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366 lines
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366 lines
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5 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\controller\admin\v1\store;
use app\services\order\StoreOrderServices;
use app\services\product\branch\StoreBranchProductServices;
use app\services\store\LoginServices;
use app\services\store\SystemStoreStaffServices;
use app\services\system\attachment\SystemAttachmentServices;
use think\facade\App;
use app\controller\admin\AuthController;
use app\services\store\SystemStoreServices;
* 门店管理控制器
* Class SystemStore
* @package app\controller\admin\v1\store
class SystemStore extends AuthController
* 构造方法
* SystemStore constructor.
* @param App $app
* @param SystemStoreServices $services
public function __construct(App $app, SystemStoreServices $services)
$this->services = $services;
* 获取门店列表1
* @return mixed
public function index()
$where = $this->request->getMore([
['keywords', ''],
[['type', 'd'], 0],
['id', 0, '', 'order_id'],
['cate_id', ''],
if ($where['type'] == 'all') $where['type'] = '';
$where['is_del'] = 0;
$field = ['id', 'cate_id', 'name', 'phone', 'address', 'detailed_address', 'image', 'is_show', 'day_time', 'day_start', 'day_end'];
return $this->success($this->services->getStoreList($where, $field, '', '', 0, ['categoryName']));
* 获取门店头部
* @return mixed
public function get_header()
$count = $this->services->getStoreData();
return $this->success(compact('count'));
* 门店设置
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function get_info()
[$id] = $this->request->getMore([
[['id', 'd'], 0],
], true);
$info = $this->services->getStoreDispose($id);
$info['cate_id'] = $info['cate_com'] ? array_map('intval', explode(',', $info['cate_com'])) : [];
return $this->success(compact('info'));
* 位置选择
* @return mixed
public function select_address()
$key = sys_config('tengxun_map_key');
if (!$key) return $this->fail('提示:前往设置->系统设置->第三方接口 配置腾讯地图KEY');
return $this->success(compact('key'));
* 设置单个门店是否显示
* @param string $is_show
* @param string $id
* @return json
public function set_show($is_show = '', $id = '')
($is_show == '' || $id == '') && $this->fail('缺少参数');
$res = $this->services->update((int)$id, ['is_show' => (int)$is_show]);
if ($res) {
/** @var SystemStoreStaffServices $storeStaffServices */
$storeStaffServices = app()->make(SystemStoreStaffServices::class);
if ($is_show) {
$storeStaffServices->update(['store_id' => $id, 'is_del' => 0, 'status' => 0], ['status' => 1]);
$this->services->cacheSaveValue($id, 'is_show', $is_show);
} else {
$storeStaffServices->update(['store_id' => $id, 'is_del' => 0, 'status' => 1], ['status' => 0]);
event('store.status', [$id, $is_show]);
return $this->success('设置成功');
} else {
return $this->fail('设置失败');
* 获取重置账号密码表单
* @param $id
* @return mixed
public function resetAdminForm($id)
if (!$id) {
return $this->fail('缺少参数');
return $this->success($this->services->storeAdminAccountForm($id));
* 重置门店超级管理员账号密码
* @param $id
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function resetAdmin($id)
if (!$id) {
return $this->fail('缺少参数');
$data = $this->request->postMore([
['staff_id', 0],
['phone', ''],
['account', ''],
['password', ''],
['true_password', ''],
$this->validate(['store_account' => $data['account'], 'true_password' => $data['true_password'], 'store_password' => $data['password']], \app\validate\admin\merchant\SystemStoreValidate::class, 'reset');
if (!$data['staff_id']) {
return $this->fail('参数错误');
if (!$data['password']) {
return $this->fail('请输入密码');
if (!$data['true_password']) {
return $this->fail('请输入确认密码');
if ($data['password'] != $data['true_password']) {
return $this->fail('两次输入的密码不正确');
$this->services->resetAdmin((int)$id, $data);
return $this->success('操作成功!');
* 保存修改门店信息
* param int $id
* */
public function save($id = 0)
$data = $this->request->postMore([
['type', 1],//门店类型1:自营2加盟
['cate_id', []],
['erp_shop_id', 0],
['name', ''],
['introduction', ''],
['is_show', 1],
['is_store', 1],
['image', ''],
['background_image', ''],
['phone', ''],
['address', ''],
['detailed_address', ''],
['province', ''],
['city', ''],
['area', ''],
['street', ''],
['longitude', ''],
['latitude', ''],
['pingpai_img', ''],
['pinpaicontent', ''],
['day_time', []],
['valid_range', 0],
['store_account', ''],
['store_password', ''],
['business', 0],
['product_status', 1],
['product_verify_status', 0],
['applicable_type', 1],//1;全部商品 2部分商品
['product_id', []],//同步商品Ids
$this->validate($data, \app\validate\admin\merchant\SystemStoreValidate::class, $id ? 'update' : 'save');
