You can not select more than 25 topics
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587 lines
22 KiB
587 lines
22 KiB
5 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace app\services\work;
use app\dao\work\WorkClientDao;
use app\jobs\work\WorkClientJob;
use app\services\BaseServices;
use app\services\user\label\UserLabelServices;
use app\services\user\UserServices;
use crmeb\services\wechat\config\WorkConfig;
use crmeb\services\wechat\WechatResponse;
use crmeb\services\wechat\Work;
use crmeb\traits\ServicesTrait;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
use think\facade\Log;
* 企业微信客户
* Class WorkClientServices
* @package app\services\work
* @mixin WorkClientDao
class WorkClientServices extends BaseServices
use ServicesTrait;
* WorkClientServices constructor.
* @param WorkClientDao $dao
public function __construct(WorkClientDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
* @param array $where
* @param array $field
* @param bool $isPage
* @return array
public function getList(array $where, array $field = ['*'], bool $isPage = true)
$page = $limit = 0;
if ($isPage) {
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$list = $this->dao->getDataList($where, $field, $page, $limit, 'create_time', [
'followOne' => function ($query) {
'member' => function ($query) {
$query->field(['userid', 'id', 'name', 'main_department'])
])->field(['userid', 'client_id', 'state', 'id']);
'follow' => function ($query) {
$query->field(['id', 'client_id'])->with(['tags']);
foreach ($list as &$item) {
if (!empty($item['follow'])) {
$tags = [];
foreach ($item['follow'] as $value) {
if (!empty($value['tags'])) {
$tags = array_merge($tags, $value['tags']);
$newTags = [];
foreach ($tags as $tag) {
if (!in_array($tag['tag_name'], array_column($newTags, 'tag_name'))) {
$newTags[] = $tag;
$item['followOne']['tags'] = $newTags;
$count = $this->dao->count($where);
return compact('list', 'count');
* 自动同步客户
* @param int $page
* @param string $cursor
* @return bool
public function authGetExternalcontact(int $page = 1, string $cursor = '')
/** @var WorkConfig $config */
$config = app()->make(WorkConfig::class);
$corpId = $config->get('corpId');
if (!$corpId) {
return true;
/** @var WorkMemberServices $memberService */
$memberService = app()->make(WorkMemberServices::class);
$menmberList = $memberService->getDataList(['corp_id' => $corpId], ['userid'], $page, 10);
if (!$menmberList) {
return true;
$userids = array_column($menmberList, 'userid');
$response = Work::getBatchClientList($userids, $cursor);
$externalContactList = $response['external_contact_list'] ?? [];
$external = [];
$followUser = [];//内部人员跟踪
$externalUserids = [];//客户信息
$this->transaction(function () use ($externalContactList, $corpId, $externalUserids, $followUser, $external) {
foreach ($externalContactList as $item) {
$externalContact = $item['external_contact'];
$unionid = $externalContact['unionid'] ?? '';
if (isset($externalContact['unionid'])) {
$corpName = $corpFullName = $position = '';
if (isset($externalContact['corp_name'])) {
$corpName = $externalContact['corp_name'];
if (isset($externalContact['corp_full_name'])) {
$corpFullName = $externalContact['corp_full_name'];
if (isset($externalContact['position'])) {
$position = $externalContact['position'];
$externalContact['position'] = $position;
$externalContact['external_profile'] = json_encode($externalContact['external_profile'] ?? []);
$followUserData = [
'userid' => $item['follow_info']['userid'],
'remark' => $item['follow_info']['remark'] ?? '',
'description' => $item['follow_info']['description'] ?? '',
'createtime' => $item['follow_info']['createtime'] ?? '',
'remark_corp_name' => $item['follow_info']['remark_corp_name'] ?? '',
'remark_mobiles' => json_encode($item['follow_info']['remark_mobiles'] ?? ''),
'add_way' => $item['follow_info']['add_way'] ?? '',
'oper_userid' => $item['follow_info']['oper_userid'] ?? '',
'create_time' => time(),
'tags' => [],
if (!empty($item['follow_info']['tag_id'])) {
$tagRes = Work::getCorpTags($item['follow_info']['tag_id']);
foreach ($tagRes['tag_group'] ?? [] as $group) {
foreach ($group['tag'] as $tag) {
$followUserData['tags'][] = [
'group_name' => $group['group_name'] ?? '',
'tag_name' => $tag['name'] ?? '',
'type' => $tag['type'] ?? 1,
'tag_id' => $tag['id'],
'create_time' => time()
$followUser[$externalContact['external_userid']] = $followUserData;
$externalUserids[] = $externalContact['external_userid'];
$externalUserid = $externalContact['external_userid'];
$externalContact['corp_id'] = $corpId;
$externalContact['unionid'] = $unionid;
$externalContact['corp_name'] = $corpName;
$externalContact['corp_full_name'] = $corpFullName;
if ($this->dao->count(['external_userid' => $externalUserid, 'corp_id' => $corpId])) {
$this->dao->update(['external_userid' => $externalUserid], $externalContact);
} else {
