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1565 lines
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1565 lines
74 KiB
5 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
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// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\services\order;
use app\dao\order\StoreCartDao;
use app\services\activity\discounts\StoreDiscountsProductsServices;
use app\services\activity\bargain\StoreBargainServices;
use app\services\activity\combination\StoreCombinationServices;
use app\services\activity\integral\StoreIntegralServices;
use app\services\activity\lottery\LuckLotteryRecordServices;
use app\services\activity\newcomer\StoreNewcomerServices;
use app\services\activity\promotions\StorePromotionsServices;
use app\services\activity\seckill\StoreSeckillServices;
use app\services\BaseServices;
use app\services\other\CityAreaServices;
use app\services\product\branch\StoreBranchProductServices;
use app\services\product\label\StoreProductLabelServices;
use app\services\product\product\StoreProductServices;
use app\services\product\sku\StoreProductAttrValueServices;
use app\services\product\shipping\ShippingTemplatesServices;
use app\services\product\shipping\ShippingTemplatesNoDeliveryServices;
use app\services\store\SystemStoreServices;
use app\services\user\level\SystemUserLevelServices;
use app\services\user\member\MemberCardServices;
use app\services\user\UserAddressServices;
use app\services\user\UserServices;
use app\jobs\product\ProductLogJob;
use crmeb\services\CacheService;
use crmeb\traits\OptionTrait;
use crmeb\traits\ServicesTrait;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
* Class StoreCartServices
* @package app\services\order
* @mixin StoreCartDao
class StoreCartServices extends BaseServices
use OptionTrait, ServicesTrait;
const STOCK_FIELD = 'sum_stock';
protected $maxCartNum = 100;
* StoreCartServices constructor.
* @param StoreCartDao $dao
public function __construct(StoreCartDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
* 获取某个用户下的购物车数量
* @param array $unique
* @param int $productId
* @param int $uid
* @param string $userKey
* @return array
public function getUserCartNums(array $unique, int $productId, int $uid, string $userKey = 'uid')
$where['is_pay'] = 0;
$where['is_del'] = 0;
$where['is_new'] = 0;
$where['product_id'] = $productId;
$where[$userKey] = $uid;
return $this->dao->getUserCartNums($where, $unique);
* 计算首单优惠
* @param int $uid
* @param array $cartInfo
* @param array $newcomerArr
* @return array
public function computedFirstDiscount(int $uid, array $cartInfo, array $newcomerArr = [])
$first_order_price = $first_discount = $first_discount_limit = 0;
if ($uid && $cartInfo) {
if (!$newcomerArr) {
/** @var StoreNewcomerServices $newcomerServices */
$newcomerServices = app()->make(StoreNewcomerServices::class);
$newcomerArr = $newcomerServices->checkUserFirstDiscount($uid);
if ($newcomerArr) {//首单优惠
[$first_discount, $first_discount_limit] = $newcomerArr;
/** @var StoreOrderComputedServices $orderServices */
$orderServices = app()->make(StoreOrderComputedServices::class);
$totalPrice = $orderServices->getOrderSumPrice($cartInfo, 'truePrice');//获取订单svip、用户等级优惠之后总金额
$first_discount = bcsub('1', (string)bcdiv($first_discount, '100', 2), 2);
$first_order_price = (float)bcmul((string)$totalPrice, (string)$first_discount, 2);
$first_order_price = min($first_order_price, $first_discount_limit, $totalPrice);
return [$cartInfo, $first_order_price, $first_discount, $first_discount_limit];
* 计算商品优惠
* @param int $uid
* @param array $valid
* @param int $couponId
* @param bool $isCart
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function computedProductPromotion(int $uid, array $valid, int $store_id = 0, int $couponId = 0, bool $isCart = false)
$promotions = $giveCoupon = $giveCartList = $useCoupon = $giveProduct = [];
$giveIntegral = $couponPrice = $firstOrderPrice = 0;
/** @var StoreNewcomerServices $newcomerServices */
$newcomerServices = app()->make(StoreNewcomerServices::class);
$newcomerArr = $newcomerServices->checkUserFirstDiscount($uid);
if ($newcomerArr) {//首单优惠
[$valid, $firstOrderPrice, $first_discount, $first_discount_limit] = $this->computedFirstDiscount($uid, $valid, $newcomerArr);
} else {
/** @var StorePromotionsServices $storePromotionsServices */
$storePromotionsServices = app()->make(StorePromotionsServices::class);
$storePromotionsServices->setItem('isVip', $this->getItem('isVip', 0));
[$valid, $couponPrice, $useCoupon, $promotions, $giveIntegral, $giveCoupon, $giveCartList] = $storePromotionsServices->computedPromotions($uid, $valid, $store_id, $couponId, $isCart);
if ($giveCartList) {
foreach ($giveCartList as $key => $give) {
$giveProduct[] = [
'promotions_id' => $give['promotions_id'][0] ?? 0,
'product_id' => $give['product_id'] ?? 0,
'unique' => $give['product_attr_unique'] ?? '',
'cart_num' => $give['cart_num'] ?? 1,
return compact('valid', 'couponPrice', 'useCoupon', 'promotions', 'giveCartList', 'giveIntegral', 'giveCoupon', 'giveProduct', 'firstOrderPrice');
* 获取用户下的购物车列表
* @param int $uid
* @param $cartIds
* @param bool $new
* @param array $addr
* @param int $shipping_type
* @param int $store_id
* @param int $coupon_id
* @param bool $isCart
* @return array
* @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getUserProductCartListV1(int $uid, $cartIds, bool $new, array $addr = [], int $shipping_type = 1, int $store_id = 0, int $coupon_id = 0, bool $isCart = false)
if ($new) {
$cartIds = $cartIds && is_string($cartIds) ? explode(',', $cartIds) : (is_array($cartIds) ? $cartIds : []);
$cartInfo = [];
if ($cartIds) {
foreach ($cartIds as $key) {
$info = CacheService::redisHandler()->get($key);
if ($info) {
$cartInfo[] = $info;
} else {
$cartInfo = $this->dao->getCartList(['uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1, 'id' => $cartIds], 0, 0, ['productInfo', 'attrInfo']);
if (!$cartInfo) {
throw new ValidateException('获取购物车信息失败');
foreach ($cartInfo as $cart) {
if (isset($cart['type']) && $cart['type'] != 8) {
$this->checkLimit($uid, $cart['product_id'] ?? 0, $cart['cart_num'] ?? 1, true, $store_id);
[$cartInfo, $valid, $invalid] = $this->handleCartList($uid, $cartInfo, $addr, $shipping_type, $store_id);
$type = array_unique(array_column($cartInfo, 'type'))[0] ?? 0;
$product_type = array_unique(array_column($cartInfo, 'product_type'))[0] ?? 0;
$activity_id = array_unique(array_column($cartInfo, 'activity_id'))[0] ?? 0;
$collate_code_id = array_unique(array_column($cartInfo, 'collate_code_id'))[0] ?? 0;
$deduction = ['product_type' => $product_type, 'type' => $type, 'activity_id' => $activity_id, 'collate_code_id' => $collate_code_id];
