You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1042 lines
44 KiB

5 months ago
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | CRMEB [ CRMEB赋能开发者,助力企业发展 ]
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Copyright (c) 2016~2020 https://www.crmeb.com All rights reserved.
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Licensed CRMEB并不是自由软件,未经许可不能去掉CRMEB相关版权
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
// | Author: CRMEB Team <admin@crmeb.com>
// +----------------------------------------------------------------------
declare (strict_types=1);
namespace app\services\activity\coupon;
use app\services\BaseServices;
use app\dao\activity\coupon\StoreCouponIssueDao;
use app\services\order\StoreCartServices;
use app\services\other\queue\QueueServices;
use app\services\product\brand\StoreBrandServices;
use app\services\product\category\StoreProductCategoryServices;
use app\services\product\product\StoreProductServices;
use app\services\user\member\MemberCardServices;
use app\services\user\member\MemberRightServices;
use app\services\user\UserServices;
use crmeb\exceptions\AdminException;
use crmeb\services\FormBuilder;
use crmeb\traits\OptionTrait;
use think\exception\ValidateException;
* Class StoreCouponIssueServices
* @package app\services\activity\coupon
* @mixin StoreCouponIssueDao
class StoreCouponIssueServices extends BaseServices
use OptionTrait;
public $_couponType = [0 => "通用券", 1 => "品类券", 2 => '商品券'];
* StoreCouponIssueServices constructor.
* @param StoreCouponIssueDao $dao
public function __construct(StoreCouponIssueDao $dao)
$this->dao = $dao;
* 获取已发布列表
* @param array $where
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getCouponIssueList(array $where)
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
$where['is_del'] = 0;
$list = $this->dao->getList($where, $page, $limit);
foreach ($list as &$item) {
if (!$item['coupon_time']) {
$item['coupon_time'] = ceil(($item['end_use_time'] - $item['start_use_time']) / '86400');
$count = $this->dao->count($where);
return compact('list', 'count');
* 获取会员优惠券列表
* @param array $where
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getMemberCouponIssueList(array $where, int $page = 0, int $limit = 0, array $with = [])
return $this->dao->getValidList($where, '*', $page, $limit, $with);
* 新增优惠券
* @param $data
* @return bool
public function saveCoupon($data)
$data['start_use_time'] = strtotime((string)$data['start_use_time']);
$data['end_use_time'] = strtotime((string)$data['end_use_time']);
$data['start_time'] = strtotime((string)$data['start_time']);
$data['end_time'] = strtotime((string)$data['end_time']);
$data['title'] = $data['coupon_title'];
$data['remain_count'] = $data['total_count'];
$data['add_time'] = time();
$res = $this->dao->save($data);
if ($data['product_id'] !== '' && $res) {
$productIds = explode(',', $data['product_id']);
$couponData = [];
foreach ($productIds as $product_id) {
$couponData[] = ['product_id' => $product_id, 'coupon_id' => $res->id];
/** @var StoreCouponProductServices $storeCouponProductService */
$storeCouponProductService = app()->make(StoreCouponProductServices::class);
if (!$res) throw new AdminException('添加优惠券失败!');
return true;
* 修改状态
* @param int $id
* @return array
* @throws \FormBuilder\Exception\FormBuilderException
public function createForm(int $id)
$issueInfo = $this->dao->get($id);
if (-1 == $issueInfo['status'] || 1 == $issueInfo['is_del']) return $this->fail('状态错误,无法修改');
$f = [FormBuilder::radio('status', '是否开启', $issueInfo['status'])->options([['label' => '开启', 'value' => 1], ['label' => '关闭', 'value' => 0]])];
return create_form('状态修改', $f, $this->url('/marketing/coupon/released/status/' . $id), 'PUT');
* 领取记录
* @param int $id
* @return array
public function issueLog(int $id)
$coupon = $this->dao->get($id);
if (!$coupon) {
throw new ValidateException('优惠券不存在');
if ($coupon['category'] != 2) {
