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395 lines
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395 lines
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5 months ago
<!-- 打卡日历页面 -->
<view class="all">
<view class="bar">
<!-- 上一个月 -->
<view class="previous barbtn" @click="changeMonth(-1)">
<view class="iconfont icon-ic_left2"></view>
<!-- 显示年月 -->
<view class="date">{{ nowYear || '--' }} 年 {{ nowMonth || '--' }} 月</view>
<!-- 下一个月 -->
<view class="next barbtn" @click="changeMonth(1)">
<view class="iconfont icon-ic_right2"></view>
<!-- 显示星期 -->
<view class="week-area">
<view class="week-txt" v-for="(item, index) in weeksTxt[langType]" :key="index">{{ item }}</view>
<view class="myDateTable">
<view v-for="(item, j) in calendarDays" :key="j" class="dateCell">
<view v-if=" == undefined || == null" class="cell"></view>
<template v-else>
<!-- 已签到日期 -->
<view v-if="item.isSign == true" class="cell signColor bgWhite">
<!-- {{ }} -->
<image class="sign-today" src="@/pages/users/static/sign-today.png" mode=""></image>
<view class="sign">已签</view>
<!-- 漏签 -->
<view @click="clickSign(, 0)" class="cell outSignStyle" v-else-if="item.isBeforeToday && item.isThisMonth">
<!-- redColor bgGray -->
{{ }}
<!-- <view class="redDot"></view> -->
<!-- 今日未签到-->
<view @click="clickSign(, 1)" class="cell whiteColor" v-else-if=" == today && nowMonth == toMonth && nowYear == toYear">今</view>
<!-- 当前日期之后 -->
<view class="whiteColor cell" v-else>
{{ }}
export default {
data() {
return {
calendarDays: [],
SignData: [], // 已经签到的数据
nowYear: 0, //当前选的年
nowMonth: 0, //当前选的月
today: parseInt(new Date().getDate()), //系统本日
toMonth: parseInt(new Date().getMonth() + 1), //系统本月
toYear: parseInt(new Date().getFullYear()), //系统本年
weeksTxt: {
ch: ['日', '一', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六'],
en: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thur', 'Fri', 'Sat']
props: {
isReplenishSign: {
// 是否允许过期补签
type: Boolean,
default: false
isFullCalendar: {
// 是否需要填满日历,前后空的格子填入上/下个月的日期
type: Boolean,
default: false
yearMonth: {
// 2022-01 这种格式,默认当前年月
type: String,
default: new Date().getFullYear() + '-' + new Date().getMonth() + 1
dataSource: {
//已签到的数据源,例: 5、6号已签到: ["2022-01-05","2022-01-06"],兼容个位数前可加可不加0
type: Array,
default: () => {
return [];
langType: {
type: String,
default: 'ch' //en
created() {
if (!/en|ch/g.test(this.langType)) {
this.langType = 'ch'; // 非中英,则固定中文
const ymArr = this.yearMonth.split('-');
this.buildCalendar(ymArr[0], ymArr[1]);
watch: {
dataSource: 'onSignDataChange'
methods: {
clickSign(date, type) {
var strTip = '签到';
if (type == 0) {
if (!this.isReplenishSign) {
// 未开启补签,阻止继续执行
strTip = '补签';
title: date + '号' + strTip + '成功',
icon: 'success',
position: 'bottom'
this.$emit('clickChange', this.nowYear + '-' + this.nowMonth + '-' + date); //传给调用模板页面
// 父页面要在clickChange里去修改输入的数据源dataSource,否则视图不更新的!