$promotions = $giveCoupon = $giveCartList = $useCoupon = $giveProduct = [];
$giveIntegral = $couponPrice = $firstOrderPrice = 0;
if (!$deduction['activity_id'] && $deduction['type'] != 6) {
$data = $this->computedProductPromotion($uid, $valid, $store_id, $coupon_id, $isCart);
return compact('cartInfo', 'valid', 'invalid', 'deduction', 'couponPrice', 'useCoupon', 'promotions', 'giveCartList', 'giveIntegral', 'giveCoupon', 'giveProduct', 'firstOrderPrice');
* 验证库存
* @param int $uid
* @param int $productId
* @param int $cartNum
* @param int $store_id
* @param string $unique
* @param bool $new
* @param int $type
* @param int $activity_id
* @param int $discount_product_id
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function checkProductStock(int $uid, int $productId, int $cartNum = 1, int $store_id = 0, string $unique = '', bool $new = false, int $type = 0, int $activity_id = 0, $discount_product_id = 0, $sum_cart_num = 0)
$this->checkLimit($uid, $productId, $cartNum, $new, $store_id);
/** @var StoreProductAttrValueServices $attrValueServices */
$attrValueServices = app()->make(StoreProductAttrValueServices::class);
$isSet = $this->getItem('is_set', 0);
$tourist_uid = $this->getItem('tourist_uid', 0);
switch ($type) {
case 0://普通
if ($unique == '') {
$unique = $attrValueServices->value(['product_id' => $productId, 'type' => 0], 'unique');
/** @var StoreProductServices $productServices */
$productServices = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
$productInfo = $productServices->isValidProduct($productId);
if (!$productInfo) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品已下架或删除');
if ($productInfo['is_vip_product']) {
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
if (!$userServices->checkUserIsSvip($uid)) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品为付费会员专享商品');
if ($productInfo['is_presale_product']) {
if ($productInfo['presale_start_time'] > time()) throw new ValidateException('预售活动未开始');
if ($productInfo['presale_end_time'] < time()) throw new ValidateException('预售活动已结束');
$attrInfo = $attrValueServices->getOne(['unique' => $unique, 'type' => 0]);
if (!$unique || !$attrInfo || $attrInfo['product_id'] != $productId) {
throw new ValidateException('请选择有效的商品属性');
$nowStock = $attrInfo['stock'];//现有平台库存
if ($cartNum > $nowStock) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品库存不足' . $cartNum);
if ($isSet) {
$stockNum = 0;
} else {
$stockNum = $this->dao->value(['product_id' => $productId, 'product_attr_unique' => $unique, 'uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1, 'store_id' => $store_id, 'tourist_uid' => $tourist_uid], 'cart_num') ?: 0;
if ($nowStock < ($cartNum + $stockNum)) {
if ($store_id) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品库存不足');
$surplusStock = $nowStock - $cartNum;//剩余库存
if ($surplusStock < $stockNum) {
$this->dao->update(['product_id' => $productId, 'product_attr_unique' => $unique, 'uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1, 'store_id' => $store_id, 'tourist_uid' => $tourist_uid], ['cart_num' => $surplusStock]);
case 1://秒杀
/** @var StoreSeckillServices $seckillService */
$seckillService = app()->make(StoreSeckillServices::class);
[$attrInfo, $unique, $productInfo] = $seckillService->checkSeckillStock($uid, $activity_id, $cartNum, $store_id, $unique);
case 2://砍价
/** @var StoreBargainServices $bargainService */
$bargainService = app()->make(StoreBargainServices::class);
[$attrInfo, $unique, $productInfo, $bargainUserInfo] = $bargainService->checkBargainStock($uid, $activity_id, $cartNum, $unique);
case 3://拼团
/** @var StoreCombinationServices $combinationService */
$combinationService = app()->make(StoreCombinationServices::class);
[$attrInfo, $unique, $productInfo] = $combinationService->checkCombinationStock($uid, $activity_id, $cartNum, $unique);
case 4://积分
/** @var StoreIntegralServices $storeIntegralServices */
$storeIntegralServices = app()->make(StoreIntegralServices::class);
[$attrInfo, $unique, $productInfo] = $storeIntegralServices->checkoutProductStock($uid, $activity_id, $cartNum, $unique);
case 5://套餐
/** @var StoreDiscountsProductsServices $discountProduct */
$discountProduct = app()->make(StoreDiscountsProductsServices::class);
[$attrInfo, $unique, $productInfo] = $discountProduct->checkDiscountsStock($uid, $discount_product_id, $cartNum, $unique);
case 7://新人专享
if ($cartNum > 1) {
throw new ValidateException('新人专享商品限购一件');
/** @var StoreNewcomerServices $newcomerServices */
$newcomerServices = app()->make(StoreNewcomerServices::class);
[$attrInfo, $unique, $productInfo] = $newcomerServices->checkNewcomerStock($uid, $activity_id, $cartNum, $unique);
case 8://抽奖
if (!$activity_id) {
throw new ValidateException('缺少中奖信息,请返回刷新重试');
/** @var LuckLotteryRecordServices $luckRecordServices */
$luckRecordServices = app()->make(LuckLotteryRecordServices::class);
$record = $luckRecordServices->get($activity_id);
if (!$record) {
throw new ValidateException('缺少中奖信息,请返回刷新重试');
if ($record['oid']) {
throw new ValidateException('已经领取成功,不要重复领取');
if ($unique == '') {
$unique = $attrValueServices->value(['product_id' => $productId, 'type' => 0], 'unique');
/** @var StoreProductServices $productServices */
$productServices = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
$productInfo = $productServices->isValidProduct($productId);
if (!$productInfo) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品已下架或删除');
$attrInfo = $attrValueServices->getOne(['unique' => $unique, 'type' => 0]);
if (!$unique || !$attrInfo || $attrInfo['product_id'] != $productId) {
throw new ValidateException('请选择有效的商品属性');
$nowStock = $attrInfo['stock'];//现有平台库存
if ($cartNum > $nowStock) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品库存不足' . $cartNum);
case 9://拼单
if ($unique == '') {
$unique = $attrValueServices->value(['product_id' => $productId, 'type' => 0], 'unique');
/** @var StoreProductServices $productServices */
$productServices = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
$productInfo = $productServices->isValidProduct($productId);
if (!$productInfo) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品已下架或删除');
$attrInfo = $attrValueServices->getOne(['unique' => $unique, 'type' => 0]);
if (!$unique || !$attrInfo || $attrInfo['product_id'] != $productId) {
throw new ValidateException('请选择有效的商品属性');
$nowStock = $attrInfo['stock'];//现有平台库存
if (bcadd((string)$cartNum, (string)$sum_cart_num, 0) > $nowStock) {
throw new ValidateException('拼单中该商品库存不足' . bcadd((string)$cartNum, (string)$sum_cart_num, 0));
case 10://桌码
if ($unique == '') {
