You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1031 lines
50 KiB
1031 lines
50 KiB
5 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\services\order;
use app\jobs\activity\StorePromotionsJob;
use app\services\activity\discounts\StoreDiscountsServices;
use app\services\activity\newcomer\StoreNewcomerServices;
use app\services\agent\AgentLevelServices;
use app\services\activity\coupon\StoreCouponUserServices;
use app\services\other\CityAreaServices;
use app\services\pay\PayServices;
use app\services\product\brand\StoreBrandServices;
use app\services\product\category\StoreProductCategoryServices;
use app\services\product\shipping\ShippingTemplatesFreeServices;
use app\services\product\shipping\ShippingTemplatesRegionServices;
use app\services\product\shipping\ShippingTemplatesServices;
use app\services\user\UserRechargeServices;
use app\services\wechat\WechatUserServices;
use app\services\BaseServices;
use crmeb\exceptions\PayException;
use crmeb\services\CacheService;
use app\dao\order\StoreOrderDao;
use app\services\user\UserServices;
use crmeb\traits\ServicesTrait;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use app\services\user\UserBillServices;
use app\services\user\UserAddressServices;
use app\services\activity\bargain\StoreBargainServices;
use app\services\activity\seckill\StoreSeckillServices;
use app\services\store\SystemStoreServices;
use app\services\activity\combination\StoreCombinationServices;
use app\services\product\product\StoreProductServices;
use app\services\activity\collage\UserCollageCodeServices;
use app\services\activity\collage\UserCollagePartakeServices;
use think\facade\Cache;
use think\facade\Log;
* 订单创建
* Class StoreOrderCreateServices
* @package app\services\order
* @mixin StoreOrderDao
class StoreOrderCreateServices extends BaseServices
use ServicesTrait;
* StoreOrderCreateServices constructor.
* @param StoreOrderDao $dao
public function __construct(StoreOrderDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
* 使用雪花算法生成订单ID
* @return string
* @throws \Exception
public function getNewOrderId(string $prefix = 'wx')
$snowflake = new \Godruoyi\Snowflake\Snowflake();
$is_callable = function ($currentTime) {
// if (is_win()) {
$redis = Cache::store('redis');
$swooleSequenceResolver = new \Godruoyi\Snowflake\RedisSequenceResolver($redis->handler());
return $swooleSequenceResolver->sequence($currentTime);
// } else {
// $swooleSequenceResolver = new \Godruoyi\Snowflake\SwooleSequenceResolver();
// return $swooleSequenceResolver->sequence($currentTime);
// }
if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
$id = abs($snowflake->setSequenceResolver($is_callable)->id());
} else {
$id = $snowflake->setStartTimeStamp(strtotime('2020-06-05') * 1000)->setSequenceResolver($is_callable)->id();
return $prefix . $id;
* 核销订单生成核销码
* @return false|string
public function getStoreCode()
[$msec, $sec] = explode(' ', microtime());
$num = time() + mt_rand(10, 999999) . '' . substr($msec, 2, 3);//生成随机数
if (strlen($num) < 12)
$num = str_pad((string)$num, 12, 0, STR_PAD_RIGHT);
$num = substr($num, 0, 12);
if ($this->dao->count(['verify_code' => $num])) {
return $this->getStoreCode();
return $num;
* 创建订单
* @param int $uid
* @param string $key
* @param array $cartGroup
* @param int $addressId
* @param string $payType
* @param array $addressInfo
* @param array $userInfo
* @param bool $useIntegral
* @param int $couponId
* @param string $mark
* @param int $pinkId
* @param int $isChannel
* @param int $shippingType
* @param int $storeId
* @param false $news
* @param array $customForm
* @param int $invoice_id
* @param string $from
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function createOrder(int $uid, string $key, array $cartGroup, int $addressId, string $payType, array $addressInfo, array $userInfo = [], bool $useIntegral = false, $couponId = 0, $mark = '', $pinkId = 0, $isChannel = 0, $shippingType = 1, $storeId = 0, $news = false, $customForm = [], int $invoice_id = 0, string $from = '', int $collate_code_id = 0)
/** @var StoreOrderComputedServices $computedServices */
$computedServices = app()->make(StoreOrderComputedServices::class);
$priceData = $computedServices->computedOrder($uid, $userInfo, $cartGroup, $addressId, $payType, $useIntegral, $couponId, $shippingType);
$cartInfo = $cartGroup['cartInfo'];
$priceGroup = $cartGroup['priceGroup'];
$cartIds = [];
$totalNum = 0;
$gainIntegral = 0;
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
