfig['watermark_text']) . '/wc/' . $waterConfig['watermark_text_color'] . '/ws/' . $waterConfig['watermark_text_size'] . '/wp/' . ($this->position[$waterConfig['watermark_position']] ?? 'nw') . '/wdx/' . $waterConfig['watermark_x'] . '/wdy/' . $waterConfig['watermark_y'] . '/wr/' . $waterConfig['watermark_text_angle'];
return $waterPath;
* 获取视频封面图
* @param string $filePath
* @param string $type
* @param int $time
* @return array
public function videoCoverImage(string $filePath = '', string $type = 'all', int $time = 1)
$data = ['big' => $filePath, 'mid' => $filePath, 'small' => $filePath];
$this->fileInfo->filePathBig = $this->fileInfo->filePathMid = $this->fileInfo->filePathSmall = $this->fileInfo->filePathWater = $filePath;
if ($filePath) {
foreach ($this->thumb as $v) {
if ($type == 'all' || $type == $v) {
$height = 600;
$width = 400;
$key = 'filePath' . ucfirst($v);
$this->fileInfo->$key = $filePath . '?x-oss-process=video/snapshot,t_' . ($time * 1000) . ',f_jpg,w_' . $width . ',h_' . $height . ',m_fast';
$data[$v] = $this->fileInfo->$key;
return $data;