/** @var StoreCouponIssueUserServices $storeCouponIssueUserService */
$storeCouponIssueUserService = app()->make(StoreCouponIssueUserServices::class);
return $storeCouponIssueUserService->issueLog(['issue_coupon_id' => $id]);
} else {//会员券
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $storeCouponUserService */
$storeCouponUserService = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
return $storeCouponUserService->issueLog(['cid' => $id]);
* 保存赠送给用户优惠券
* @param int $uid
* @param array $couponList
* @param string $type
* @return array
public function saveGiveCoupon(int $uid, array $couponList, string $type = 'get')
if (!$uid || !$couponList) {
return [];
$couponData = [];
$issueUserData = [];
$time = time();
/** @var StoreCouponIssueUserServices $issueUser */
$issueUser = app()->make(StoreCouponIssueUserServices::class);
foreach ($couponList as $item) {
$data['cid'] = $item['id'];
$data['uid'] = $uid;
$data['coupon_title'] = $item['title'];
$data['coupon_price'] = $item['coupon_price'];
$data['use_min_price'] = $item['use_min_price'];
if ($item['coupon_time']) {
$data['add_time'] = $time;
$data['end_time'] = $data['add_time'] + $item['coupon_time'] * 86400;
} else {
$data['add_time'] = $item['start_use_time'];
$data['end_time'] = $item['end_use_time'];
$data['type'] = $type;
$issue['uid'] = $uid;
$issue['issue_coupon_id'] = $item['id'];
$issue['add_time'] = $time;
$issueUserData[] = $issue;
$couponData[] = $data;
if ($couponData) {
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $storeCouponUser */
$storeCouponUser = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
if (!$storeCouponUser->saveAll($couponData)) {
throw new AdminException('发劵失败');
if ($issueUserData) {
if (!$issueUser->saveAll($issueUserData)) {
throw new AdminException('发劵失败');
foreach ($couponList as $items) {
$remain_count = $items['remain_count'] > 0 ? $items['remain_count'] - 1 : 0;
$this->dao->update($items['id'], ['remain_count' => $remain_count]);
return $couponData;
* 新人礼赠送优惠券
* @param int $uid
public function newcomerGiveCoupon(int $uid)
if (!sys_config('newcomer_status')) {
return false;
$status = sys_config('register_coupon_status');
if (!$status) {//未开启
return true;
$couponIds = sys_config('register_give_coupon', []);
if (!$couponIds) {
return true;
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
return true;
$couponList = $this->dao->getGiveCoupon([['id', 'IN', $couponIds]]);
if ($couponList) {
$this->saveGiveCoupon($uid, $couponList, 'newcomer');
return true;
* 会员卡激活赠送优惠券
* @param int $uid
public function levelGiveCoupon(int $uid)
$status = sys_config('level_activate_status');
if (!$status) {//是否需要激活
return true;
$status = sys_config('level_coupon_status');
if (!$status) {//未开启
return true;
$couponIds = sys_config('level_give_coupon', []);
if (!$couponIds) {
return true;
/** @var UserServices $userServices */
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$userInfo = $userServices->getUserInfo($uid);
if (!$userInfo) {
return true;
$couponList = $this->dao->getGiveCoupon([['id', 'IN', $couponIds]]);
if ($couponList) {
$this->saveGiveCoupon($uid, $couponList, 'activate_level');
return true;
* 关注送优惠券
* @param int $uid
public function userFirstSubGiveCoupon(int $uid)
$couponList = $this->dao->getGiveCoupon(['receive_type' => 2]);
if ($couponList) {
$this->saveGiveCoupon($uid, $couponList, 'user_first');
return true;
* 订单金额达到预设金额赠送优惠卷
* @param $uid
public function userTakeOrderGiveCoupon($uid, $total_price)
$couponList = $this->dao->getGiveCoupon([['is_full_give', '=', 1], ['full_reduction', '<=', $total_price]]);
if ($couponList) {
$res = [];
foreach ($couponList as $item) {
if ($total_price >= $item['full_reduction']) {
$res[] = $item;
$this->saveGiveCoupon($uid, $res);
return true;
* 下单之后赠送
* @param $uid
public function orderPayGiveCoupon($uid, $coupon_issue_ids)
if (!$coupon_issue_ids) return [];