$cartIds[] = $cart['id'];
$totalNum += $cart['cart_num'];
$cartInfoGainIntegral = isset($cart['productInfo']['give_integral']) ? bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)$cart['productInfo']['give_integral'], 0) : 0;
$gainIntegral = bcadd((string)$gainIntegral, (string)$cartInfoGainIntegral, 0);
$deduction = $cartGroup['deduction'];
$other = $cartGroup['other'];
$promotions_give = [
'give_integral' => $other['give_integral'] ?? 0,
'give_coupon' => $other['give_coupon'] ?? [],
'give_product' => $other['give_product'] ?? [],
'promotions' => $other['promotions'] ?? []
$type = (int)$deduction['type'] ?? 0;
$activity_id = (int)$deduction['activity_id'] ?? 0;
$collateCodeId = (int)$deduction['collate_code_id'] ?? 0;
$product_type = (int)$deduction['product_type'] ?? 0;
/** @var UserCollageCodeServices $collageServices */
$collageServices = app()->make(UserCollageCodeServices::class);
if (in_array($type, [1, 2, 3, 5])) {
$couponId = 0;
if ($type != 5) $useIntegral = false;
$systemPayType = PayServices::PAY_TYPE;
if ($from != 'pc' && !array_key_exists($payType, $systemPayType)) {
throw new ValidateException('营销商品不能使用线下支付!');
} else if ($type == 8) {
$gainIntegral = 0;
} else if ($type == 9 || $type == 10) {
if ($collateCodeId != $collate_code_id) throw new ValidateException('拼单/桌码ID有误!');
$status = $collageServices->value(['id' => $collate_code_id], 'status');
if ($status >= 2) throw new ValidateException($type == 10 ? '桌码' : '拼单' . '已生成订单!');
$activity_id = $collate_code_id;
//$shipping_type = 1 快递发货 $shipping_type = 2 门店自提
if (!sys_config('store_func_status', 1) || !sys_config('store_self_mention', 1)) $shippingType = 1;
$userAddress = $addressInfo['province'] . ' ' . $addressInfo['city'] . ' ' . $addressInfo['district'] . ' ' . $addressInfo['street'] . ' ' . $addressInfo['detail'];
$userLocation = $addressInfo['longitude'] . ' ' . $addressInfo['latitude'];
$orderInfo = [
'uid' => $uid,
'type' => $type,
'order_id' => $this->getNewOrderId(),
'real_name' => $addressInfo['real_name'],
'user_phone' => $addressInfo['phone'],
'user_address' => $userAddress,
'user_location' => $userLocation,
'cart_id' => $cartIds,
'total_num' => $totalNum,
'total_price' => $priceGroup['sumPrice'] ?? $priceGroup['totalPrice'],
'total_postage' => $priceData['total_postage'] ?? $priceGroup['storePostage'],
'coupon_id' => $couponId,
'coupon_price' => $priceData['coupon_price'],
'first_order_price' => $priceData['first_order_price'],
'promotions_price' => $priceData['promotions_price'],
'pay_price' => $priceData['pay_price'],
'pay_integral' => $priceData['pay_integral'],
'pay_postage' => $priceData['pay_postage'],
'deduction_price' => $priceData['deduction_price'],
'paid' => 0,
'pay_type' => $payType,
'use_integral' => $priceData['usedIntegral'],
'gain_integral' => $gainIntegral,
'mark' => htmlspecialchars($mark),
'product_type' => $product_type,
'activity_id' => $activity_id,
'pink_id' => $pinkId,
'cost' => $priceGroup['costPrice'],
'is_channel' => $isChannel,
'add_time' => time(),
'unique' => $key,
'shipping_type' => $shippingType,
'channel_type' => $userInfo['user_type'],
'province' => '',
'spread_uid' => 0,
'spread_two_uid' => 0,
'custom_form' => json_encode($customForm),
'promotions_give' => json_encode($promotions_give),
'give_integral' => $promotions_give['give_integral'] ?? 0,
'give_coupon' => implode(',', $promotions_give['give_coupon'] ?? []),
'store_id' => $storeId
if ($userInfo['user_type'] == 'wechat' || $userInfo['user_type'] == 'routine') {
/** @var WechatUserServices $wechatServices */
$wechatServices = app()->make(WechatUserServices::class);
$orderInfo['province'] = $wechatServices->value(['uid' => $uid, 'user_type' => $userInfo['user_type']], 'province') ?: '';
if ($shippingType == 2) {
$orderInfo['verify_code'] = $this->getStoreCode();
/** @var SystemStoreServices $storeServices */
$storeServices = app()->make(SystemStoreServices::class);
$orderInfo['store_id'] = $storeServices->getStoreDisposeCache($storeId, 'id');
if (!$orderInfo['store_id']) {
throw new ValidateException('暂无门店无法选择门店自提');
$priceData['coupon_id'] = $couponId;
$order = $this->transaction(function () use ($cartIds, $couponId, $orderInfo, $cartInfo, $key, $userInfo, $useIntegral, $priceData, $type, $activity_id, $uid, $addressId, $promotions_give, $storeId) {
$order = $this->dao->save($orderInfo);
if ($couponId) {
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $couponServices */