$unique = $attrValueServices->value(['product_id' => $productId, 'type' => 0], 'unique');
/** @var StoreProductServices $productServices */
$productServices = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
$productInfo = $productServices->isValidProduct($productId);
if (!$productInfo) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品已下架或删除');
$attrInfo = $attrValueServices->getOne(['unique' => $unique, 'type' => 0]);
if (!$unique || !$attrInfo || $attrInfo['product_id'] != $productId) {
throw new ValidateException('请选择有效的商品属性');
$nowStock = $attrInfo['stock'];//现有平台库存
if (bcadd((string)$cartNum, (string)$sum_cart_num, 0) > $nowStock) {
throw new ValidateException('桌码中该商品库存不足' . bcadd((string)$cartNum, (string)$sum_cart_num, 0));
throw new ValidateException('请刷新后重试');
if (in_array($type, [1, 2, 3, 4])) {
$product_stock = $attrValueServices->value(['product_id' => $productInfo['product_id'], 'suk' => $attrInfo['suk'], 'type' => 0], 'stock');
if ($product_stock < $cartNum) {
throw new ValidateException('商品库存不足' . $cartNum);
if (!CacheService::checkStock($unique, (int)$cartNum, $type)) {
throw new ValidateException('商品库存不足' . $cartNum . ',无法购买请选择其他商品!');
return [$attrInfo, $unique, $bargainUserInfo['bargain_price_min'] ?? 0, $cartNum, $productInfo];
* 添加购物车
* @param int $uid
* @param int $product_id
* @param int $cart_num
* @param string $product_attr_unique
* @param int $type
* @param bool $new
* @param int $activity_id
* @param int $discount_product_id
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function setCart(int $uid, int $product_id, int $cart_num = 1, string $product_attr_unique = '', int $type = 0, bool $new = true, int $activity_id = 0, int $discount_product_id = 0)
if ($cart_num < 1) $cart_num = 1;
$store_id = $this->getItem('store_id', 0);
$staff_id = $this->getItem('staff_id', 0);
$tourist_uid = $this->getItem('tourist_uid', '');
$key = $this->getItem('key', '');
$isSet = $this->getItem('is_set', 0);
[$attrInfo, $product_attr_unique, $bargainPriceMin, $cart_num, $productInfo] = $this->checkProductStock(
$type, $activity_id,
$product_type = $productInfo['product_type'];
if (!$store_id && isset($productInfo['type']) && $productInfo['type'] == 1 && isset($productInfo['relation_id']) && $productInfo['relation_id']) {
$store_id = $productInfo['relation_id'];
if ($new) {
if (!$key) {
/** @var StoreOrderCreateServices $storeOrderCreateService */
$storeOrderCreateService = app()->make(StoreOrderCreateServices::class);
$key = $storeOrderCreateService->getNewOrderId((string)$uid);
//普通订单 && 商品是预售商品 订单类型改为预售订单
if ($type == 0 && $productInfo['is_presale_product']) {
$type = 6;
$info['id'] = $key;
$info['type'] = $type;
$info['store_id'] = $store_id;
$info['tourist_uid'] = $tourist_uid;
$info['product_type'] = $product_type;
if ($type == 10 || $type == 9) {
$info['collate_code_id'] = $activity_id;
$activity_id = 0;
$info['activity_id'] = $activity_id;
$info['discount_product_id'] = $discount_product_id;
$info['product_id'] = $product_id;
$info['product_attr_unique'] = $product_attr_unique;
$info['cart_num'] = $cart_num;
$info['productInfo'] = [];
if ($productInfo) {
$info['productInfo'] = is_object($productInfo) ? $productInfo->toArray() : $productInfo;
$info['attrInfo'] = $attrInfo->toArray();
$info['productInfo']['attrInfo'] = $info['attrInfo'];
$info['sum_price'] = $info['productInfo']['attrInfo']['price'] ?? $info['productInfo']['price'] ?? 0;
if ($type == 2 && $activity_id) {
$info['truePrice'] = $bargainPriceMin;
$info['productInfo']['attrInfo']['price'] = $bargainPriceMin;
} else {
$info['truePrice'] = $info['productInfo']['attrInfo']['price'] ?? $info['productInfo']['price'] ?? 0;
if ($type == 4 && $activity_id) {
$info['integral'] = $info['productInfo']['attrInfo']['integral'] ?? 0;
} else {
$info['integral'] = 0;
if ($type > 0 && $activity_id) {
$info['truePrice'] = $info['productInfo']['attrInfo']['price'] ?? 0;
$info['vip_truePrice'] = 0;
if ($type == 8) $info['is_luck'] = true;
$info['trueStock'] = $info['productInfo']['attrInfo']['stock'] ?? 0;
$info['costPrice'] = $info['productInfo']['attrInfo']['cost'] ?? 0;
try {
CacheService::redisHandler()->set($key, $info, 3600);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
throw new ValidateException($e->getMessage());
return [$key, $cart_num];
} else {//加入购物车记录
ProductLogJob::dispatch(['cart', ['uid' => $uid, 'product_id' => $product_id, 'cart_num' => $cart_num]]);
$cart = $this->dao->getOne(['type' => $type, 'uid' => $uid, 'tourist_uid' => $tourist_uid, 'product_id' => $product_id, 'product_attr_unique' => $product_attr_unique, 'is_del' => 0, 'is_new' => 0, 'is_pay' => 0, 'status' => 1, 'store_id' => $store_id, 'staff_id' => $staff_id]);
if ($cart) {
if ($isSet) {//直接修改购物车数量
$cart->cart_num = $cart_num;
} else {
$cart->cart_num = $cart_num + $cart->cart_num;
$cart->add_time = time();
return [$cart->id, $cart->cart_num];
} else {
$add_time = time();
$id = $this->dao->save(compact('uid', 'tourist_uid', 'store_id', 'staff_id', 'product_id', 'product_type', 'cart_num', 'product_attr_unique', 'type', 'activity_id', 'add_time'))->id;
event('cart.add', [$uid, $tourist_uid, $store_id, $staff_id]);
return [$id, $cart_num];
* 移除购物车商品
* @param int $uid
* @param array $ids
* @return StoreCartDao|bool
public function removeUserCart(int $uid, array $ids)
return $this->dao->removeUserCart($uid, $ids) !== false;
* 购物车 修改商品数量
* @param $id
* @param $number
* @param $uid
* @return bool|\crmeb\basic\BaseModel
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function changeUserCartNum($id, $number, $uid)
if (!$id || !$number) return false;
$where = ['uid' => $uid, 'id' => $id];
$carInfo = $this->dao->getOne($where, 'product_id,type,activity_id,product_attr_unique,cart_num');
/** @var StoreProductServices $StoreProduct */
$StoreProduct = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
$stock = $StoreProduct->getProductStock($carInfo->product_id, $carInfo->product_attr_unique);
if (!$stock) throw new ValidateException('暂无库存');
if (!$number) throw new ValidateException('库存错误');
if ($stock < $number) throw new ValidateException('库存不足' . $number);
if ($carInfo->cart_num == $number) return true;
$this->checkProductStock($uid, (int)$carInfo->product_id, (int)$number, 0, $carInfo->product_attr_unique, true);
return $this->dao->changeUserCartNum(['uid' => $uid, 'id' => $id], (int)$number);
* 获取购物车列表
* @param int $uid
* @param int $status
* @param array $cartIds
* @param int $storeId
* @param int $staff_id
* @param int $shipping_type
* @param int $touristUid
* @param int $numType
* @param bool $new
* @param bool $isCart