$couponList = $this->dao->getGiveCoupon([['id', 'IN', $coupon_issue_ids]]);
$couponData = [];
if ($couponList) {
$couponData = $this->saveGiveCoupon($uid, $couponList, 'order');
return $couponData;
* 获取商品关联
* @param int $uid
* @param int $product_id
* @param string $field
* @param int $limit
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getProductCouponList(int $uid, int $product_id, string $field = '*', int $limit = 0)
if ($limit) {
$page = 1;
} else {
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
/** @var StoreProductServices $storeProductService */
$storeProductService = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
/** @var StoreProductCategoryServices $storeCategoryService */
$storeCategoryService = app()->make(StoreProductCategoryServices::class);
$productInfo = $storeProductService->getCacheProductInfo($product_id);
$cateId = explode(',', $productInfo['cate_id']);
$cateId = array_merge($cateId, $storeCategoryService->cateIdByPid($cateId));
$cateId = array_unique(array_diff($cateId, [0]));
$brandIds = [];
if ($productInfo['brand_id']) {
/** @var StoreBrandServices $storeBrandServices */
$storeBrandServices = app()->make(StoreBrandServices::class);
$brandInfo = $storeBrandServices->get((int)$productInfo['brand_id'], ['id', 'pid']);
if ($brandInfo) {
$brandIds = $brandInfo->toArray();
$brandIds = array_diff($brandIds, [0]);
$where = ['product_id' => $productInfo['pid'] ?: $product_id, 'cate_id' => $cateId, 'brand_id' => $brandIds];
$list = $this->dao->getIssueCouponListNew($uid, $where, $field, $page, $limit);
$store_id = $productInfo['type'] == 1 ? ($productInfo['relation_id'] ?? 0) : 0;
$result = [];
foreach ($list as &$item) {
if ($store_id && isset($item['applicable_type']) && isset($item['applicable_store_id'])) {
$applicable_store_id = is_array($item['applicable_store_id']) ? $item['applicable_store_id'] : explode(',', $item['applicable_store_id']);
if ($item['applicable_type'] == 0 || ($item['applicable_type'] == 2 && !in_array($store_id, $applicable_store_id))) {
$item['coupon_price'] = floatval($item['coupon_price']);
$item['use_min_price'] = floatval($item['use_min_price']);
$item['is_use'] = $uid ? isset($item['used']) : false;
if (!$item['end_time']) {
$item['start_time'] = '';
$item['end_time'] = '不限时';
} else {
$item['start_time'] = date('Y/m/d', $item['start_time']);
$item['end_time'] = $item['end_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $item['end_time']) : date('Y/m/d', time() + 86400);
$result[] = $item;
return $result;
* 获取优惠券列表
* @param int $uid
* @param array $where
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getIssueCouponList(int $uid, array $where, string $field = '*', bool $is_product = false)
[$page, $limit] = $this->getPageValue();
/** @var StoreProductServices $storeProductService */
$storeProductService = app()->make(StoreProductServices::class);
/** @var StoreProductCategoryServices $storeCategoryService */
$storeCategoryService = app()->make(StoreProductCategoryServices::class);
/** @var StoreBrandServices $storeBrandServices */
$storeBrandServices = app()->make(StoreBrandServices::class);
$typeId = 0;
$cateId = 0;
$bandId = 0;
$store_id = 0;
$product_id = 0;
if ($where['product_id'] == 0) {
// if ($where['type'] == -1) { // PC端获取优惠券
// $list = $this->dao->getIssueCouponListNew($uid, $where, $field);
// } else {
$list = $this->dao->getIssueCouponListNew($uid, $where, $field, $page, $limit);
// if (!$list) $list = $this->dao->getIssueCouponListNew($uid, ['type' => 1], $field, $page, $limit);
// if (!$list) $list = $this->dao->getIssueCouponListNew($uid, ['type' => 2], $field, $page, $limit);
// if (!$list) $list = $this->dao->getIssueCouponListNew($uid, ['type' => 3], $field, $page, $limit);
// }
} else {
$productInfo = $storeProductService->getOne(['id' => $where['product_id']], 'id,type,relation_id,cate_id,brand_id');
$store_id = $productInfo['type'] == 1 ? ($productInfo['relation_id'] ?? 0) : 0;