$couponServices = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
$couponServices->useCoupon($couponId, (int)$userInfo['uid'], $cartInfo, [], $storeId);
$this->deductIntegral($userInfo, $useIntegral, $priceData, (int)$userInfo['uid'], $key);
$this->decGoodsStock($cartInfo, $type, $activity_id, $orderInfo['store_id'] ?? 0);
/** @var StoreOrderCartInfoServices $cartServices */
$cartServices = app()->make(StoreOrderCartInfoServices::class);
$cartServices->setCartInfo($order['id'], $cartInfo, (int)$uid, $promotions_give['promotions'] ?? []);
return $order;
if (in_array($type, [9, 10]) && $collate_code_id > 0 && $order) {
$collageServices->update($collate_code_id, ['oid' => $order['id'], 'status' => 2]);
/** @var UserCollagePartakeServices $partakeService */
$partakeService = app()->make(UserCollagePartakeServices::class);
$partakeService->update(['collate_code_id' => $collate_code_id, 'is_settle' => 0], ['status' => 0]);
// StoreCartJob::dispatch([$order['id'], $cartInfo, $uid, $promotions_give['promotions'] ?? []]);
StorePromotionsJob::dispatchDo('changeGiveLimit', [$promotions_give]);
event('order.create', [$order, compact('cartInfo', 'priceData', 'addressId', 'cartIds', 'news'), compact('type', 'activity_id'), $invoice_id]);
return $order;
* 订单收银台
* @param int $uid
* @param string $orderId
* @param string $type
* @return bool[]
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getCashierInfo(int $uid, string $orderId, string $type)
$data = [];
$data['offline_pay_status'] = 2;
$data['yue_pay_status'] = 2;
$data['ali_pay_status'] = (int)sys_config('ali_pay_status');//支付宝支付 1 开启 0 关闭
$data['pay_weixin_open'] = (int)sys_config('pay_weixin_open') ?? 0;//微信支付 1 开启 0 关闭
$data['order_id'] = $orderId;
$data['pay_price'] = '0';
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->get($uid, ['uid', 'now_money', 'integral']);
$data['now_money'] = $userInfo['now_money'];
$data['integral'] = $userInfo['integral'];
$secs = 30;
switch ($type) {
case 'order':
$data['offline_pay_status'] = (int)sys_config('offline_pay_status') ?? (int)2;
$data['yue_pay_status'] = (int)sys_config('balance_func_status') && (int)sys_config('yue_pay_status') == 1 ? (int)1 : (int)2;//余额支付 1 开启 2 关闭
$info = $this->dao->get(['order_id' => $orderId], ['id', 'pay_price', 'add_time', 'type', 'pay_postage', 'type']);
if (!$info) {
throw new PayException('您支付的订单不存在');
/** @var StoreOrderServices $storeOrderServices */
$storeOrderServices = app()->make(StoreOrderServices::class);
$secs = $storeOrderServices->getOrderCancelTime((int)$info['type']);
$data['pay_price'] = $info['pay_price'];
$data['pay_postage'] = $info['pay_postage'];
$data['offline_postage'] = (int)sys_config('offline_postage', 0);
/** @var StoreOrderCartInfoServices $cartInfoServices */
$cartInfoServices = app()->make(StoreOrderCartInfoServices::class);
$data['cart_info'] = $cartInfoServices->getCartInfoList(['oid' => $info['id']], ['product_id', 'cart_id as id', 'cart_num']);
case 'vip':
/** @var OtherOrderServices $OtherOrderServices */
$OtherOrderServices = app()->make(OtherOrderServices::class);
$info = $OtherOrderServices->get(['order_id' => $orderId], ['pay_price', 'add_time']);
if (!$info) {
throw new PayException('您支付的订单不存在');
$data['pay_price'] = $info['pay_price'];
case 'recharge':
/** @var UserRechargeServices $rechargeServices */
$rechargeServices = app()->make(UserRechargeServices::class);
$info = $rechargeServices->get(['order_id' => $orderId], ['price', 'add_time']);
if (!$info) {
throw new PayException('您支付的订单不存在');
$data['pay_price'] = $info['price'];
$data['ali_pay_status'] = 0;
throw new PayException('暂不支持其他类型订单支付');
$time = $secs * 60 * 60 + (int)$info['add_time'];
if ($time < 0) {
$time = 0;
$data['invalid_time'] = $time;
return $data;
* 抵扣积分
* @param array $userInfo
* @param bool $useIntegral
* @param array $priceData
* @param int $uid
* @param string $key
public function deductIntegral(array $userInfo, bool $useIntegral, array $priceData, int $uid, string $key)
$res2 = true;
if (sys_config('integral_ratio_status', 1) && $userInfo && $useIntegral && $userInfo['integral'] > 0) {
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
if (!$priceData['SurplusIntegral']) {
$integral = 0;
} else {
$integral = bcsub((string)$userInfo['integral'], (string)$priceData['usedIntegral']);
$res2 = false !== $userServices->update($uid, ['integral' => $integral]);
/** @var UserBillServices $userBillServices */
$userBillServices = app()->make(UserBillServices::class);