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getUserCartList(int $uid, int $status, array $cartIds = [], int $storeId = -1, int $staff_id = -1, int $shipping_type = -1, int $touristUid = 0, int $numType = 0, bool $new = false, bool $isCart = true)
if(!$touristUid) $touristUid = $this->getItem('tourist_uid', '');
if ($new) {
$cartIds = $cartIds && is_string($cartIds) ? explode(',', $cartIds) : (is_array($cartIds) ? $cartIds : []);
$list = [];
if ($cartIds) {
foreach ($cartIds as $key) {
$info = CacheService::redisHandler()->get($key);
if ($info) {
$list[] = $info;
} else {
$where = ['uid' => $uid, 'tourist_uid' => $touristUid, 'cart_ids' => $cartIds];
if ($storeId != -1) {
$where['store_id'] = $storeId;
if ($staff_id != -1) {
$where['staff_id'] = $staff_id;
if ($status != -1) $where = array_merge($where, ['status' => $status]);
$list = $this->dao->getCartList($where, 0, 0, ['productInfo', 'attrInfo']);
$count = $promotionsPrice = $coupon_price = $firstOrderPrice = 0;
$cartList = $valid = $promotions = $coupon = $invalid = $type = $activity_id = [];
if ($list) {
[$list, $valid, $invalid] = $this->handleCartList($uid, $list, [], $shipping_type, $storeId);
$activity_id = array_unique(array_column($list, 'activity_id'))[0] ?? 0;
$type = array_unique(array_column($list, 'type'))[0] ?? 0;
//不是活动 且不是预售
if (!$activity_id && $type != 6) {
$data = $this->computedProductPromotion($uid, $valid, 0, 0, true);
$cartList = array_merge($valid, $giveCartList);
foreach ($cartList as $key => $cart) {
if (isset($cart['promotions_true_price']) && isset($cart['price_type']) && $cart['price_type'] == 'promotions') {
$promotionsPrice = bcadd((string)$promotionsPrice, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['promotions_true_price'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 2), 2);
if ($numType) {
$count = count($valid);
} else {
$count = array_sum(array_column($valid, 'cart_num'));
$deduction = ['type' => $type, 'activity_id' => $activity_id];
$deduction['promotions_price'] = $promotionsPrice;
$deduction['coupon_price'] = $coupon_price;
$deduction['first_order_price'] = $firstOrderPrice;
$user_store_id = $this->getItem('store_id', 0);
$invalid_key = 'invalid_' . $user_store_id . '_' . $uid;
if ($status == 1) {
if ($invalid) CacheService::redisHandler()->set($invalid_key, $invalid, 60);
if ($status == 0) {
$other_invalid = CacheService::redisHandler()->get($invalid_key);
if ($other_invalid) $invalid = array_merge($invalid, $other_invalid);
return ['promotions' => $promotions, 'coupon' => $coupon, 'valid' => $valid, 'invalid' => $invalid, 'deduction' => $deduction, 'count' => $count];
* 购物车重选
* @param int $cart_id
* @param int $product_id
* @param string $unique
public function modifyCart(int $cart_id, int $product_id, string $unique)
/** @var StoreProductAttrValueServices $attrService */
$attrService = app()->make(StoreProductAttrValueServices::class);
$stock = $attrService->value(['product_id' => $product_id, 'unique' => $unique, 'type' => 0], 'stock');
if ($stock > 0) {
$this->dao->update($cart_id, ['product_attr_unique' => $unique, 'cart_num' => 1]);
} else {
throw new ValidateException('选择的规格库存不足');
* 重选购物车
* @param $id
* @param $uid
* @param $productId
* @param $unique
* @param $num
* @param int $store_id
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function resetCart($id, $uid, $productId, $unique, $num, int $store_id = 0)
$res = $this->dao->getOne(['uid' => $uid, 'product_id' => $productId, 'product_attr_unique' => $unique, 'store_id' => $store_id]);
if ($res) {
/** @var StoreProductServices $StoreProduct */
$StoreProduct = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
$stock = $StoreProduct->getProductStock((int)$productId, $unique);
$cart_num = $res->cart_num + $num;
if ($cart_num > $stock) {
$cart_num = $stock;
$res->cart_num = $cart_num;
if ($res['id'] != $id) $this->dao->delete($id);
} else {
$this->dao->update($id, ['product_attr_unique' => $unique, 'cart_num' => $num]);
* 首页加入购物车
* @param int $uid
* @param int $productId
* @param int $num
* @param string $unique
* @param int $type
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function setCartNum(int $uid, int $productId, int $num, string $unique, int $type)
/** @var StoreProductAttrValueServices $attrValueServices */
$attrValueServices = app()->make(StoreProductAttrValueServices::class);
if ($unique == '') {
$unique = $attrValueServices->value(['product_id' => $productId, 'type' => 0], 'unique');
/** @var StoreProductServices $productServices */
$productServices = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
$productInfo = $productServices->isValidProduct((int)$productId);
if (!$productInfo) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品已下架或删除');
if (!($unique && $attrValueServices->getAttrvalueCount($productId, $unique, 0))) {
throw new ValidateException('请选择有效的商品属性');
$stock = $productServices->getProductStock((int)$productId, $unique);
if ($stock < $num) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品库存不足' . $num);
if ($productInfo['is_presale_product']) {
if ($productInfo['presale_start_time'] > time()) throw new ValidateException('预售活动未开始');
if ($productInfo['presale_end_time'] < time()) throw new ValidateException('预售活动已结束');
if ($type != 0) $this->checkLimit($uid, $productId, $num);
$store_id = 0;
if ($productInfo['type'] == 1 && $productInfo['relation_id']) {
$store_id = $productInfo['relation_id'];
$cart = $this->dao->getOne(['uid' => $uid, 'product_id' => $productId, 'product_attr_unique' => $unique, 'store_id' => $store_id, 'staff_id' => 0]);
if ($cart) {
if ($type == -1) {
$cart->cart_num = $num;
} elseif ($type == 0) {
$cart->cart_num = $cart->cart_num - $num;
} elseif ($type == 1) {
if ($cart->cart_num >= $stock) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品库存只有' . $stock);
$new_cart_num = $cart->cart_num + $num;
if ($new_cart_num > $stock) {
$new_cart_num = $stock;
$cart->cart_num = $new_cart_num;
if ($cart->cart_num === 0) {
return $this->dao->delete($cart->id);
} else {
$cart->add_time = time();
return $cart->id;
} else {
$data = [
'uid' => $uid,
'store_id' => $store_id,
'product_id' => $productId,
'product_type' => $productInfo['product_type'],
'cart_num' => $num,
'product_attr_unique' => $unique,
'type' => 0,
'add_time' => time()
$id = $this->dao->save($data)->id;
event('cart.add', [$uid, 0, 0, 0]);
return $id;
* 用户购物车商品统计
* @param int $uid
* @param string $numType
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getUserCartCount(int $uid, string $numType = '0', int $store_id = -1)
$count = 0;
$ids = [];
$cartNums = [];
$sum_price = 0;
$where = ['uid' => $uid, 'status' => 1, 'staff_id' => 0];