$product_id = $productInfo['pid'] ?: $where['product_id'];
if ($productInfo) {
$cateId = $productInfo['cate_id'];
if ($cateId) {
$cateId = explode(',', $cateId);
$cateId = array_merge($cateId, $storeCategoryService->cateIdByPid($cateId));
$cateId = array_diff($cateId, [0]);
if ($productInfo['brand_id']) {
/** @var StoreBrandServices $storeBrandServices */
$storeBrandServices = app()->make(StoreBrandServices::class);
$brandInfo = $storeBrandServices->get((int)$productInfo['brand_id'], ['id', 'pid']);
if ($brandInfo) {
$bandId = $brandInfo->toArray();
$bandId = array_diff($bandId, [0]);
if ($where['type'] == -1) { // PC端获取优惠券
$list = $this->dao->getIssueCouponListNew($uid, ['product_id' => $product_id, 'cate_id' => $cateId, 'brand_id' => $bandId], $field);
} else {
$coupon_where = ['type' => $where['type']];
if ($where['type'] == 1) {
$coupon_where['cate_id'] = $cateId;
} elseif ($where['type'] == 2) {
$coupon_where['product_id'] = $where['product_id'];
} elseif ($where['type'] == 3) {
$coupon_where['brand_id'] = $where['brand_id'];
$list = $this->dao->getIssueCouponListNew($uid, $coupon_where, $field, $page, $limit);
$result = [];
if ($list) {
$limit = 3;
$field = ['id', 'image', 'store_name', 'price', 'IFNULL(sales,0) + IFNULL(ficti,0) as sales'];
$category = $storeCategoryService->getColumn([], 'pid,cate_name', 'id');
$brands = $storeBrandServices->getColumn([], 'id,pid', 'id');
foreach ($list as &$item) {
if ($store_id && isset($item['applicable_type']) && isset($item['applicable_store_id'])) {
$applicable_store_id = is_array($item['applicable_store_id']) ? $item['applicable_store_id'] : explode(',', $item['applicable_store_id']);
if ($item['applicable_type'] == 0 || ($item['applicable_type'] == 2 && !in_array($store_id, $applicable_store_id))) {
$item['coupon_price'] = floatval($item['coupon_price']);
$item['use_min_price'] = floatval($item['use_min_price']);
$item['is_use'] = $uid ? isset($item['used']) : false;
$item['start_time'] = $item['end_time'] = '';
if ($item['coupon_time']) {//领取几天内使用
if (isset($item['used']['end_time']) && isset($item['used']['start_time'])) {
$item['start_time'] = $item['used']['start_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $item['used']['start_time']) : '';
$item['end_time'] = $item['used']['end_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $item['used']['end_time']) : '';
} else {//指定时间段使用
$item['start_time'] = $item['start_use_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $item['start_use_time']) : '';
$item['end_time'] = $item['end_use_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $item['end_use_time']) : '';
if (!$is_product) {//不需要返回优惠券使用商品
$result[] = $item;
$product_where = [];
$product_where['is_show'] = 1;
$product_where['is_del'] = 0;
$product_where['use_min_price'] = $item['use_min_price'];
switch ($item['type']) {
case 0:
case 1://品类券
$product_where['salesOrder'] = 'desc';
$category_type = ($category[$item['category_id'] ?? 0]['pid'] ?? 0) == 0 ? 1 : 2;
if ($category_type == 1) {
$product_where['cid'] = $item['category_id'];
} else {
$product_where['sid'] = $item['category_id'];
case 2://商品劵
$product_where['salesOrder'] = 'desc';
$product_where['ids'] = $item['product_id'];
case 3://品牌券
$product_where['salesOrder'] = 'desc';
$product_where['brand_id'] = $brands[$item['brand_id']] ?? [];
$item['products'] = [];
$item['products'] = get_thumb_water($storeProductService->getSearchList($product_where, 0, $limit, $field, $item['type'] == 0 ? 'rand' : '', []));
$result[] = $item;
$data['list'] = $result;
$data['count'] = $this->dao->getIssueCouponCount($product_id, $cateId, $bandId);
return $data;
* 给用户发送优惠券
* @param $id
* @param $user
* @param bool $more
* @param string $type
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function issueUserCoupon($id, $user, bool $more = true, string $type = 'get')