$res3 = $userBillServices->income('deduction', $uid, [
'number' => (int)$priceData['usedIntegral'],
'deductionPrice' => $priceData['deduction_price']
], $integral, $key);
$res2 = $res2 && false != $res3;
if (!$res2) {
throw new ValidateException('使用积分抵扣失败!');
* 扣库存
* @param array $cartInfo
* @param int $type
* @param int $activity_id
* @param int $store_id
public function decGoodsStock(array $cartInfo, int $type, int $activity_id, int $store_id = 0)
$res5 = true;
/** @var StoreProductServices $services */
$services = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
/** @var StoreSeckillServices $seckillServices */
$seckillServices = app()->make(StoreSeckillServices::class);
/** @var StoreCombinationServices $pinkServices */
$pinkServices = app()->make(StoreCombinationServices::class);
/** @var StoreBargainServices $bargainServices */
$bargainServices = app()->make(StoreBargainServices::class);
/** @var StoreDiscountsServices $discountServices */
$discountServices = app()->make(StoreDiscountsServices::class);
/** @var StoreNewcomerServices $storeNewcomerServices */
$storeNewcomerServices = app()->make(StoreNewcomerServices::class);
try {
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
$unique = isset($cart['productInfo']['attrInfo']) ? $cart['productInfo']['attrInfo']['unique'] : '';
$cart_num = (int)$cart['cart_num'];
switch ($type) {
case 0://普通
case 6://预售
case 8://抽奖
case 9://拼单
case 10://桌码
$res5 = $res5 && $services->decProductStock($cart_num, (int)$cart['productInfo']['id'], $unique, $store_id);
case 1://秒杀
$res5 = $res5 && $seckillServices->decSeckillStock($cart_num, $activity_id, $unique, $store_id);
case 2://砍价
$res5 = $res5 && $bargainServices->decBargainStock($cart_num, $activity_id, $unique, $store_id);
case 3://拼团
$res5 = $res5 && $pinkServices->decCombinationStock($cart_num, $activity_id, $unique, $store_id);
case 5://套餐
$res5 = $res5 && $discountServices->decDiscountStock($cart_num, $activity_id, (int)($cart['discount_product_id'] ?? 0), (int)($cart['product_id'] ?? 0), $unique, $store_id);
case 7://新人专享
$res5 = $res5 && $storeNewcomerServices->decNewcomerStock($cart_num, $activity_id, $unique, $store_id);
$res5 = $res5 && $services->decProductStock($cart_num, (int)$cart['productInfo']['id'], $unique, $store_id);
if ($type == 5 && $activity_id) {
$res5 = $res5 && $discountServices->changeDiscountLimit($activity_id);
if (!$res5) {
throw new ValidateException('库存不足!');
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new ValidateException('库存不足!');
* 设置用户默认地址
* @param $order
* @param array $group
* @return void
public function updateUserAddress($order, array $group)
/** @var UserAddressServices $addressServices */
$addressServices = app()->make(UserAddressServices::class);
if ($order['uid'] && isset($group['addressId']) && $group['addressId'] && !$addressServices->be(['is_default' => 1, 'uid' => $order['uid']])) {
$addressServices->setDefaultAddress($group['addressId'], $order['uid']);
* 订单创建后的后置事件
* @param array $group
* @return void
public function delCart(array $group)
if (isset($group['news']) && $group['news']) {
array_map(function ($key) {
}, $group['cartIds'] ?? []);
} else {
if (!isset($group['delCart']) || $group['delCart']) {
/** @var StoreCartServices $cartServices */
$cartServices = app()->make(StoreCartServices::class);
$cartServices->deleteCartStatus($group['cartIds'] ?? []);
* 计算订单每个商品真实付款价格
* @param array $orderInfo
* @param array $cartInfo
* @param array $priceData
* @param $addressId
* @param int $uid
* @param $userInfo
* @return array
public function computeOrderProductTruePrice($orderInfo, array $cartInfo, array $priceData, $addressId, int $uid, $userInfo)
foreach ($cartInfo as &$cart) {
$cart['use_integral'] = 0;
$cart['integral_price'] = 0.00;
if (!isset($cart['coupon_price'])) {
$cart['coupon_price'] = 0.00;
$cart['first_order_price'] = 0.00;
$cart['one_brokerage'] = 0.00;
$cart['two_brokerage'] = 0.00;
try {
$promotionsGice = isset($orderInfo['promotions_give']) ? (is_string($orderInfo['promotions_give']) ? json_decode($orderInfo['promotions_give'], true) : $orderInfo['promotions_give']) : [];
$promotions = [];
if (isset($promotionsGice['promotions']) && $promotionsGice['promotions']) {
$promotions = $promotionsGice['promotions'];
//$cartInfo = $this->computeOrderProductCoupon($cartInfo, $priceData, $promotions);
$cartInfo = $this->computeOrderProductIntegral($cartInfo, $priceData);
// $cartInfo = $this->computeOrderProductPostage($cartInfo, $priceData);
