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171 lines
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4 months ago
namespace AsyncAws\S3\Signer;
use AsyncAws\Core\Configuration;
use AsyncAws\Core\Credentials\Credentials;
use AsyncAws\Core\Exception\InvalidArgument;
use AsyncAws\Core\Request;
use AsyncAws\Core\RequestContext;
use AsyncAws\Core\Signer\SignerV4;
use AsyncAws\Core\Signer\SigningContext;
use AsyncAws\Core\Stream\FixedSizeStream;
use AsyncAws\Core\Stream\IterableStream;
use AsyncAws\Core\Stream\ReadOnceResultStream;
use AsyncAws\Core\Stream\RequestStream;
use AsyncAws\Core\Stream\RewindableStream;
* Version4 of signer dedicated for service S3.
* @author Jérémy Derussé <>
class Signer extends SignerV4
private const CHUNK_SIZE = 64 * 1024;
private const MD5_OPERATIONS = [
'DeleteObjects' => true,
'PutBucketCors' => true,
'PutBucketLifecycle' => true,
'PutBucketLifecycleConfiguration' => true,
'PutBucketPolicy' => true,
'PutBucketTagging' => true,
'PutBucketReplication' => true,
'PutObjectLegalHold' => true,
'PutObjectRetention' => true,
'PutObjectLockConfiguration' => true,
private $sendChunkedBody;
* @param array{
* sendChunkedBody?: bool,
* } $s3SignerOptions
public function __construct(string $scopeName, string $region, array $s3SignerOptions = [])
parent::__construct($scopeName, $region);
$this->sendChunkedBody = $s3SignerOptions[Configuration::OPTION_SEND_CHUNKED_BODY] ?? false;
if (!empty($s3SignerOptions)) {
throw new InvalidArgument(sprintf('Invalid option(s) "%s" passed to "%s::%s". ', implode('", "', array_keys($s3SignerOptions)), __CLASS__, __METHOD__));
public function sign(Request $request, Credentials $credentials, RequestContext $context): void
if ((null === ($operation = $context->getOperation()) || isset(self::MD5_OPERATIONS[$operation])) && !$request->hasHeader('content-md5')) {
$request->setHeader('content-md5', base64_encode($request->getBody()->hash('md5', true)));
if (!$request->hasHeader('x-amz-content-sha256')) {
$request->setHeader('x-amz-content-sha256', $request->getBody()->hash());
parent::sign($request, $credentials, $context);
protected function buildBodyDigest(Request $request, bool $isPresign): string
if ($isPresign) {
$request->setHeader('x-amz-content-sha256', 'UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD');
return parent::buildBodyDigest($request, $isPresign);
* Amazon S3 does not double-encode the path component in the canonical request.
protected function buildCanonicalPath(Request $request): string
return '/' . ltrim($request->getUri(), '/');
protected function convertBodyToStream(SigningContext $context): void
$request = $context->getRequest();
$body = $request->getBody();
if ($request->hasHeader('content-length')) {
$contentLength = (int) $request->getHeader('content-length');
} else {
$contentLength = $body->length();
// If content length is unknown, use the rewindable stream to read it once locally in order to get the length
if (null === $contentLength) {
$request->setBody($body = RewindableStream::create($body));
$contentLength = $body->length();
// no need to stream small body. It's simple to convert it to string directly
if ($contentLength < self::CHUNK_SIZE || !$this->sendChunkedBody) {
if ($body instanceof ReadOnceResultStream) {
// Add content-encoding for chunked stream if available
$customEncoding = $request->getHeader('content-encoding');
// Convert the body into a chunked stream
$request->setHeader('content-encoding', $customEncoding ? "aws-chunked, $customEncoding" : 'aws-chunked');
$request->setHeader('x-amz-decoded-content-length', (string) $contentLength);
$request->setHeader('x-amz-content-sha256', 'STREAMING-' . self::ALGORITHM_CHUNK);
// Compute size of content + metadata used sign each Chunk
$chunkCount = (int) ceil($contentLength / self::CHUNK_SIZE);
$fullChunkCount = $chunkCount * self::CHUNK_SIZE === $contentLength ? $chunkCount : ($chunkCount - 1);
$metaLength = \strlen(";chunk-signature=\r\n\r\n") + 64;
$request->setHeader('content-length', (string) ($contentLength + $fullChunkCount * ($metaLength + \strlen(dechex(self::CHUNK_SIZE))) + ($chunkCount - $fullChunkCount) * ($metaLength + \strlen(dechex($contentLength % self::CHUNK_SIZE))) + $metaLength + 1));
$body = RewindableStream::create(IterableStream::create((function (RequestStream $body) use ($context): iterable {
$now = $context->getNow();
$credentialString = $context->getCredentialString();
$signingKey = $context->getSigningKey();
$signature = $context->getSignature();
foreach (FixedSizeStream::create($body, self::CHUNK_SIZE) as $chunk) {
$stringToSign = $this->buildChunkStringToSign($now, $credentialString, $signature, $chunk);
$context->setSignature($signature = $this->buildSignature($stringToSign, $signingKey));
yield sprintf("%s;chunk-signature=%s\r\n", dechex(\strlen($chunk)), $signature) . "$chunk\r\n";
$stringToSign = $this->buildChunkStringToSign($now, $credentialString, $signature, '');
$context->setSignature($signature = $this->buildSignature($stringToSign, $signingKey));
yield sprintf("%s;chunk-signature=%s\r\n\r\n", dechex(0), $signature);
private function buildChunkStringToSign(\DateTimeImmutable $now, string $credentialString, string $signature, string $chunk): string
static $emptyHash;
$emptyHash = $emptyHash ?? hash('sha256', '');
return implode("\n", [
hash('sha256', $chunk),
private function buildSignature(string $stringToSign, string $signingKey): string
return hash_hmac('sha256', $stringToSign, $signingKey);