if ($store_id != -1) {
$where['store_id'] = $store_id;
$cartList = $this->dao->getUserCartList($where, '*', ['productInfo', 'attrInfo']);
if ($cartList) {
[$cartList, $valid, $invalid] = $this->handleCartList($uid, $cartList, [], -1, $store_id);
/** @var StoreProductServices $storeProductServices */
$storeProductServices = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
$productInfos = $storeProductServices->getColumn([['id', 'in', array_column($cartList, 'product_id')]], 'id,pid,type,relation_id', 'id');
/** @var StoreProductAttrValueServices $storePrdouctAttrValueServices */
$storePrdouctAttrValueServices = app()->make(StoreProductAttrValueServices::class);
$attrInfos = $storePrdouctAttrValueServices->getColumn([['unique', 'in', array_column($cartList, 'product_attr_unique')]], 'id,unique,price', 'unique');
foreach ($cartList as $cart) {
$productInfo = $productInfos[$cart['product_id']] ?? [];
if (!$productInfo) continue;
$attrInfo = $attrInfos[$cart['product_attr_unique']] ?? [];
if (!$attrInfo) continue;
if ($store_id) {//某门店加入购物车商品数量
if (in_array($productInfo['type'], [0, 2]) || ($productInfo['type'] == 1 && $productInfo['relation_id'] == $store_id) || ($productInfo['type'] == 1 && $productInfo['pid'] > 0)) {
$ids[] = $cart['id'];
$cartNums[] = $cart['cart_num'];
$sum_price = bcadd((string)$sum_price, bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)($cart['truePrice'] ?? $attrInfo['price']), 4), 2);
} else {
if (in_array($productInfo['type'], [0, 2]) || ($productInfo['type'] == 1 && $productInfo['pid'] > 0)) {
$ids[] = $cart['id'];
$cartNums[] = $cart['cart_num'];
$sum_price = bcadd((string)$sum_price, bcmul((string)$cart['cart_num'], (string)($cart['truePrice'] ?? $attrInfo['price']), 4), 2);
if ($numType) {
$count = count($ids);
} else {
$count = array_sum($cartNums);
return compact('count', 'ids', 'sum_price');
* 处理购物车数据
* @param int $uid
* @param array $cartList
* @param array $addr
* @param int $shipping_type
* @param int $store_id
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function handleCartList(int $uid, array $cartList, array $addr = [], int $shipping_type = 1, int $store_id = 0)
if (!$cartList) {
return [$cartList, [], [], [], 0, [], []];
/** @var StoreProductServices $productServices */
$productServices = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
/** @var MemberCardServices $memberCardService */
$memberCardService = app()->make(MemberCardServices::class);
$vipStatus = $memberCardService->isOpenMemberCardCache('vip_price', false);
$tempIds = [];
$userInfo = [];
$discount = 100;
$productIds = $allStock = $attrUniquesArr = [];
if ($uid) {
/** @var UserServices $user */
$user = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $user->getUserCacheInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
throw new ValidateException('用户不存在');
$userInfo = $userInfo->toArray();
if (sys_config('member_func_status', 1) && $userInfo) {
/** @var SystemUserLevelServices $systemLevel */
$systemLevel = app()->make(SystemUserLevelServices::class);
$discount = $systemLevel->getDiscount($uid, (int)$userInfo['level'] ?? 0);
if ($shipping_type == 1 && $addr) {
$cityId = (int)($addr['city_id'] ?? 0);
if ($cityId) {
/** @var CityAreaServices $cityAreaServices */
$cityAreaServices = app()->make(CityAreaServices::class);
$cityIds = $cityAreaServices->getRelationCityIds($cityId);
foreach ($cartList as $item) {
$tempIds[] = $item['productInfo']['temp_id'];
$tempIds = array_unique($tempIds);
/** @var ShippingTemplatesServices $shippingService */
$shippingService = app()->make(ShippingTemplatesServices::class);
$tempIds = $shippingService->getColumn([['id', 'in', $tempIds], ['no_delivery', '=', 1]], 'id');
if ($tempIds) {
/** @var ShippingTemplatesNoDeliveryServices $noDeliveryServices */
$noDeliveryServices = app()->make(ShippingTemplatesNoDeliveryServices::class);
$tempIds = $noDeliveryServices->isNoDelivery($tempIds, $cityIds);
$latitude = $this->getItem('latitude', '');
$longitude = $this->getItem('longitude', '');
$user_store_id = $this->getItem('store_id', 0);
$store_id = $store_id ?: $user_store_id;
$store_self_mention = sys_config('store_func_status', 1) && sys_config('store_self_mention');
$cart_type = 0;
if ($store_id) {//平台商品,在门店购买 验证门店库存
/** @var StoreProductAttrValueServices $skuValueServices */
$skuValueServices = app()->make(StoreProductAttrValueServices::class);
/** @var StoreBranchProductServices $branchProductServics */
$branchProductServics = app()->make(StoreBranchProductServices::class);
foreach ($cartList as $cart) {
$productInfo = $cart['productInfo'] ?? [];
if (!$productInfo) continue;
$product_id = 0;
if (in_array($productInfo['type'], [0, 2])) {
$product_id = $productInfo['id'];
} else {//门店商品
if ($productInfo['pid'] && $productInfo['relation_id'] != $store_id) {//平台共享商品到另一个门店购买
$product_id = $productInfo['pid'];
if (!$product_id) {//自己门店购买不用再次验证库存
$productIds[] = $cart['product_id'];
$suk = '';
$cart_type = $cart['type'];
//类型 0:普通、1:秒杀、2:砍价、3:拼团、4:积分、5:套餐、6:预售、7:新人礼、8:抽奖、9:拼单、10:桌码
switch ($cart['type']) {
case 0:
case 6:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
$suk = $skuValueServices->value(['unique' => $cart['product_attr_unique'], 'product_id' => $cart['product_id'], 'type' => 0], 'suk');
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 7:
if ($cart['type'] == 5 && isset($cart['discount_product_id'])) {
$product_id = $cart['discount_product_id'];
} else {
$product_id = $cart['activity_id'];
$suk = $skuValueServices->value(['unique' => $cart['product_attr_unique'], 'product_id' => $product_id, 'type' => $cart['type']], 'suk');
$branchProductInfo = $branchProductServics->isValidStoreProduct((int)$cart['product_id'], $store_id);
if (!$branchProductInfo) {
$attrValue = '';
if ($suk) {
$attrValue = $skuValueServices->get(['suk' => $suk, 'product_id' => $branchProductInfo['id'], 'type' => 0]);
if (!$attrValue) {
$allStock[$attrValue['unique']] = $attrValue['stock'];
$attrUniquesArr[$cart['product_attr_unique']] = $attrValue['unique'];
} else {
$productIds = array_unique(array_column($cartList, 'product_id'));
$storeInfo = [];
/** @var SystemStoreServices $storeServices */
$storeServices = app()->make(SystemStoreServices::class);
if ($user_store_id) {
$storeInfo = $storeServices->getNearbyStore(['id' => $user_store_id], '', '', '', 1);
} else if ($latitude && $longitude) {
$storeInfo = $storeServices->getNearbyStore([], $latitude, $longitude, '', 1);
$valid = $invalid = [];
/** @var StoreProductLabelServices $storeProductLabelServices */
$storeProductLabelServices = app()->make(StoreProductLabelServices::class);
$productServices->setItem('isVip', $this->getItem('isVip', 0));