$cartInfo = $this->computeOrderProductFirstDiscount($cartInfo, $priceData);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
Log::error('订单商品结算失败,File:' . $e->getFile() . ',Line:' . $e->getLine() . ',Message:' . $e->getMessage());
throw new ValidateException('订单商品结算失败');
//几件商品总体优惠 以及积分抵扣金额
foreach ($cartInfo as &$cart) {
$coupon_price = $cart['coupon_price'] ?? 0;
$integral_price = $cart['integral_price'] ?? 0;
$first_order_price = $cart['first_order_price'] ?? 0;
$cart['sum_true_price'] = bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 2);
if ($coupon_price) {
$cart['sum_true_price'] = bcsub((string)$cart['sum_true_price'], (string)$coupon_price, 2);
$uni_coupon_price = (string)bcdiv((string)$coupon_price, (string)$cart['cart_num'], 4);
$cart['truePrice'] = $cart['truePrice'] > $uni_coupon_price ? bcsub((string)$cart['truePrice'], $uni_coupon_price, 2) : 0;
if ($integral_price) {
$cart['sum_true_price'] = bcsub((string)$cart['sum_true_price'], (string)$integral_price, 2);
$uni_integral_price = (string)bcdiv((string)$integral_price, (string)$cart['cart_num'], 4);
$cart['truePrice'] = $cart['truePrice'] > $uni_integral_price ? bcsub((string)$cart['truePrice'], $uni_integral_price, 2) : 0;
if ($first_order_price) {
$cart['sum_true_price'] = bcsub((string)$cart['sum_true_price'], (string)$first_order_price, 2);
$uni_first_order_price = (string)bcdiv((string)$first_order_price, (string)$cart['cart_num'], 4);
$cart['truePrice'] = $cart['truePrice'] > $uni_first_order_price ? bcsub((string)$cart['truePrice'], $uni_first_order_price, 2) : 0;
[$cartInfo, $spread_ids] = $this->computeOrderProductBrokerage($uid, $cartInfo, $userInfo);
return [$cartInfo, $spread_ids];
* 计算每个商品实际支付运费
* @param array $cartInfo
* @param array $priceData
* @return array
public function computeOrderProductPostage(array $cartInfo, array $priceData, $addressId)
$storePostage = $priceData['pay_postage'] ?? 0;
if ($storePostage) {
/** @var UserAddressServices $addressServices */
$addressServices = app()->make(UserAddressServices::class);
$addr = $addressServices->getAdderssCache($addressId);
if ($addr) {
//按照运费模板计算每个运费模板下商品的件数/重量/体积以及总金额 按照首重倒序排列
$cityId = $addr['city_id'] ?? 0;
$ids = [];
if ($cityId) {
/** @var CityAreaServices $cityAreaServices */
$cityAreaServices = app()->make(CityAreaServices::class);
$ids = $cityAreaServices->getRelationCityIds($cityId);
$cityIds = array_merge([0], $ids);
$tempIds[] = 1;
foreach ($cartInfo as $key_c => $item_c) {
$tempIds[] = $item_c['productInfo']['temp_id'];
$tempIds = array_unique($tempIds);
/** @var ShippingTemplatesServices $shippServices */
$shippServices = app()->make(ShippingTemplatesServices::class);
$temp = $shippServices->getShippingColumn(['id' => $tempIds], 'type,appoint', 'id');
/** @var ShippingTemplatesRegionServices $regionServices */
$regionServices = app()->make(ShippingTemplatesRegionServices::class);
$regions = $regionServices->getTempRegionList($tempIds, $cityIds, 'temp_id,first,first_price,continue,continue_price', 'temp_id');
$temp_num = [];
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
$tempId = $cart['productInfo']['temp_id'] ?? 1;
$type = isset($temp[$tempId]['type']) ? $temp[$tempId]['type'] : $temp[1]['type'];
if ($type == 1) {
$num = $cart['cart_num'];
} elseif ($type == 2) {
$num = $cart['cart_num'] * $cart['productInfo']['attrInfo']['weight'];
} else {
$num = $cart['cart_num'] * $cart['productInfo']['attrInfo']['volume'];
$region = isset($regions[$tempId]) ? $regions[$tempId] : $regions[1];
if (!isset($temp_num[$tempId])) {
$temp_num[$tempId] = [
'cart_id' => [$cart['id']],
'number' => $num,
'type' => $type,
'price' => bcmul($cart['cart_num'], $cart['truePrice'], 2),
'first' => $region['first'],
'first_price' => $region['first_price'],
'continue' => $region['continue'],
'continue_price' => $region['continue_price'],
'temp_id' => $tempId
} else {
$temp_num[$tempId]['cart_id'][] = $cart['id'];
$temp_num[$tempId]['number'] += $num;
$temp_num[$tempId]['price'] += bcmul($cart['cart_num'], $cart['truePrice'], 2);
$cartInfo = array_combine(array_column($cartInfo, 'id'), $cartInfo);
/** @var ShippingTemplatesFreeServices $freeServices */
$freeServices = app()->make(ShippingTemplatesFreeServices::class);
$freeList = $freeServices->isFreeList($tempIds, $cityIds, 0, 'temp_id,number,price', 'temp_id');
if ($freeList) {
foreach ($temp_num as $k => $v) {
