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4 months ago
namespace Qiniu\Tests;
use Qiniu\Processing\Operation;
use Qiniu\Processing\PersistentFop;
class FopTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testExifPub()
$fop = new Operation('sdk.peterpy.cn');
list($exif, $error) = $fop->execute('gogopher.jpg', 'exif');
public function testExifPrivate()
global $testAuth;
$fop = new Operation('private-res.qiniudn.com', $testAuth);
list($exif, $error) = $fop->execute('noexif.jpg', 'exif');
public function testbuildUrl()
$fops = 'imageView2/2/h/200';
$fop = new Operation('testres.qiniudn.com');
$url = $fop->buildUrl('gogopher.jpg', $fops);
$this->assertEquals($url, 'http://testres.qiniudn.com/gogopher.jpg?imageView2/2/h/200');
$fops = array('imageView2/2/h/200', 'imageInfo');
$url = $fop->buildUrl('gogopher.jpg', $fops);
$this->assertEquals($url, 'http://testres.qiniudn.com/gogopher.jpg?imageView2/2/h/200|imageInfo');