foreach ($cartList as &$item) {
$cart_type = $item['type'];
$item['is_gift'] = 0;
if (isset($item['productInfo']['delivery_type'])) {
$item['productInfo']['delivery_type'] = is_string($item['productInfo']['delivery_type']) ? explode(',', $item['productInfo']['delivery_type']) : $item['productInfo']['delivery_type'];
} else {
$item['productInfo']['delivery_type'] = [];
$item['productInfo']['express_delivery'] = in_array(1, $item['productInfo']['delivery_type']);
$item['productInfo']['store_mention'] = in_array(2, $item['productInfo']['delivery_type']);
$item['productInfo']['store_delivery'] = in_array(3, $item['productInfo']['delivery_type']);
if (isset($item['attrInfo']) && $item['attrInfo'] && (!isset($item['productInfo']['attrInfo']) || !$item['productInfo']['attrInfo'])) {
$item['productInfo']['attrInfo'] = $item['attrInfo'] ?? [];
$item['attrStatus'] = isset($item['productInfo']['attrInfo']['stock']) && $item['productInfo']['attrInfo']['stock'];
$item['productInfo']['attrInfo']['image'] = $item['productInfo']['attrInfo']['image'] ?? $item['productInfo']['image'] ?? '';
$item['productInfo']['attrInfo']['suk'] = $item['productInfo']['attrInfo']['suk'] ?? '已失效';
if (isset($item['productInfo']['attrInfo'])) {
$item['productInfo']['attrInfo'] = get_thumb_water($item['productInfo']['attrInfo']);
$item['productInfo'] = get_thumb_water($item['productInfo']);
$productInfo = $item['productInfo'];
$item['vip_truePrice'] = 0;
$isBranchProduct = isset($productInfo['type']) && isset($productInfo['pid']) && $productInfo['type'] == 1 && !$productInfo['pid'];
$product_store_id = $isBranchProduct ? $productInfo['relation_id'] : 0;
if (isset($productInfo['attrInfo']['product_id']) && $item['product_attr_unique']) {
$item['costPrice'] = $productInfo['attrInfo']['cost'] ?? 0;
$item['trueStock'] = $item['branch_stock'] = $productInfo['attrInfo']['stock'] ?? 0;
$item['branch_sales'] = $productInfo['attrInfo']['sales'] ?? 0;
$item['truePrice'] = $productInfo['attrInfo']['price'] ?? 0;
$item['sum_price'] = $productInfo['attrInfo']['price'] ?? 0;
if ((!$item['type'] || !$item['activity_id']) && !$isBranchProduct) {
[$truePrice, $vip_truePrice, $type] = $productServices->setLevelPrice($productInfo['attrInfo']['price'] ?? 0, $uid, $userInfo, $vipStatus, $discount, $productInfo['attrInfo']['vip_price'] ?? 0, $productInfo['is_vip'] ?? 0, true);
$item['truePrice'] = $truePrice;
$item['vip_truePrice'] = $vip_truePrice;
$item['price_type'] = $type;
} else {
$item['costPrice'] = $item['productInfo']['cost'] ?? 0;
$item['trueStock'] = $item['branch_sales'] = $item['productInfo']['stock'] ?? 0;
$item['branch_sales'] = $item['productInfo']['sales'] ?? 0;
$item['truePrice'] = $item['productInfo']['price'] ?? 0;
$item['sum_price'] = $item['productInfo']['price'] ?? 0;
if ((!$item['type'] || !$item['activity_id']) && !$isBranchProduct) {
[$truePrice, $vip_truePrice, $type] = $productServices->setLevelPrice($item['productInfo']['price'] ?? 0, $uid, $userInfo, $vipStatus, $discount, $item['productInfo']['vip_price'] ?? 0, $item['productInfo']['is_vip'] ?? 0, true);
$item['truePrice'] = $truePrice;
$item['vip_truePrice'] = $vip_truePrice;
$item['price_type'] = $type;
$item['productInfo']['store_label'] = [];
if (isset($item['productInfo']['store_label_id']) && $item['productInfo']['store_label_id']) {
$item['productInfo']['store_label'] = $storeProductLabelServices->getLabelCache($item['productInfo']['store_label_id'], ['id', 'label_name', 'style_type', 'color', 'bg_color', 'border_color', 'icon']);
$applicable_type = $item['productInfo']['applicable_type'] ?? 1;
if (isset($item['productInfo']['applicable_store_id'])) {
$applicable_store_id = is_string($item['productInfo']['applicable_store_id']) ? explode(',', $item['productInfo']['applicable_store_id']) : $item['productInfo']['applicable_store_id'];
$applicableStatus = !$store_id || $applicable_type == 1 || ($applicable_type == 2 && in_array($store_id, $applicable_store_id));
if (isset($item['status']) && $item['status'] == 0) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品已失效';
$invalid[] = $item;
} elseif (($item['productInfo']['type'] ?? 0) == 1 && ($item['productInfo']['pid'] ?? 0) == 0 && $storeInfo && ($item['productInfo']['relation_id'] ?? 0) != $storeInfo['id'] && $cart_type != 10) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围11';
$invalid[] = $item;
} elseif ((isset($item['productInfo']['delivery_type']) && !$item['productInfo']['delivery_type']) || in_array($item['productInfo']['product_type'], [1, 2, 3])) {
$item['is_valid'] = 1;
$valid[] = $item;
// elseif (!$applicableStatus) {
// $item['is_valid'] = 0;
// $item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围22';
// $invalid[] = $item;
// }
else {
$condition = !in_array(isset($item['productInfo']['product_id']) ? $item['productInfo']['product_id'] : $item['productInfo']['id'], $productIds) || $item['cart_num'] > ($allStock[$attrUniquesArr[$item['product_attr_unique']] ?? ''] ?? 0);
if ($cart_type != 10) {
switch ($shipping_type) {
case -1://购物车列表展示
if ($isBranchProduct && $store_id && ($store_id != $product_store_id)) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围1';
$invalid[] = $item;
} else {
$item['is_valid'] = 1;
$valid[] = $item;
case 1:
if (in_array($item['productInfo']['temp_id'], $tempIds) || (isset($item['productInfo']['delivery_type']) && !in_array(1, $item['productInfo']['delivery_type']) && !in_array(3, $item['productInfo']['delivery_type']))) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围2';
$invalid[] = $item;
} elseif ($isBranchProduct && $store_id && ($store_id != $product_store_id || !in_array(3, $item['productInfo']['delivery_type']))) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围3';
$invalid[] = $item;
} elseif ((in_array($productInfo['type'], [0, 2]) || $productInfo['relation_id'] != $store_id) && $store_id && ($condition || (!in_array(2, $item['productInfo']['delivery_type']) && !in_array(3, $item['productInfo']['delivery_type'])))) {//平台商品 在门店购买 验证门店库存
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围4';
$invalid[] = $item;
} elseif (!$storeServices->checkStoreDeliveryScope($store_id, $addr, $latitude, $longitude)) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围5';
$invalid[] = $item;
} else {
$item['is_valid'] = 1;
$valid[] = $item;
case 2:
if (!$store_self_mention) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '平台/门店已关闭自提';
$invalid[] = $item;
} elseif (isset($item['productInfo']['delivery_type']) && $item['productInfo']['delivery_type'] && !in_array(2, $item['productInfo']['delivery_type'])) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围1';