$externalContact['create_time'] = time();
$externalContact['update_time'] = time();
$external[] = $externalContact;
if ($external) {
$clientList = $this->dao->getColumn([['external_userid', 'in', $externalUserids], ['corp_id', '=', $corpId]], 'id', 'external_userid');
/** @var WorkClientFollowServices $followService */
$followService = app()->make(WorkClientFollowServices::class);
if ($followUser) {
/** @var WorkClientFollowTagsServices $tagService */
$tagService = app()->make(WorkClientFollowTagsServices::class);
foreach ($followUser as $userid => $items) {
$items['client_id'] = $clientList[$userid];
if (($id = $followService->value(['client_id' => $clientList[$userid], 'userid' => $items['userid']], 'id'))) {
$followService->update($id, [
'remark' => $items['remark'],
'description' => $items['description'],
'createtime' => $items['createtime'],
'remark_corp_name' => $items['remark_corp_name'],
'remark_mobiles' => $items['remark_mobiles'],
'add_way' => $items['add_way'],
'oper_userid' => $items['oper_userid'],
} else {
$res = $followService->save($items);
$id = $res->id;
if (!empty($items['tags'])) {
$tagService->delete(['follow_id' => $id]);
foreach ($items['tags'] as &$tag) {
$tag['follow_id'] = $id;
if (isset($response['next_cursor']) && $response['next_cursor']) {
WorkClientJob::dispatchDo('authClient', [$page, $response['next_cursor'] ?? '']);
} else if (count($userids) >= 10 && empty($response['next_cursor'])) {
WorkClientJob::dispatchDo('authClient', [$page + 1, '']);
return true;
public function saveClientTags(array $tagGroup)
* 创建客户
* @param array $payload
* @return mixed
public function createClient(array $payload)
$corpId = $payload['ToUserName'];//企业id
$externalUserID = $payload['ExternalUserID'];//外部企业userid
$state = $payload['State'] ?? '';//扫码值
$userId = $payload['UserID'];//成员userid
$clientId = $this->saveOrUpdateClient($corpId, $externalUserID, $userId);
try {
event('work.welcome', [$payload['WelcomeCode'] ?? '', $state, $clientId, $userId]);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
'message' => '发送欢迎语失败:' . $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine()
try {
event('work.label', [$state, $userId, $externalUserID]);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
'message' => '设置欢客户标签失败:' . $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine()
try {
event('work.user', [$clientId]);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
'message' => '关联客户与商城用户失败:' . $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine()
return $clientId;
* 更新客户信息
* @param array $payload
* @return mixed
public function updateClient(array $payload)
$corpId = $payload['ToUserName'];
$externalUserID = $payload['ExternalUserID'];
$userId = $payload['UserID'];//成员serid
$clientId = $this->saveOrUpdateClient($corpId, $externalUserID, $userId);
try {
event('work.user', [$clientId]);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
'message' => '关联客户与商城用户失败:' . $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine()
return $clientId;
* 企业成员删除客户
* @param array $payload
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function deleteClient(array $payload)
$corpId = $payload['ToUserName'];
$externalUserID = $payload['ExternalUserID'];
$userId = $payload['UserID'];//成员serid
$clientInfo = $this->dao->get(['external_userid' => $externalUserID, 'corp_id' => $corpId], ['id']);
if ($clientInfo) {
$this->transaction(function () use ($clientInfo, $userId) {
/** @var WorkClientFollowServices $followService */
$followService = app()->make(WorkClientFollowServices::class);
$followService->update(['client_id' => $clientInfo->id, 'userid' => $userId], ['is_del_user' => 1]);
return true;
* 客户删除企业微信成员
* @param array $payload
* @return bool
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function deleteFollowClient(array $payload)
$corpId = $payload['ToUserName'];
$externalUserID = $payload['ExternalUserID'];
$userId = $payload['UserID'];//成员serid
$clientInfo = $this->dao->get(['external_userid' => $externalUserID, 'corp_id' => $corpId], ['id']);
/** @var WorkClientFollowServices $followService */
$followService = app()->make(WorkClientFollowServices::class);
if ($clientInfo) {
$followService->update(['client_id' => $clientInfo->id, 'userid' => $userId], ['is_del_user' => 1]);
return true;
* 更新或者添加客户信息
* @param string $corpId
* @param string $externalUserID
* @param string $userId
* @return mixed
public function saveOrUpdateClient(string $corpId, string $externalUserID, string $userId)
$response = Work::getClientInfo($externalUserID);
$externalContact = $response['external_contact'] ?? [];
$followUser = $response['follow_user'] ?? [];
$res = true;
$externalContact['corp_id'] = $corpId;
$externalContact['external_profile'] = json_encode($externalContact['external_profile'] ?? []);
$clientId = $this->dao->value(['external_userid' => $externalContact['external_userid'], 'corp_id' => $corpId], 'id');