$issueCouponInfo = $this->dao->getInfo((int)$id);
$uid = $user['uid'];
if (!$issueCouponInfo) {
throw new ValidateException('领取的优惠劵已领完或已过期!');
if ($issueCouponInfo['remain_count'] <= 0 && !$issueCouponInfo['is_permanent']) {
throw new ValidateException('抱歉优惠券已经领取完了!');
if ($issueCouponInfo['category'] == 2) {
/** @var MemberRightServices $memberRightService */
$memberRightService = app()->make(MemberRightServices::class);
if (!$memberRightService->getMemberRightStatus("coupon")) {
throw new ValidateException('暂时无法领取!');
$userServices = app()->make(UserServices::class);
if (!$userServices->checkUserIsSvip($uid)) {
throw new ValidateException('请先购买付费会员后领取!');
/** @var StoreCouponIssueUserServices $issueUserService */
$issueUserService = app()->make(StoreCouponIssueUserServices::class);
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $couponUserService */
$couponUserService = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
if (!$more) {
if ($issueUserService->getOne(['uid' => $uid, 'issue_coupon_id' => $id])) {
throw new ValidateException('已领取过该优惠劵!');
if ($issueCouponInfo->remain_count <= 0 && !$issueCouponInfo->is_permanent) throw new ValidateException('抱歉优惠券已经领取完了!');
$userCounpon = $this->transaction(function () use ($issueUserService, $uid, $id, $couponUserService, $issueCouponInfo, $type) {
$issueUserService->save(['uid' => $uid, 'issue_coupon_id' => $id, 'add_time' => time()]);
$res = $couponUserService->addUserCoupon($uid, $issueCouponInfo, $type);
if ($issueCouponInfo['total_count'] > 0) {
$issueCouponInfo['remain_count'] -= 1;
return $res;
return $userCounpon;
* 会员发放优惠期券
* @param $id
* @param $uid
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function memberIssueUserCoupon($id, $uid)
$issueCouponInfo = $this->dao->getInfo((int)$id);
if ($issueCouponInfo) {
/** @var StoreCouponIssueUserServices $issueUserService */
$issueUserService = app()->make(StoreCouponIssueUserServices::class);
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $couponUserService */
$couponUserService = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
if ($issueCouponInfo->remain_count >= 0 || $issueCouponInfo->is_permanent) {
$this->transaction(function () use ($issueUserService, $uid, $id, $couponUserService, $issueCouponInfo) {
//$issueUserService->save(['uid' => $uid, 'issue_coupon_id' => $id, 'add_time' => time()]);
$couponUserService->addMemberUserCoupon($uid, $issueCouponInfo, "send");
// 如果会员劵需要限制数量时打开
if ($issueCouponInfo['total_count'] > 0) {
$issueCouponInfo['remain_count'] -= 1;
* 用户优惠劵列表
* @param int $uid
* @param $types
* @return array
public function getUserCouponList(int $uid, $types)
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $storeConponUser */
$storeConponUser = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
return $storeConponUser->getUserCounpon($uid, $types);
* 后台发送优惠券
* @param $coupon
* @param $user
* @return bool
public function setCoupon($coupon, $user, $redisKey, $queueId, $is_single = false)
if ((!$redisKey || !$queueId || !$user) && !$is_single) return false;
$data = [];
$issueData = [];
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $storeCouponUser */
$storeCouponUser = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
/** @var StoreCouponIssueUserServices $storeCouponIssueUser */
$storeCouponIssueUser = app()->make(StoreCouponIssueUserServices::class);
/** @var QueueServices $queueService */
$queueService = app()->make(QueueServices::class);
$i = 0;
$time = time();
$remainCount = 0;
if (!$coupon['is_permanent']) {
$count = count($user);
$remain_count = $this->dao->value(['id' => $coupon['id']], 'remain_count');
if ($remain_count < $count) {
$user = array_slice($user, 0, $remain_count);
} else {
$remainCount = $remain_count - $count;
foreach ($user as $k => $v) {
$data[$i]['cid'] = $coupon['id'];
$data[$i]['uid'] = $v;
$data[$i]['coupon_title'] = $coupon['title'];
