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337 lines
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5 months ago
namespace GuzzleHttp\Tests\Ring;
use GuzzleHttp\Ring\Core;
use GuzzleHttp\Ring\Future\CompletedFutureArray;
use GuzzleHttp\Ring\Future\FutureArray;
use GuzzleHttp\Stream\Stream;
use React\Promise\Deferred;
class CoreTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
public function testReturnsNullNoHeadersAreSet()
$this->assertNull(Core::header([], 'Foo'));
$this->assertNull(Core::firstHeader([], 'Foo'));
public function testChecksIfHasHeader()
$message = [
'headers' => [
'Foo' => ['Bar', 'Baz'],
'foo' => ['hello'],
'bar' => ['1']
$this->assertTrue(Core::hasHeader($message, 'Foo'));
$this->assertTrue(Core::hasHeader($message, 'foo'));
$this->assertTrue(Core::hasHeader($message, 'FoO'));
$this->assertTrue(Core::hasHeader($message, 'bar'));
$this->assertFalse(Core::hasHeader($message, 'barr'));
public function testReturnsFirstHeaderWhenSimple()
$this->assertEquals('Bar', Core::firstHeader([
'headers' => ['Foo' => ['Bar', 'Baz']],
], 'Foo'));
public function testReturnsFirstHeaderWhenMultiplePerLine()
$this->assertEquals('Bar', Core::firstHeader([
'headers' => ['Foo' => ['Bar, Baz']],
], 'Foo'));
public function testExtractsCaseInsensitiveHeader()
Core::header(['headers' => ['foo' => ['hello']]], 'FoO')
public function testExtractsCaseInsensitiveHeaderLines()
['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
'headers' => [
'foo' => ['a', 'b'],
'Foo' => ['c', 'd']
], 'foo')
public function testExtractsHeaderLines()
['bar', 'baz'],
'headers' => [
'Foo' => ['bar', 'baz'],
], 'Foo')
public function testExtractsHeaderAsString()
'bar, baz',
'headers' => [
'Foo' => ['bar', 'baz'],
], 'Foo', true)
public function testReturnsNullWhenHeaderNotFound()
$this->assertNull(Core::header(['headers' => []], 'Foo'));
public function testRemovesHeaders()
$message = [
'headers' => [
'foo' => ['bar'],
'Foo' => ['bam'],
'baz' => ['123'],
$this->assertSame($message, Core::removeHeader($message, 'bam'));
'headers' => ['baz' => ['123']],
], Core::removeHeader($message, 'foo'));
public function testCreatesUrl()
$req = [
'scheme' => 'http',
'headers' => ['host' => ['']],
'uri' => '/',
$this->assertEquals('', Core::url($req));
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
* @expectedExceptionMessage No Host header was provided
public function testEnsuresHostIsAvailableWhenCreatingUrls()
public function testCreatesUrlWithQueryString()
$req = [
'scheme' => 'http',
'headers' => ['host' => ['']],
'uri' => '/',
'query_string' => 'foo=baz',
$this->assertEquals('', Core::url($req));
public function testUsesUrlIfSet()
$req = ['url' => ''];
$this->assertEquals('', Core::url($req));
public function testReturnsNullWhenNoBody()
public function testReturnsStreamAsString()
Core::body(['body' => Stream::factory('foo')])
public function testReturnsString()
$this->assertEquals('foo', Core::body(['body' => 'foo']));
public function testReturnsResourceContent()
$r = fopen('php://memory', 'w+');
fwrite($r, 'foo');
$this->assertEquals('foo', Core::body(['body' => $r]));
public function testReturnsIteratorContent()
$a = new \ArrayIterator(['a', 'b', 'cd', '']);
$this->assertEquals('abcd', Core::body(['body' => $a]));
public function testReturnsObjectToString()
$this->assertEquals('foo', Core::body(['body' => new StrClass]));
* @expectedException \InvalidArgumentException
public function testEnsuresBodyIsValid()
Core::body(['body' => false]);
public function testParsesHeadersFromLines()
$lines = ['Foo: bar', 'Foo: baz', 'Abc: 123', 'Def: a, b'];
'Foo' => ['bar', 'baz'],
'Abc' => ['123'],
'Def' => ['a, b'],
], Core::headersFromLines($lines));
public function testParsesHeadersFromLinesWithMultipleLines()
$lines = ['Foo: bar', 'Foo: baz', 'Foo: 123'];
'Foo' => ['bar', 'baz', '123'],
], Core::headersFromLines($lines));
public function testCreatesArrayCallFunctions()
$called = [];
$a = function ($a, $b) use (&$called) {
$called['a'] = func_get_args();
$b = function ($a, $b) use (&$called) {
$called['b'] = func_get_args();
$c = Core::callArray([$a, $b]);
$c(1, 2);
$this->assertEquals([1, 2], $called['a']);
$this->assertEquals([1, 2], $called['b']);
public function testRewindsGuzzleStreams()
$str = Stream::factory('foo');
$this->assertTrue(Core::rewindBody(['body' => $str]));
public function testRewindsStreams()
$str = Stream::factory('foo')->detach();
$this->assertTrue(Core::rewindBody(['body' => $str]));
public function testRewindsIterators()
$iter = new \ArrayIterator(['foo']);
$this->assertTrue(Core::rewindBody(['body' => $iter]));
public function testRewindsStrings()
$this->assertTrue(Core::rewindBody(['body' => 'hi']));
public function testRewindsToStrings()
$this->assertTrue(Core::rewindBody(['body' => new StrClass()]));
public function typeProvider()
return [
['foo', 'string(3) "foo"'],
[true, 'bool(true)'],
[false, 'bool(false)'],
[10, 'int(10)'],
[1.0, 'float(1)'],
[new StrClass(), 'object(GuzzleHttp\Tests\Ring\StrClass)'],
[['foo'], 'array(1)']
* @dataProvider typeProvider
public function testDescribesType($input, $output)
$this->assertEquals($output, Core::describeType($input));
public function testDoesSleep()
$t = microtime(true);
$expected = $t + (100 / 1000);
Core::doSleep(['client' => ['delay' => 100]]);
$this->assertGreaterThanOrEqual($expected, microtime(true));
public function testProxiesFuture()
$f = new CompletedFutureArray(['status' => 200]);
$res = null;
$proxied = Core::proxy($f, function ($value) use (&$res) {
$value['foo'] = 'bar';
$res = $value;
return $value;
$this->assertNotSame($f, $proxied);
$this->assertEquals(200, $f->wait()['status']);
$this->assertArrayNotHasKey('foo', $f->wait());
$this->assertEquals('bar', $proxied->wait()['foo']);
$this->assertEquals(200, $proxied->wait()['status']);
public function testProxiesDeferredFuture()
$d = new Deferred();
$f = new FutureArray($d->promise());
$f2 = Core::proxy($f);
$d->resolve(['foo' => 'bar']);
$this->assertEquals('bar', $f['foo']);
$this->assertEquals('bar', $f2['foo']);
public function testProxiesDeferredFutureFailure()
$d = new Deferred();
$f = new FutureArray($d->promise());
$f2 = Core::proxy($f);
$d->reject(new \Exception('foo'));
try {
$this->fail('did not throw');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->assertEquals('foo', $e->getMessage());
final class StrClass
public function __toString()
return 'foo';