buildCalendar(y, m) {
this.nowYear = y;
this.nowMonth = m;
this.calculateEmptyGrids(y, m);
this.calculateDays(y, m);
if (this.isFullCalendar) {
// 监听到签到数据源改变
onSignDataChange(newData, oldData = []) {
this.SignData = newData;
matchSign() {
var signs = this.SignData;
var daysArr = this.calendarDays;
for (var i = 0; i < signs.length; i++) {
var current = new Date(this.toIOSDate(signs[i])).getTime(); // ios只认/格式的日期
for (var j = 0; j < daysArr.length; j++) {
if (current == new Date(this.toIOSDate(daysArr[j].fullDate)).getTime()) {
daysArr[j].isSign = true;
this.calendarDays = daysArr;
// console.log(this.calendarDays );
// 计算当月1号前空了几个格子,把它填充在calendarDays数组的前面
calculateEmptyGrids(year, month) {
this.calendarDays = [];
const firstDayOfWeek = this.getFirstDayOfWeek(year, month);
if (firstDayOfWeek > 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < firstDayOfWeek; i++) {
date: null, // 显示的日期
fullDate: null, // 日期yyyy-mm-dd格式
isBeforeToday: true, // 今日之前
isSign: false, // 是否签到
isThisMonth: false // 是本月
// 绘制当月天数占的格子,并把它放到days数组中
calculateDays(year, month) {
const thisMonthDays = this.getMonthDayLength(year, month);
const toDate = new Date(this.toYear + '/' + this.toMonth + '/' +;
for (let i = 1; i <= thisMonthDays; i++) {
const fullDate = year + '-' + month + '-' + i;
const isBeforeToday = new Date(this.toIOSDate(fullDate)) < toDate;
date: i,
isSign: false,
isThisMonth: true
// 切换控制年月,上一个月,下一个月
changeMonth(type) {
const nowYear = parseInt(this.nowYear);
const nowMonth = parseInt(this.nowMonth);
const newObj = this.getOperateMonthDate(nowYear, nowMonth, type);
this.buildCalendar(newObj.year, newObj.month); // 重新构建日历数据
this.$emit('dateChange', this.nowYear + '-' + this.nowMonth); //传给调用模板页面去拿新数据
// 获取当月共多少天,也就是获取月的最后一天
getMonthDayLength(year, month) {
return new Date(year, month, 0).getDate();
// 获取当月第一天星期几
getFirstDayOfWeek(year, month, day = 1) {
return new Date(Date.UTC(year, month - 1, day)).getDay();
toIOSDate(strDate) {
// iso不认识"-"拼接的日期,所以转/
return strDate ? strDate.replace(/-/g, '/') : strDate;
// 需要填满格子,上/下个月的日期拉出来填满格子
fullCell() {
const endDay = this.getMonthDayLength(this.nowYear, this.nowMonth);
const beforeEmptyLength = this.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.nowYear, this.nowMonth);
const afterEmptyLength = 6 - this.getFirstDayOfWeek(this.nowYear, this.nowMonth, endDay);
const last = this.getOperateMonthDate(this.nowYear, this.nowMonth, -1);
const lastMonthEndDay = this.getMonthDayLength(last.year, last.month);
for (let i = 0; i < beforeEmptyLength; i++) {
const date = lastMonthEndDay - beforeEmptyLength + i + 1;
this.calendarDays[i].date = date;
this.calendarDays[i].fullDate = last.year + '-' + last.month + '-' + date;
const next = this.getOperateMonthDate(this.nowYear, this.nowMonth, 1);
for (let i = 1; i <= afterEmptyLength; i++) {
date: i, // 显示的日期
fullDate: next.year + '-' + next.month + '-' + i, // 日期yyyy-mm-dd格式
isBeforeToday: false, // 今日之前
isSign: false, // 是否签到
isThisMonth: false // 是本月
// console.log(beforeEmptyLength,afterEmptyLength,lastMonthEndDay);
// console.log(this.calendarDays);
// 获取加/减一个月的日期
getOperateMonthDate(yy, mm, num) {
let month = parseInt(mm) + parseInt(num);
let year = parseInt(yy);
if (month > 12) {
month = 1;
} else if (month < 1) {
month = 12;
return {
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