$data[$i]['coupon_price'] = $coupon['coupon_price'];
$data[$i]['use_min_price'] = $coupon['use_min_price'];
$data[$i]['add_time'] = $time;
if ($coupon['coupon_time']) {
$data[$i]['start_time'] = $time;
$data[$i]['end_time'] = $time + $coupon['coupon_time'] * 86400;
} else {
$data[$i]['start_time'] = $coupon['start_use_time'];
$data[$i]['end_time'] = $coupon['end_use_time'];
$data[$i]['type'] = 'send';
$issueData[$i]['uid'] = $v;
$issueData[$i]['issue_coupon_id'] = $coupon['id'];
$issueData[$i]['add_time'] = time();
$res = $this->transaction(function () use ($data, $issueData, $storeCouponUser, $storeCouponIssueUser) {
$res1 = $res2 = true;
if ($data) {
$res1 = $storeCouponUser->saveAll($data);
if ($issueData) {
$res2 = $storeCouponIssueUser->saveAll($issueData);
return $res1 && $res2;
if (!$res) {
$queueService->setQueueFail($queueId['id'], $redisKey);
} else {
if (!$coupon['is_permanent']) {
$this->dao->update($coupon['id'], ['remain_count' => $remainCount]);
if ($is_single) return true;
$queueService->doSuccessSremRedis($user, $redisKey, $queueId['type']);
return true;
* 获取下单可使用的优惠券列表
* @param int $uid
* @param $cartId
* @param bool $new
* @param int $shipping_type
* @param int $store_id
* @return array
* @throws \Psr\SimpleCache\InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function beUsableCouponList(int $uid, $cartId, bool $new, int $shipping_type = 1, int $store_id = 0)
/** @var StoreCartServices $services */
$services = app()->make(StoreCartServices::class);
$cartGroup = $services->getUserProductCartListV1($uid, $cartId, $new, [], $shipping_type, $store_id);
if (isset($cartGroup['deduction']['activity_id']) && !$cartGroup['deduction']['activity_id'] && isset($cartGroup['deduction']['type']) && $cartGroup['deduction']['type'] != 6) {
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $coupServices */
$coupServices = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
return $coupServices->getUsableCouponList($uid, $cartGroup, $store_id);
} else {
return [];
* @param array $where
* @return mixed
public function getOne(array $where)
if (!$where) throw new AdminException('参数缺失!');
return $this->dao->getOne($where);
* 俩时间相差月份
* @param $date1
* @param $date2
* @return float|int
public function getMonthNum($date1, $date2)
$date1_stamp = strtotime($date1);
$date2_stamp = strtotime($date2);
[$date_1['y'], $date_1['m']] = explode("-", date('Y-m', $date1_stamp));
[$date_2['y'], $date_2['m']] = explode("-", date('Y-m', $date2_stamp));
return abs($date_1['y'] - $date_2['y']) * 12 + $date_2['m'] - $date_1['m'];
* 给会员发放优惠券
* @param $uid
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function sendMemberCoupon($uid, $couponId = 0)
if (!$uid) return false;
/** @var UserServices $userService */
$userService = app()->make(UserServices::class);
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $couponUserService */
$couponUserService = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
/** @var MemberRightServices $memberRightService */
$memberRightService = app()->make(MemberRightServices::class);
/** @var MemberCardServices $memberCardService */
$memberCardService = app()->make(MemberCardServices::class);
$isOpenMember = $memberCardService->isOpenMemberCardCache();
if (!$isOpenMember) return false;
$userInfo = $userService->getUserInfo((int)$uid);
if ($userInfo['is_ever_level'] == 0 && $userInfo['is_money_level'] > 0 && $userInfo['overdue_time'] < time()) {
return false;
$isSendCoupon = $memberRightService->getMemberRightStatus("coupon");
if (!$isSendCoupon) return false;
if ($userInfo && (($userInfo['is_money_level'] > 0) || $userInfo['is_ever_level'] == 1)) {
$monthNum = $this->getMonthNum(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()), date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $userInfo['overdue_time']));
if ($couponId) {//手动点击领取
$couponWhere['id'] = $couponId;
$couponInfo = $this->getMemberCouponIssueList($couponWhere);