if (!!sys_config('erp_open') && !$data['erp_shop_id']) {
return $this->fail('开启ERP时,店铺编号必须填写');
if (!isset($data['longitude']) || !isset($data['latitude'])) {
return $this->fail('请选择门店位置');
if (!check_phone($data['phone'])) {
return $this->fail('请输入正确的手机号');
if (!$id && (!$data['store_account'] || !$data['store_password'])) {
return $this->fail('请填写门店管理员账号密码');
if ($data['is_show'] && (!$data['day_time'] || count($data['day_time']) != 2)) {
return $this->fail('请选择门店营业时间');
if (!floatval(trim($data['valid_range']))) {
return $this->fail('请输入有效的配送范围');
if ($data['applicable_type'] == 2 && !$data['product_id']) {
return $this->fail('请选择同步商品');
if ($data['day_time'] && count($data['day_time']) == 2) {
[$data['day_start'], $data['day_end']] = $data['day_time'];
$data['day_time'] = implode(' - ', $data['day_time']);
if ($data['image'] && strstr($data['image'], 'http') === false) {
$site_url = sys_config('site_url');
$data['image'] = $site_url . $data['image'];
if ($data['background_image'] && strstr($data['background_image'], 'http') === false) {
$site_url = sys_config('site_url');
$data['background_image'] = $site_url . $data['background_image'];
if($data['address'] == '') return $this->fail('请选择门店地址');
if($data['detailed_address'] == '') return $this->fail('请输入门店详细地址');
$data['address'] = str_replace([' ', '/', '\\'], '', $data['address']);
$data['detailed_address'] = str_replace([' ', '/', '\\'], '', $data['detailed_address']);
$staff_data = [
'staff_name' => $data['name'],
'avatar' => $data['image'],
'phone' => $data['phone'],
'account' => $data['store_account'],
'pwd' => $data['store_password']
$data['valid_range'] = bcmul($data['valid_range'], '1000', 0);
$data['cate_com'] = $data['cate_id'] ? implode(',', $data['cate_id']) : '';
$data['cate_id'] = $data['cate_id'] ? end($data['cate_id']) : 0;
$product_ids = [];
if ($data['applicable_type'] == 2) $product_ids = $data['product_id'];
if ($data['type'] == 1) {//自营门店不允许自主上传商品
$data['product_status'] = 0;
$data['product_verify_status'] = 0;
unset($data['store_account'], $data['store_password'], $data['product_id'], $data['applicable_type']);
[$id, $is_new] = $this->services->saveStore((int)$id, $data, $staff_data);
event('store.create', [$data, $id, $is_new, $product_ids]);
$storeInfo = $this->services->get((int)$id);
return $this->success('操作成功!');
* 删除恢复门店
* @param $id
public function delete($id)
$id = (int)$id;
if (!$id) return $this->fail('数据不存在');
$storeInfo = $this->services->get($id);
if (!$storeInfo) {
return $this->fail('数据不存在');
/** @var SystemStoreStaffServices $storeStaffServices */
$storeStaffServices = app()->make(SystemStoreStaffServices::class);
if ($storeInfo->is_del == 1) {
$storeInfo->is_del = 0;
if (!$storeInfo->save()) {
return $this->fail('恢复失败,请稍候再试!');
} else {
$storeStaffServices->update(['store_id' => $id, 'is_del' => 1], ['is_del' => 0]);
return $this->success('恢复门店成功!');
} else {
/** @var StoreOrderServices $storeOrderServices */
$storeOrderServices = app()->make(StoreOrderServices::class);
$orderCount = $storeOrderServices->count(['store_id' => $id, 'status' => 0]);
if (!$orderCount) {
$orderCount = $storeOrderServices->count(['store_id' => $id, 'status' => 1]);
if (!$orderCount) {
$orderCount = $storeOrderServices->count(['store_id' => $id, 'status' => 5]);
if ($orderCount) {
return $this->fail('删除失败,该门店还有待处理订单');
$storeInfo->is_del = 1;
if (!$storeInfo->save()) {
return $this->fail('删除失败,请稍候再试!');
} else {
$storeStaffServices->update(['store_id' => $id, 'is_del' => 0], ['is_del' => 1]);
/** @var StoreBranchProductServices $storeBranchProducesServices */
$storeBranchProducesServices = app()->make(StoreBranchProductServices::class);
$storeBranchProducesServices->deleteProducts([], 1, $id);
/** @var SystemAttachmentServices $attach */
$attach = app()->make(SystemAttachmentServices::class);
$attach->delAttachment([], 2, $id);
event('store.delete', [$id]);
return $this->success('删除门店成功!');
* 门店登录
* @param SystemStoreStaffServices $staffServices
* @param LoginServices $services
* @param $id
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function storeLogin(SystemStoreStaffServices $staffServices, LoginServices $services, $id)
$storeInfo = $this->services->get($id);
if (!$storeInfo) {
return $this->fail('登录的门店不存在');
$staffAdmin = $staffServices->getOne(['store_id' => $id, 'level' => 0, 'is_admin' => 1]);
if (!$staffAdmin) {
return $this->fail('门店超级管理员异常');
return $this->success($services->login($staffAdmin['account'], '', 'store', $id));
* @return mixed
* @throws \Exception
public function getErpShop()
return $this->success($this->services->erpShopList());