$invalid[] = $item;
} elseif ($isBranchProduct && $store_id && $store_id != $product_store_id) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围2';
$invalid[] = $item;
} elseif ($item['productInfo']['product_type'] == 1) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围3';
$invalid[] = $item;
} else {
$item['is_valid'] = 1;
$valid[] = $item;
case 4:
if ($isBranchProduct && $store_id && $store_id != $product_store_id) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围';
$invalid[] = $item;
} elseif (in_array($productInfo['type'], [0, 2]) && $store_id && $condition) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$invalid[] = $item;
} else {
$item['is_valid'] = 1;
$valid[] = $item;
$item['is_valid'] = 1;
$valid[] = $item;
} else {
if ($isBranchProduct && $store_id && $store_id != $product_store_id) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$item['invalid_desc'] = '此商品超出配送/自提范围';
$invalid[] = $item;
} elseif (in_array($productInfo['type'], [0, 2]) && $store_id && $condition) {
$item['is_valid'] = 0;
$invalid[] = $item;
} else {
$item['is_valid'] = 1;
$valid[] = $item;
return [$cartList, $valid, $invalid];
* 门店给用户加入购物车
* @param int $uid
* @param int $productId
* @param int $cartNum
* @param string $unique
* @param int $staff_id
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function addCashierCart(int $uid, int $productId, int $cartNum, string $unique, int $staff_id = 0)
$store_id = $this->getItem('store_id', 0);
$tourist_uid = $this->getItem('tourist_uid', '');
if (!$store_id) {
throw new ValidateException('缺少门店ID');
[$nowStock, $unique, $bargainPriceMin, $cart_num, $productInfo] = $this->checkProductStock($uid, $productId, $cartNum, $store_id, $unique, true);
ProductLogJob::dispatch(['cart', ['uid' => $uid, 'product_id' => $productId, 'cart_num' => $cartNum]]);
$cart = $this->dao->getOne([
'uid' => $uid,
'product_id' => $productId,
'product_attr_unique' => $unique,
'store_id' => $store_id,
'staff_id' => $staff_id,
'tourist_uid' => $tourist_uid,
'is_del' => 0,
'is_new' => 0,
'is_pay' => 0,
'status' => 1
if ($cart) {
if ($nowStock < ($cartNum + $cart['cart_num'])) {
$cartNum = $nowStock - $cartNum;//剩余库存
if ($cartNum == 0) throw new ValidateException('库存不足');
$cart->cart_num = $cartNum + $cart->cart_num;
$cart->add_time = time();
return $cart->id;
} else {
$add_time = time();
$data = compact('uid', 'store_id', 'add_time', 'tourist_uid');
$data['type'] = 0;
$data['product_id'] = $productId;
$data['product_type'] = $productInfo['product_type'];
$data['cart_num'] = $cartNum;
$data['product_attr_unique'] = $unique;
$data['store_id'] = $store_id;
$data['staff_id'] = $staff_id;
$id = $this->dao->save($data)->id;
event('cart.add', [$uid, $tourist_uid, $store_id, $staff_id]);
return $id;
* @param int $id
* @param int $number
* @param int $uid
* @param int $storeId
* @return bool|\crmeb\basic\BaseModel
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function changeCashierCartNum(int $id, int $number, int $uid, int $storeId = 0)
if (!$id || !$number) return false;
$where = ['uid' => $uid, 'id' => $id, 'store_id' => $storeId];
$carInfo = $this->dao->getOne($where, 'product_id,product_attr_unique,cart_num');
/** @var StoreBranchProductServices $storeProduct */
$storeProduct = app()->make(StoreBranchProductServices::class);
$stock = $storeProduct->getProductStock($carInfo->product_id, $storeId, $carInfo->product_attr_unique);
if (!$stock) throw new ValidateException('暂无库存');
if ($stock < $number) throw new ValidateException('库存不足' . $number);
if ($carInfo->cart_num == $number) return true;
$this->setItem('is_set', 1);
$this->checkProductStock($uid, (int)$carInfo->product_id, $number, $storeId, $carInfo->product_attr_unique, true);
return $this->dao->changeUserCartNum(['uid' => $uid, 'id' => $id], (int)$number);
* 购物车重选
* @param int $cart_id
* @param int $product_id
* @param string $unique
public function modifyCashierCart(int $storeId, int $cart_id, int $product_id, string $unique)
/** @var StoreProductAttrValueServices $attrService */
$attrService = app()->make(StoreProductAttrValueServices::class);
$stock = $attrService->value(['product_id' => $product_id, 'unique' => $unique, 'type' => 0], 'stock');
if ($stock > 0) {
$this->dao->update($cart_id, ['product_attr_unique' => $unique, 'cart_num' => 1]);
} else {
throw new ValidateException('选择的规格库存不足');
* 批量加入购物车
* @param array $cart
* @param int $storeId
* @param int $uid
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function batchAddCart(array $cart, int $storeId, int $uid)
$this->setItem('store_id', $storeId);
$cartIds = [];
foreach ($cart as $item) {
if (!isset($item['productId'])) {
throw new ValidateException('缺少商品ID');
if (!isset($item['cartNum'])) {
throw new ValidateException('缺少购买商品数量');
if (!isset($item['uniqueId'])) {
throw new ValidateException('缺少唯一值');
$cartIds[] = $this->addCashierCart($uid, (int)$item['productId'], (int)$item['cartNum'], $item['uniqueId']);
return $cartIds;
* 组合前端购物车需要的数据结构
* @param array $cartList
* @param array $protmoions
* @return array
public function getReturnCartList(array $cartList, array $promotions)
$result = [];
if ($cartList) {
if ($promotions) $promotions = array_combine(array_column($promotions, 'id'), $promotions);
$i = 0;
foreach ($cartList as $key => $cart) {
$data = ['promotions' => [], 'pids' => [], 'cart' => []];
if ($result && isset($cart['promotions_id']) && $cart['promotions_id'] && (!isset($cart['collate_code_id']) || $cart['collate_code_id'] <= 0)) {
$isTure = false;
foreach ($result as $key => &$res) {
if (array_intersect($res['pids'], $cart['promotions_id'])) {
$res['pids'] = array_unique(array_merge($res['pids'], $cart['promotions_id'] ?? []));
$res['cart'][] = $cart;
$isTure = true;
if (!$isTure) {
$data['cart'][] = $cart;
$data['pids'] = array_unique($cart['promotions_id'] ?? []);
$result[$i] = $data;
} else {
$data['cart'][] = $cart;
$data['pids'] = array_unique($cart['promotions_id'] ?? []);
$result[$i] = $data;
foreach ($result as $key => &$item) {
if ($item['pids']) {
foreach ($item['pids'] as $key => $id) {
$item['promotions'][] = $promotions[$id] ?? [];
return $result;
* 控制购物车加入商品最大数量
* @param int $uid
* @param int $tourist_uid
* @param int $store_id
* @param int $staff_id
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function controlCartNum(int $uid, int $tourist_uid = 0, int $store_id = 0, int $staff_id = 0)
$maxCartNum = $this->maxCartNum;
$where = [
'is_del' => 0,
'is_new' => 0,
'is_pay' => 0,
'status' => 1
if ($uid) $where['uid'] = $uid;
if ($tourist_uid) $where['tourist_uid'] = $tourist_uid;