} else {//主动批量发放
$couponWhere['status'] = 1;
$couponWhere['category'] = 2;
$couponWhere['is_del'] = 0;
$couponInfo = $this->getMemberCouponIssueList($couponWhere);
if ($couponInfo) {
$couponIds = array_column($couponInfo, 'id');
$couponUserMonth = $couponUserService->memberCouponUserGroupBymonth(['uid' => $uid, 'couponIds' => $couponIds]);
$getTime = array();
if ($couponUserMonth) {
$getTime = array_column($couponUserMonth, 'num', 'time');
// 判断这个月是否领取过,而且领全了
//if (in_array(date('Y-m', time()), $getTime)) return false;
$timeKey = date('Y-m', time());
if (array_key_exists($timeKey, $getTime) && $getTime[$timeKey] == count($couponIds)) return false;
if (count($getTime) >= $monthNum && (array_key_exists($timeKey, $getTime) && $getTime[$timeKey] == count($couponIds)) && $userInfo['is_ever_level'] != 1 && $monthNum > 0) return false;
foreach ($couponInfo as $cv) {
$couponUser = $couponUserService->getUserCounponByMonth(['uid' => $uid, 'cid' => $cv['id']]);
if (!$couponUser) {
$this->memberIssueUserCoupon($cv['id'], $uid);
return true;
* 获取今日新增优惠券
* @param int $uid
* @return mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getTodayCoupon(int $uid)
$receive_type = [1, 4];
if ($uid) {//用户登录 && 不是付费会员
/** @var UserServices $userService */
$userService = app()->make(UserServices::class);
if (!$userService->checkUserIsSvip($uid)) {
$receive_type = [1];
$list = $this->dao->getTodayCoupon($uid, $receive_type);
foreach ($list as $key => &$item) {
$item['start_time'] = $item['start_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $item['start_time']) : 0;
$item['end_time'] = $item['end_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $item['end_time']) : 0;
$item['coupon_price'] = floatval($item['coupon_price']);
$item['use_min_price'] = floatval($item['use_min_price']);
if (isset($item['used']) && $item['used']) {
return array_merge($list);
* 获取新人券
* @return array
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getNewCoupon()
$list = $this->dao->getNewCoupon();
foreach ($list as &$item) {
$item['start_time'] = $item['start_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $item['start_time']) : 0;
$item['end_time'] = $item['end_time'] ? date('Y/m/d', $item['end_time']) : 0;
$item['coupon_price'] = floatval($item['coupon_price']);
$item['use_min_price'] = floatval($item['use_min_price']);
return $list;
* 获取可以使用优惠券
* @param int $uid
* @param array $cartList
* @param array $promotions
* @param int $store_id
* @param bool $isMax
* @return array|mixed
* @throws \think\db\exception\DataNotFoundException
* @throws \think\db\exception\DbException
* @throws \think\db\exception\ModelNotFoundException
public function getCanUseCoupon(int $uid, array $cartList = [], array $promotions = [], int $store_id = 0, bool $isMax = true)
$where = ['receive_type' => 1, 'category' => 1];
//传入是付费会员 获取付费会员券
$isVip = $this->getItem('isVip', 0);
if ($uid && !$isVip) {
/** @var UserServices $userService */
$userService = app()->make(UserServices::class);
$isVip = $userService->checkUserIsSvip($uid);
if ($isVip) {
/** @var StoreCouponUserServices $coupServices */
$coupServices = app()->make(StoreCouponUserServices::class);
$userCoupons = $coupServices->getUserAllCoupon($uid);
if ($userCoupons) {
$where['not_id'] = array_column($userCoupons, 'cid');
$counpons = $this->dao->getValidList($where, '*',0, 0, ['used' => function ($query) use ($uid) {
$query->where('uid', $uid);
//用户已经领取的 && 没有领取的
$counpons = array_merge($counpons, $userCoupons);
$result = [];
if ($counpons) {
$promotionsList = [];
if ($promotions) {
$promotionsList = array_combine(array_column($promotions, 'id'), $promotions);
$isApplicableStore = function ($couponInfo) use ($store_id) {
if ($store_id && isset($couponInfo['applicable_type']) && isset($couponInfo['applicable_store_id'])) {
$applicable_store_id = is_array($couponInfo['applicable_store_id']) ? $couponInfo['applicable_store_id'] : explode(',', $couponInfo['applicable_store_id']);