if (isset($temp[$v['temp_id']]['appoint']) && $temp[$v['temp_id']]['appoint'] && isset($freeList[$v['temp_id']])) {
$free = $freeList[$v['temp_id']];
$condition = $free['number'] <= $v['number'];
if ($free['price'] <= $v['price'] && $condition) {
foreach ($v['cart_id'] as $c_id) {
if (isset($cartInfo[$c_id])) $cartInfo[$c_id]['postage_price'] = 0.00;
$count = 0;
$compute_price = 0.00;
$total_price = 0;
$postage_price = 0.00;
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
if (isset($cart['postage_price'])) {//免运费
if (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1) {
$total_price = bcadd((string)$total_price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 4), 2);
foreach ($cartInfo as &$cart) {
if (isset($cart['postage_price'])) {//免运费
if (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1) {
if ($count > 1) {
$postage_price = bcmul((string)bcdiv((string)bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)$cart['truePrice'], 4), (string)$total_price, 4), (string)$storePostage, 2);
$compute_price = bcadd((string)$compute_price, (string)$postage_price, 2);
} else {
$postage_price = bcsub((string)$storePostage, $compute_price, 2);
$cart['postage_price'] = $postage_price;
$cartInfo = array_merge($cartInfo);
return $cartInfo;
* 计算订单商品积分实际抵扣金额
* @param array $cartInfo
* @param array $priceData
* @return array
public function computeOrderProductIntegral(array $cartInfo, array $priceData)
$usedIntegral = $priceData['usedIntegral'] ?? 0;
$deduction_price = $priceData['deduction_price'] ?? 0;
if ($deduction_price) {
$count = 0;
$total_price = 0.00;
$compute_price = 0.00;
$integral_price = 0.00;
$use_integral = 0;
$compute_integral = 0;
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
if (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1) {
$total_price = bcadd((string)$total_price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 4), 2);
if ($total_price == $deduction_price) {
$ratio = 1;
} else {
$ratio = bcdiv((string)$deduction_price, (string)$total_price, 4);
foreach ($cartInfo as &$cart) {
if (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1) {
if ($count > 1) {
$integral_price = bcmul((string)bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)$cart['truePrice'], 4), (string)$ratio, 2);
$compute_price = bcadd((string)$compute_price, (string)$integral_price, 2);
$use_integral = bcmul((string)bcdiv((string)bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)$cart['truePrice'], 4), (string)$total_price, 4), (string)$usedIntegral, 0);
$compute_integral = bcadd((string)$compute_integral, $use_integral, 0);
} else {
$integral_price = bcsub((string)$deduction_price, $compute_price, 2);
$use_integral = bcsub((string)$usedIntegral, $compute_integral, 0);
$cart['integral_price'] = $integral_price;
$cart['use_integral'] = $use_integral;
return $cartInfo;
* 计算订单商品优惠券实际抵扣金额
* @param array $cartInfo
* @param array $priceData
* @return array
public function computeOrderProductCoupon(array $cartInfo, array $priceData, array $promotions = [], int $store_id = 0)
if ($priceData['coupon_id'] && $priceData['coupon_price'] ?? 0) {
$count = 0;
$total_price = 0.00;
$compute_price = 0.00;
$coupon_price = 0.00;
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $couponServices */
$couponServices = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
$couponInfo = $couponServices->getOne(['id' => $priceData['coupon_id']], '*', ['issue']);
if ($couponInfo) {
if ($store_id && isset($couponInfo['applicable_type']) && isset($couponInfo['applicable_store_id'])) {
$applicable_store_id = is_array($couponInfo['applicable_store_id']) ? $couponInfo['applicable_store_id'] : explode(',', $couponInfo['applicable_store_id']);
if ($couponInfo['applicable_type'] == 0 || ($couponInfo['applicable_type'] == 2 && !in_array($store_id, $applicable_store_id))) {
return [[], 0];
$promotionsList = [];
if ($promotions) {
$promotionsList = array_combine(array_column($promotions, 'id'), $promotions);
$isOverlay = function ($cart) use ($promotionsList) {
$productInfo = $cart['productInfo'] ?? [];
if (!$productInfo) {
return false;
//门店独立商品 不使用优惠券
$isBranchProduct = isset($productInfo['type']) && isset($productInfo['pid']) && $productInfo['type'] == 1 && !$productInfo['pid'];
if ($isBranchProduct) {
return false;
if (isset($cart['promotions_id']) && $cart['promotions_id']) {
foreach ($cart['promotions_id'] as $key => $promotions_id) {
$promotions = $promotionsList[$promotions_id] ?? [];
if ($promotions && $promotions['promotions_type'] != 4) {