if ($store_id) $where['store_id'] = $store_id;
if ($staff_id) $where['staff_id'] = $staff_id;
try {
$count = $this->dao->count($where);
if ($count >= $maxCartNum) {//删除一个最早加入购物车商品
$one = $this->dao->search($where)->order('id asc')->find();
if ($one) {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
\think\facade\Log::error('自动控制购物车数量,删除最早加入商品失败:' . $e->getMessage());
return true;
* 检测限购
* @param int $uid
* @param int $product_id
* @param int $num
* @param bool $new
* @param int $store_id
* @return bool
public function checkLimit(int $uid, int $product_id, int $num, bool $new = false, int $store_id = 0)
/** @var StoreProductServices $productServices */
$productServices = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
/** @var StoreOrderCartInfoServices $orderCartServices */
$orderCartServices = app()->make(StoreOrderCartInfoServices::class);
$limitInfo = $productServices->get($product_id, ['id', 'pid', 'is_limit', 'limit_type', 'limit_num']);
if (!$limitInfo) throw new ValidateException('商品不存在');
$limitInfo = $limitInfo->toArray();
if (!$limitInfo['is_limit']) return true;
$cartNum = 0;
$tourist_uid = 0;
if (!$uid) {
$tourist_uid = $this->getItem('tourist_uid', '');
$pid = $limitInfo['pid'] ? $limitInfo['pid'] : $limitInfo['id'];
$product_ids = $productServices->getColumn(['pid' => $pid], 'id');
$product_ids[] = $pid;
if (!$new) {// 购物车商品数量
$cartNum = $this->dao->sum(['uid' => $uid, 'tourist_uid' => $tourist_uid, 'product_id' => $product_ids, 'store_id' => $store_id, 'status' => 1, 'is_del' => 0], 'cart_num', true);
if ($limitInfo['limit_type'] == 1) {
if (($num + $cartNum) > $limitInfo['limit_num']) {
throw new ValidateException('单次购买不能超过 ' . $limitInfo['limit_num'] . ' 件');
} else if ($limitInfo['limit_type'] == 2) {
$orderPayNum = $orderCartServices->sum(['uid' => $uid, 'product_id' => $product_ids], 'cart_num');
$orderRefundNum = $orderCartServices->sum(['uid' => $uid, 'product_id' => $product_ids], 'refund_num');
$orderNum = $cartNum + $orderPayNum - $orderRefundNum;
if (($num + $orderNum) > $limitInfo['limit_num']) {
throw new ValidateException('该商品限购 ' . $limitInfo['limit_num'] . ' 件,您已经购买 ' . $orderNum . ' 件');
return true;
* 计算用户购物车商品(优惠活动、最优优惠券)
* @param array $user
* @param $cartId
* @param bool $new
* @param int $addressId
* @param int $shipping_type
* @param int $store_id
* @return array
* @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \throwable
public function computeUserCart(int $uid, $cartId, bool $new, int $addressId, int $shipping_type = 1, int $store_id = 0)
$data = [];
$cartGroup = $this->getUserProductCartListV1($uid, $cartId, $new, [], $shipping_type, $store_id, 0, true);
$valid = $cartGroup['valid'] ?? [];
/** @var StoreOrderComputedServices $computedServices */
$computedServices = app()->make(StoreOrderComputedServices::class);
$sumPrice = $computedServices->getOrderSumPrice($valid, 'sum_price');//获取订单原总金额
$totalPrice = $computedServices->getOrderSumPrice($valid, 'truePrice');//获取订单svip、用户等级优惠之后总金额
$vipPrice = $computedServices->getOrderSumPrice($valid, 'vip_truePrice');//获取订单会员优惠金额
$deduction = $cartGroup['deduction'] ?? [];
$coupon = $cartGroup['useCoupon'] ?? [];
$promotions = [];
$giveCartList = $cartGroup['giveCartList'] ?? [];
$couponPrice = $cartGroup['couponPrice'] ?? 0;
$firstOrderPrice = $cartGroup['firstOrderPrice'];
$cartList = array_merge($valid, $giveCartList);
$promotionsPrice = 0;
if ($cartList) {
foreach ($cartList as $key => $cart) {
if (isset($cart['promotions_true_price']) && isset($cart['price_type']) && $cart['price_type'] == 'promotions') {
$promotionsPrice = bcadd((string)$promotionsPrice, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['promotions_true_price'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 2), 2);
$deduction['promotions_price'] = (float)$promotionsPrice;
$deduction['coupon_price'] = (float)$couponPrice;
$deduction['first_order_price'] = (float)$firstOrderPrice;
$deduction['sum_price'] = (float)$sumPrice;
$deduction['vip_price'] = (float)$vipPrice;
$payPrice = $this->getPayPrice((string)$totalPrice, (string)$couponPrice, (string)$firstOrderPrice);
$deduction['pay_price'] = (float)$payPrice;
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$svip_status = $userServices->checkUserIsSvip($uid);
$svip_price = 0.00;
//开启付费会员 且用户不是付费会员 //计算 开通付费会员节省金额
if (sys_config('member_card_status', 1) && !$svip_status) {
[$vipPayPrice, $payPostage, $storePostageDiscount] = $this->computeUserVipCart($uid, $cartId, $shipping_type, $new, $store_id);
$svip_price = (float)max(bcsub((string)$payPrice, (string)$vipPayPrice, 2), 0);
return compact('promotions', 'coupon', 'deduction', 'svip_status', 'svip_price');
* 计算用户是付费会员节省多少钱
* @param int $uid
* @param $cartId
* @param int $shipping_type
* @param bool $new
* @param int $store_id
* @param bool $isCart
* @param int $couponId
* @param $addr
* @return array
* @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
* @throws \throwable
public function computeUserVipCart(int $uid, $cartId, int $shipping_type = 1, bool $new = false, int $store_id = 0, bool $isCart = true, int $couponId = 0, $addr = [])
$this->setItem('isVip', 1);
$cartGroup = $this->getUserProductCartListV1($uid, $cartId, $new, [], $shipping_type, $store_id, $couponId, $isCart);
$valid = $cartGroup['valid'] ?? [];
/** @var StoreOrderComputedServices $computedServices */
$computedServices = app()->make(StoreOrderComputedServices::class);
$totalPrice = $computedServices->getOrderSumPrice($valid, 'truePrice');//获取订单svip、用户等级优惠之后总金额
$payPrice = $this->getPayPrice((string)$totalPrice, (string)($cartGroup['couponPrice'] ?? 0), (string)($cartGroup['firstOrderPrice'] ?? 0));
//不是购物车 计算运费
if (!$isCart) {
//没传地址id或地址已删除未找到 ||获取默认地址
if (!$addr) {
/** @var UserAddressServices $addressServices */
$addressServices = app()->make(UserAddressServices::class);
$addr = $addressServices->getUserDefaultAddressCache($uid);
$storeFreePostage = floatval(sys_config('store_free_postage')) ?: 0;//满额包邮金额
$priceGroup = $computedServices->getOrderPriceGroup($uid, $valid, $addr, $storeFreePostage);
return [$payPrice, $priceGroup['payPostage'] ?? 0, $priceGroup['storePostageDiscount'] ?? 0];
* 计算实际支付金额
* @param string $payPrice
* @param string $couponPrice
* @param string $firstOrderPrice
* @return float
public function getPayPrice(string $payPrice, string $couponPrice, string $firstOrderPrice)
if ($couponPrice < $payPrice) {//优惠券金额
$payPrice = bcsub((string)$payPrice, (string)$couponPrice, 2);
} else {
$payPrice = 0;
if ($firstOrderPrice < $payPrice) {//首单优惠金额
$payPrice = bcsub((string)$payPrice, (string)$firstOrderPrice, 2);
} else {
$payPrice = 0;
return (float)$payPrice;