if ($couponInfo['applicable_type'] == 0 || ($couponInfo['applicable_type'] == 2 && !in_array($store_id, $applicable_store_id))) {
return false;
return true;
$isOverlay = function ($cart) use ($promotionsList) {
$productInfo = $cart['productInfo'] ?? [];
if (!$productInfo) {
return false;
//门店独立商品 不使用优惠券
$isBranchProduct = isset($productInfo['type']) && isset($productInfo['pid']) && $productInfo['type'] == 1 && !$productInfo['pid'];
if ($isBranchProduct) {
return false;
if (isset($cart['promotions_id']) && $cart['promotions_id']) {
foreach ($cart['promotions_id'] as $key => $promotions_id) {
$promotions = $promotionsList[$promotions_id] ?? [];
if ($promotions && $promotions['promotions_type'] != 4) {
$overlay = is_string($promotions['overlay']) ? explode(',', $promotions['overlay']) : $promotions['overlay'];
if (!in_array(5, $overlay)) {
return false;
return true;
/** @var StoreProductCategoryServices $storeCategoryServices */
$storeCategoryServices = app()->make(StoreProductCategoryServices::class);
/** @var StoreBrandServices $storeBrandServices */
$storeBrandServices = app()->make(StoreBrandServices::class);
foreach ($counpons as $coupon) {
if (isset($coupon['used']) && $coupon['used']) {//所有优惠券中 已经领取跳过
if (!$isApplicableStore($coupon)) {//不适用门店跳过
$price = 0;
$count = 0;
if (isset($coupon['coupon_applicable_type'])) {//已经领取 有效优惠券
$coupon['type'] = $coupon['coupon_applicable_type'];
$coupon['used'] = ['id' => $coupon['id'], 'cid' => $coupon['cid']];
//&& in_array($promotions['promotions_type'], $overlay)
switch ($coupon['type']) {
case 0:
foreach ($cartList as $cart) {
if (!$isOverlay($cart)) continue;
$price = bcadd((string)$price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 2), 2);
case 1://品类券
$cateGorys = $storeCategoryServices->getAllById((int)$coupon['category_id']);
if ($cateGorys) {
$cateIds = array_column($cateGorys, 'id');
foreach ($cartList as $cart) {
if (!$isOverlay($cart)) continue;
if (isset($cart['productInfo']['cate_id']) && array_intersect(explode(',', $cart['productInfo']['cate_id']), $cateIds)) {
$price = bcadd((string)$price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 2), 2);
case 2://商品券
foreach ($cartList as $cart) {
if (!$isOverlay($cart)) continue;
$product_id = isset($cart['productInfo']['pid']) && $cart['productInfo']['pid'] ? $cart['productInfo']['pid'] : ($cart['product_id'] ?? 0);
if ($product_id && in_array($product_id, explode(',', $coupon['product_id']))) {
$price = bcadd((string)$price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 2), 2);
case 3://品牌券
$brands = $storeBrandServices->getAllById((int)$coupon['brand_id']);
if ($brands) {
$brandIds = array_column($brands, 'id');
foreach ($cartList as $cart) {
if (!$isOverlay($cart)) continue;
if (isset($cart['productInfo']['brand_id']) && in_array($cart['productInfo']['brand_id'], $brandIds)) {
$price = bcadd((string)$price, (string)bcmul((string)$cart['truePrice'], (string)$cart['cart_num'], 2), 2);
if ($count && $coupon['use_min_price'] <= $price) {
if ($coupon['coupon_type'] == 1) {
$couponPrice = $coupon['coupon_price'] > $price ? $price : $coupon['coupon_price'];
} else {
if ($coupon['coupon_price'] <= 0) {//0折
$couponPrice = $price;
} else if ($coupon['coupon_price'] >= 100) {
$couponPrice = 0;
} else {
$truePrice = (float)bcmul((string)$price, bcdiv((string)$coupon['coupon_price'], '100', 2), 2);
$couponPrice = (float)bcsub((string)$price, (string)$truePrice, 2);
$coupon['coupon_price'] = floatval($coupon['coupon_price']);
$coupon['use_min_price'] = floatval($coupon['use_min_price']);
$coupon['true_coupon_price'] = $couponPrice;
$result[] = $coupon;
if ($result) {
$trueCouponPrice = array_column($result, 'true_coupon_price');
array_multisort($trueCouponPrice, SORT_DESC, $result);
if ($isMax) {
$useCoupon = $result[0] ?? [];
return $useCoupon;
return $result;