try {
$clientId = $this->transaction(function () use ($userId, $res, $clientId, $externalContact, $followUser) {
if ($clientId) {
$this->dao->update($clientId, $externalContact);
} else {
$res = $this->dao->save($externalContact);
$clientId = $res->id;
$userids = [];
$res1 = false;
foreach ($followUser as &$item) {
$item['create_time'] = time();
if ($userId === $item['userid']) {
$res1 = true;
$userids[] = $item['userid'];
$item['client_id'] = $clientId;
if (isset($item['wechat_channels'])) {
if (!$res1 && $userId) {
$followUser[] = [
'client_id' => $clientId,
'userid' => $userId,
'createtime' => time(),
'tags' => []
if ($followUser) {
/** @var WorkClientFollowServices $followService */
$followService = app()->make(WorkClientFollowServices::class);
/** @var WorkClientFollowTagsServices $tagService */
$tagService = app()->make(WorkClientFollowTagsServices::class);
foreach ($followUser as $item) {
if (($id = $followService->value(['client_id' => $clientId, 'userid' => $item['userid']], 'id'))) {
$followService->update($id, [
'remark' => $item['remark'],
'description' => $item['description'],
'remark_corp_name' => $item['remark_corp_name'] ?? '',
'add_way' => $item['add_way'] ?? '',
'oper_userid' => $item['oper_userid'] ?? '',
} else {
$res = $followService->save($item);
$id = $res->id;
$tagService->delete(['follow_id' => $id]);
if (!empty($item['tags'])) {
$tagsNews = [];
foreach ($item['tags'] as $tag) {
$tag['follow_id'] = $id;
$tagsNews[] = $tag;
if (!$res) {
throw new ValidateException('保存失败');
return $clientId;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
'message' => $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine()
return $clientId;
* @param string $userid
* @param array $clientInfo
* @return array
public function getClientInfo(string $userid, array $clientInfo)
$clientInfo['userInfo'] = [];
if ($clientInfo['uid']) {
/** @var UserServices $make */
$make = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $make->get($clientInfo['uid'], ['*'], ['label', 'userGroup', 'spreadUser']);
if ($userInfo) {
$clientInfo['userInfo'] = $userInfo->toArray();
$clientInfo['userInfo']['birthday'] = $clientInfo['userInfo']['birthday'] ? date('Y-m-d', $clientInfo['userInfo']['birthday']) : '';
return $clientInfo;
* 异步批量设置标签
* @param array $addTag
* @param array $removeTag
* @param array $userId
* @param array $where
* @param int $isAll
* @return bool
public function synchBatchLabel(array $addTag, array $removeTag, array $userId, array $where, int $isAll = 0)
if ($isAll) {
$clientList = $this->dao->getDataList($where, ['external_userid', 'id', 'unionid', 'uid'], 0, 0, null, ['followOne']);
} else {
$clientList = $this->dao->getDataList(['external_userid' => $userId], ['external_userid', 'id', 'unionid', 'uid'], 0, 0, null, ['followOne']);
$batchClient = [];
foreach ($clientList as $item) {
if (!empty($item['followOne'])) {
$batchClient[] = [
'external_userid' => $item['external_userid'],
'userid' => $item['followOne']['userid'],
'add_tag' => $addTag,
'remove_tag' => $removeTag,
if ($batchClient) {
foreach ($batchClient as $item) {
WorkClientJob::dispatchDo('setLabel', [$item]);
return true;
* 设置客户标签
* @param array $markTag
* @return WechatResponse|false
public function setClientMarkTag(array $markTag)
try {
$res = Work::markTags($markTag['userid'], $markTag['external_userid'], $markTag['add_tag'], $markTag['remove_tag']);
$res = new WechatResponse($res);
/** @var WorkConfig $config */
$config = app()->make(WorkConfig::class);
$corpId = $config->get('corpId');
WorkClientJob::dispatchSece(2, 'saveClientInfo', [$corpId, $markTag['external_userid'], $markTag['userid']]);
return $res;
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
'message' => '修改客户标签发生错误:' . $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine()
return false;
* 查找成员下附带的客户人数
* @param array $where
* @return int
public function getUserIdsByCount(array $where)
if ($where['is_all']) {
unset($where['time'], $where['label'], $where['notLabel']);
$where['timeKey'] = 'create_time';
if (!empty($where['label'])) {
/** @var UserLabelServices $service */
$service = app()->make(UserLabelServices::class);
$tagId = $service->getColumn([
['id', 'in', $where['label']],
], 'tag_id');
$where['label'] = array_unique($tagId);
if (!empty($where['notLabel'])) {
/** @var UserLabelServices $service */
$service = app()->make(UserLabelServices::class);
$tagId = $service->getColumn([
['id', 'in', $where['notLabel']],
], 'tag_id');
$where['notLabel'] = array_unique($tagId);
return $this->dao->getClientCount($where);
* 解绑用户
* @param int $uid
public function unboundUser(int $uid)
try {
$this->dao->update(['uid' => $uid], ['uid' => 0]);
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
'message' => '解绑用户失败:' . $e->getMessage(),
'file' => $e->getFile(),
'line' => $e->getLine()