$overlay = is_string($promotions['overlay']) ? explode(',', $promotions['overlay']) : $promotions['overlay'];
if (!in_array(5, $overlay)) {
return false;
return true;
$type = $couponInfo['coupon_applicable_type'] ?? 0;
$counpon_id = $couponInfo['id'];
switch ($type) {
case 0:
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
if (!$isOverlay($cart) || (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1)) continue;
$total_price = bcadd((string)$total_price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 4), 2);
foreach ($cartInfo as &$cart) {
$cart['coupon_id'] = 0;
$cart['coupon_price'] = 0;
if (!$isOverlay($cart) || (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1)) continue;
if ($count > 1) {
$coupon_price = bcmul((string)bcdiv((string)bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)$cart['truePrice'], 4), (string)$total_price, 4), (string)$priceData['coupon_price'], 2);
$compute_price = bcadd((string)$compute_price, (string)$coupon_price, 2);
} else {
$coupon_price = bcsub((string)$priceData['coupon_price'], $compute_price, 2);
$cart['coupon_price'] = $coupon_price;
$cart['coupon_id'] = $counpon_id;
case 1://品类券
/** @var StoreProductCategoryServices $storeCategoryServices */
$storeCategoryServices = app()->make(StoreProductCategoryServices::class);
$cateGorys = $storeCategoryServices->getAllById((int)$couponInfo['category_id']);
if ($cateGorys) {
$cateIds = array_column($cateGorys, 'id');
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
if (!$isOverlay($cart) || (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1)) continue;
if (isset($cart['productInfo']['cate_id']) && array_intersect(explode(',', $cart['productInfo']['cate_id']), $cateIds)) {
$total_price = bcadd((string)$total_price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 4), 2);
foreach ($cartInfo as &$cart) {
$cart['coupon_id'] = 0;
$cart['coupon_price'] = 0;
if (!$isOverlay($cart) || (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1)) continue;
if (isset($cart['productInfo']['cate_id']) && array_intersect(explode(',', $cart['productInfo']['cate_id']), $cateIds)) {
if ($count > 1) {
$coupon_price = bcmul((string)bcdiv((string)bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)$cart['truePrice'], 4), (string)$total_price, 4), (string)$priceData['coupon_price'], 2);
$compute_price = bcadd((string)$compute_price, (string)$coupon_price, 2);
} else {
$coupon_price = bcsub((string)$priceData['coupon_price'], $compute_price, 2);
$cart['coupon_id'] = $counpon_id;
$cart['coupon_price'] = $coupon_price;
case 2://商品劵
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
if (!$isOverlay($cart) || (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1)) continue;
$product_id = isset($cart['productInfo']['pid']) && $cart['productInfo']['pid'] ? $cart['productInfo']['pid'] : ($cart['product_id'] ?? 0);
if ($product_id && in_array($product_id, explode(',', $couponInfo['product_id']))) {
$total_price = bcadd((string)$total_price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 4), 2);
foreach ($cartInfo as &$cart) {
$cart['coupon_id'] = 0;
$cart['coupon_price'] = 0;
if (!$isOverlay($cart) || (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1)) continue;
$product_id = isset($cart['productInfo']['pid']) && $cart['productInfo']['pid'] ? $cart['productInfo']['pid'] : ($cart['product_id'] ?? 0);
if ($product_id && in_array($product_id, explode(',', $couponInfo['product_id']))) {
if ($count > 1) {
$coupon_price = bcmul((string)bcdiv((string)bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)$cart['truePrice'], 4), (string)$total_price, 4), (string)$priceData['coupon_price'], 2);
$compute_price = bcadd((string)$compute_price, (string)$coupon_price, 2);
} else {
$coupon_price = bcsub((string)$priceData['coupon_price'], $compute_price, 2);
$cart['coupon_id'] = $counpon_id;
$cart['coupon_price'] = $coupon_price;
case 3://品牌券
/** @var StoreBrandServices $storeBrandServices */
$storeBrandServices = app()->make(StoreBrandServices::class);
$brands = $storeBrandServices->getAllById((int)$couponInfo['brand_id']);
if ($brands) {
$brandIds = array_column($brands, 'id');
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
if (!$isOverlay($cart) || (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1)) continue;
if (isset($cart['productInfo']['brand_id']) && in_array($cart['productInfo']['brand_id'], $brandIds)) {
$total_price = bcadd((string)$total_price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 4), 2);
foreach ($cartInfo as &$cart) {
$cart['coupon_id'] = 0;
$cart['coupon_price'] = 0;
if (!$isOverlay($cart) || (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1)) continue;
if (isset($cart['productInfo']['brand_id']) && in_array($cart['productInfo']['brand_id'], $brandIds)) {
if ($count > 1) {
$coupon_price = bcmul((string)bcdiv((string)bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)$cart['truePrice'], 4), (string)$total_price, 4), (string)$priceData['coupon_price'], 2);
$compute_price = bcadd((string)$compute_price, (string)$coupon_price, 2);
} else {
$coupon_price = bcsub((string)$priceData['coupon_price'], $compute_price, 2);
$cart['coupon_id'] = $counpon_id;
$cart['coupon_price'] = $coupon_price;
return $cartInfo;
* 计算实际佣金
* @param int $uid
* @param array $cartInfo
* @param $userInfo
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function computeOrderProductBrokerage(int $uid, array $cartInfo, $userInfo)
$storeBrokerageRatio = sys_config('store_brokerage_ratio');
$storeBrokerageTwo = sys_config('store_brokerage_two');
$brokerageComputeType = sys_config('brokerage_compute_type', 1);
/** @var AgentLevelServices $agentLevelServices */
$agentLevelServices = app()->make(AgentLevelServices::class);
[$one_brokerage_up, $two_brokerage_up, $spread_uid, $spread_two_uid] = $agentLevelServices->getAgentLevelBrokerage($uid, $userInfo);
// 二级分销开关
if (sys_config('brokerage_level', 2) == 1) {
$storeBrokerageTwo = $spread_two_uid = 0;
foreach ($cartInfo as &$cart) {
$oneBrokerage = '0';//一级返佣金额
$twoBrokerage = '0';//二级返佣金额
$cartNum = (string)$cart['cart_num'] ?? '0';
if (isset($cart['productInfo']) && isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 0) {
$productInfo = $cart['productInfo'];
if (isset($productInfo['is_sub']) && $productInfo['is_sub'] == 1) {
$oneBrokerage = bcmul((string)($productInfo['attrInfo']['brokerage'] ?? '0'), $cartNum, 2);
$twoBrokerage = bcmul((string)($productInfo['attrInfo']['brokerage_two'] ?? '0'), $cartNum, 2);
} else {//比例返佣
$price = 0;
switch ($brokerageComputeType) {
case 1://售价
if (isset($productInfo['attrInfo'])) {
$price = bcmul((string)($productInfo['attrInfo']['price'] ?? '0'), $cartNum, 4);
} else {
$price = bcmul((string)($productInfo['price'] ?? '0'), $cartNum, 4);
case 2://实付金额
$price = bcmul((string)($cart['truePrice'] ?? 0), $cartNum, 4);
case 3://商品利润
$price = bcmul(bcsub((string)($cart['truePrice'] ?? 0), (string)($cart['costPrice'] ?? 0), 2), $cartNum, 4);
if ($price > 0) {
//一级返佣比例 小于等于零时直接返回 不返佣
if ($storeBrokerageRatio > 0) {
$brokerageRatio = bcdiv($storeBrokerageRatio, 100, 4);
$oneBrokerage = bcmul((string)$price, (string)$brokerageRatio, 2);
//二级返佣比例小于等于0 直接返回
if ($storeBrokerageTwo > 0) {
$brokerageTwo = bcdiv($storeBrokerageTwo, 100, 4);
$twoBrokerage = bcmul((string)$price, (string)$brokerageTwo, 2);
if ($one_brokerage_up) $oneBrokerage = bcadd((string)$oneBrokerage, (string)bcmul((string)$oneBrokerage, (string)bcdiv((string)$one_brokerage_up, '100', 2), 4), 2);
if ($two_brokerage_up) $twoBrokerage = bcadd((string)$twoBrokerage, (string)bcmul((string)$twoBrokerage, (string)bcdiv((string)$two_brokerage_up, '100', 2), 4), 2);
$cart['one_brokerage'] = $oneBrokerage;
$cart['two_brokerage'] = $twoBrokerage;
return [$cartInfo, [$spread_uid, $spread_two_uid]];
* 计算订单商品新人首单实际抵扣金额
* @param array $cartInfo
* @param array $priceData
* @return array
public function computeOrderProductFirstDiscount(array $cartInfo, array $priceData)
$first_order_price = $priceData['first_order_price'] ?? 0;
if ($first_order_price) {
$count = 0;
$total_price = 0.00;
$compute_price = 0.00;
$discount_price = 0.00;
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
if (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1) {
$total_price = bcadd((string)$total_price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 4), 2);
if ($total_price == $first_order_price) {
$ratio = 1;
} else {
$ratio = bcdiv((string)$first_order_price, (string)$total_price, 4);
foreach ($cartInfo as &$cart) {
if (isset($cart['is_gift']) && $cart['is_gift'] == 1) {
if ($count > 1) {
$discount_price = bcmul((string)bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)$cart['truePrice'], 4), (string)$ratio, 2);
$compute_price = bcadd((string)$compute_price, (string)$discount_price, 2);
} else {
$discount_price = bcsub((string)$first_order_price, $compute_price, 2);
$cart['first_order_price'] = $discount_price;
return $cartInfo;